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Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Zabbix 1.8 Manual

1 Acerca de
1.1 Descripcin general de Zabbix
1.1.1 Qu es Zabbix?
Zabbix fue creado por Alexei Vladishev, y actualmente est desarrollando activamente y con el apoyo de Zabbix SIA. Zabbix es una fuente abierta de clase empresarial distribuida solucin de monitoreo. Zabbix es un software que controla numerosos parmetros de una red y la salud y la integridad de los servidores. Zabbix utiliza un mecanismo de notificac in flexible que permite a los usuarios c onfigurar alertas basadas en correo electrnic o para cualquier evento. Esto permite una reaccin rpida a los problemas del servidor. Zabbix ofrece una excelente presentacin de informes y visualizacin de datos caracterstic as basadas en los datos almac enados. Esto hace que Zabbix ideal para la planificacin de c apacidad. Zabbix es compatible c on la votacin y de captura. Todos los informes Zabbix y estadsticas, as c omo los parmetros de configuracin, se accede a travs de una interfaz basada en web. Una interfaz basada en web asegura que el estado de la red y la salud de los servidores se puede apreciar desde cualquier lugar. Configurado correctamente, Zabbix puede jugar un papel importante en la supervisin de la infraestructura de TI. Esto es igualmente cierto para las organizaciones pequeas con poc os servidores y para las grandes empresas c on multitud de servidores. Zabbix es libre de costo. Zabbix se esc ribe y se distribuye bajo la GPL General Public License versin 2. Esto significa que su c digo fuente se distribuye gratuitamente y est disponible para el pblic o en general. Soporte comercial [http://ww w] est disponible y proporcionado por la empresa Zabbix.

1.1.2 Qu Zabbix ofrecer?

Zabbix ofrece: la deteccin automtica de servidores y dispositivos de red monitoreo distribuidas con administracin c entralizada WEB soporte para la votacin y los mecanismos de c aptura software de servidor para Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, BSD libres, BSD Open OS X nativo de agentes de alto rendimiento (software de c liente para Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, BSD libres, BSD Open, OS X, Tru64/OSF1, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista) sin agentes de vigilancia autenticacin de usuario segura permisos de usuario flexibles interfaz basada en web notificac in flexibles de correo electrnico de eventos predefinidos de alto nivel (de negoc ios) vista de los recursos controlados registro de auditora

1.1.3 Por qu Zabbix uso?

Abrir soluc in Fuente agentes altamente efic iente para plataformas UNIX y WIN32 base bajo la c urva de aprendizaje de alto rendimiento de la inversin. Tiempos de parada son muy c aros. bajo coste de propiedad configurac in muy simple Sistema de control centralizado. Toda la informacin (configuracin, los datos de rendimiento) se almac ena en bases de datos relacionales alto nivel de servicio de rboles instalac in muy fcil apoyo para SNMP (v1, v2). Tanto la captura y de votacin. capac idades de visualizac in incorporado en el proc edimiento de limpieza

1.1.4 Los usuarios de Zabbix

Muchas organizaciones de diferente tamao en todo el mundo confan en Zabbix como una plataforma de supervisin primaria.

1.2 Objetivos y Principios


Hay varios objetivos Zabbix est tratando de lograr:

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

1.2.1 Objetivos de Desarrollo del Cuerpo de Zabbix

ser rec onocido Fuente Abierta herramienta de monitoreo crear un grupo Zabbix usuario, lo que ayuda a hac er el software an mejor proporcionar soporte comerc ial de alta c alidad

1.2.2 Principios fundamentales de Zabbix desarrollo

ser fc il de usar mantener las cosas simples su uso como recursos de procesamiento menor nmero posible de reaccionar c on rapidez documentar cada aspec to del software

4. Qu hay de nuevo en Zabbix 1.8

Ms de un ao de dec isiones, Zabbix 1.8 ha llegado con un montn de nuevas caractersticas, as c omo la mejora de los antiguos. Puedes presentarte a los c ambios de esta nueva versin de Zabbix en la siguiente sec cin.

Una mejora notable

Con tantos cambios es imposible esc oger tres las ms notables - la que se intenta a continuacin. Por esta razn, se sugiere leer en, como alguna c arac terstica generalmente de menor importancia puede ser muy importante para usted. Mejoras en el rendimiento La ayuda completa de Unicode Barra de informes API Tec hnical Preview

2 Nuevas caractersticas y mejoras de la interfaz

interfaz web, Zabbix es la caracterstic a que lo diferencia de otras soluc iones. Potente y fcil de uso oficial interfaz grfica de usuario se enva c on el paquete por defecto. Se proporciona un acc eso no-intimidante para los usuarios novatos y grandes carac tersticas de configuracin de escala para instalac iones de tamao c onsiderable. Ser parte ms visible para el usuario, vamos a empezar mirando a muchas nuevas c arac tersticas y mejoras en Zabbix 1.8 para la interfaz web.

2.1 Barra de informes

Zabbix ya tiene fcil de usar grfic os simples que no requiere ninguna configurac in - que se presten para cada elemento numrico. grfic os personalizados, junto con un par de informes simplistas, permiten ver los datos en su contexto. Zabbix 1.8 trae mucho ms potente inc orporado en los informes. Nuevo informe de la c ategora, los informes de barras, permite ver los datos desde muchos ngulos diferentes. Quieres ver las temperaturas de semana en la sala de servidores durante los ltimos dos meses? Que comparar la carga servidor web durante el primer mes de cada trimestre de este ao? Todo eso y ms es posible con esta nueva caracterstica.

2.2 La ayuda completa de Unicode

Mientras que las versiones anteriores de Zabbix se multi-lenguaje amigable, ofreciendo traducc iones interfaz varias, no fue una cosa verdaderamente global la codificacin ms populares, Unicode, no era totalmente c ompatible. Zabbix 1.8 ahora apoya plenamente Unicode/UTF-8, lo que permite una c onfigurac in de verdad loc alizado o varios idiomas.

2.3 Mejora del tiempo de navegacin perodo

En Zabbix, solo c ontrol se utiliza para seleccionar el perodo de tiempo en la pantalla de muc hos puntos de vista, inc luyendo grficos simples y la costumbre, los datos brutos, las pantallas y el c ontrol web. Ya hemos mejorado en 1,6, la selecc in de periodo de tiempo se ha mejorado en un 1,8 ms.

Esta barra de desplazamiento permite una fcil arrastrar y c ambiar el tamao de la misma. Adems, los enlac es de la izquierda permite elegir algunas predefinidas, de uso frecuente perodos de tiempo y movimiento perodo que aparecen hacia delante o hacia atrs en el tiempo. Y las fechas en el lado derec ho realmente func ionan c omo enlac es, apareciendo en un calendario y que permite fijar hora de inicio y hora final.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Observe el enlace dinmic o / fija en la esquina inferior derec ha? Se puede utilizar para controlar si perodo de tiempo se mantiene constante c uando c ambia hora de inicio / final. Adems de las capturas de pantalla tambin se puede ver el video [] de la utilizacin de c ontroles grfic o perodo de tiempo.

2.4 Mejora de los grficos

Zabbix grficos se han mejorado en muc hos aspectos. Esto inc luye tanto mejoras visuales y funcionales, como el selector de perodo de tiempo ya se ha mencionado. Por ejemplo, informac in acerca de mx / min / avg valores se presenta c laramente c omo una tabla.

2.4.1 Mejora de la lnea de tiempo en los grficos grfic os Zabbix - o grficos - suelen mostrar el tiempo en abscisas. Y aunque esta representacin se ha mejorado en la nueva versin. La comparacin de 1.6 y 1.8:

Etiquetas del eje en el punto 1.6.

Eje de las etiquetas en el bal.

Como puede verse, las etiquetas son ahora ms fciles de leer. En lugar de dar prioridad a un punto arbitrario en el tiempo, dependiendo de la escala grfic a, los puntos reales en el tiempo c omo el cambio de un da son prioritarias. A veces Zabbix inc luso un uso ms "legible" etiquetas:

2.4.2 Soporte de lnea de degradado en los grficos grfic os Zabbix apoyo varios estilos de lnea, y 1,8 trae uno ms - lnea de gradiente. Es ms fcil entender c mo funciona observando un ejemplo real.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

2.4.3 DejaVu fuente utilizada para los grficos DejaVu [] fuente ahora se utiliza para grficos para buscar texto agradable - y para las capac idades de Unic ode.

2.5 Mejora de edicin de mapas

Zabbix admite mapas de la red donde se puede controlar el medio ambiente establecidos en una imagen de fondo para proporcionar informac in general de uso fcil. En las versiones anteriores, edicin de mapas de red no fue fc il - las c oordenadas de cada elemento en el mapa tena que especificar de forma manual. Mapa de edicin en Zabbix 1.8 se ha mejorado en gran medida por la adic in de arrastre y soltar, as como el detalle seleccionado elemento que muestra en una ventana emergente.

Usted puede incluso ver un video [] de la edicin del mapa. Adems de que los enlac es del mapa puede tener texto opc ional para mostrar informac in arbitraria, por ejemplo los datos de ancho de banda.

Mapa de fondo CC-BY-SA OpenStreetMap [http://w w w] .

2.6 diseo de configuracin ha cambiado

Zabbix interfaz Web proporc iona una forma conveniente para mostrar y visualizar los datos recibidos, as como configurar todos los aspec tos de la supervisin. El diseo de esta c onfiguracin se ha hecho de nuevo en el 1,8. En lugar de secc iones separadas para los artculos, grficos, factores desencadenantes y as sucesivamente, que se doblan en la seccin de c onfiguracin de host, cuando sea conveniente vinc ular permite un fcil acceso a todas estas entidades y ms. Por otro lado, la configuracin del host grupo ha sido llevado a c abo en el men de configuracin.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Otro cambio es la configuracin general que se traslad a la seccin de administracin para evitar Zabbix usuarios de nivel de administrador de tener ac ceso a los parmetros de configuracin global.

2.7 gatillo Visual interfaz de edicin

umbrales de uso y las condiciones de otro problema son libremente configurables por el usuario. Estas definiciones se llaman factores desencadenantes y las expresiones complejas se pueden utilizar para cada disparo para definir lo que se c onsidera un problema. Adems de la posibilidad de editar las expresiones de disparo direc tamente, una interfaz para crear disparadores visuales se ha aadido.

Hay un modo especial para la creac in de registro relac ionadas con los factores desencadenantes. Tambin inc orpora la capac idad para proporcionar los datos de prueba y probar el comportamiento de disparo. (Captura de pantalla)

2.8 Nueva y filtros mejorados

Como interfaz de Zabbix proporciona los medios para ac ceder a toda la informacin, que puede ser una tarea desalentadora para enc ontrar el deseado. Las versiones anteriores ofrecen maneras de filtrar esta informac in, y 1.8 mejora la situacin en este sentido mediante la adicin de nuevos filtros y la toma de los ya existentes ms potentes. 2.8.1 Elementos del filtro secc in del artculo de configuracin es en la que todos los aspec tos relac ionados con la recolec cin de datos se c onfiguran, por lo que est mostrando una gran cantidad de informacin. Ser capaz de encontrar rpidamente los datos deseados recopilacin de las entradas es crucial para una configurac in efic iente, y en Zabbix 1.8 hay un filtro mejorado para los artculos que permite mucho ms detallada bsqueda. (Captura de pantalla) Despus de realizar el filtrado inicial, subfilter est disponible. Presenta los valores encontrados y los resultados se pueden filtrar an ms.

2.8.2 Auditora del filtro La responsabilidad es importante en cualquier sistema con ms de un usuario (y en muchos sistemas con un solo usuario as). interfaz de Zabbix registra todas las operac iones en un registro de auditora. En la versin 1.8 ahora registros de auditora se pueden filtrar extensamente para enc ontrar exactamente los cambios que busc a.

2.8.3 Los datos ms recientes del filtro Mirando los grficos brillantes es tentadora, pero a veces la nec esidad de datos reales. ltima secc in de datos en frontend Zabbix permite ver los valores exac tos de todos los indicadores monitoreados. Ahora es posible filtrar esta pantalla de bsqueda de forma libre en c ontra de las desc ripc iones del artculo.

2.8.4 Refundido "Estatuto de los factores desenc adenantes" vista Trigger punto de vista es ampliamente utilizado para visualizar la lista de los problemas actuales, y fue posible mostrar los recientes ac ontecimientos para


todos los problemas, limitada por c uenta de los das.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

En 1.8, esta pantalla adquirida ha sido c ambiado, ofreciendo nuevas caractersticas c omo la expansin de factores individuales para mostrar sus eventos y c onfirmando todos los eventos de un disparo.

2.8.5 Otros filtros mejora Filtros en otras sec ciones de la interfaz se ha mejorado y, lo que permite obtener los datos ms fcil y ms rpidamente.

2.9 Mejora de la pantalla de edicin

Zabbix pantallas es una carac terstica que permite a muchos elementos de interfaz de grupo, incluyendo grficos, mapas de la red, los datos primarios y muchos otros. Configurac in de ellos al princ ipio no fue muy duro, pero de hacer cualquier cambio signific ativo fue c asi imposible en algunos casos. edicin de la pantalla se ha mejorado muc ho en el 1,8. Esto incluye: Soporte para arrastrar y soltar. Al arrastrar un elemento a la c elda vaca es garanta de ello, se arrastra un elemento en la celda ocupada cambiar estos elementos. Puede ver un video [] de esta c arac terstica (sitio tambin permite descargar original. video ogg). Uso de iconos en los bordes de la pantalla, las filas pueden ahora ser insertados y retirados de cualquier ubic acin.

2.10 Bsqueda global

Ahora hay un cuadro de bsqueda en la esquina superior derecha, que permite la bsqueda de los ejrcitos, grupos de acogida y las plantillas.

Los resultados permiten un ac ceso rpido a las entidades que se enc uentran y sus elementos:

2.11 Menor mejoras frontend

Para una interfaz grfic a de usuario pequeo cambio visual puede traer grandes beneficios para el usuario. Zabbix 1.8 tiene muchas mejoras de menor importancia y las caracterstic as que debe hacer el trabajo ms productiva y agradable. 2.11.1 Error Cleaner mostrar Los mensajes de error ahora se muestran como iconos y texto de error est disponible en una ventana emergente. Al hac er clic en el icono se abre la ventana emergente que permitan la copia del mensaje.

2.11.2 c adenas Historia guardado por referenc ia En la parte superior de la interfaz, hay una historia de tipo de pan rallado, mostrar las pginas rec ientemente.

Cuando un idioma se c ambia en la interfaz, en las versiones anteriores las entradas de la historia no c ambiar el idioma, slo las nuevas entradas se agreg en el idioma correc to. Ahora cadenas de c ambiar la historia adec uadamente. 2.11.3 de paginacin para la entidad agreg listas Muchos lugares de informac in frontend Zabbix presentan c omo listas - si se trata de una lista de los ejrcitos, los elementos o factores desenc adenantes. Estas listas pueden llegar a ser muy largo en las grandes instalaciones de Zabbix, y que disminuye considerablemente frontend. Zabbix 1.8 soporta la divisin larga lista de varias pginas. contar con entrada por pgina es configurable en el perfil de usuario.

filas por pgina C onfiguracin de perfil de usuario


Del lmite de registro en la accin

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

2.11.4 filas seleccionadas se destacan ahora La mayora de las entradas en estas listas se pueden selec cionar para realizar alguna operacin en ellos. Una pequea mejora, pero la bienvenida en el 1,8 - filas selec cionadas ahora son hilighted.

2.11.5 Capacidad para mostrar el nombre del servidor ZBX_SERVER_NAME Marco variable permite Zabbix nombre del servidor que se mostrar en la esquina superior derec ha frontend.

Tambin se utiliza en el ttulo de la pgina. 2.11.6 Ms elementos flexibles vinculados Zabbix apoya muy potente que hace que la gestin de plantillas de c onfigurac in de gran escala fc il. Las plantillas pueden ser vinculados a los anfitriones un seguimiento y determinar qu y cmo se supervisa. Aguas abajo vinc ulados elementos de Zabbix 1.8 son ms flexibles ahora - por ejemplo, es posible editar SNMP parmetros como la c adena de comunidad, o hosts permitidos para los artc ulos cazador, en los puntos que estn vinculados en las plantillas. 2.11.7 direc cin IP se c onvierte en la opc in por defecto En el formulario principal creacin, la direccin IP es ahora la opcin por defec to. 2.11.8 El modo de depuracin adicional para interfaz Sobre todo til para los desarrolladores, pero puede ser til cuando se trata de determinar el origen de un problema para los dems.

El modo de depuracin se puede habilitar en forma de grupos de usuarios. 2.11.9 Ayuda ic onos llevar el manual en lnea Oldtime usuarios Zabbix puede rec ordar la poca en que ayudar a los iconos de la interfaz de Zabbix vinculados con el manual en lnea. Con la c onversin de documentacin en lnea que de nuevo es posible, y en Zabbix 1.8 la mayor parte de estos ic onos abierta Zabbix manual en una nueva ventana o pestaa.

En la versin 1.8 en primer lugar, proporc iona Zabbix JSON-RPC [] API . Que ya permite realizar la mayora de los cambios de configuracin, permitiendo as que los medios de gran alcance para la compleja configurac in de gestin o automatizados. Mientras que la API en s misma no puede ser tan emoc ionante para los usuarios ocasionales, que permite la c reac in de diversas herramientas. Una de estas herramientas ya se ha creado - utilidad de lnea de comandos o Zabbix Zabcon [http://w w w iki/doc/zabcon] .

Zabcon es especialmente emocionante para los usuarios que quieran realizar cambios poco frec uentes, a gran escala, ya que permite una fcil scripts sin c onocimientos de programacin. Zabbix gestin de los servidores sin interfaz grfica de usuario instalado tambin se espera que sea posible, y seguramente los usuarios llegar a impresionar y usos innovadores para esta herramienta. Nota: API Ac tualmente se considera que estar en un estado de avance tcnico y puede cambiar en prximas versiones.

4 Mejoras para instalaciones ms grandes

Zabbix se utiliza en entornos ms grandes y ms grandes c ada da. 1.8 versin introduce varios cambios que estn especialmente til en las c onfiguraciones de media y superior.

4.1 Mejoras en el rendimiento

Cuando cientos de seguimiento y miles de dispositivos, carga sobre el hardware del servidor de vigilancia puede c onvertirse en un problema grave. Zabbix 1.8 trae muchas mejoras, con el desempeo en varias reas c lave. 4.1.1 El aumento de Zabbix servidor proxy y el rendimiento Hac er el trabajo ms importante detrs de las esc enas, el servidor de Zabbix se ha mejorado en gran medida para permitir recoger ms datos sobre el mismo hardware. Como Zabbix ac ciones proxy algn cdigo con el servidor, se ha benefic iado de estos c ambios tambin.


03/06/2011 La mayor parte de votacin ms efic ientes

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Cientos de pollers puede ser ejec utado por un mayor paralelismo y el rendimiento. El pollers no se comunican directamente con la base de datos y muy poco uso del servidor de la CPU y los recursos de memoria. Alta de configuracin de mdulo de memoria cac h de datos memoria cac h de base de datos est habilitado de forma predeterminada y no se puede deshabilitar. La opcin de c onfiguracin StartDBSyncers se ha eliminado del servidor de Zabbix y archivos de configuracin de proxy. Un espec ial de c ontrol interno se ha introducido, ] zabbix [wcache, * para controlar la salud de este cach. 4.1.2 imgenes de la interfaz de recomprimido con pngcrush Para reducir la c antidad de datos que los usuarios tienen que recuperar del servidor web cuando se utiliza interfaz de Zabbix, todos PNG imgenes se vuelve a c omprimir el tamao ptimo. 4.1.3 Los artculos con el uso de SNMP ndice dinmic o de una conexin Zabbix soporta la monitorizac in SNMP mtric as que tienen identificadores dinmico. En la versin 1.8 ndice de resolucin y rec uperacin de datos se realiza en una sola conexin ahora, la reducc in de la carga de red y la carga de los dispositivos monitoreados.

