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~Pat, please read through this as sometimes the program makes

mistakes transcoding it. I hope this saves you some time and helps you
out. Please give me a call if you need any help or you just need to talk
about it. I’m here for you buddy.


Introductory information for the Team Member:

This talk is given by the student who is Assistant Rector. Since he will be changing to
formal attire, someone else will have to do his job of making sure everyone is present
before the talk begins.

The main purpose of this talk is to help clarify in the retreatants' minds what a retreat is
all about, and to give them some tips on how to get the most out of their retreat.

The actual text of your talk as it is to be given make sure

that you pause in between each of the sections.

Before I begin this talk, I would like you to take the notebooks you have in front of you
and on the cover write:
"KAIROS 83, the dates: January 23-26, 2007, and your name.

(Pause and make sure that each person is done before you continue)

Now, open your notebooks and write your name on the top of the first page. (PAUSE)
With myself as 12:00, in a clockwise direction around your small group table, pass the
notebooks until everyone in your group has signed their name below yours.
(Wait until groups are done)

Throughout the retreat, please write the title of a talk and its speaker on a new page. So,
on the page following your group's signatures, write, "Why are you here?" with my
name________, after the title.

(Wait until groups are done)

Why are you here? What is the retreat? It is hard to say because a retreat is a unique and
different experience for everyone. Basically, a retreat is an experience of yourself, of
others, and of God. I'd like you to take this down in your notebooks.
(Repeat underlined words and don't continue with your text until the groups have
completed writing down the quote)
Your participation is very important. The team is here to help you along and present some
basic, but perhaps new ideas. It is up to you, and you alone, to look at them carefully and
either accept them or reject them.

The team is not here to force any ideas or beliefs on you. It is your responsibility to listen
to what is said and then decide what meaning it has for you.

There are three different levels of participation on a retreat, and I would like you to take them
down in your notebooks:

#1 Going through the motions

Pause and repeat

#2 Listening and sharing from the depth of who you are.

Pause and repeat

#3 Being willing to grow and change as a result of what you learn about God, about
yourself, and about your relationships.
Pause and repeat



A retreat is not a spectator sport. Throughout the retreat we will be asking you to do
things which at the time you may not understand, things which may even seem awkward
to you. The retreat activities build upon one another, and, as we proceed, you will see the
value of doing what we ask. Trust us and let us know how things are going for you from
time to time.

If you are just a sit back and watch and listen kind of guy, then you will not be making a
retreat. You will be watching others make a retreat. You will get out of this retreat only as
much or as little as you put into it. We ask that you take part in discussions and share
your ideas. What you have to say is important, and everyone can benefit from your
experiences. Even if you consider yourself to be shy or quiet by nature, do not let that
stop you from expressing your thoughts and feelings. You will get to know others here by
listening to what they say, and others will get to know you only if you share yourself with

It is also important that you are open to the ideas presented here and to each person
making this retreat. Listen to what is said. It is important that you at least consider each
idea that is presented. You have probably come here with friends, which is good, but
remember that there are other people here too. Do not turn people off just because they
are not among your group of good friends. Let this retreat be an opportunity to make
some new friends and to bring our senior (or, your junior -- if this is junior kairos) class

You have notebooks and pens. Use them. After the retreat is over your notebook will be
very important to you because it will be one of the few tangible things you take home
with you. Several times you will be asked to write things down. When we ask you to
write things down we are not trying to boss you around, but merely trying to impress an
important idea on your mind. Also, write anything that may strike you as being important
or interesting or even confusing.

Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen on this retreat. A retreat is a unique
experience different for each person - so forget anything you may have heard about
retreats in the past. Do not sit there waiting for extraordinary things like thunderbolts
from heaven to happen. If you do, the retreat will slip by, and you won't even realize
(Please write this down - repeat in 3 word phrases)

In most cases, God works in very ordinary ways. Things will happen on this retreat only
if you will work with God and allow God to work with you.

As you were told earlier, there will be times when we ask that you keep silent. When we
do ask for silence, it is not for punishment, but instead for you to be able to spend time
thinking and exploring what has been discussed. Please take those opportunities to do
some serious thinking about yourself.

(Share one experience of what you learned about yourself on your KAIROS)

You may not realize it now, but KAIROS will be a very important experience in you life,
like it was for me. In order for the meaning of KAIROS to enter the life of each of us
here in this room, it is crucial that everyone gets sleep and rest. Out of respect for
yourself, others, and the workings of God on this retreat, go right to sleep when we ask


During some talks, you will receive prayers, poems, and other important materials to read
and think about. You are encouraged to scotch-tape them into your notebook or keep
them in the envelope at your place at the table, so that, in the months and years after this
retreat, you will always have the means to stay in touch with your unique experience of


God will grace you personally over KAIROS - just you and you alone. Sure, God's graces
will flow through all of us as a community and as a group of friends, but we are called by
God to leave here in personal strength and courage. We are called to leave here with self-
respect, confident to be strongly who we are in the world. Be your own man beginning


Please do not judge this retreat until it is over. Give yourself a chance to see the whole
thing before forming an opinion. Early opinions are not always the most valid. We ask
that you do not form opinions about the retreat until it is over.

Well, why are you here? The word KAIROS means the Lord's time, and, it may be hard
for you to believe right now, but you are here because God wants you to be here.

Before I conclude, I would like you to take down the two code phrases for the retreat:


(Pause for a few seconds to let them write it down)



Finally, we ask you to participate, relax, and have a good retreat!!!

(The closing song begins. You leave and change to informal clothes and join your small
group in your small group meeting room for your introductory group interview.)

The Rector now says:

Now, retreatants are to go with their leaders to their small group meeting rooms, leaving
their notebooks and pens on your table.

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