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EUs By PETER G. PETERSON HE TURNING POINT IN MY LIFE, came before I was born. Tt was the day in 1912 when my Greek- immigrant father came to Ameri- ca, He came as a teenager, with- ‘outa penny oraword of English, and with ‘only third-grade education, He took a job as a railroad dishwasher, He worked, ate and sleptin a steaming ca- boose and saved everything he made. With his savings he opened a restaurant, and kept it open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for 25 years in my hometown of Kearney, Neb. His hard work and thrift ‘gave me extraordinary opportunities. Had. been born in a different country, ata dif- ferent time, I would never have had the chances that gave me such good fortune. T have lived the American Dream—I ‘went to college, worked in the corporate ‘world, served in governmient and became an investment banker. And that fed to @ second turning point, on June 21, 2007, at 9:30 am. That was the day the Black- stone Group—a private-equity, asset- management and financial-advisory frm that Icofounded—went public. In an hour Thecamean instant billionaire. What to do with so much money? I have much more than enough, and there seems little prospect that I can takeit with me, So again T ten to my father’s example, When he had built-a modest net worth, he gave generously to his old home in Greece and to the less fortunate in his beloved new home, ‘Tears would come to his eyes when he sang "God Bless America.” He 80 loved America forts possibilities. T believe today that those possibilities are shrinking, endangering the American Dream. Personal myopia, political cow- arice, fiscal fantasy and journalistic ne- srlectareall at work. So [have chosen to put much of my wealth ($1 billion over the next several years and much of my remain. {€9 soe Feersonfora ive Tak, Thurs Ao, at Tlam.£T at 56 NEWSWEEK | APRUL7, 2008 You Can’t Take It With You Blackstone's Peterson made a mint, then chose to give it away to solve U.S. economic challenges. ing estate) into a new foundation, one that Thope will explain the undeniable, unsus- tainable and yet politically untouchable longeterm challenges we face. Headed by ‘The Honorable David M. Walker, who served as the comptroller general of the United States from 1998 to 2008, the foun dation will propose workable solutions and build up the public will to put them into ef fect. I cannot think of anything more im- portant thon trying in this way to preserve the possibilities of the American Dream for my children's and grandehildren’s genera- tions, and generations yet to come. Let me summarize three such chal- lenges. First, as 78 million baby boomers reach retirement age, the costs of Social Se- curity and Medicare will skyrocket, leaving, us with unfunded promises of more than $44 tuillion in today’s dollars—equal to about three times our entire gross domestic I’m not sure if we remember how to give up something for the long-term general good. ‘product. Income taxes would have to dou- bleto pay forit—an unthinkable burden. Second, our current-aecount deficits are unprecedented, fed by record trade deficits. Such dependence on foreign capi- talis dangerous. America as country, and ‘Americans as a people, must be persuaded tosave more. ‘Third, our health-care costs are metas- tasizing. We already spend more than twice as much per capita as other devel- ‘oped nations, with no appreciable differ- ‘ences in health outcomes or longevity. ‘These ballooning costs threaten the very ‘competitiveness of American industry. ‘These challenges all require sacrifice. ‘That means everyone, We fat cats will have to pay more taxes. The government will have to spend less. Everyone will have to save more. I'm not sure if we remember how to give up something for the long- term general good. Nor do we hear calls for sacrifice from our leaders. Our lavi- makers are enablers, cither joining us in the state of denial or trying io anesthetize us, But if we can learn to face the fiture realistically, everyone will benefit from ‘more robust, sustainable economy. ‘The “Greatest Generation” that lived through the Depression of the 1930s and World War II confronted, overcame and paid for challenges more sobering than those we face today. We can do it again. I refuse to believe that we have become s0 selfish and self-absorbed that we don't careabout ourchildren’s future and Amer- ica's leadership in the world. How dowe asa country, and Americans as apeople, learn to save more and spend less? How do we educate the young about the crisis they will face if things aren't changed, and then move them to do some- thing about it? Orwillittakea real and very costly crisis to force us into action? We need to go where the young people are: new media, bloggers, YoulTube, Face book, MySpace, MTY, and networks and ‘Web sites that have not even been invent- ed, and that is what my foundation will try to do. We will sponsor the production of films that educate people about the perils America faces (I have been impressed ‘with what Al Gore accomplished with “An Inconvenient Truth’). We wifi have youth summits to get young leaders engaged in the process. Maybe someone should de- yelop an AAYP, an American Association of Young People, to counteract the lobby- ing power of the American Association of Retired Persons, ‘There are, of course, ‘many other groups we must reach. How best do we energize the business comma- nity? ‘Tom Friedman of ‘The New York ‘Times called us MIAS, “missing in action” ‘on these daunting challenges. We have a Inuge stake in tomorrow's economy. How do we convince the media that the future isworth covering? ‘These challenges have hung over our economy for years. Others have tried to sound the alarm. I know that the odds of success are daunting. Yet given what is at stake and what 1 owe this remarkable country, I,and we, have no alternative but totry. As we move forward, we need to re- mind ourselves of the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor who was {nstramental in the resistance movement against Nazism. “The ultimate test of a moral society isthe kind of world it leaves to its children” he sai. Itis time we become moral and worthy ancestors. .

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