4.2 host de gestin automatizada de las mejoras

Por ms grande o ms ambientes en constante cambio replic ar estos c ambios en la c onfigurac in de Zabbix puede ser un desafo. Zabbix apoyado ya la detec cin de redes , y 1.8 ahora trae tanto la mejora de la detecc in de redes, as como nuevos mtodos para automatizar la adic in de nuevos dispositivos para controlar. 4.2.1 Red de mejoras desc ubrimiento Desc ubrimiento de red [http://w w w] , disponible en las versiones anteriores, ha rec ibido mltiples mejoras. Puerto intervalo de apoyo Para los servicios, donde sea apropiado, apoyo intervalo de puerto se ha aadido. Nueva acc in de operac iones Basada en hec hos descubrimiento, dos operac iones se han aadido nuevas, aumentando as la cuenta de la operacin para la detec cin de redes al 10. Habilitar de acogida Deshabilitar acogida IP apoyo a la mscara Notacin estndar de la industria mscara de red se pueden utilizar ahora en la detecc in de redes, por ejemplo, . Soporte para dispositivos de host mltiple Si un host proporciona algn servic io en mltiples direcciones IP, que sera descubierto como varios hosts en Zabbix versiones anteriores 1.8. A partir de 1.8, es posible utilizar diferentes c riterios de singularidad de algunos servicios, por ejemplo system.uname devuelto por el agente de Zabbix o cualquier OID devuelto por SNMP huspedes que puedan. apoyo SNMPv3 Desc ubrimiento de red en Zabbix 1.8 soporta SNMPv3 c on toda la func ionalidad correspondiente. 4.2.2 Auto de registro de agentes activos Completamente nueva en Zabbix 1.8, es posible permitir que el agente activo Zabbix auto-registro, tras lo cual el servidor puede inic iar la supervisin de ellos. Esto permite agregar nuevos huspedes para el seguimiento sin necesidad de configuracin manual del servidor para cada host individual. La funcin puede ser muy til para el seguimiento automtico de los nuevos nodos Cloud. Tan pronto c omo haya un nuevo nodo en la Zabbix Cloud automticamente c omienzan la recopilacin de datos de rendimiento y disponibilidad del husped.

4.3 Apoyo a la plantilla global, y macros de acogida nivel

Soporte para mac ros de usuario definibles [http://w w w] (o variables) se ha aadido. Estos pueden ser definidos a nivel mundial para la instalacin Zabbix, el nivel de plantilla y de ac ogida. Por ejemplo, la definic in de las macros siguientes en un nivel de host permite establecer umbrales personalizados para cada husped, incluso si todos los ordenadores estn enlazados con un nic o modelo:



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

En este caso, la expresin de disparo plantilla sera la siguiente:

{Ca_001:. System.cpu.load [, avg1 min] ({$ CPULOAD_PERIOD })}>{$ MAX_CPULOAD}

5 Varios
5.1 host de mantenimiento
De ac ogida y el mantenimiento del grupo de acogida ha sido aadido a Zabbix. Los hosts que estn en mantenimiento son identificadas c omo tales en la supervisin vista desencadenantes.

Si ocurre un problema durante el mantenimiento y no se resuelve, la notificacin se genera despus del perodo de mantenimiento de los extremos. Si un elemento de registro se aade al mismo tiempo sede se enc uentra en los extremos de mantenimiento y el mantenimiento, las entradas de archivo de registro nico nuevo desde el fin del mantenimiento se reunieron.

5.2 Mejora de registro de auditora

Zabbix proporciona acc ontability mediante el registro de todos los inic ios de sesin de usuario y los c ambios en la configuracin de Zabbix en el registro de auditora. registro de auditora en 1.8 se ha mejorado, y en lugar de simplemente ver que algo ha c ambiado, muchas entidades se han registrado cambios exactos.

cambios exactos realizados con el tema conserva

cambios Exactas hecho para activar conservado

5.3 Nuevos macros

Zabbix proporc iona muy variables tiles - llamados macros - para ser usado en nombres de elementos, las notificac iones y en otras partes. Zabbix 1.8 aumenta la cantidad de macros disponibles, as como hac er algunas macros que puedan utilizarse en ms lugares. 5.3.1 En las notificac iones Junto c on los nuevos macros existentes se pueden utilizar en las notific aciones que se envan. {NODO .* [1 .. 9]} {ITEM.LOG .* [1 .. 9]} ITEM.VALUE {} y {ITEM.VALUE [1 .. 9]} {ITEM.LASTVALUE [1 .. 9]} {HOST.CONN [1 .. 9]} {HOST. absoluto [1 .. 9]} {IPADDRESS [1 .. 9]} {TRIGGER.KEY [1 .. 9]} {HOSTNAME [1 .. 9]} {ITEM.NAME [1 .. 9]} {PERFIL .* [1 .. 9]} {} EVENT.ACK.STATUS {} EVENT.ACK.HISTORY {} TRIGGER.EVENTS.UNACK 5.3.2 En las etiquetas de mapa Mapa etiquetas permiten el uso de macros tiles como el valor actual de algn artculo. {} TRIGGERS.UNACK

5.4 Avanzado editor de expresiones regulares

editor de expresiones regulares avanzadas se ha aadido a Zabbix con la capacidad para probar expresiones regulares. Ahora es posible definir expresiones regulares c omplejas con interfaz fcil de utilizar y reutilizar con una simple referencia.

5.5 soporte IPv6 para la supervisin SNMP

Adems de la SNMP relacionados mejoras para la detecc in de redes , soporte de IPv6 ha sido implementado para SNMP de monitoreo.

5.6 compatibles PHP cambios de versin

Zabbix interfaz se basa en PHP [] . Desde la ltima versin estable Zabbix se han producido c ambios importantes en PHP versiones, y Zabbix interfaz se ha modificado en c onsecuenc ia. 5.6.1 Soporte para PHP 5.3 agreg Lanzado en 30.06.2009, PHP 5.3.0 estaba fuera durante algn tiempo para exigir apoyo de interfaz de Zabbix.


5.6.2 Soporte para PHP 4 se redujo

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

parche de ltima hora en 03/01/2008 y ltima versin c on c orrecc iones de seguridad en 07/08/2008, PHP4 no estaba recibiendo correcciones ms. Zabbix 1.8 requiere PHP 5.0 o posterior.

6 Pequeas mejoras
Llamamos a estos menores, pero para alguien una de estas podra ser el mayor c ambio en Zabbix 1.8.

6.1 compatible con la autenticacin bsica en el seguimiento de web

monitoreo Web ahora admite bsic a HTTP de autenticac in. Puede ser c onfigurado por el esc enario.

6.2 Nueva y mejorada mtricas seguimiento

Mientras Zabbix puede ser extendido, una funcin de control requieren menos recursos y son ms fc iles de usar. Zabbix 1.8 introduc e varias nuevas c omprobaciones y mejora los anteriores. 6.2.1 Nuevos productos Varios elementos completamente nuevos han aparec ido. icmppingloss net.tcp.dns.query interruptores de CPU soportadas en Linux Clave system.cpu.switches se puede utilizar para las mquinas Linux. Aadido servicios de teclas de Windows Aadido servicios c lave para Windows que puede devolver los servicios en un estado particular. 6.2.2 elementos ICMP tienen nuevos parmetros Zabbix elementos ICMP ahora son mucho ms flexibles. Tema icmpping ha ganado los siguientes parmetros: objetivo - IP de host o DNS nombre; contar - el nmero de paquetes; tiempo entre paquetes suc esivos en milisegundos - intervalo; tamao - el tamao del paquete en bytes; tiempo de espera - tiempo de espera en milisegundos. Ahora es posible utilizar una clave de la siguiente manera:
icmpping [,5,300,128,100]

Esto enviara c inco paquetes de 128 bytes al host con IP con 300 ms de intervalo entre ellos, y el uso de 100 ms de tiempo de espera. Tema icmppingsec ha ganado todos los parmetros anteriores, y una adic ional: modo - una de mnimo, mximo, promedio. El modo por defecto es promedio . 6.2.3 parmetro 'MaxLines' para los elementos de registro c laves del artc ulo de registro y registro de eventos ahora tienen nuevo parmetro - MaxLines . Se especifica el nmero mximo de nuevas lneas por segundo, el agente enviar a Zabbix servidor o proxy. De forma predeterminada, el agente de Zabbix no enva ms de 100 lneas de registro por segundo por cada archivo de registro. Para el arc hivo rpido c recimiento en el nmero puede aumentar con el nuevo parmetro. 6.2.4 Nuevos filtros de registro de eventos de Windows entradas de registro de eventos de Windows ahora se pueden filtrar por tipo, fuente y el identificador de evento en el lado del agente. 6.2.5 SSH y telnet controles Ahora SSH y telnet se puede usar para direc to, el agente de vigilanc ia de menos. SSH es compatible con contrasea y clave de mtodos de autenticac in. Esto hace posible el seguimiento a distancia muy eficaz de los dispositivos de red, aplicac iones y servidores sin el uso de Zabbix agente. Actualmente SSH y telnet no se puede utilizar en las acc iones, esta funcionalidad estar disponible en versiones futuras. 6.2.6 dispositivos de intercambio LVM apoyo dispositivos LVM Ahora hay soporte para los dispositivos de intercambio en Linux. 6.2.7 nmero de CPU En primer lugar ha cambiado en Linux En primer lugar de la CPU en Linux que ahora se conoc e como 0, lo cual es consistente c on otros sistemas operativos. 6.2.8 Signo positivo para los valores decimales apoyo Si decimales de entrada (flotador) el valor es precedido por un + signo, se admite como un nmero positivo ahora.

6.3 Nuevos tipos de datos de entrada

Mientras que los valores distintos de base puede ser controlada antes c on los parmetros de usuario, que no era fc il. Zabbix 1.8 de forma nativa soporta dos tipos de entrada de nuevos datos, a vec es se encuentran en dispositivos como impresoras.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Octal Hexadecimal

6.4 utilidades de cliente se traslad a bin

c liente Zabbix utilidades zabbix_get y zabbix_sender fueron trasladados desde sbin a bin .

6.5 Mejora de los archivos de configuracin de ejemplo

Ejemplo de c onfiguracin de la estruc tura del arc hivo ha cambiado. Ahora todos los parmetros estn incluidos, y sus valores predeterminados, as como los rangos permitidos, estn documentados.

6.6 Alta pginas de manual

Pginas de manual para todos los procesos Zabbix se han aadido.

6.7 Notificacin de los medios de comunicacin pueden ser elegidos en las operaciones de la accin
Esto signific a que es posible definir los mensajes que se envan a uno o varios medios de comunicac in solamente. Por ejemplo, todos los mensajes crticos pueden ser entregados por el uso de mensajera SMS, mientras que otros mensajes mediante correo electrnic o y SMS sin la c reacin de mltiples acciones.

6.8 Hora apoyo a zabbix_sender

Apoyo a la T- parmetro en zabbix_sender se ha aadido, que permite fijar fecha y hora para cada valor. La opc in se puede utilizar para migrar los datos ms antiguos histric os de otras herramientas de monitorizacin de Zabbix base de datos para grficos y anlisis a largo plazo.

6.9 Manual de usuario de desbloqueo

Capacidad para desbloquear manualmente los usuarios que han sido bloqueados por la protecc in de fuerza bruta se ha aadido.

Al hacer c lic en la bloqueados enlac e desbloquear este usuario.

6.10 El soporte nativo de Oracle

La versin previa de Zabbix haba una dependenc ia en una biblioteca de terc eros, llamado sqlora8. La bibliotec a no est desarrollando ac tivamente ms. soporte de Orac le ahora se implementa utilizando nativos Oracle Call Interfac e [http://en.w] , lo que mejora c onsiderablemente el rendimiento y la estabilidad de configuraciones de Zabbix utilizando Orac le c omo base de datos back-final.

6.11 anfitrin propagacin de estado de los proxies

Si un host es supervisado por un proxy, el estado de la mquina se muestran c orrectamente y actualizada frente Zabbix-end.

6.12 seguimiento archivo de registro girado

Zabbix admite el control de archivo de registro, y la versin 1.8 que mejora an ms. Si una aplicac in est esc ribiendo en un arc hivo de registro nuevo con diferentes nombre - por ejemplo, si el nombre de arc hivo de registro inc luye la fecha - es muc ho ms fc il de controlar con Zabbix 1.8, ya que ahora es posible especificar expresiones regulares en el archivo de registro de seguimiento .

6.13 Documentacin en lnea

Doc umentacin de un inflexible PDF arc hivo ha sido convertido a formato en lnea donde cualquiera puede hacer c omentarios en las pginas individuales. documentacin fuera de lnea an se puede obtener con ODT [http://en.w iki/OpenDocument] funcionalidad de exportac in.

6,14 disponibilidad de informacin detallada que muestra

En lugar de simplemente mostrar el estado de host genrico, en el 1,8 interfaz de tres diferentes mtodos de c ontrol tienen su estado que se muestra - Zabbix agente SNMP y IPMI .

Errores relacionados c on c ada mtodo se almacenan por separado y se pueden obtener al mover el cursor del ratn sobre el ic ono de error. Tema por defec to usa verde para indicar la disponibilidad, mientras que Negro y azul tema utiliza el color azul.

Qu hay de nuevo en las versiones ms

Ver ms informacin detallada sobre las caracterstic as nuevas y cambios significativos en otros comunic ados de la serie 1.8:


1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.8.4

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Instalacin y actualizacin
Ver la instalacin de la seccin para las nuevas instalaciones. Ver mejora seccin si la actualizac in desde una versin anterior de Zabbix. Antes de ac tualizar, lea las notas importantes .

1.3 Instalacin y notas de actualizacin

1.3.1 Instalacin
Ver la instalacin de la seccin para ms detalles.

1.3.2 Compatibilidad de versiones

Mayores agentes de Zabbix 1.0, Zabbix 1.1.x, 1.4.xy 1.6.x Zabbix Zabbix se puede utilizar con Zabbix 1.8. No requiere ningn c ambio de configuracin en el lado del agente. Mayores poderes Zabbix de la versin 1.6.x no se puede utilizar c on Zabbix 1.8, que debe ser actualizado.

1.3.3 Notas importantes Para la versin 1.8
Todos los ordenadores estn ahora obligados a pertenec er al menos a un grupo. CPU ndice de system.cpu.util clave en Linux ahora empieza con 0. Clave vfs.fs.size devuelve los datos en bytes de todos los sistemas operativos ahora. Clave vfs.fs.size ahora toma en cuenta el espac io de disco reservado para el usuario root. Comentario al final de una lnea de archivo de c onfigurac in no se permite ms (esto funcion para los parmetros numric os slo antes). Para la versin 1.8.3

Parmetro service.ntp para las llaves tema net.tcp.service y net.tcp.service.perf renombrado a ntp . sintaxis antigua es aun soportada. Intentar ejec utar IPv6 habilitado demonio en un sistema sin soporte de IPv6 no:
Escucha con error: socket () de [[(null)]: 10051] se produjo el error 97: Familia de direcciones no es compatible con el protocolo. Para la versin 1.8.5

El mtodo de invocac in de c omandos externos para los demonios Zabbix se ha modific ado para permitir la terminacin de los proc esos fuera de control. En lugar de utilizar estndares popen mtodo como antes, ahora pide explc itamente Zabbix / bin / sh para ejecutar el comando deseado. Tratando de ejecutar un demonio de Zabbix, c ompilado en el kernel de Linux 2.6.27 o posterior en un sistema con el kernel 2.6.26 o ms se producir un error:
socket () para [[-]: 10050] se produjo el error 22: Argumento no vlido Para la versin 1.8.6

demonios Zabbix ahora se niegan a poner en marcha si el archivo de configurac in contiene parmetros correctos. Si los parmetros de edad han ac umulado en los archivos de c onfiguracin, esto se traducir en demonios inoperable despus de la ac tualizacin hasta que los parmetros son fijos.

1.3.4 Sistema de cambios de requisitos

Adicional o el aumento de los requisitos del sistema: Soporte para PHP 4 se redujo. Mxima PHP tamao de la memoria debe ser de al menos 128 MB (opcin memory_limit ). Mxima PHP tamao de la espiga debe ser de al menos 16 MB (opc in post_max_size ). Tambin ver los cambios requisito de la versin 1.8.2 y 1.8.3 .

1.3.5 Problemas conocidos Para la versin 1.8
PHP mbstring de verificac in puede fallar con PHP <5.2 en Zabbix 1.8. Para evitar este problema, copie zabbix.conf.php.example archivo zabbix.conf.php y modificar los parmetros, incluidos los parmetros de acc eso a bases de datos. Para IPMI apoyo que nec esita una reciente versin OpenIPMI - 2.0.14 y ms tarde se sabe que funciona. Clasific acin en frontend no se realiza para las entidades con las variables de posicin (como nombres de elementos c on $ 1, etc). XML de exportac in inc luye SNMP y otra informacin para todos los artculos. Nombres de host c on espac ios no funcionan cuando el envo de datos desde un arc hivo con zabbix_sender (fijado en 1.8.2). Subida de imgenes de mapas de la red puede fallar si la base de datos no est configurado correc tamente. Asegrese de que la base de datos, tablas y c ampos se establecen en codificacin UTF-8.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

binarios precompilados (agente, el remitente, obtener) no podra func ionar en sistemas de 64 bits con las versiones de glibc de ms de 2.5. sntoma comn es no empezar c on el mensaje de error: exc epc in de punto flotante . Utilice las versiones anteriores, o compilar desde cero en el sistema Para la versin 1.8.2

Debido a los cambios frontend, algunas instalaciones pueden ver datos inc orrectos mayores aparecen en la interfaz. Estos incluyen: Inc orrecta de disparo que aparece, con el nombre de ** ERROR ** , por lo general en la supervisin sec cin Triggers, c uando se muestran todos los hosts de todos los grupos. Este disparador se puede eliminar hac iendo clic en l, la elec cin de configuracin de disparadores , a continuac in, hacer clic en Eliminar en el formulario de edicin de disparo y confirmar la eliminacin. Es posible que tenga que quitar groupid = & = identific ador de anfitrin y parte de la URL al intentar eliminar el gatillo. Dependiendo del tiempo de instalac in del servidor de Zabbix, grficos por defecto podra haber una configuracin inc orrecta. Esto slo le afecta si los grficos se estn utilizando. Apertura de un grfico que por lo general el tiempo de trabajo y de intercambio de disparo con el que muestra los valores de percentil. Si ese es el c aso, simplemente se fijan y el ahorro de la grfica va a resolver el problema.

1.3.6 El procedimiento de actualizacin

Los siguientes pasos se deben realizar para la ac tualizacin con xito de Zabbix 1.6.x para 1.8. El procedimiento de actualizacin completo puede tardar varias horas dependiendo del tamao de la base de datos de Zabbix. Detener servidor de Zabbix

Detener servidor de Zabbix para asegurarse de que no hay datos nuevos se inserta en la base de datos. Copia de seguridad de bases de datos existentes Zabbix

Este es un paso muy importante. Asegrese de que tiene copia de seguridad de la base de datos. Ser de ayuda si el proc edimiento de ac tualizacin falla (falta de espacio en disc o, la alimentacin, cualquier problema inesperado). archivos de configuracin de copia de seguridad, archivos PHP y binarios Zabbix

Haga una copia de seguridad de archivos binarios de Zabbix, arc hivos de configuracin y PHP arc hivos. Instalar binarios nuevo servidor

Usted puede utilizar-binarios compilados antes o compilar su propio . Revisin de los parmetros de configuracin del servidor

Algunos parmetros de zabbix_server.c onf se han cambiado en 1.8, los nuevos parmetros aadidos. Es posible que quiera revisarlos. La opcin de configuracin StartDBSyncers se ha eliminado del servidor de Zabbix y archivos de c onfiguracin de proxy. Actualizacin de la base de datos

Antes de ejec utar sc ripts de actualizacin cada de los ndices siguientes: MySQL

ALTER TABLE DROP INDEX dhosts dhosts_1, altere la tabla de ndice cada dservices dservices_1, altere la tabla httptest ndice de cada de httptest_2, altere la

Oracle o PostgreSQL

DROP INDEX dhosts_1, el ndice de cada de dservices_1, el ndice de cada de httptest_2, el ndice de cada de httptest_3, el ndice de cada de history_log_2,

No haga caso de los mensajes de advertencia acerca de los ndices no existe! scripts de ac tualizacin de base de datos se enc uentran en el directorio upgrades/dbpatches/1.8 engine> <db /: MySQL: upgrades/dbpatches/1.8/mysql/patc h.sql Oracle: upgrades/dbpatc hes/1.8/orac le/patc h.sql PostgreSQL: upgrades/dbpatches/1.8/postgresql/patch.sql actualizac in de base de datos debe tener alrededor de 10-15 minutos, para PostgreSQL que puede tomar varias horas o ms debido a la conversin de los datos histricos existentes. Se recomienda probar el procedimiento de ac tualizacin en un entorno no productivo. Si va a convertir la base de datos a UTF-8, puede tomar muc has horas. Asegrese de que tiene permisos sufic ientes (c rear, mesa desplegable, c rear el ndic e, el ndice de cada). Tambin asegrese de que usted tiene suficiente espacio en disco. Estos scripts son para la actualizac in de Zabbix 1.6.x a 1.8 slo! Para actualizar desde versiones anteriores tambin usar secuenc ias de comandos de actualizac in de Zabbix 1.6.x. Instalar Zabbix nueva interfaz grfica de usuario

Siga las instrucc iones de instalacin . binarios Comenzar una nueva Zabbix

Iniciar nuevos binarios. Revise los arc hivos de registro para ver si los binarios han c omenzado c on xito.

2 Instalacin


2.1 Cmo conseguir Zabbix

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Verifica en el Zabbix Home Page en [http://w w] para obtener informacin sobre la versin actual y para la desc arga de las instrucciones. Zabbix se distribuye c omo un paquete de cdigo fuente, sin embargo, tambin se incluye en el nmero de OS distribuc iones pre-compilados.

2 Requisitos
2.1 Requisitos de hardware
2.1.1 Requisitos de memoria Zabbix requiere y el disco de memoria fsica. 128 MB de memoria fsic a y 256 MB de espacio libre en disco podra ser un buen punto de partida. Sin embargo, la c antidad de memoria en disco necesario, obviamente, depende del nmero de los ejrc itos y los parmetros que estn siendo monitoreados. Si usted est planeando para mantener una larga historia de los parmetros monitorizados, usted debe pensar de al menos un par de gigabytes de tener espac io sufic iente para almacenar la historia en la base de datos. Cada proceso del demonio Zabbix requiere de varias c onexiones a un servidor de base de datos. La cantidad de memoria asignada para la conexin depende de la configuracin del motor de base de datos. Cuanta ms memoria fsica que tiene, ms rpida ser la base de datos (y por lo tanto Zabbix) func iona! 2.1.2 Requisitos de CPU Zabbix y especialmente Zabbix base de datos puede requerir importantes CPU recursos segn el nmero de parmetros de seguimiento y de base de datos del motor elegido. 2.1.3 Otros materiales Un puerto de comunicac iones serie y una serie GSM mdem necesarios para el uso de la notificac in de apoyo de SMS en Zabbix. A serie c onvertidor de USB tambin func ionar. 2.1.4 Ejemplos de configuracin de hardware La tabla ofrec e varias c onfigurac iones de hardware:
Nombre Pequeas Medio Grande Plataforma Ubuntu Linux CPU / memoria PII 350 MHz 256 MB Base de datos MySQL MyISAM MySQL InnoDB Monitoreados anfitriones 20 500 > 1000

Ubuntu Linux de 64 bits AMD Athlon 3200 + 2GB

Ubuntu Linux de 64 bits Intel Dual C ore 6400 4GB RAID 10 InnoDB MySQL o PostgreSQL

Muy grande RedHat Enterprise

Intel Xeon de 8 GB 2xC PU Rpido RAID 10 InnoDB MySQL o PostgreSQL > 10000

c onfiguracin real depende del nmero de elementos activos y tasas de refresc o muc ho. Es muy rec omendable para ejecutar la base de datos en una c aja separada para grandes instalaciones.

2.2 Plataformas compatibles

Debido a los requisitos de seguridad y la naturaleza de misin c rtic a de la supervisin de servidores, UNIX es el nico sistema operativo que siempre puede ofrecer el rendimiento necesario, la tolerancia a fallos y la resistencia. Zabbix func iona en las versiones de lder en el merc ado. Zabbix se prueba en las siguientes plataformas: AIX FreeBSD HP-UX Linux Mac OS / X NetBSD OpenBSD SCO Open Server Solaris Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista (slo Zabbix agente) Zabbix puede func ionar en otros sistemas operativos tipo Unix como as.

2.3 Requisitos de software

Zabbix se artic ula en torno moderno servidor web Apache, los motores de base de datos, y el PHP lenguaje de scripting. El siguiente software es nec esario para ejecutar Zabbix:
Software Apache PHP PHP mdulos: php-gd PHP TrueType apoyo PHP aC apoyo PHP XML apoyo PHP soporte sesiones de las Versin 1.3.12 posterior 5.0 o posterior GD 2.0 o posterior PHP mdulo GD debe ser compatible con PNG imgenes. - With-ttf php-bcmath, - enable-bcmath php-xml o php5 libertad, si se proporciona como un paquete separado por el distribuidor php de sesiones, si se proporciona como un paquete separado por el distribuidor php-net-socket, - enable-sockets. Necesario para admitir el usuario guin. php-mbstring, - enable-mbstring Requerido si se utiliza IBM DB2 como base de datos Zabbix back-end. 3.22 o posterior Requerido si se usa MySQL como base de datos de Zabbix back-end. Requerido si Oracle se utiliza como Zabbix base de datos de back-end. o Comentarios

PHP ayuda del zcalo PHP multibyte apoyo IBM DB2 ibm_db2 MySQL php-mysql Oracle oci8


PostgreSQL php-pgsql SQLite php-sqlite3 7.0.2 o posterior 3.3.5 o posterior

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Requerido si se utiliza PostgreSQL como base de datos de Zabbix back-end. C onsidere el uso de PostgreSQL 8.x o posterior para obtener un rendimiento mucho mejor. Se sugiere utilizar al menos PostgreSQL 8.3, que presenta un [http://www.postgre le ase -8-3.htm l] . Requerido si se utiliza como SQLite Zabbix base de datos de back-end. mejor rendimiento de vaco

Zabbix puede func ionar en versiones anteriores de Apache, MySQL, Oracle y PostgreSQL as. Para las fuentes que no sea el predeterminado DejaVu, PHP funcin imagerotate [] podran ser necesarias. Si no lo tiene, estas fuentes pueden ser prestados de forma inc orrecta en Vigilancia cabec era general y otros lugares. Esta func in slo est disponible si PHP est compilado con paquete de GD, que no es el caso de Debian y otras distribuc iones. 2.3.1 WEB navegador en el lado del c liente Soporte para HTML y PNG imgenes se requiere. Las cookies y Java Script debe estar habilitado. Las ltimas versiones de Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera y Konqueror son compatibles. Otros navegadores (Google Chrome, Safari de Apple) puede trabajar con Zabbix as.

2.4 Requisitos del servidor

Requisito Descripcin OpenIPMI libssh2 fping Requerido para IPMI apoyo Requerido para SSH apoyo. Versin 1.0 o superior. Se requiere para artculos de ping IC MP .

2.5 Eleccin del motor de base de datos

Zabbix Proxy Server y el apoyo cinco motores de base de datos: IBM DB2 MySQL Oracle PostgreSQL SQLite IBM DB2 est soportado a partir de Zabbix 1.8.4.

2.6 Base de datos de tamao

Zabbix datos de configuracin requiere cantidad fija de espac io en disco y no crec e mucho. Zabbix tamao de base de datos depende principalmente de estas variables, que determinan la c antidad de datos almac enados de carcter histrico: Nmero de valores procesados por segundo Este es el nmero promedio de nuevos valores del servidor Zabbix recibe cada segundo. Por ejemplo, si tenemos 3000 artc ulos para el seguimiento con la frec uencia de actualizacin de 60 segundos, el nmero de valores por segundo se calcula de la 3000/60 = 50 . Esto signific a que el 50 por los nuevos valores se aaden a Zabbix base de datos cada segundo. Limpieza diaria configuracin para la historia Zabbix mantiene los valores por un perodo fijo de tiempo, normalmente varias semanas o meses. Cada nuevo valor requiere cierta c antidad de espacio en disc o para los datos y el ndice. Por lo tanto, si queremos mantener los 30 das de historia y que rec ibimos por 50 valores, el total de segundo nmero de valores ser de alrededor de ( 30 * 24 * 3600) * 50 = 129.600.000, o c erca de 130M de valores. En funcin de motor de base de datos utilizada, el tipo de valores rec ibidos (flotadores, enteros, cadenas, archivos de registro, etc ), espacio en disco para mantener un nic o valor puede variar de 40 bytes a cientos de bytes. Normalmente es de alrededor de 50 bytes por valor. En nuestro caso, significa que 130M de valores requerir 130M * 50 bytes = 6.5GB de espacio en disco. Limpieza diaria esc enario de tendenc ias Zabbix mantiene un mximo de horas / min / avg / cuenta de valores para cada elemento en el cuadro tendencias . Los datos se utilizan para tendencias y los grficos de largo plazo. Un perodo de una hora no se puede personalizar. base de datos de Zabbix, dependiendo del tipo de base de datos, requiere aproximadamente 128 bytes por cada total. Supongamos que desea mantener los datos de tendencia de 5 aos. Los valores para 3000 elementos se requieren (3000/3600) * (24 * 3600 * 365 ) * 128 = 6.3GB por ao, o 31.5GB durante 5 aos. El primer valor 3600 en la frmula representa un promedio de perodo de tendencia, de una hora. Limpieza diaria configuracin para eventos Cada evento Zabbix requiere aproximadamente 130 bytes de espacio en disco. Es duro nmero de eventos generados por el diario Zabbix. En el peor de los c asos, podemos suponer que Zabbix genera un evento por segundo. Esto signific a que si queremos mantener los 3 aos de los ac ontecimientos, esto requerira 3 * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 130 = 11 GB La tabla contiene las frmulas que se pueden utilizar para calcular el espacio en disco necesario para el sistema de Zabbix:
Parmetro Frmula para el espacio en disco necesario (en bytes)

Zabbix de configuracin Tamao fijo. Normalmente, 10 MB o menos. das * (elementos / frecuencia de actualizacin) * 24 * 3600 bytes * elementos: nmero de elementos das: nmero de das para mantener la historia frecuencia de actualizacin: frecuencia de actualizacin promedio de los artculos bytes: nmero de bytes necesarios para mantener el valor nico, depende del motor de base de datos, normalmente de 50 bytes. das * (items/3600) * 24 * 3600 bytes * elementos: nmero de elementos das: nmero de das para mantener la historia bytes: nmero de bytes necesarios para mantener la tendencia nica, depende de motor de base de datos, normalmente 128 bytes. das eventos * * 24 * 3600 bytes * eventos: nmero de eventos por segundo. Un (1) caso por segundo en el peor de los casos. das: nmero de das para mantener la historia bytes: nmero de bytes necesarios para mantener la tendencia nica, depende de motor de base de datos, normalmente 130 bytes.




As, el espacio total en disco requerido se puede calcular c omo: Configuracin + Historia + Tendencias + Eventos



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

El espac io en disco no se utiliza inmediatamente despus de la instalacin Zabbix. tamao de la base de datos crec er a c ontinuacin, se dejan de crecer en algn momento, que depende de la configuracin hosekeeper. requisitos de espacio en disco para los nodos en la c onfigurac in distribuida se calculan de forma similar, pero esto tambin depende de un nmero total de nodos sec undarios vinculados a un nodo.

2.7 Sincronizacin de tiempo

Es muy importante tener la fecha exac ta del sistema en el servidor de Zabbix en ejec ucin. ntpd [http://w w w] es el demonio ms populares que sinc roniza el tiempo de acogida con el tiempo de otras mquinas.

2.3 Componentes
2.3.1 Componentes Zabbix
Zabbix c onsta de varios componentes de software, las responsabilidades de las cuales se describen a continuac in.

2.3.2 Zabbix Servidor

Este es el c entro del software de Zabbix. El servidor de forma remota puede c omprobar los servicios en red (como servidores Web y servidores de correo) con un c ontrol sencillo de servicio, pero tambin es el c omponente central al que los agentes se informe informac in sobre la disponibilidad y la integridad y la estadstica. El servidor es el repositorio central en el que todos los datos de configuracin, estadstica y operativa se almacenan, y es la entidad en el software que Zabbix activamente alertar a los administradores c uando surgen problemas en cualquiera de los sistemas de seguimiento. Zabbix Tambin puede realizar el agente de vigilancia de menos y tambin supervisar los dispositivos de red mediante SNMP agentes.

2.3.3 Zabbix Proxy

El proxy es una parte opcional del despliegue Zabbix. El proxy recopila datos de rendimiento y disponibilidad en nombre del servidor de Zabbix. Todos los datos recogidos se protege a nivel loc al y trasladado a Zabbix Servidor Proxy pertenece. Zabbix Proxy es una solucin ideal para un control centralizado de lugares remotos, sucursales, las redes que no tienen los administradores locales. Zabbix servidores proxy tambin se puede utilizar para distribuir la carga de un nic o servidor de Zabbix. En este caso, el representante slo recoger datos con lo que el procesamiento en el servidor de menos de la CPU y el disco E / S de hambre.

2.3.4 Agente Zabbix

Con el fin de monitorear ac tivamente los recursos loc ales y las aplicaciones (c omo disc os duros, memoria, procesador de estadstic as, etc ) en los sistemas en red, los sistemas deben ejec utar el Agente de Zabbix. El agente se reunirn la informacin operativa del sistema en el que se est ejecutando, y el informe estos datos a la Zabbix para su posterior procesamiento. En caso de fallas (como un disco duro funcionando plenamente, o un proceso de servicio se estrell), el servidor de Zabbix ac tivamente pueden alertar a los administradores de la mquina partic ular, que inform del fallo. Los agentes de Zabbix son extremadamente eficientes, debido al uso de las llamadas al sistema nativo para la recopilac in de informac in estadstica.

2.3.5 La interfaz WEB

A fin de permitir un fcil acc eso a los datos de seguimiento y configurac in de Zabbix desde c ualquier lugar y desde cualquier plataforma, la interfaz basada en Web se proporc iona. La interfaz es una parte del servidor de Zabbix, y por lo general (pero no necesariamente) se ejec utan en la misma mquina fsica c omo la que ejecuta el servidor de Zabbix. frente Zabbix extremo debe ejecutarse en el mismo equipo fsico, si se utiliza SQLite.

4 Instalacin de la Fuente
4.1 Requerimientos de Software
Construcc in de servidor de Zabbix o agentes que provienen de fuentes requiere software adic ional. El siguiente software es nec esario para compilar Zabbix: Uno de los motores de bases de datos siguientes: IBM DB2 encabezados y bibliotecas encabezados y las bibliotec as de la CLI se requieren. MySQL encabezados y bibliotecas Versin 3.22 o posterior. Oracle encabezados y bibliotecas c abeceras de la OCI y las bibliotec as son obligatorios. PostgreSQL enc abezados y bibliotecas Versin 7.0.2 o posterior. Considere el uso de PostgreSQL 8.x para obtener un rendimiento muc ho mejor. SQLite encabezados y bibliotec as Versin 3.3.5 o posterior. Por lo general, siempre c omo parte de mysql-dev, postgresql-dev, paquetes sqlite3-dev. NET- SNMP (o UCD- SNMP ) y la coleccin de archivos de cabecera Requerido para SNMP apoyo. Facultativo. Iksemel biblioteca y archivos de cabecera Nec esarios para habilitar la mensajera Jabber. Facultativo. Libcurl biblioteca y archivos de cabecera


Compilador de C

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

La versin 7.13.1 o superior necesario para el mdulo de seguimiento WEB. Facultativo.

c ompilador de C se requiere. Compilador GNU C es la mejor opc in para las plataformas abiertas. Otros (HP, IBM) compiladores de C puede ser usado tambin. GNU Make GNU make es nec esario para procesar Zabbix Makefiles.

4.2 Estructura de la distribucin de Zabbix

src El directorio c ontiene las fuentes para todos los procesos Zabbix exc epto interfaces. src / zabbix_server El directorio c ontiene Makefile y las fuentes de zabbix_server. src / zabbix_agent El directorio c ontiene Makefile y las fuentes de zabbix_agent y zabbix_agentd. src / zabbix_get El directorio c ontiene Makefile y las fuentes de zabbix_get. src / zabbix_sender El directorio c ontiene Makefile y las fuentes de zabbix_sender. incluyen El directorio c ontiene archivos de inclusin Zabbix. misc misc / init.d El directorio c ontiene scripts de arranque para diferentes plataformas. interfac es interfaces / php El directorio c ontiene archivos de PHP frontend. crear El directorio c ontiene SQL sec uencia de comandos para la c reacin de base de datos inicial. crear / esquema Base de datos de c reac in de esquemas. crear / datos Los datos para la c reacin de base de datos inicial. ac tualizaciones El directorio c ontiene los procedimientos de actualizacin para las versiones diferentes de Zabbix.

4.3 Zabbix Servidor

Del lado del servidor Paso 1 Crear la cuenta de superusuario Zabbix Este es el usuario el servidor se ejec utar c omo. Para la producc in de uso se debe crear una c uenta sin privilegios dedic ada ('zabbix' es de uso general). 'Root' Ejecuc in de Zabbix como, 'bin', o cualquier otra cuenta con derechos especiales es un riesgo de seguridad. No lo hagas! Zabbix proceso de servidor (zabbix_server) est protegida que se ejecuten c on la cuenta de root. Paso 2 Desc omprimir las fuentes Zabbix
shell> gunzip zabbix-1.8.tar.gz & & tar-xvf zabbix 1.8.tar-

Paso 3 Crear la base de datos Zabbix Zabbix viene con SQL scripts utilizados para crear el esquema de base de datos necesarios y tambin para insertar una configuracin por defecto. Hay secuenc ias de comandos separados para IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL y SQLite. Para IBM DB2 :

shell> db2 "zabbix crear base de datos utilizando juego de cdigos UTF-8 territorio nos pageSize 32768" shell> cd crear o cree un esquema> db2batch zabbix-d-f i

interfaz de Zabbix utiliza OFFSET y LMITE c lusulas SQL queries. Para que esto func ione, servidor DB2 de IBM debe tener DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR variable se establece en 3. Ejec ute el siguiente comando antes de iniciar el servidor de base de datos:
shell> db2set DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR = 3

Para MySQL :



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Shell>> mysql-u <contrasea> p <username>-mysql crear base de datos de carcter zabbix Utf8; mysql> quit; shell> cd crear o cree un esquema> mysql.sql gato | my

Para Oracle (suponemos que el usuario zabbix con contrasea contrasea existe y tiene permisos para c rear objetos de base de datos):

Shell> cd crear zabbix shell> sqlplus / sqlplus contrasea> set definicin de> sqlplus @ schema /> sqlplus oracle.sql @ datos /> sqlplus data.sql @ salida de da

Para PostgreSQL :

shell> psql-U> <username> psql zabbix crear base de datos;> psql \> cd q concha crear o cree un esquema> postgresql.sql gato | psql-U cscara zabbix <username>>

Para SQLite :

Shell> cd crear o cree un esquema> sqlite.sql gato | sqlite3 / var / lib / sqlite / zabbix.db shell> cd .. / shell de datos> data.sql gato | sqlite3 / var / lib

Paso 4 Configurar y compilar el cdigo fuente de su sistema Las fuentes deben ser compilado para el servidor (mquina de c ontrol), as como los c lientes (mquinas de c ontrol). Para c onfigurar la fuente para el servidor, debe especificar qu base de datos se utilizar.
Shell>. / Configure - enable-servidor - with-ibm-db2 - with-Net-SNMP - with-jabber - with-libcurl # para IBM DB2 + Jabber + seguimiento WEB

Shell>. / Configure - enable-servidor - with-mysql - with-Net-SNMP - with-jabber - with-libcurl # para MySQL + + Jabber seguimiento WEB

Shell>. / Configure - enable-servidor - with-orculo - with-Net-SNMP - with-jabber - with-libcurl # para Oracle + Jabber + seguimiento WEB

Shell>. / Configure - enable-servidor - with-pgsql - with-Net-SNMP - with-jabber - with-libcurl # para PostgreSQL + Jabber + seguimiento WEB

Shell>. / Configure - enable-servidor - with-sqlite3 - with-Net-SNMP - with-jabber - with-libcurl # para SQLite3 + Jabber + seguimiento WEB

Usar la bandera - with-ibm-db2 para especificar la ubicacin de la CLI API . Usar la bandera - with-oracle para especificar la ubicacin de la OCI API . La bandera - with-UCD-SNMP se puede utilizar en lugar de - with-Net-SNMP. Si no SNMP apoyo es necesario, de ambos - with-Net-SNMP y - with-uc d-snmp puede ser omitido. Sin embargo, si usted quiere compilar binarios de cliente junto con los binarios del servidor, ejec ute:
Shell>. / Configure - enable-servidor - enable-agente - with-mysql - with-Net-SNMP - with-jabber - with-libcurl

bandera de uso - enable-static para vincular estticamente colecciones. Si va a distribuir los binarios compilados entre los diferentes servidores, debe usar esta opcin para hac er que estos binarios trabajo sin las bibliotecas necesarias. Tenga en cuenta que - enable-static no funciona en Solaris [ here_did_it] . Paso 5 Hac er e instalar todo
Shell> make install

Por defecto, make install instalar todos los archivos en / usr / local / sbin, / usr / local / lib, etc Asegrese de que tiene permisos suficientes. Usted puede espec ific ar un prefijo de instalacin que no sea / usr / local con - prefix, por ejemplo - prefix = / home / zabbix. En este c aso binarios demonio se instalar en <prefix> / sbin, mientras que los servicios pblicos en <prefix> / bin. Las pginas man se instalar en <prefix> / share. Paso 6 Configurar / etc / services El paso es opcional. Sin embargo, se recomienda. En el cliente (seguimiento) las mquinas, agregue las siguientes lneas a / etc / servic es:
zabbix agente 10050/tcp Zabbix Agente zabbix agente 10050/udp Zabbix Agente zabbix-cazador 10051/tcp Zabbix Trapper zabbix-cazador 10051/udp Zabbix Trapper

Tenga en cuenta que los nmeros de puerto son oficiales puertos Zabbix registrados en la IANA. Paso 7 Configurar el arc hivo / etc / inetd.c onf Si va a utilizar zabbix_agent en lugar de la zabbix_agentd se rec omienda, la lnea siguiente se debe agregar:
stream tcp zabbix_agent nowait.3600 zabbix / opt / zabbix / bin / zabbix_agent

Reinic ie inetd
shell> killall-HUP inetd

Modificar la configuracin predeterminada de los archivos de configuracin Paso 8 Crear una ubicacin para almacenar los archivos de configurac in:
mkdir / etc / zabbix

Paso 9


Configurar el arc hivo / etc / zabbix / zabbix_agentd.c onf

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Es necesario configurar este archivo para cada host con zabbix_agentd instalado. El archivo debe contener la direcc in IP del servidor de Zabbix. Las c onexiones desde otros hosts ser negada. Usted puede tomar misc / conf / zabbix_agentd.conf c omo ejemplo. Paso 10 Configurar el arc hivo / etc / zabbix / zabbix_server.c onf Para pequeas instalaciones (hasta diez seguimiento anfitriones), los parmetros por defecto son suficientes. Sin embargo, debe cambiar los parmetros por defec to para maximizar el rendimiento de Zabbix. Vea la sec cin [El ajuste del rendimiento] para ms detalles. Usted puede tomar misc / conf / zabbix_server.c onf como ejemplo. Paso 11 Ejecutar los procesos de servidor Ejecutar zabbix_server en el lado servidor.
Shell> cd> sbin shell. / Zabbix_server

Paso 12 Ejecutar agentes Ejecutar zabbix_agentd cuando sea nec esario.

Shell>> cd bin shell. / Zabbix_agentd

4.4 Zabbix Proxy

Zabbix Proxy es un proceso especial. No es necesario para ejec utar Zabbix. Paso 1 Crear la cuenta de superusuario Zabbix Este es el usuario el proxy se ejec utar c omo. Para la produccin de uso se debe c rear una cuenta sin privilegios dedic ada ('zabbix' es de uso general). 'Root' Ejecuc in de Zabbix Proxy como, 'bin', o cualquier otra cuenta con derechos especiales es un riesgo de seguridad. No lo hagas! Zabbix proceso de proxy (zabbix_proxy) est protegido en que se ejecute bajo la cuenta de root. Paso 2 Desc omprimir las fuentes Zabbix
shell> gunzip zabbix-1.8.tar.gz & & tar-xvf zabbix 1.8.tar-

Paso 3 Crear la base de datos Zabbix. Facultativo. Zabbix proceso de proxy c rear base de datos automticamente en la primera ejec ucin si no existe. Se usar base de datos existente de otra manera. autoc reac in de bases de datos es compatible con SQLite solamente. Zabbix viene con SQL scripts utilizados para crear el esquema de base de datos requerida. Hay secuencias de comandos separados para IBM DB2, MySQL, Orac le, PostgreSQL y SQLite. Para IBM DB2:

shell> db2 "zabbix crear base de datos utilizando juego de cdigos UTF-8 territorio nos pageSize 32768" shell> cd crear o cree un esquema> db2batch-d-f zabbix i

Para MySQL:

Shell>> mysql-u <contrasea> p <username>-mysql crear base de datos de carcter zabbix Utf8; mysql> quit; shell> cd crear o cree un esquema> mysql.sql gato | my

Para Oracle (suponemos 'zabbix de que los usuarios con' password 'password existe y tiene permisos para crear objetos de base de datos):
Shell> cd crear o cree un esquema> oracle.sql gato | zabbix sqlplus /> contrasea out.log

Compruebe el arc hivo out.log algn mensaje de error. Para PostgreSQL:

shell> psql-U> <username> psql zabbix crear base de datos;> psql \> cd q concha crear o cree un esquema cat> postgresql.sql | zabbix psql-U <nombre

Para SQLite:
Shell> cd crear o cree un esquema> sqlite.sql gato | sqlite3 / var / lib / sqlite / zabbix.db

La base de datos se crear automticamente si no existe. Paso 4 Configurar y compilar el cdigo fuente de su sistema Las fuentes deben ser compilados para permitir la compilacin de Zabbix proceso de proxy. Para configurar la fuente para el proxy, debe espec ific ar qu base de datos se utilizar.
Shell>. / Configure - enable-proxy - with-ibm-db2 - con-net-snmp # para IBM DB2 + monitorizacin SNMP

Shell>. / Configure - monitoreo con-net-snmp # para MySQL + SNMP - enable-proxy - with-mysql



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Shell>. / Configure - enable-proxy - with-orculo - con-net-snmp # para Oracle + monitorizacin SNMP

Shell>. / Configure - monitoreo con-net-snmp # para PostgreSQL + SNMP - enable-proxy - with-pgsql

Shell>. / Configure - enable-proxy - with-sqlite3 - con-net-snmp # para SQLite3 + monitorizacin SNMP

Usar la bandera - with-ibm-db2 para especificar la ubicacin de la CLI API . Usar la bandera - with-oracle para especificar la ubicacin de la OCI API . bandera de uso - enable-static para vinc ular estticamente colecc iones. Si va a distribuir los binarios compilados entre los distintos hosts, debe utilizar esta opcin para hac er que estos binarios trabajo sin las bibliotec as necesarias. - Enable-static no func iona en Solaris. La bandera - with-UCD-SNMP se puede utilizar en lugar de - with-Net-SNMP. Si no SNMP apoyo necesario, tanto - with-Net-SNMP y - with-uc d-snmp puede ser omitido. Sin embargo, si usted quiere compilar binarios de cliente junto con los binarios de proxy, ejecute:
Shell>. / Configure - enable-proxy - enable-agente - with-mysql - with-Net-SNMP

El parmetro - enable-static puede ser usado para forzar la vinc ulacin esttic a. Paso 5 Hac er e instalar todo
Shell> make install

Por defecto, make install instalar todos los archivos en / usr / loc al / sbin, / usr / local / etc lib Puede espec ificar una instalac in prefijo diferente a / usr / loc al usando - prefix Paso 6 Configurar / etc / services El paso es opcional. Sin embargo, se recomienda. En el cliente (seguimiento) las mquinas, agregue las siguientes lneas a / etc / servic es:
10050/tcp zabbix_agent 10051/tcp zabbix_trap

Paso 7 Configurar el arc hivo / etc / inetd.c onf Si va a utilizar zabbix_agent en lugar de la zabbix_agentd se rec omienda, la lnea siguiente se debe agregar:
stream tcp zabbix_agent nowait.3600 zabbix / opt / zabbix / bin / zabbix_agent

Reinic ie inetd
shell> killall-HUP inetd

Paso 8 Crear una ubicacin para almacenar los archivos de configurac in:
mkdir / etc / zabbix

Configurar el arc hivo / etc / zabbix / zabbix_proxy.conf Para pequeas instalaciones (hasta diez seguimiento anfitriones), los parmetros por defecto son suficientes. Sin embargo, debe cambiar los parmetros por defec to para maximizar el rendimiento de Zabbix Proxy. Asegrese de que tiene nombre de host c orrecto y configurar los parmetros del servidor. Usted puede tomar misc / conf / zabbix_proxy.conf c omo ejemplo. Paso 9 Ejecutar los procesos de Proxy Ejecutar zabbix_proxy:
Shell> cd> sbin shell. / Zabbix_proxy

4.5 Agente Zabbix

Del lado del cliente Paso 1 Crear la cuenta de Zabbix Este es el usuario el agente se ejec utar como. Para la produc cin de uso se debe crear una cuenta sin privilegios dedicada ("zabbix" es de uso general). agentes de Zabbix tienen protecc in contra el funcionamiento en la cuenta de root. Paso 2 Desc omprimir las fuentes Zabbix
shell zabbix> gunzip-1.6.tar.gz & & tar xvf zabbix 1.6.tar-

Paso 3 Configurar y compilar el cdigo fuente de su sistema Las fuentes deben ser compilados para el cliente. Para configurar la fuente para el cliente:


Shell>. / Configure - enable-agente

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

bandera de uso - enable-static para vinc ular estticamente colecc iones. Si va a distribuir los binarios compilados entre los distintos hosts, debe utilizar esta opcin para hacer que estos binarios trabajo sin las bibliotecas nec esarias. Paso 4 Agente de compilacin
Shell> make

Copia c reada binarios de / bin a / opt / zabbix / bin o cualquier otro directorio. Otros directorios c omunes son / usr / local / bin o / usr / local / zabbix / bin. Paso 5 Configurar / etc / services El paso no es requisito real. Sin embargo, se rec omienda. En el cliente (seguimiento) las mquinas, agregue las siguientes lneas a / etc / services:
10050/tcp zabbix_agent 10051/tcp zabbix_trap

Paso 6 Configurar el arc hivo / etc / inetd.c onf Si va a utilizar zabbix_agent en lugar de la zabbix_agentd se rec omienda, la lnea siguiente se debe agregar:
stream tcp zabbix_agent nowait.3600 zabbix / opt / zabbix / bin / zabbix_agent

Reinic ie inetd
shell> killall-HUP inetd

Paso 7 Crear una ubicacin para almacenar los archivos de configurac in:
mkdir / etc / zabbix

Paso 8 Configurar el arc hivo / etc / zabbix / zabbix_agentd.c onf Es necesario configurar este archivo para cada host con zabbix_agentd instalado. El archivo debe contener la direcc in IP del servidor de Zabbix. Las c onexiones desde otros hosts ser negada. Usted puede tomar misc / conf / zabbix_agentd.conf c omo ejemplo. Paso 9 Ejecutar zabbix_agentd en todos los equipos controlados
Shell> / opt / zabbix / bin / zabbix_agentd

Usted no debe trabajar en zabbix_agentd si han optado por utilizar zabbix_agent! Asegrese de que su sistema permite la asignac in de 2 MB de memoria compartida, de lo contrario el agente no se inicia y ver "No se puede asignar memoria c ompartida para el colec tor." En el archivo de registro del agente. Esto puede suceder en Solaris 8.

4.6 Zabbix interfaz WEB

Paso 0 interfaz de Zabbix est esc rito en PHP , por lo que para ejecutar un PHP servidor web el apoyo que se necesita. La instalacin se realiza simplemente copiando PHP archivos en servidor web HTML de la gua de los documentos. Se sugiere utilizar subdirectorio en lugar de HTML de la raz. Los lugares comunes de HTML direc torio de documentos del servidor web Apac he son: / Usr/loc al/apac he2/htdocs (directorio por defec to al instalar Apache desde el c digo fuente) / Srv / www / htdoc s (OpenSUSE, SLES) / Var / www / html (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS) / Var / www (Debian, Ubuntu) Para crear subdirec torios y copiar archivos para interfaz de Zabbix, ejecute los siguientes c omandos, en sustitucin de la gua real:
<htdocs> mkdir / interfaces zabbix cd / php cp-a. <htdocs> / zabbix

Paso 1 Dirija su navegador a Zabbix URL .



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Paso 2 Lea y acepte GPL v2.

Paso 3 Asegrese de que todo el software pre-requisitos se c umplen.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Pre-requisito PHP versin PHP lmite de memoria PHP post tamao mximo

Valor mnimo 5.0 8MB 8MB


En el php.ini: memory_limit = 128M En el php.ini: post_max_size = 8M En el php.ini: max_execution_time = 300 Uno de los siguientes mdulos se deben instalar: ibm_db2, php, mysql, oci8, php-pgsql, php-sqlite3 C ompilado en PHP5. Mdulo php-gd. Mdulo php-gd.

PHP mximo tiempo de ejecucin 300 segundos PHP soporte de base de datos PHP aC matemticas GD versin Formato de la imagen Uno de IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite C ualquier 2.0 o superior Por lo menos PNG

Paso 4 Configurar los parmetros de base de datos. base de datos de Zabbix debe estar ya c reado.

Paso 5 Introduzca los datos del servidor de Zabbix.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Paso 6 Ver resumen de la configurac in.

Paso 7 Desc argar arc hivo de configuracin y c olocarlo bajo c onf /.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Paso 8 instalacin de acabado.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Paso 9 Para el control distribuido solamente! Si se utiliza en un entorno distribuido que tienen para ejecutar una sola vez :
Shell>. / <nodeid> Zabbix_server-n

donde ID del nudo es un identific ador nico nodo. Por ejemplo:

Shell>. / N zabbix_server-1

Esto convertir los datos de base de datos para su uso con ID del nudo "1" y tambin aade un nodo local. Paso 10 interfaz de Zabbix est listo! nombre de usuario por defecto es Admin , contrasea zabbix .

2.5 Actualizacin


2.5.1 Cambiar nivel de emisiones

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Para el nivel de cambio libera slo la actualizac in de versin binaria del servidor y la interfaz de usuario es nec esario. Si se menciona en las notas de liberac in, los ndices opc ional se puede agregar a la base de datos para mejorar el rendimiento. Actualizac in puede realizarse fcilmente en varias versiones, por ejemplo, la actualizac in de 1.8.1 a 1.8.3 se puede realizar en un solo paso. Ver notas de instalacin y ac tualizacin para obtener ms informac in .

6 Uso de Zabbix aparato

Como alternativa a la creacin de forma manual o la reutilizac in de servidor existentes de Zabbix, los usuarios pueden desc argar Zabbix aparato. Para empezar, arrancar el aparato y dirija su navegador a la IP que ha recibido ms de DHCP .

Arranque Zabbix aparato

Zabbix aparato hasta la versin 1.8.3 es una OpenSUSE 11.2 basada en imgenes, desde el 1.8.4 se basa en 11.3. Est disponible en los siguientes formatos: vmdk (VMWare / Virtualbox); OVF (Formato Abierto de virtualizac in); ISO del CD; Unidad de disco duro flash de la imagen; Precarga ISO [] ; husped Xen. Tiene Zabbix servidor configurado y funcionando en MySQL, as c omo interfaz disponibles. El aparato ha sido construido utilizando SUSE Studio [] .

6.1 Cambios a la configuracin de SUSE

Hay algunas cambiado aplic a a la configuracin base de OpenSUSE. 6.1.1 MySQL c ambios de c onfiguracin registro binario est deshabilitado; InnoDB se configura para almacenar los datos para cada tabla en un archivo separado. 6.1.2 Uso de una direcc in IP esttica Por defecto, el aparato utiliza DHCP para obtener la direc cin IP. Para especificar una direcc in IP esttica: Inicie la sesin como usuario root; Abrir el archivo / etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 en tu editor favorito; Establecer BOOTPROTO variable esttica ; Establecer IPADDR , NETMASK y cualquier otro parmetro que se requiere para su red; Crear el archivo / etc / sysconfig / network / rutas . Para la ruta por defecto, utilice por defecto - - (en sustitucin de su direcc in de puerta de enlace). Ejec ute el comando rcnetwork reiniciar . Para c onfigurar el DNS , agregue las entradas del servidor de nombres en / etc / resolv.conf , especificando cada servidor de nombres en su propia lnea: nombre del servidor . Por otra parte, slo tiene que utilizar yast utilidad de c onfigurac in para actualizar la configuracin de red. 6.1.3 Otros cambios Red est configurado para utilizar DHCP para obtener la direc cin IP; Utilidad fping se fija para tener permisos 4710 y es propiedad del grupo zabbix - suid y slo permiti absorber a ser utilizado por grupos de zabbix; ntpd configura para sincronizarse con los servidores de piscina pblica; Varios servicios pblicos bsicos se han agregado que podra hacer el trabajo c on Zabbix y vigilanc ia en general ms fcil.

6.2 Zabbix de configuracin

Aparato de c onfiguracin Zabbix tiene las siguientes contraseas y otros cambios de configurac in:


6.2.1 Las c ontraseas Sistema: root: zabbix Zabbix: zabbix Base de datos: root: zabbix Zabbix: zabbix Zabbix interfaz: admin: zabbix

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Para cambiar la contrasea de usuario de base de datos tiene que ser cambiado en los siguientes lugares: MySQL; zabbix_server.conf; zabbix.conf.php. 6.2.2 Ubic aciones de los arc hivos Los archivos de c onfiguracin se c olocan en / etc / zabbix . Zabbix archivos de registro se c olocan en / var / log / zabbix . direc torio de inic io del usuario zabbix es / var / lib / zabbix . 6.2.3 Los c ambios de configuracin de Zabbix Algunos elementos y dispara en la plantilla por defecto de Linux son discapac itados (sobre todo los que no corresponden a la configuracin del aparato); Nombre del servidor de interfaz de Zabbix en "Zabbix 1.8 Applianc e"; de la interfaz de zona horaria se establece en Europa / Riga, Zabbix casa (esto se puede modificar en / etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ); Disc apacidad provoc a y escenarios Web se muestran de forma predeterminada para reduc ir la confusin. 6.2.4 Conservacin de configuracin Si est ejecutando la versin CD en vivo del aparato o por alguna otra razn no puede tener un almac enamiento persistente, puede c rear una c opia de seguridad de base de datos completa, inc luyendo toda la c onfiguracin y los datos recopilados. Para crear la c opia de seguridad, ejecute:
zabbix mysqldump | bzip2 -9> dbdump.bz2

Ahora puede transferir archivos dbdump.bz2 a otra mquina. Para restaurar la copia de seguridad, traslado al aparato y ejecutar:
bzcat dbdump.bz2 | zabbix mysql

Asegrese de que el servidor de Zabbix se detiene mientras se realiza la restauracin.

6.3 de la interfaz de acceso

Acc eso a la interfaz por defec to es permitido a partir de: / 8 :: 1 Raz (/) se redirige a / zabbix en el servidor web, as interfaz se puede ac ceder tanto c omo http:// <host> y <host> http:// / zabbix . Esto puede ser personalizado en / etc/apache2/conf.d/zabbix.conf . Tendr que reinic iar servidor web despus de modificar este arc hivo. Para ello, inic ie sesin en el uso de SSH como raz del usuario y ejecutar:
servicio de reiniciar apache2

6.4 Cortafuegos
De forma predeterminada, slo dos puertos estn abiertos - 22 ( SSH ) y 80 ( HTTP ). Para abrir puertos adic ionales - por ejemplo, Zabbix y agente de puertos de servidor - modificar las reglas de iptables con SuSEfirewall2 de utilidad:
SuSEfirewall2 abierta EXT TCP zabbix zabbix-cazador-agente

A continuac in vuelva a cargar las reglas del firewall:

SuSEfirewall2 parada SuSEfirewall2 inicio

6.5 Las capacidades de supervisin

Zabbix servidor est compilado c on soporte para las siguientes: SNMP ; IPMI ; Web de seguimiento; SSH2; IPv6.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

En la c onfigurac in del servidor de Zabbix siempre s se c ontrola con la ayuda del agente instalado localmente para algunos parmetros de base, adems Zabbix interfaz se controla y con seguimiento web.

Zabbix aparato de vigilancia interfaz web propia

Tenga en cuenta que la vigilanc ia en los registros de interfaz web - esto se puede aadir un montn de entradas en el registro de auditora.

6.6 Nombrar, init y otros scripts

Zabbix demonios han c ambiado sus nombres de serie con guin de guin para ajustarse a las directric es de SUSE. Se les llama: zabbix-agentd zabbix-servidor De manera similar, los arc hivos de configuracin son: / Etc / zabbix / zabbix-server.c onf / Etc / zabbix / zabbix-agentd.c onf scripts de inic io se proporcionan adecuadas. Para controlar el servidor de Zabbix, utilice c ualquiera de los siguientes:
servicio del estado de zabbix-servidor rczabbix-estado del servidor / etc / init.d / estado zabbix-servidor

Vuelva a coloc ar el servidor c on agentd para el demonio agente de Zabbix. 6.6.1 scripts programados Hay un sc ript programado, ejec uta desde el crontab c ada 10 minutos que se reinicia Zabbix servidor si no se est ejecutando, / var / lib / zabbix / bin . Registra los problemas y los intentos de sellos de tiempo a partir de / var / log / zabbix / server_problems.log . Este sc ript est disponible desde la versin de Aparatos Zabbix 1.8.3. Asegrese de desac tivar esta entrada en el crontab si interrupcin de servidor de Zabbix se desea. 6.6.2 Aumento de espacio en disco disponible Crea una copia de seguridad de todos los datos antes de intentar cualquiera de los pasos. espacio de disc o disponible en el aparato podra no ser sufic iente. En este c aso, es posible ampliar el disc o. Para ello, en primer lugar ampliar el dispositivo de bloque en su entorno de virtualizacin, a c ontinuacin, siga estos pasos. Inicio fdisk para cambiar el tamao de la particin. Como la raz , ejec ute:
fdisk / dev / sda

Esto inic iar fdisk en el disco sda . A continuac in, c ambiar a los sec tores mediante la emisin de:

No DOS desactivar el modo de compatibilidad mediante la introduc cin de c . Continuando con discapacidad que puede daar la particin. A continuac in, elimine la partic in existente y crear uno nuevo con el tamao deseado. En la mayora de los casos que se aceptar el mximo disponible, que se ampliar el sistema de archivos de c ualquier tamao que usted hizo para el disc o virtual. Para ello, introduzc a la siguiente secuencia en el fdisk del sistema:
d p n 1 (aceptar el valor predeterminado 63) (aceptar mximo predeterminado)

Si desea dejar algn espac io para las partic iones adic ionales (de intercambio, etc), puede ingresar otro valor para el ltimo sector . Cuando termine, guarde los c ambios.

Reinic ie la mquina virtual (como la particin hemos modificado est en uso actualmente). Despus de reiniciar, cambiar el tamao de sistema de archivos puede tener lugar.
resize2fs / dev/sda1


6.7 Formato de las notas especficas
6.7.1 Xen Para utilizar imgenes en el servidor Xen, ejecute:
archivo xm create-c-con-suffix.xenconfig

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Eso es todo, el sistema de archivos debe ser aumentado hasta el tamao de la particin ahora.

Consulte las pginas siguientes para obtener ms informacin sobre el uso de imgenes de Xen: es
[ _to_use_dow nloaded_SUSE_Studio_appliances#Xen_guest]

Xen_guest [ tos] Para usar imgenes de Xen con Citrix XenServer es posible que necesite convertir imgenes con utilidad XenConvert, disponible desde el sitio Web de Citrix.

3 Zabbix Procesos
3.1 Inicio de sesin
Para el registro de configuracin de demonios Zabbix "logfile" parmetro de c onfigurac in se utiliza. Si este parmetro se deja vac o (logfile =), syslog las facilidades de registro se utilizan. Todos los demonios de Zabbix en las plataformas Unix de registro de sus mensajes de "demonio" el medio ambiente. El mapeo entre Zabbix niveles de registro y syslog niveles es el siguiente:
Zabbix nivel de registro syslog nivel de registro 0 - vaco (LOG_LEVEL_EMPTY) 1 - la informacin crtica (LOG_LEVEL_C RIT) 2 - Informacin de error (LOG_LEVEL_ERR) 3 - advertencias (LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) 4 - para la depuracin (LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) syslog no se utiliza. condiciones crticas (LOG_C RIT) condiciones de error (LOG_ERR) condiciones de alerta (LOG_WARNING) nivel de depuracin, mensajes (LOG_DEBUG) Comentarios Todos los mensajes se pasan por alto.

Para consultar la configuracin de syslog de la literatura c orrespondiente.

agente de Zabbix en Windows utiliza registro de sucesos si "logfile" parmetro de c onfigurac in es siempre vaco. Asignac in entre los niveles de registro Zabbix (mensajes de tipo correspondiente) y de eventos de Windows tipo de registro de las entradas es de abajo:
Zabbix nivel de registro Windows Event Log tipo de entrada Comentarios 0 - vaco (LOG_LEVEL_EMPTY) 1 - la informacin crtica (LOG_LEVEL_C RIT) 2 - Informacin de error (LOG_LEVEL_ERR) 3 - advertencias (LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) 4 - para la depuracin (LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) Registro de sucesos no se utiliza. Todos los mensajes se pasan por alto.




Advertencia Informacin

3.2 Los procesos individuales

Un servidor de Zabbix
Zabbix Server es un software de proceso central de Zabbix. Zabbix Servidor se puede iniciar la ejec ucin de:
Shell> cd> sbin shell. / Zabbix_server

Zabbix Server se ejecuta como un proceso demonio. Zabbix servidor acepta los parmetros de lnea de comandos siguientes:

-C - config <file> especificar el archivo de configuracin, por defecto es / etc / zabbix / zabbix_server.conf-h - ayudar a dar a esta ayuda-v - version Muestra

Con el fin de obtener esa ayuda ejecutar:

shell zabbix_server>-h

Ejemplo de parmetros de lnea de comandos:

shell zabbix_server>-c / usr / local / etc / zabbix_server zabbix_server.conf shell> - shell> ayuda zabbix_server-v

El archivo de configuracin contiene parmetros para zabbix_server. El arc hivo debe existir y debe tener permisos de lec tura para 'zabbix' del usuario. parmetros admitidos:
Parmetro AlertScriptsPath C acheSize C acheUpdateFrequency Dbhost DBName Obligatoria Gama No No No No s 128K1G 1-3600 Por defecto Descripcin

/ Home / zabbix / Ubicacin de scripts de alerta bin / 8 millones 60 localhost Tamao de la cach de configuracin, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida para almacenar los ejrcitos y los elementos de datos. C on qu frecuencia Zabbix llevar a cabo la actualizacin de cach de configuracin, en cuestin de segundos. Base de datos de nombre de host. Si se establece en localhost, conector se usa para MySQL. Base de datos de nombre.


Dbpassword Dbport DBSocket Dbuser No No No No 102465535 3306 / Tmp mysql.sock /

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Por ruta SQLite3 de archivo de base debe ser proporcionada. Dbuser dbpassword y se pasan por alto. contrasea de base de datos. Ignorado por SQLite. C omentar esta lnea si se utiliza ninguna contrasea. Base de datos del puerto cuando no se usa conector local. Ignorado por SQLite. Ruta de acceso a la toma de MySQL. Base de datos de usuario. Ignorado por SQLite. Especifica el nivel de depuracin 0 - sin depurar 1 - la informacin crtica 2 - Informacin de error 3 - advertencias 4 - para la depuracin (produce gran cantidad de informacin) Si se establece en 1, desactiva la limpieza.




DisableHousekeeping ExternalScripts

No No


/ Etc / zabbix / Ubicacin de las secuencias de comandos externos externalscripts / Usr/sbin/fping6 Ubicacin en fping6. Asegrese de que fping6 binaria tiene la propiedad raz y establecer SUID bandera. Haga vaca ("Fping6Location =") si su utilidad fping es capaz de procesar direcciones IPv6. Ubicacin en fping. Asegrese de que fping binaria tiene la propiedad raz y el indicador establecido SUID! Tamao de la cach de la historia, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida para almacenar los datos de la historia. Tamao de la cach de texto de historia, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida para almacenar los caracteres de texto o datos de registro de la historia. C on qu frecuencia Zabbix llevar a cabo el procedimiento de limpieza (en horas). La limpieza es la eliminacin de informacin innecesaria de la historia, alerta, y las tablas de alarmas. Si se utiliza PostgreSQL, valor sugerido es de 24, ya que realiza VAC O. No ms filas 'MaxHousekeeperDelete' (correspondiente a [nombre de tabla], [campo], [valor]) ser eliminado por una tarea en un ciclo de limpieza. SQLite3 no utiliza este parmetro, elimina todas las filas correspondientes, sin lmite. Si se establece en 0, entonces no hay lmite se utiliza en absoluto. En este caso, usted debe saber lo que ests haciendo! Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.2 y superiores. Puede incluir archivos individuales o todos los archivos en un directorio en el archivo de configuracin. 102432767 0-1024 Lista de direcciones IP delimitado por comas que el cazador debe escuchar. Trapper se escucha en todas las interfaces de red si este parmetro est ausente. Varias direcciones IP son compatibles con la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Puerto de escucha para el cazador. El tamao mximo de archivo de registro en MB . 0 - desactivar la rotacin automtica de registro. Nombre del archivo de registro. 00 3600000 0-999 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 C unto tiempo una consulta de base de datos puede tomar antes de tener que entrar (en milisegundos). 0 - no registro de consultas lentas. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.2 y superiores. nico NodeID en la configuracin distribuida. 0 - servidor independiente Si se establece en "1" eventos locales no se enviar a dominar nodo. Esto no afectar la capacidad de este nodo para propagar los eventos de sus nodos secundarios. Si se establece en "1" la historia local no se enviar a dominar nodo. Esto no afectar la capacidad de este nodo para propagar la historia de sus nodos secundarios.



FpingLocation HistoryC acheSize HistoryTextC acheSize

No No No 128K1G 128K1G 1-24

/ Usr / sbin / fping 8 millones 16M

HousekeepingFrequency No



0500 1000000

Incluir ListenIP

No No

ListenPort LogFileSize LogFile: LogSlowQueries

No No No No

10051 1

NodeID NodeNoEvents NodeNoHistory Directiva PidFile

No No No No

/ Tmp / Nombre del archivo PID. 1604800 3600 C on qu frecuencia servidor de Zabbix enva los datos de configuracin de un servidor proxy Zabbix en cuestin de segundos. Se usa slo para servidores proxy en un modo pasivo. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. C on qu frecuencia Zabbix Server solicita datos de la historia de un proxy Zabbix en cuestin de segundos. Se usa slo para servidores proxy en un modo pasivo. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Localizacin de claves pblicas para SSH controles 5-3600 30 C on qu frecuencia Zabbix intentar enviar alertas enviados (en segundos). Direccin IP de origen para las conexiones salientes. 1-100 4 Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de Syncers DB. El lmite superior para ser de 64 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de los descubridores. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de HTTP pollers. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de IPMI pollers. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de emisores de ultrasonidos IC MP. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos de pre-horquilla de pollers inalcanzable para los anfitriones (incluyendo IPMI ). El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Esta opcin no se encuentra en la versin 1.8.3. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de pollers. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de pollers para servidores proxy pasiva. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de los tramperos. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Especifica el tiempo que esperamos para el agente, SNMP del dispositivo o de verificacin externa (en segundos). Temporal de la gua. Especifica cmo cazador segundos que pueden pasar de procesamiento de datos nuevos. Tamao de la cach de tendencia, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida para almacenar los datos de tendencias. C on qu frecuencia de acogida se comprueba la disponibilidad durante el perodo de indisponibilidad, en cuestin de segundos. C on qu frecuencia de acogida se comprueba la disponibilidad durante el periodo de inaccesibilidad, en cuestin de segundos. Despus de cuntos segundos de inaccesibilidad tratar una gran cantidad como no disponible.

ProxyC onfigFrequency


ProxyDataFrequency SSHKeyLocation SenderFrequency SourceIP StartDBSyncers

No No No No No


StartDiscoverers StartHTTPPollers StartIPMIPollers StartPingers

No No No No

0-250 0-1000 0-1000 0-1000

1 1 0 1

StartPollersUnreachable No








StartTrappers Tiempo de espera TmpDir TrapperTimeout TrendC acheSize UnavailableDelay UnreachableDelay UnreachablePeriod

No No No No No No No No

0-1000 1-30

5 3 / Tmp

1-300 128K1G 1-3600 1-3600 1-3600

300 4M 60 15 45

A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del servidor Zabbix no se inic iar si no vlida (no seguir parmetro = valor notac in) o la puesta parmetro desconoc ido est


presente en el arc hivo de c onfiguracin.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

3.2 Zabbix Proxy

Zabbix Proxy es un proceso que recopila datos de rendimiento y la disponibilidad de uno o ms dispositivos de seguimiento y enva la informac in a un servidor de Zabbix. Zabbix Proxy puede ser iniciado por:
Shell> cd> sbin shell. / Zabbix_proxy

Zabbix Proxy se ejecuta como un proc eso demonio. Zabbix Proxy ac epta los parmetros de lnea de c omandos siguientes:

-C - config <file> especificar el archivo de configuracin, por defecto es / etc / zabbix / zabbix_proxy.conf-h - ayudar a dar a esta ayuda-v - version Muestr

Con el fin de obtener esa ayuda ejecutar:

shell zabbix_proxy-h>

Ejemplo de parmetros de lnea de comandos:

shell zabbix_proxy>-c / usr / local / etc / zabbix_proxy zabbix_proxy.conf shell> - cscara ayuda zabbix_proxy>-v

El archivo de configurac in contiene parmetros para zabbix_proxy. El archivo debe existir y debe tener permisos de lectura para 'zabbix' del usuario. parmetros admitidos:
Parmetro C acheSize Obligatoria Gama No 128K1G 1-3600 1604800 Por defecto 8 millones Descripcin Tamao de la cach de configuracin, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida, para los anfitriones el almacenamiento de datos y elementos. C on qu frecuencia Zabbix llevar a cabo la actualizacin de cach de configuracin, en cuestin de segundos. Para un proxy en el modo pasivo de este parmetro ser ignorado. C on qu frecuencia proxy recupera los datos de configuracin del servidor Zabbix en cuestin de segundos. Para un proxy en el modo pasivo de este parmetro ser ignorado. Base de datos de nombre de host. Si se establece en localhost, conector se usa para MySQL. Base de datos de nombre. Por ruta SQLite3 de archivo de base debe ser proporcionada. Dbuser dbpassword y se pasan por alto. contrasea de base de datos. Ignorado por SQLite. C omentar esta lnea si se utiliza ninguna contrasea. 3306 Ruta de acceso a la toma de MySQL. Base de datos del puerto cuando no se usa conector local. Ignorado por SQLite. Base de datos de usuario. Ignorado por SQLite. No 1-3600 1 Proxy enviar recogida de datos para el servidor de cada N segundos. Especifica el nivel de depuracin 0 - sin depurar 1 - la informacin crtica 2 - Informacin de error 3 - advertencias 4 - para la depuracin (produce gran cantidad de informacin) Si se establece en 1, desactiva la limpieza. / Ubicacin de las secuencias de comandos externos Ubicacin en fping6. Asegrese de que fping6 binaria tiene la propiedad raz y establecer SUID bandera. Haga vaca ("Fping6Location =") si su utilidad fping es capaz de procesar direcciones IPv6. Ubicacin en fping. Asegrese de que fping binaria tiene la propiedad raz y el indicador establecido SUID! La frecuencia de mensajes de latido en cuestin de segundos. Se utiliza para supervisar la disponibilidad de proxy en el lado servidor. 0 - mensajes de latido con discapacidad. Para un proxy en el modo pasivo de este parmetro ser ignorado. Tamao de la cach de la historia, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida para almacenar los datos de la historia. Tamao de la cach de texto de historia, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida para almacenar los caracteres de texto o datos de registro de la historia. nico proxy nombre. Asegrese de que el nombre del proxy es conocido en el servidor! Nombre de la mquina No Fijado HostnameItem por '.': Los caracteres permitidos alfanumricos, '', '_' y '-'. Longitud mxima: 64 Artculo usado para fijar el nombre de host si no est definido (esto se llevar a cabo en el servidor proxy de manera similar como en un agente). No es compatible con userParameters, contadores de rendimiento o alias, pero es compatible con []. Se ignora si el nombre de host se establece. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.6 y superiores. HousekeepingFrequency No Incluir ListenIP No No 102432767 0-1024 1-24 1 C on qu frecuencia Zabbix llevar a cabo el procedimiento de limpieza (en horas). La limpieza es la eliminacin de informacin innecesaria de la historia, alerta, y las tablas de alarmas. Si se utiliza PostgreSQL, valor sugerido es de 24, ya que realiza VAC O. Puede incluir archivos individuales o todos los archivos en un directorio en el archivo de configuracin. Lista de direcciones IP delimitado por comas que el cazador debe escuchar. Trapper se escucha en todas las interfaces de red si este parmetro est ausente. Varias direcciones IP son compatibles con la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Puerto de escucha para el cazador. El tamao mximo de archivo de registro en MB . 0 - desactivar la rotacin automtica de registro. Nombre del archivo de registro. Si no se establece syslog se utiliza. 00 3600000 / Tmp 0-720 0 / C unto tiempo una consulta de base de datos puede tomar antes de tener que entrar (en milisegundos). 0 - no registro de consultas lentas. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.2 y superiores. Nombre del archivo PID. Proxy mantener los datos a nivel local para N horas. Este parmetro se puede utilizar si los datos locales ser utilizado por aplicaciones de terceros.

C acheUpdateFrequency



C onfigFrequency Dbhost DBName Dbpassword DBSocket Dbuser DataSenderFrequency

No No s No No

3600 localhost




DisableHousekeeping ExternalScripts

No No


0 / Etc / zabbix externalscripts / Usr/sbin/fping6





/ Usr / sbin / fping





HistoryC acheSize HistoryTextC acheSize

No No

128K1G 128K1G

8 millones 16M




ListenPort LogFileSize LogFile:

No No No

10051 1



Directiva PidFile ProxyLocalBuffer

No No


ProxyMode No 0-1 0

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Proxy modo de funcionamiento. 0 - proxy en el modo activo 1 - proxy en el modo pasivo Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Proxy mantener los datos de N horas en caso de que no hay conectividad con el servidor de Zabbix. Mayores datos se perdern. Localizacin de claves pblicas para SSH controles 102432767 10051 Puerto de Zabbix trampero en el servidor de Zabbix. Para un proxy en el modo pasivo de este parmetro ser ignorado. Direccin IP (o nombre de host) del servidor de Zabbix. Active proxy recibir los datos de configuracin del servidor. Para un proxy en el modo pasivo de este parmetro ser ignorado. Direccin IP de origen para las conexiones salientes. 1-100 4 Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de Syncers DB. El lmite superior para ser de 64 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de los descubridores. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de HTTP pollers. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de IPMI pollers. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de emisores de ultrasonidos IC MP. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos de pre-horquilla de pollers inalcanzable para los anfitriones (incluyendo IPMI ). El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Esta opcin no se encuentra en la versin 1.8.3. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de pollers. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de los tramperos. El lmite superior para ser 255 antes de la versin 1.8.5. Especifica el tiempo que esperamos para el agente, SNMP del dispositivo o de verificacin externa (en segundos). Temporal de la gua. Especifica cmo cazador segundos que pueden pasar de procesamiento de datos nuevos. Tamao de la cach de tendencia, en bytes. Tamao de la memoria compartida para almacenar los datos de tendencias. C on qu frecuencia de acogida se comprueba la disponibilidad durante el perodo de indisponibilidad, en cuestin de segundos. C on qu frecuencia de acogida se comprueba la disponibilidad durante el periodo de inaccesibilidad, en cuestin de segundos. Despus de cuntos segundos de inaccesibilidad tratar una gran cantidad como no disponible.

ProxyOfflineBuffer SSHKeyLocation ServerPort

No No No


Servidor SourceIP StartDBSyncers

s No No

StartDiscoverers StartHTTPPollers StartIPMIPollers StartPingers

No No No No

0-250 0-1000 0-1000 0-1000

1 1 0 1

StartPollersUnreachable No


StartPollers StartTrappers Tiempo de espera TmpDir TrapperTimeout TrendC acheSize UnavailableDelay UnreachableDelay UnreachablePeriod

No No No No No No No No No

0-1000 0-1000 1-30

5 5 3 / Tmp

1-300 128K1G 1-3600 1-3600 1-3600

300 4M 60 15 45

A partir de la versin 1.8.6 Zabbix Proxy no se iniciar si no vlida (no seguir parmetro = valor notac in) o la puesta parmetro desconocido est presente en el arc hivo de c onfiguracin.

3 Zabbix Agente (UNIX, el demonio independiente)

Zabbix UNIX demonio agente se ejecuta en un host que es supervisado. El agente proporc iona un rendimiento de acogida y la informacin de disponibilidad para el servidor de Zabbix. Zabbix Agente procesa elementos de 'Zabbix agente o agente Zabbix (activo). Zabbix Agent puede iniciarse mediante la ejecuc in de:
Shell> cd> sbin shell. / Zabbix_agentd

Zabbix agente se ejecuta c omo un proceso demonio. Zabbix agente acepta los parmetros de lnea de comandos siguientes:

-C - config <file> especificar el archivo de configuracin, por defecto es / etc / zabbix / zabbix_agentd.conf-h - ayudar a dar a esta ayuda-v - version Muest

Con el fin de obtener esa ayuda ejecutar:

shell> zabbix_agentd-h

Ejemplo de parmetros de lnea de comandos:

shell> zabbix_agentd-c / usr / local / etc / shell zabbix_agentd.conf> zabbix_agentd - shell> ayuda zabbix_agentd - cscara de impresin> zabbix_agentd-t "syste

El arc hivo de c onfiguracin contiene parmetros de configurac in para zabbix_agentd. El archivo debe existir y debe tener permisos de lectura para 'zabbix' del usuario. parmetros admitidos:
Parmetro Obligatoria Gama Por defecto Descripcin Define un alias para el parmetro. Puede ser til para sustituir el nombre del parmetro largo y complejo con una ms pequea y ms simple. Alias No A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del agente Zabbix no se pondr en marcha en caso de un formato incorrecto tus Alias Alias o duplicado de la llave est en el archivo de configuracin. Deje que el agente se ejecute como 'root'. Si 'root' con discapacidad y el agente se inicia, el agente tratar de cambiar a 'zabbix' en lugar del usuario. No tiene ningn efecto si se inicia en virtud de un usuario normal. 0 - no permiten 1 - permiten No mantener los datos de ms de N segundos en el bfer. Nmero mximo de valores en un bfer de memoria. El agente le enviar todos los datos recopilados a Zabbix Proxy Server o si el buffer est lleno. Especifica el nivel de depuracin 0 - sin depurar 1 - la informacin crtica 2 - Informacin de error 3 - advertencias 4 - para la depuracin (produce gran cantidad de informacin) Desactivar los controles activos. El agente trabajar en el modo pasivo para el servidor de msica. Desactivar los controles pasivos. El agente no va a escuchar en cualquier TC P puerto. Slo los controles activos sern procesados. 0 - no desactive 1 - deshabilitar



BufferSend BufferSize

No No


2100 65535









EnableRemoteC ommands No 0

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Si los comandos a distancia desde el servidor de Zabbix se admiten. 0 - No se permite 1 - permite nombre de host nico. nombre de host requeridos para el control activo y el partido tiene que tal como est configurado en el servidor. '.': Los caracteres permitidos alfanumricos, '', '_' y '-'. Longitud mxima: 64 Artculo usado para fijar el nombre de host si no est definido. No es compatible con userParameters, contadores de rendimiento o alias, pero [el apoyo], independientemente del valor EnableRemoteC ommands.

Nombre de la mquina


Fijado por HostnameItem



system.hostname Se ignora si el nombre de host se establece. Esta opcin se apoya en la versin 1.8.6 y superiores.

Incluir ListenIP ListenPort LogFileSize LogFile:

No No No No No 102410050 32767 01024 1

Puede incluir archivos individuales o todos los archivos en un directorio en el archivo de configuracin. Lista de direcciones IP delimitado por comas que el agente debera escuchar. Varias direcciones IP son compatibles con la versin 1.8.3 y superiores. Agente de escucha en este puerto para las conexiones desde el servidor. El tamao mximo de archivo de registro en MB . 0 - desactivar la rotacin automtica de registro. Nombre del archivo de registro. Si no se establece syslog se utiliza. 0 Habilitar el registro de los comandos de la shell ejecuta como advertencias. 0 - discapacitados 1 - habilitado El nmero mximo de nuevas lneas el agente enviar por segundo al servidor Zabbix o "registro" de procesamiento de proxy y "registro de eventos 'cheques activa. El valor siempre se reemplaza por MaxLines 'el parmetro, presentarse en el 'log' o 'registro de eventos "clave del artculo.

LogRemoteC ommands






Directiva PidFile RefreshActiveC hecks ServerPort

No No No 603600

/ Tmp / Nombre del archivo PID. 120 10051 C on qu frecuencia la lista de los controles activos se actualiza, en cuestin de segundos. Puerto del servidor para recuperar la lista de activos y el envo de cheques. Lista delimitada por comas de direcciones IP (o nombres) de Zabbix servidores. No se permiten espacios. La primera entrada se utiliza para recibir la lista de activos y el envo de cheques. Tenga en cuenta que los nombres de host debe resolver el nombre de host direccin IP y el nombre de host Direccin IP . Direccin IP de origen para las conexiones salientes. 1-100 1-30 0,1 3 3 0 Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de zabbix_agentd que comprueba proceso pasivo. El lmite superior para tener 16 antes de la versin 1.8.5. No gaste ms de segundos de tiempo de espera en el procesamiento de Permitir a todos los personajes que se pasan en los argumentos a los parmetros definidos por el usuario. Apoyado desde Zabbix 1.8.2. parmetros definidos por el usuario para controlar. No puede ser de varios parmetros definidos por el usuario. Formato: UserParameter = <key>, comando> <shell Tenga en cuenta que comandos de la shell no debe devolver una cadena vaca o EOL solamente. Ejemplo: UserParameter system.test =, que | wc-l A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del agente Zabbix no se pondr en marcha en caso de un formato incorrecto tus UserParameter o duplicado de la llave UserParameter est presente en el archivo de configuracin.


SourceIP StartAgents Tiempo de espera UnsafeUserParameters

No No No No



A partir de la versin 1.8.6 Zabbix Agente demonio no se inic iar si no vlida (no seguir parmetro = valor notacin) o la puesta parmetro desc onocido est presente en el arc hivo de c onfiguracin.

3.4 Zabbix Agente (UNIX, la versin Inetd)

El archivo contiene los parmetros de configuracin para zabbix_agent. El arc hivo debe existir y debe tener permisos de lectura para 'zabbix' del usuario. parmetros admitidos:
Parmetro Obligatoria Valor por Descripcin defecto Define un alias para el parmetro. Puede ser til para sustituir el nombre del parmetro largo y complejo con una ms pequea y ms simple. Alias No A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del agente Zabbix terminar en el caso de un formato incorrecto tus Alias A lias o duplicado de la llave est en el archivo de configuracin. Incluir Servidor Tiempo de espera No s No 3 0 Puede incluir archivos individuales o todos los archivos en un directorio en el archivo de configuracin. lista delimitada por comas de direcciones IP de servidores proxy o Zabbix. Las conexiones desde otras direcciones IP sern rechazadas. No gaste ms de segundos de tiempo de espera en obtener valor deseado (1-255). El agente no mata timeouted usuario Parmetros procesos! Permitir a todos los personajes que se pasan en los argumentos a los parmetros definidos por el usuario parmetros definidos por el usuario para controlar. No puede ser de varios parmetros definidos por el usuario. Formato: UserParameter = <key>, comando> <shell Tenga en cuenta que comandos de la shell no debe devolver una cadena vaca o EOL solamente. Ejemplo: UserParameter system.test =, que | wc-l A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del agente Zabbix terminar en el caso de un formato incorrecto tus UserParameter o duplicado de la llave UserParameter est presente en el archivo de configuracin.

UnsafeUserParameters No



A partir de la versin 1.8.6 Zabbix agente terminar si no vlida (no seguir parmetro = valor notac in) o la puesta parmetro desconoc ido est presente en el arc hivo de c onfiguracin.

5 Zabbix Agent (Windows)

Instalacin La instalacin es muy sencilla e incluye tres pasos: Paso 1 Crear un archivo de configuracin. Crear un archivo de configuracin c : / zabbix_agentd.conf (que tiene una sintaxis similar a la del agente UNIX).


Paso 2 Instale el agente como servicio de Windows.
zabbix_agentd.exe - instalar

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Un arc hivo de c onfiguracin de ejemplo est disponible en el archivo fuente Zabbix como misc / c onf .

Si desea utilizar el arc hivo de configuracin que no sea c: \ zabbix_agentd.conf, debe utilizar el siguiente comando para la instalacin de servicios:
zabbix_agentd.exe - config <your_configuration_file> - instalar

Ruta c ompleta al archivo de configurac in debe ser especific ado. Paso 3 agente de ejecuc in. Ahora puedes utilizar el panel de control para iniciar el servic io del agente o de ejecuc in:
zabbix_agentd.exe - inicio

Windows NT 4.0 nota. Zabbix_agentd.exe utiliza PDH (Ayudante de datos de rendimiento) de la API para obtener informac in del sistema diferentes, por lo que PDH.DLL es nec esario. Esta DLL no se suministra con Windows NT 4.0, por lo que necesita para desc argar e instalar por ti mismo. Microsoft Knowledge Base el artculo nmero 284.996 se desc ribe en detalle y contiene un enlac e de descarga. Usted puede encontrar este artculo en om/default.aspx?scid=kb; en-us; 284996 [;en-us;284996] Uso Comando sintaxis de la lnea:
zabbix_agentd.exe [VHP] [-idsx] [-c <file>] [-t <metric>]

Zabbix Windows agente acepta los parmetros de lnea de comandos siguientes: Opc iones:
-C - config <file> Especificar archivo de configuracin alternativo (por defecto es c: \ zabbix_agentd.conf). -H - help Muestra informacin de ayuda.

Func iones:

-I - instalar Instalar Zabbix agente como un servicio. -D - uninstall desinstalar servicio de agente de Zabbix. -S - inicio inicio de servicio del agente Zabb

El arc hivo de c onfiguracin (c: / zabbix_agentd.conf) c ontiene parmetros de c onfigurac in para zabbix_agentd.exe. parmetros admitidos:
Parmetro Obligatoria Gama Por defecto Descripcin Define un alias para el parmetro. Puede ser til para sustituir el nombre del parmetro largo y complejo con una ms pequea y ms simple. Por ejemplo, si desea recuperar el uso del archivo de paginacin en porcentajes desde el servidor, usted puede utilizar el parmetro "perf_counter [\ archivo de paginacin (_Total) \% de uso]", o puede definir un alias, aadiendo la siguiente lnea al archivo de configuracin Alias = pg_usage: perf_counter [\ archivo de paginacin (_Total) \% de uso] Despus de que usted puede usar el nombre de parmetro "pg_usage" para recuperar la misma informacin. Puede especificar tantos "Alias" los registros que desee. Alias no se puede utilizar para los parmetros definidos en "PerfC ounter" los registros del archivo de configuracin. A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del agente Zabbix no se pondr en marcha en caso de un formato incorrecto tus Alias Alias o duplicado de la llave est en el archivo de configuracin. BufferSend BufferSize No No 13600 5 No mantener los datos de ms de N segundos en el bfer. Nmero mximo de valores en un bfer de memoria. El agente le enviar todos los datos recogidos a Zabbix servidor proxy o si el buffer est lleno. Especifica el nivel de depuracin 0 - sin depurar 1 - la informacin crtica 2 - Informacin de error 3 - advertencias 4 - para la depuracin (produce gran cantidad de informacin) Desactivar los controles activos. El agente trabajar en el modo pasivo para el servidor de msica. Desactivar los controles pasivos. El agente no va a escuchar en cualquier TC P puerto. Slo los controles activos sern procesados. 0 - no desactive 1 - deshabilitar Si los comandos a distancia desde el servidor de Zabbix se admiten. 0 - No se permite 1 - permite



2100 65535








EnableRemoteC ommands No

Nombre de la mquina Incluir ListenIP ListenPort LogFileSize LogFile: No No No No No

nico, el nombre de host entre maysculas y minsculas. system.hostname nombre de host requeridos para el control activo y el partido tiene que tal como est configurado en el servidor. nombre de host del sistema se utiliza si no definido. Puede incluir archivos individuales en el archivo de configuracin. 102410050 32767 01024 1 Agente de escuchar en la interfaz especificada. Agente de escucha en este puerto para las conexiones desde el servidor. El tamao mximo de archivo de registro en MB . 0 - desactivar la rotacin automtica de registro. Nombre del archivo de registro. Si no se establece, registro de sucesos de Windows se utiliza. 0 Habilitar el registro de los comandos de la shell ejecuta como advertencias. 0 - discapacitados 1 - habilitado El nmero mximo de nuevas lneas el agente enviar por segundo al servidor Zabbix o la transformacin del proxy 'log', 'logrt "y" registro de eventos' cheques activa. El valor siempre se reemplaza por MaxLines 'el parmetro, presentarse en el 'registro', 'logrt "o" registro de eventos' claves artculo. Sintaxis: <parameter_name>, "<perf_counter_path>", <el Define <parameter_name> nuevo parmetro que es un valor promedio de <perf_counter_path> sistema de contador de rendimiento para el <el perodo de tiempo especificado (en segundos). Por ejemplo, si desea recibir el nmero promedio de interrupciones por segundo para el procesador de ltima hora, puede definir nuevos parmetros "interrupciones" de la siguiente manera: PerfC ounter = interrupciones, "\ Procesador (0) \ Interrupciones / seg", 60

LogRemoteC ommands







PerfC ounter No

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Tenga en cuenta comillas dobles alrededor de ruta de contador de rendimiento. Las muestras para calcular el valor promedio se tomarn cada segundo. Puede ejecutar "typeperf-qx" para obtener la lista de todos los contadores de rendimiento disponibles en Windows. A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del agente Zabbix no se pondr en marcha en caso de un formato incorrecto tus PerfC ounter o duplicado de la llave PerfC ounter est presente en el archivo de configuracin.

RefreshActiveC hecks ServerPort Servidor SourceIP StartAgents Tiempo de espera UnsafeUserParameters

No No s No No No No


120 10051

C on qu frecuencia la lista de los controles activos se actualiza, en cuestin de segundos. Puerto del servidor para recuperar la lista de activos y el envo de cheques. Lista delimitada por comas de direcciones IP (o nombres) de Zabbix servidores. No se permiten espacios. La primera entrada se utiliza para recibir la lista de activos y el envo de cheques. Si el soporte IPv6 est activada, '127 .0.0.1 ',':: ",":: ffff: "son tratados por igual. Direccin IP de origen para las conexiones salientes.

1-100 1-30 0-1

3 3 0

Nmero de casos antes de la horquilla de zabbix_agentd que comprueba proceso pasivo. El lmite superior para tener 16 antes de la versin 1.8.5. No gaste ms de segundos de tiempo de espera en el procesamiento de Permitir a todos los personajes que se pasan en los argumentos a los parmetros definidos por el usuario. 0 - no permiten 1 - permiten parmetros definidos por el usuario para controlar. No puede ser de varios parmetros definidos por el usuario. Formato: UserParameter = <key>, comando> <shell Tenga en cuenta que comandos de la shell no debe devolver una cadena vaca o EOL solamente. Ejemplo: system.test UserParameter = echo 1 A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del agente Zabbix no se pondr en marcha en caso de un formato incorrecto tus UserParameter o duplicado de la llave UserParameter est presente en el archivo de configuracin.


A partir de la versin del agente Zabbix 1.8.6 no se iniciar si no vlida (no seguir parmetro = valor notacin) o la puesta parmetro desconoc ido est presente en el arc hivo de c onfiguracin.

3.6 Zabbix Remitente (UNIX)

Zabbix UNIX Sender es una utilidad de lnea de comandos que puede utilizar para enviar los datos de rendimiento de Zabbix servidor para su proc esamiento. La utilidad se utiliza generalmente en largas secuenc ias de comandos para el usuario que ejec uta peridicamente el envo de los datos de disponibilidad y rendimiento. Zabbix remitente puede iniciar la ejecuc in de:
Shell>> cd bin shell. / Zabbix_sender zabbix-z-s-k LinuxDB3 db.connections-o 43

A partir de Zabbix 1.8.4, zabbix_sender se ha mejorado en tiempo real, enviando los escenarios rec ogiendo varios valores que se pasan en rpida sucesin, y enviarlos al servidor c on un solo. Valor que no es ms, aparte de valor previo de 0,2 segundos se puede poner en la misma pila, pero el tiempo mximo de la agrupacin sigue siendo de 1 segundo. Si el envo de muchos valores de un archivo de entrada, el remitente Zabbix se les lote de 250 valores de una sola vez (todos los valores sern proc esados), por ejemplo:
# Zabbix_sender-z / tmp / traptest.txt Informacin del servidor: "Se han procesado 250 Error 0 Total 250 segundos pasaron 0.002668" Informacin del

A partir de la versin 1.8.6 del remitente Zabbix terminar si no vlida (no seguir parmetro = valor notacin) entrada de parmetro est presente en el archivo de configuracin espec ificado. Ver Zabbix remitente pgina de manual para ms informacin.

7 Obtener Zabbix (UNIX)

Zabbix se obtiene es un proceso que se c omunica c on el agente de Zabbix y rec upera la informac in requerida. La utilidad se utiliza generalmente para solucionar problemas de Zabbix agentes. Zabbix llegar se puede inic iar la ejecucin de:
Shell>> cd bin shell. / Zabbix_get-s 10050-k "system.cpu.load [todos, avg1]"

Zabbix obtener acepta los parmetros de lnea de comandos siguientes:

Nombre-s-host de host o nombre de host <IP Especifique o la direccin IP de un host. -P - puerto> puerto <nmero Especifique el nmero de puerto del agente qu

Con el fin de obtener esa ayuda ejecutar:

shell> zabbix_get - ayuda

4 Configuracin
1 Recurso
Zabbix reacc iona a los acontecimientos mediante la ejecucin de conjunto de las operaciones. Una acc in puede ser definida para cualquier evento o serie de eventos generados por Zabbix. Acc in de los atributos:
Parmetro Nombre Descripcin Nombre nico de accin. Fuente del evento. En la actualidad tres fuentes son compatibles: Disparadores - eventos generados por los cambios de estado de disparo Descubrimiento - eventos generados por el descubrimiento de mdulo de red Registro automtico - eventos generados por los nuevos agentes activos la escaladas en Habilitar. Si est activado, la accin ser aumentado de acuerdo con medidas operacin definida para las operaciones. Plazo para aumentar el paso de la escalada. Tema por defecto de notificacin. El tema puede contener macros.

Origen del evento

Habilitar progresividad

Periodo (segundos) Tema por defecto


Predeterminado mensaje Recuperacin mensajes

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Predeterminado mensaje de notificacin. El mensaje puede contener macros. de Si est activado, Zabbix enviar un mensaje de recuperacin despus de que el problema original se ha resuelto. Los mensajes se envan slo a los que recibieron ningn mensaje sobre este problema antes. Asunto del mensaje de recuperacin. Puede contener macros. mensaje de recuperacin. Puede contener macros.

Recuperacin tema Recuperacin mensajes de

Accin de estado: C ondicin Jurdica y Habilitado - accin est activa Social Personas de movilidad reducida - la accin est desactivado

Advertenc ia: antes de habilitar la rec uperacin de mensajes o escaladas, asegrese de agregar "Trigger = valor PROBLEMA" condicin a la ac cin, de lo c ontrario rec urso eventos puede c onvertirse en una esc alada tambin.

Accin condiciones
La acc in se ejec uta slo en caso de que un evento c oincide conjunto definido de c ondic iones. Las siguientes condiciones se pueden definir para activar eventos basados en:
Estado de tipo operadores compatibles = como no como = <> = <> = <> = <> descripcin como no como = <> >= <= = Descripcin = - caso vino de un disparo, que se refiere a un elemento que est vinculado a la aplicacin especificada como - caso vino de un disparo, que se refiere a un elemento que est vinculado a una aplicacin, que contiene la cadena no como - caso vino de disparo, que se refiere a un elemento que est vinculado a una solicitud que no contenga la cadena C omparar con los grupos de acogida que tiene un disparador que gener evento. = - caso provienen de este grupo de acogida <> - evento no provienen de este grupo de acogida C omparar con las plantillas de host el gatillo pertenece. = - caso vino de un disparo heredado de esta plantilla de acogida <> - caso no proceda de un disparador heredado de esta plantilla de acogida C omparar con los host que tiene un disparador que gener evento. = - caso vino de esta hostia <> - caso de no proceder de esta hostia C omparar con disparo que gener evento. = - evento generado por la activacin de este <> - evento generado por otros Trigger C omparar con los nombres de disparo que gener evento. como - String se pueden encontrar en Nombre de disparo. Entre maysculas y minsculas. no como - String no se puede encontrar en Nombre de disparo. Entre maysculas y minsculas. C omparar con el Pasador de gravedad. = - igual a la gravedad de disparo <> - no es igual para activar la gravedad > = - mayor o igual a desencadenar la gravedad <= - inferior o igual a desencadenar la gravedad C omparar con el Pasador de valor. = - el equivalente al valor de disparo (Aceptar o problema) El evento es dentro del perodo de tiempo. en - tiempo de evento coincide con el perodo de tiempo. Perodo de tiempo se da en formato: dd-dd, hh: mm-hh: mm, dd-dd, hh: mm: hh: mm ... C ompruebe si el objetivo est en mantenimiento. = - Anfitrin se encuentra en modo de mantenimiento. <> - Host no est en modo de mantenimiento.


Grupo de acogida

Anfitrin plantilla



Trigger (nombre)

Trigger gravedad

Del valor de iniciacin

Periodo de tiempo en


Mantenimiento de estado

= <>

Del valor de iniciacin: Disparador cambia de estado de OK para PROBLEMA (valor de disparo es problema) disparo c ambia de estado del problema a la OK (valor de disparo est bien) Estado de c ambios en Aceptar DESCONOCIDO problema se trata c omo bien PROBLEMA y PROBLEMA DESCONOCIDO Ac eptar, Ac eptar PROBLEMA. The following conditions can be defined for Discovery based events:
Condition type Host IP Supported operators Description = <> = <> = <> = >= <= = <> >= <= like not like C heck if IP address of a discovered Host is or is not in the range of IP addresses. = - Host IP is in the range <> - Host IP is out of the range C heck if a discovered service. = - matches discovered service <> - event came from a different service C heck if TC P port number of a discovered service is or is not in the range of ports. = - service port is in the range <> - service port is out of the range Up matches Host Up and Service Up events Down matches Host Down and Service Down events Downtime for Host Down and Service Down events. Uptime for Host Up and Service Up events. >= - uptime/downtime is more or equal <= - uptime/downtime is less or equal. Parameter is given in seconds. C ompare with value received from an agent (Zabbix, SNMP). String comparison. = - equal to the value <> - not equal to the value >= - more or equal to the value <= - less or equal to the value like has a substring not like does not have a substring. Parameter is given as a string.

Service type

Service port

Discovery status


Received value

For example this set of conditions (calculation type: AND/OR): Host group = Oracle servers Host group = MySQL servers Trigger name like 'Database is down' Trigger name like 'Database is unavailable' is evaluated as (Host group = Oracle servers or Host group = MySQL servers) and (Trigger name like 'Database is down' or Trigger name like 'Database is unavailable')

Operation or a set of operations is executed when event matc hes c onditions.


Zabbix supports the following operations: Send message Remote command(s), including IPMI.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

To successfully rec eive and read e-mails from Zabbix, e-mail servers/c lients must support standard 'SMTP/MIME e-mail' format since Zabbix sends UTF-8 data. Starting from 1.8.2 the subject and the body of the message are base64-encoded to follow 'SMTP/MIME e-mail' format standard. Starting with 1.8.3, if the subjec t contains ASCII characters only, it is not UTF-8 enc oded. Additional operations available for disc overy events: Add host Remove host Enable host Disable host Add to group Delete from group Link to template Unlink from template When adding a host, its name is dec ided by standard gethostbyname func tion. If the host c an be resolved, resolved name is used. If not, IP address is used. Besides, if IPv6 address must be used for a host name, then all : (c olons) are replaced by _ (underscores), sinc e : (colons) are not allowed in host names. If performing disc overy by a proxy, currently hostname lookup still takes plac e on Zabbix server. If a host exists in Zabbix configuration with the same name as a newly discovered one, versions of Zabbix prior to 1.8 would add another host with the same name. Zabbix 1.8.1 and later adds _N to the hostname, where N is inc reasing number, starting with 2.
Parameter Description If escalation is enabled for this action, escalation settings: From - execute for each step starting from this one To - till this (0, for all steps starting from From) Period - increase step number after this period, 0 - use default period. Type of action: Send message - send message to user Execute command - execute remote command


Operation type Event Source Send message to Default message Subject Message

Send message to: Single user - a single user User group - to all members of a group If selected, default message will be used. Subject of the message. The subject may contain macros. The message itself. The message may contain macros.

Remote command List of remote commands.

Starting from 1.6.2, Zabbix sends notific ations only to those users, which have read permissions to a host (trigger), which generated the event. At least one host of a trigger expression must be accessible.

Macros for messages and remote commands

The macros can be used for more efficient reporting. Example 1

Message subject will be replaced by something like:

'Processor load is too high on server ON'

Example 2 Message:
Processor load is: {[,avg1].last(0)}

The message will be replaced by something like:

'Processor load is: 1.45'

Example 3 Message:
Latest value: {{HOSTNAME}:{TRIGGER.KEY}.last(0)} MAX for 15 minutes: {{HOSTNAME}:{TRIGGER.KEY}.max(900)} MIN for 15 minutes: {{HOSTNAME}:{TRIGGER.KEY}.min(900)}

The message will be replaced by something like:

Latest value: 1.45 MAX for 15 minutes: 2.33 MIN for 15 minutes: 1.01

2 Macros
Zabbix supports number of mac ros which may be used in various situations. Effective use of mac ros allows to save time and make Zabbix c onfiguration more



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

List of supported macros

The table contains complete list of macros supported by Zabbix.
Item descriptions Trigger names Trigger expressions Map labels 1 Item key's parameters GUI Scripts Auto registration notifications Discovery notifications Notifications and commands MACRO {DATE} {DISC OVERY.DEVIC E.IPADDRESS} {DISC OVERY.DEVIC E.STATUS} {DISC OVERY.DEVIC E.UPTIME} {DISC OVERY.RULE.NAME} {DISC OVERY.SERVIC E.NAME} {DISC OVERY.SERVIC E.PORT} {DISC OVERY.SERVIC E.STATUS} {DISC OVERY.SERVIC E.UPTIME} {ESC .HISTORY} {EVENT.AC K.HISTORY} {EVENT.AC K.STATUS} {EVENT.AGE} {EVENT.DATE} {EVENT.ID} {EVENT.TIME} {HOSTNAME<1-9>} {HOST.C ONN<1-9>} {HOST.DNS<1-9>} X X X X X X X X X X 1 {IPADDRESS<1-9>} {ITEM.LASTVALUE<1-9>} {ITEM.LOG.AGE<1-9>} {ITEM.LOG.DATE<1-9>} {ITEM.LOG.EVENTID<1-9>} {ITEM.LOG.NSEVERITY<1-9>} {ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY<1-9>} {ITEM.LOG.SOURC E<1-9>} {ITEM.LOG.TIME<1-9>} {ITEM.NAME<1-9>} {ITEM.VALUE<1-9>} {NODE.ID<1-9>} {NODE.NAME<1-9>} X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 {PROFILE.C ONTAC T<1-9>} {PROFILE.DEVIC ETYPE<1-9>} {PROFILE.HARDWARE<1-9>} {PROFILE.LOC ATION<1-9>} {PROFILE.MAC ADDRESS<1-9>} {PROFILE.NAME<1-9>} {PROFILE.NOTES<1-9>} {PROFILE.OS<1-9>} {PROFILE.SERIALNO<1-9>} {PROFILE.SOFTWARE<1-9>} {PROFILE.TAG<1-9>} {PROXY.NAME<1-9>} {TIME} {TRIGGER.C OMMENT} {TRIGGER.EVENTS.UNAC K} {TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNAC K} {TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNAC K} {TRIGGER.EVENTS.AC K} {TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.AC K} {TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.AC K} X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2 X X 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C ontact from host profile. Device type from of host profile. Hardware from host profile. Location from host profile. Mac Address from host profile. Name from host profile. Notes from host profile. OS from host profile. Serial No from host profile. Software from host profile. Tag from host profile. Proxy name of the Nth item of the trigger which caused a notification. Supported since 1.8.4. C urrent time in Trigger comment. Number of unacknowledged events for a map element in maps, or for the trigger which generated current event in notifications. Supported in map element labels since 1.8.3. Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM events for all triggers disregarding their state. Supported since 1.8.3. Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM events for triggers in PROBLEM state. Supported since 1.8.3. Number of acknowledged events for a map element in maps, or for the trigger which generated current event in notifications. Supported since 1.8.3. Number of acknowledged PROBLEM events for all triggers disregarding their state. Supported since 1.8.3. Number of acknowledged PROBLEM events for triggers in PROBLEM state. Supported since 1.8.3. X Name of the Nth item of the trigger which caused a notification. The latest value of Nth item of the trigger expression if used for displaying triggers. Historical (when event happened) value of Nth item of the trigger expression if used for displaying events and notifications. Supported from Zabbix 1.4.3. 2 3 X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X 5 X X X 6 X X 7 8 9 IP address of the Nth item of the trigger which caused a notification. The latest value of the Nth item of the trigger expression which caused a notification. Supported from Zabbix 1.4.3. It is alias to {{HOSTNAME}:{TRIGGER.KEY}.last(0)} X Age of the event. Useful in escalated messages. Date of the event. Numeric event ID which triggered this action. Time of the event. Host name of the Nth item of the trigger which caused a notification. Supported in auto registration notifications since 1.8.4. IP and host DNS name depending on host settings. Host DNS name. X 1 2 X X X X X X X X X Escalation history. Log of previously sent messages. C an be visible messages with sent, in progress and failed status (if such messages exist). X 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C urrent date in format. DESCRIPTION



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

5 6 7 8 9 Numeric trigger ID which triggered this action. Key of the Nth item of the trigger which caused a notification. Name (description) of the trigger. Numerical trigger severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster. Supported starting from Zabbix 1.6.2. Trigger severity. Possible values: Not classified, Information, Warning, Average, High, Disaster, Unknown Trigger state. C an be either PROBLEM or OK. {STATUS} is deprecated. Trigger URL. X C urrent trigger value: 0 - trigger is in OK state, 1 trigger is in PROBLEM state, 2 trigger UNKNOWN. This macro can also be used in trigger expressions. Number of unacknowledged triggers for a map element, disregarding trigger state. Trigger is considered to be unacknowledged if at least one of its PROBLEM events is unacknowledged. Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM triggers for a map element. Trigger is considered to be unacknowledged if at least one of its PROBLEM events is unacknowledged. Supported since 1.8.3. Number of acknowledged triggers for a map element, disregarding trigger state. Trigger is considered to be acknowledged if all of it's PROBLEM events are acknowledged. Supported since 1.8.3. Number of acknowledged PROBLEM triggers for a map element. Trigger is considered to be acknowledged if all of it's PROBLEM events are acknowledged. Supported since 1.8.3. X X 5 6 7 X 8 X 9 Simple macros as used in trigger expressions. User macros. Supported in trigger names and item descriptions since 1.8.4.




{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.AC K} {host:key.func(param)} {$MAC RO} 1 2 3 4 X X

X X2

[1] Macros for map labels are supported since 1.8. [2] Only functions last, avg, max and min with seconds as arguments are supported in map labels.

User macros
For a greater flexibility, Zabbix supports user macros, which c an be defined on global, template and host level. These mac ros have a special syntax: {$MACRO}. The macros c an be used in item keys and trigger expressions. Since Zabbix version 1.8.4 user macros can also be used in item descriptions and trigger names. The following characters are allowed in the macro names: A-Z , 0-9 , _ , . Zabbix substitutes macros according to the following prec edence: 1. host macros (c hec ked first) 2. mac ros defined for templates of the host. Zabbix will c hec k templates of deeper level taking into ac count template inheritance. 3. global mac ros (checked last) In other words, if a macro does not exist for a host, Zabbix will try to find it in host templates. If still not found, a global template will be used, if exists. If Zabbix is unable to find a macro, the macro will not be substituted. To define user mac ros, go to the corresponding locations in the frontend: for global mac ros, visit Administration General Macros for host and template macros, open host or template properties and look for the Macros block on the right hand side If a user macro is used in items or triggers in a template, it is suggested to add that macro to the template even if it is defined on a global level. That way, exporting the template to XML and importing it in another system will still allow it to work as expected. Most common use cases of global and host macros: 1. taking advantage of templates with host specific attributes: passwords, port numbers, file names, regular expressions, etc 2. global mac ros for global one-clic k configuration changes and fine tuning Example 1 Use of host macro in item Status of SSH daemon key: ssh,{$SSH_PORT} Example 2 Use of host macro in trigger CPU load is too high: {ca_001:system.cpu.load[,avg1].last(0)}>{$MAX_CPULOAD} Suc h a trigger would be created on the template, not edited in individual hosts. If you want to use amount of values as the function parameter (for example, max(#3)), inc lude hash mark in the mac ro like this: SOME_PERIOD #3 Example 3 Use of two mac ros in trigger CPU load is too high: {ca_001:system.cpu.load[,avg1].min({$CPULOAD_PERIOD})}>{$MAX_CPULOAD} Note that a mac ro can be used as a parameter of trigger function, in this example function min(). User mac ros are supported in SNMP OID field since Zabbix 1.8.4.

4.3 Applications
Application is a set of host items. For example, application 'MySQL Server' may c ontain all items which are related to the MySQL server: availability of MySQL, disk spac e, processor load, transac tions per second, number of slow queries, etc. An item may be linked with one or more applications. Applications are used in Zabbix front-end to group items.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Currently a host cannot be linked to different templates having same application.

4.4 Graphs
Custom (user defined) graphs allow the creation of complex graphs. These graphs, once configured, c an be easily acc essed via MonitoringGraphs. Configuration of c ustom graphs can be ac cessed by navigating to ConfigurationTemplates or ConfigurationHosts and clicking on Graphs link for c orresponding template or host. When c reating a new graph, first item c an be added from any template or host. Then, depending on the choic e, further items can be added : 1. if the first item was from a template, only from that template; 2. if the first item was from any host, from any host (but not from templates anymore)

4.5 Medias
Media is a delivery channel for Zabbix alerts. None, one or more media types can be assigned to user.

Email notific ation.

Notifications using Jabber messaging. When sending notific ations, Zabbix tries to look up a Jabber SRV rec ord first, and if that fails, it uses an address rec ord for that domain. Among Jabber SRV records, the one with the highest priority and maximum weight is chosen. If it fails, other rec ords are not tried. Looking up Jabber SRV rec ords is supported sinc e Zabbix 1.8.6. Prior to that Zabbix only tried an address record.

Custom media scripts are exec uted from the path defined in the Zabbix server c onfiguration file variable AlertScriptPath. The sc ript has three command line variables passed to it: Recipient Subjec t Message Environment variables are not preserved or created for the script, so they should be handled explicitly.

GSM Modem
Zabbix supports sending of SMS messages using Serial GSM Modem connec ted to Zabbix Server's serial port. Make sure that: Speed of a serial device (normally /dev/ttyS0 under Linux) matches GSM Modem. Zabbix does not set speed of the serial link. It uses default settings. The serial device has read/write access for user zabbix. Run commans ls l /dev/ttyS0 to see current permission of the serial device. GSM Modem has PIN entered and it preserves it after power reset. Alternatively you may disable PIN on the SIM c ard. PIN can be entered by issuing command AT+CPIN=NNNN (NNNN is your PIN number, the quotes must present) in a terminal software, such as Unix minic om or Windows HyperTerminal. Zabbix has been tested with the following GSM modems: Siemens MC35 Teltonika ModemCOM/G10

4.6 Host templates

Use of templates is an exc ellent way of making maintenance of Zabbix muc h easier. A template c an be linked to a number of hosts. Items, triggers and graphs of the template will be automatic ally added to the linked hosts. Change definition of a template item (trigger, graph) and the change will be automatically applied to the hosts. Host template attributes:
Parameter Name Groups New group Description Unique template (host) name. The name must be unique within ZABBIX Node. List of host groups the template belongs to. Assign new host group to the template.

Link with template Used to create hierarchical templates.

7 Host groups
Host group may have zero, one or more hosts. Host group attributes:
Parameter Description

Group name Unique host group name. The name must be unique within Zabbix Node. Hosts List of hosts of this group.


8 Host and trigger dependencies

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Zabbix does not support host dependenc ies. Host dependencies can be defined using more flexible option, i.e. trigger dependencies. How it works? A trigger may have list of one or more triggers it depends on. It means that the trigger will still change its status regardless of state of the triggers in the list, yet the trigger won't generate notific ations and actions in case if one of the trigger in the list has state PROBLEM.

Example 1
Host dependency Suppose you have two hosts: a router and a server. The server is behind the router. So, we want to receive only one notification if the route is down: The router is down instead of: The router is down and The host is down In order to ac hieve this, we create a trigger dependency:
"The host is down" depends on "The router is down"

In c ase if both the server and the router is down, Zabbix will not execute actions for trigger The host is down.

19 Items
An Item is a single performance or availability c hec k (metric ).

19.1 Item key

19.1.1 Flexible and non-flexible parameters A flexible parameter is a parameter whic h ac cepts an argument. For example, vfs.fs.size[*] is a flexible parameter. '*' is any string that will be passed as an argument to the parameter. Correct definition examples: vfs.fs.size[/] vfs.fs.size[/opt] 19.1.2 Key format Item key format, including key parameters, must follow syntax rules. The following illustrations depic t supported syntax. Allowed elements and characters at each point can be determined by following the arrows - if some block can be reached through the line, it is allowed, if not - it is not allowed. Item key To construc t a valid item key, one starts with spec ifying the key name, then there's a choic e to either have parameters or not - as depic ted by the two lines that could be followed.

Key name The key name itself has a limited range of allowed characters, which just follow each other. Allowed c harac ters are:

Whic h means: all numbers; all lowercase letters; all upperc ase letters; undersc ore; dash; dot.

Key parameters An item key c an have multiple parameters that are comma separated.


Individual key parameter

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Each key parameter c an be either a quoted string, an unquoted string or an array.

The parameter c an also be left empty, thus using the default value. In that case, the appropriate number of c ommas must be added if any further parameters are specified. For example, item key icmpping[,,200,,500] would spec ify that the interval between individual pings is 200 milliseconds, timeout - 500 milliseconds, and all other parameters are left at their defaults. Parameter - quoted string If the key parameter is a quoted string, any Unic ode c haracter is allowed, and included double quotes must be backslash escaped.

Parameter - unquoted string If the key parameter is an unquoted string, any Unic ode c haracter is allowed except comma and right square bracket (]).

Parameter - array If the key parameter is an array, it is again enclosed in square brac kets, where individual parameters come following multiple parameters specifying rules and syntax.

19.1.3 Available enc odings The parameter encoding is used to spec ify encoding for processing c orresponding item c hec ks, so that data acquired will not be corrupted. For a list of supported encodings (c ode page identifiers), please c onsult respec tive documentation, such as doc umentation for libiconv [http://w w w are/libiconv/] (GNU Project) or Mic rosoft Windows SDK documentation for Code Page Identifiers. If an empty encoding parameter is passed, then ANSI with system specific extension (Windows) or UTF-8 (default locale for newer Unix/Linux distributions, see your system's settings) is used by default.

19.2 Unsupported items

An item can become unsupported if its value can not be retrieved for some reason. Such items are still rechecked at a fixed interval, configurable in Administration sec tion.

19.3 Supported by Platform

In the following lists parameters that are inc luded in angle brackets <like_this> are optional. Items marked with X are supported, the ones marked with - are not supported. If an item is marked with ?, it is not known whether it is supported or not. If an item is marked with r, it means that it requires root privileges. If a parameter is marked with i, it means that it is ignored.
NetBSD OpenBSD Mac OS/X Tru64 AIX HP-UX Solaris FreeBSD Linux 2.6 Linux 2.4 Windows Parameter / system 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


03/06/2011 agent.version kernel.maxfiles kernel.maxproc log[file,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxlines>,<mode>]

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X ? ? X X X X X X X 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 X X ? ? X X X X X 9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X r r r r r r r r r r r r r r X X X X X 11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 11 X X X X X X X -

logrt[file_format,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxlines>,<mode>] X eventlog[name,<regexp>,<severity>,<source>,<eventid>, <maxlines>,<mode>] net.if.collisions[if][if,<mode>] bytes (default) mode packets errors dropped net.if.list net.if.out[if,<mode>] bytes (default) mode packets errors dropped[if,<mode>] bytes (default) mode packets errors dropped net.tcp.dns[<ip>,zone] net.tcp.dns.query[<ip>,zone,<type>] net.tcp.listen[port] net.tcp.port[<ip>,port] net.tcp.service[service,<ip>,<port>] net.tcp.service.perf[service,<ip>,<port>] net.udp.listen[port] X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X -

proc.mem[<name>,<user>,<mode>,<cmdline>] sum (default) mode avg max min proc.num[<name>,<user>,<state>,<cmdline>] all (default) state sleep zomb run sensor[device,sensor,<mode>] services[<type>,<state>,<exclude>] system.boottime system.cpu.intr system.cpu.load[<cpu>,<mode>] avg1 (default) mode avg5 avg15 system.cpu.num[<type>] type system.cpu.switches system.cpu.util[<cpu>,<type>,<mode>] user (default) nice idle system type kernel iowait wait interrupt softirq steal avg1 (default) mode avg5 avg15 online (default) max


system.hostname[<type>] system.localtime type[command,<mode>] mode wait (default) nowait system.stat[resource,<type>] utc (default) local

X X X X X X X -


03/06/2011[<device>,<type>] count (default) type sectors pages system.swap.out[<device>,<type>] count (default) type sectors pages system.swap.size[<device>,<type>] free (default) total type used pfree pused system.uname system.uptime system.users.num

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

X X X X X 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X 6 X X X X X X 7 X X X 7 X X X X X X 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X X X 9 X X X X ? X 8 X 9 ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 X X X i i i X X X i i i X X X X X X 10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 X X X 11 X X X X X X 11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 11[device,<type>,<mode>] sectors (default) operations type bytes sps ops bps avg1 mode avg5 avg15[device,<type>,<mode>] sectors (default) operations type bytes sps ops bps avg1 (default) mode avg5 avg15 vfs.file.cksum[file] vfs.file.exists[file] vfs.file.md5sum[file] vfs.file.regexp[file,regexp,<encoding>] vfs.file.regmatch[file,regexp,<encoding>] vfs.file.size[file]


vfs.file.time[file,<mode>] modify (default) mode access change vfs.fs.inode[fs,<mode>] total (default) free mode used pfree pused vfs.fs.size[fs,<mode>] total (default) free mode used pfree pused vm.memory.size[<mode>] total (default) free used shared mode buffers cached pfree pused available[host,<path>,<port>][host,<path>,<port>][host,<path>,<port>,<regexp>,<length>]


19.4 Zabbix Agent

List of supported parameters


03/06/2011 C heck the agent availability. Description Return value

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Key Parameters Comments

Returns '1' if agent is available, nothing if unavailable.

C an be used as a TC P ping. Use function nodata() to check for host unavailability.

agent.version Version of Zabbix Agent. kernel.maxfiles Maximum number of opened files supported by Number of files. OS. Integer. kernel.maxproc Maximum number of processes supported by OS. Number of processes. Integer. String Example of returned value: 1.8.2

log[file,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxlines>,<mode>] file full file name regexp regular expression for pattern encoding - C ode Page identifier maxlines - Maximum number of new lines per second the agent will send to Zabbix Server or Proxy. This parameter overrides the 'MaxLinesPerSecond' option in zabbix_agentd.conf mode - one of all (default), skip (skipping processing of older data) Parameter mode will be supported from version 2.0.

Monitoring of log file.


Must be configured as an Active C heck. Example: log[/home/zabbix/logs/logfile,,,100] See detailed description.

logrt[file_format,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxlines>,<mode>] file_format full file name in format [absolute path][filename format as regexp] regexp regular expression for pattern encoding - C ode Page identifier maxlines - Maximum number of new lines per second the agent will send to Zabbix Server or Proxy. This parameter overrides the 'MaxLinesPerSecond' option in zabbix_agentd.conf mode - one of all (default), skip (skipping processing of older data) Parameter mode will be supported from version 2.0.

Monitoring of log file with log rotation support.


Must be configured as an Active C heck. Example: logrt[/home/zabbix/logs/^logfile[0-9]{1,3}$,,,100] Log rotation is based on last modification times of files. See detailed description.

eventlog[name,<regexp>,<severity>,<source>,<eventid>,<maxlines>,<mode>] name event log name regexp regular expression severity regular expression The parameter accepts the following values: Information, Warning, Error, Failure Audit, Success Audit source - Source identifier eventid - regular expression maxlines - Maximum number of new lines per second the agent will send to Zabbix Server or Proxy. This parameter overrides the 'MaxLinesPerSecond' option in zabbix_agentd.conf mode - one of all (default), skip (skipping processing of older data) Parameter mode will be supported from version 2.0. Must be configured as an Active C heck. Examples: eventlog[Application] eventlog[Security,,"Failure Audit",,529|680] eventlog[System,,"Warning|Error"] eventlog[System,,,,^1$] eventlog[System,,,,@TWOSHORT] - here custom regular expression TWOSHORT is defined as type Result is TRUE and expression itself is ^1$|^70$.

Monitoring of event logs.


net.if.collisions[if] Out-of-window collision.[if,<mode>] if - interface mode bytes number of bytes (default) packets number of packets errors number of errors dropped number of dropped packets Examples:[eth0,errors][eth0] You may use this key with Delta (speed per second) in order to get bytes per second statistics. Number of collisions. if - interface Integer.

Network interface incoming statistic.


net.if.list List of network interfaces: Type Status IPv4 Description net.if.out[if,<mode>] if - interface mode bytes number of bytes (default) packets number of packets errors number of errors dropped number of dropped packets Examples: net.if.out[eth0,errors] net.if.out[eth0] You may use this key with Delta (speed per second) in order to get bytes per second statistics. String Supported since Zabbix agent version 1.8.1.

Network interface outgoing statistic.

Integer.[if,<mode>] if - interface mode bytes number of bytes (default) packets number of packets errors number of errors dropped number of dropped packets Examples:[eth0,errors][eth0] You may use this key with Delta (speed per second) in order to get bytes per second statistics. Note that dropped packets are supported only if both and net.if.out work for dropped packets on your platform.

Sum of network interface incoming and outgoing statistics.


net.tcp.dns[<ip>,zone] Example: net.tcp.dns[,] Internationalized domain names are not supported, please use IDNA encoded names instead.

C hecks if DNS service is up.

0 - DNS is down 1 - DNS is up

ip - IP address of DNS server (ignored) zone - zone to test the DNS

net.tcp.dns.query[<ip>,zone,<type>] Example: net.tcp.dns.query[,,MX] type can be one of:


Performs a query for the supplied DNS record type.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

On success returns a ip - IP address of DNS server (ignored) character string with zone - zone to test the DNS the required type of type - Record type to be queried (default is SOA) information. A, NS, C NAME, MB, MG, MR, PTR, MD, MF, MX, SOA, NULL, WKS, HINFO, MINFO, TXT, SRV SRV record type is supported since Zabbix agent version 1.8.6. Internationalized domain names are not supported, please use IDNA encoded names instead.

net.tcp.listen[port] 0 - it is not 1 - it is in LISTEN state Example: net.tcp.listen[80] On Linux supported since Zabbix agent version 1.8.4

C hecks if this TC P port is in LISTEN state.

port - TC P port number

net.tcp.port[<ip>,port] Example: net.tcp.port[,80] can be used to test availability of WEB server running on port 80. Old naming: check_port[*] For simple TC P performance testing use net.tcp.[tcp, <ip>,<port>] Note that these checks may result in additional messages in system daemon logfiles (SMTP and SSH sessions being logged usually).

C heck, if it is possible to make TC P connection to port number port.

0 - cannot connect 1 - can connect

ip - IP address(default is port - port number

net.tcp.service[service,<ip>,<port>] Example: net.tcp.service[ftp,,45] can be used to test availability of FTP server on TC P port 45. Old naming: check_service[*] Note that before Zabbix version 1.8.3 service.ntp service - one of ssh, ntp, ldap, smtp, ftp, http, pop, should be used instead of ntp. Note that these checks may result in additional nntp, imap, tcp ip - IP address (default is messages in system daemon logfiles (SMTP and SSH sessions being logged usually). port - port number (by default standard service C hecking of encrypted protocols (like IMAP on port 993 port number is used) or POP on port 995) is currently not supported. As a workaround, please use net.tcp.port for checks like these. C hecking of LDAP by Windows agent is currently not supported.

C heck if service is running and accepting TC P connections.

0 - service is down 1 - service is running

net.tcp.service.perf[service,<ip>,<port>] Example: net.tcp.service.perf[ssh] can be used to test speed of initial response from SSH server. Old naming: check_service_perf[*] service - one of ssh, ntp, ldap, smtp, ftp, http, pop, Note that before Zabbix version 1.8.3 service.ntp nntp, imap, tcp should be used instead of ntp. ip - IP address (default is C hecking of encrypted protocols (like IMAP on port 993 port - port number (by default standard service or POP on port 995) is currently not supported. As a port number is used) workaround, please use net.tcp.service.perf[tcp,<ip>, <port>] for checks like these. C hecking of LDAP by Windows agent is currently not supported.

C heck performance of service

0 - service is down sec - number of seconds spent while connecting to the service

net.udp.listen[port] 0 - it is not 1 - it is in LISTEN state Example: net.udp.listen[68] On Linux supported since Zabbix agent version 1.8.4

C hecks if this UDP port is in LISTEN state.

port - UDP port number

proc.mem[<name>,<user>,<mode>,<cmdline>] Example: proc.mem[,root] - memory used by all processes running under user root. proc.mem[zabbix_server,zabbix] - memory used by all processes zabbix_server running under user zabbix proc.mem[,oracle,max,oracleZABBIX] - memory used by most memory hungry process running under oracle having oracleZABBIX in its command line

Memory used by process name running under user user

Memory used by process.

name - process name user - user name (default is all users) mode - one of avg, max, min, sum (default) cmdline - filter by command line

proc.num[<name>,<user>,<state>,<cmdline>] Example: proc.num[,mysql] - number of processes running under user mysql proc.num[apache2,www-data] - number of apache2 running under user www-data proc.num[,oracle,sleep,oracleZABBIX] - number of processes in sleep state running under oracle having oracleZABBIX in its command line On Windows, only name and user arguments are supported.

Number of processes name having state running under user user

Number of processes.

name - process name user - user name (default is all users) state - one of all (default), run, sleep, zomb cmdline - filter by command line

sensor[device,sensor,<mode>] On Linux 2.4, reads /proc/sys/dev/sensors. Example: sensor[w83781d-i2c-0-2d,temp1] Prior to Zabbix 1.8.4, format sensor[temp1] was used. On OpenBSD, reads hw.sensors MIB. Example: sensor[cpu0,temp0] - one temperature of one C PU sensor[cpu[0-2]$,temp,avg] - average temperature of the first three C PU's Supported on OpenBSD since Zabbix 1.8.4.

Hardware sensor reading.

device - device name (if <mode> is used, it is a regular expression) sensor - sensor name (if <mode> is used, it is a regular expression) mode - one of avg, max, min (if omitted, device and sensor are treated verbatim).

system.boottime Timestamp of system boot. system.cpu.intr Device interrupts. system.cpu.load[<cpu>,<mode>] C PU load Processor load. cpu - C PU number (default is all C PUs) mode - one of avg1 (default),avg5 (average within 5 minutes), avg15 Example: system.cpu.load[] Old naming: system.cpu.loadX Integer. Integer. Time in seconds.

[http://e n.wik ipe dia .org/wik i/Loa d_(co m puting)] . Float.

system.cpu.num[<type>] Number of C PUs. system.cpu.switches Number of available processors. type - one of online (default), max Example: system.cpu.num


C ontext switches. system.cpu.util[<cpu>,<type>,<mode>] Switches count.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Old naming: system[switches]

C PU(s) utilisation.

Processor utilisation in percents

cpu - C PU number (default is all C PUs) type - one of idle, nice, user (default), system, kernel, iowait, interrupt, softirq, steal mode - one of avg1 (default),avg5 (average within 5 minutes), avg15

Old naming: system.cpu.idleX, system.cpu.niceX, system.cpu.systemX, system.cpu.userX Example: system.cpu.util[0,user,avg5]

system.hostname[<type>] On Windows the value is acquired from either GetC omputerName() (for netbios) or gethostname() (for host) function and from hostname command on other systems. Returns host name. String value type (only on Windows, ignored on other systems) netbios (default) or host Example of returned value Parameters for this item is supported starting from version 1.8.6. system.localtime utc - (default) the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC , January 1, 1970), measured in seconds. local - the time in the 'yyyy-mmdd,hh:mm:ss.nn,+hh:mm' format Parameters for this item will be supported from version 2.0.

System time.

Integer or string value.[command,<mode>] Example: command - command for execution[ls -l /] - detailed file list of root directory. mode - one of wait (default, wait end of execution), Note: To enable this functionality, agent configuration file nowait (do not wait) must have EnableRemoteC ommands=1 option.

Run specified command on the host.

Text result of the command

system.stat[resource,<type>] ent - number of processor units this partition is entitled to receive (float) kthr,<type> - information about kernel thread states: r - average number of runnable kernel threads (float) b - average number of kernel threads placed in the Virtual Memory Manager wait queue (float) memory,<type> - information about the usage of virtual and real memory: avm - active virtual pages (integer) fre - size of the free list (integer) page,<type> - information about page faults and paging activity: fi - file page-ins per second (float) fo - file page-outs per second (float) pi - pages paged in from paging space (float) po - pages paged out to paging space (float) fr - pages freed (page replacement) (float) sr - pages scanned by page-replacement algorithm (float) faults,<type> - trap and interrupt rate: in - device interrupts (float) sy - system calls (float) cs - kernel thread context switches (float) cpu,<type> - breakdown of percentage usage of processor time: us - user time (float) sy - system time (float) id - idle time (float) wa - idle time during which the system had outstanding disk/NFS I/O request(s) (float) pc - number of physical processors consumed (float) ec - the percentage of entitled capacity consumed (float) lbusy - indicates the percentage of logical processor(s) utilization that occurred while executing at the user and system level (float) app - indicates the available physical processors in the shared pool (float) disk,<type> - disk statistics: bps - indicates the amount of data transferred (read or written) to the drive in bytes per second (integer) tps - indicates the number of transfers per second that were issued to the physical disk/tape (float) This item is supported starting from version 1.8.1.

Virtual memory statistics

Numeric value[<device>,<type>] Swap in. Swap statistics device - swap device (default is all), type - one of Example:[,pages] count (default, number of swapins), sectors (sectors Old naming: swap[in] swapped in), pages (pages swapped in)

system.swap.out[<device>,<type>] Swap out. Swap statistics device - swap device (default is all), type - one of count (default, number of swapouts), sectors (sectors swapped out), pages (pages swapped out) Example: system.swap.out[,pages] Old naming: swap[out]

system.swap.size[<device>,<type>] Number of bytes or percentage device - swap device (default is all), type - one of free (default, free swap space), total (total swap space), pfree (free swap space, percentage), pused (used swap space, percentage) Example: system.swap.size[,pfree] - percentage of free swap space Old naming:,

Swap space.

system.uname Example of returned value: FreeBSD localhost 4.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE #0: Tue Sep 18 11:57:08 PDT 2001 /usr/src/sys/compile/GENERIC i386

Returns detailed host information.

String value

system.uptime System's uptime in seconds. system.users.num Number of users connected.[device,<type>,<mode>] device - disk device (default is all) type - one of sectors, operations, bytes, sps, ops, bps (must specify exactly which parameter to use, since defaults are different under various OSes) mode - one of avg1 (default),avg5 (average within 5 minutes), avg15 Example:[,operations] Old naming: io[*] On Linux and FreeBSD[<device>, ops/bps/sps] is limited to 8 devices (7 individual devices and one all device) Number of users C ommand who is used on agent side. Number of seconds Use Units s or uptime to get readable values.

Disk read statistics.

Numeric value[device,<type>,<mode>] device - disk device (default is all) type - one of sectors, operations, bytes, sps, ops, bps (must specify exactly which parameter to use, Example:[,operations] Old naming: io[*]


Disk write statistics. Numeric value

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

since defaults are different under various OSes) mode - one of avg1 (default),avg5 (average within 5 minutes), avg15 On Linux and FreeBSD[<device>, ops/bps/sps] is limited to 8 devices (7 individual devices and one all device)

vfs.file.cksum[file] Example of returned value: 1938292000 file - full path to file Example: vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd] Old naming: cksum vfs.file.exists[file] C heck if file exists 0 - file does not exist 1 - file exists file - full path to file Example: vfs.file.exists[/tmp/]

C alculate file checksum

File checksum, calculated by algorithm used by UNIX cksum.

vfs.file.md5sum[file] Example of returned value: b5052decb577e0fffd622d6ddc017e82 File's MD5 checksum MD5 hash of the file. file - full path to file Example: vfs.file.md5sum[/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf] The file size limit (64 MB) for this item was removed in version 1.8.6. vfs.file.regexp[file,regexp,<encoding>] Find string in a file Matched string or EOF if expression not found file - full path to file regexp - GNU regular expression encoding - C ode Page identifier Example: vfs.file.regexp[/etc/passwd,zabbix]

vfs.file.regmatch[file,regexp,<encoding>] Find string in a file 0 - expression not found 1 - found file - full path to file regexp - GNU regular expression encoding - C ode Page identifier Example: vfs.file.regmatch[/var/log/app.log,error]

vfs.file.size[file] File must have read permissions for user zabbix File size Size in bytes. file - full path to file Example: vfs.file.size[/var/log/syslog] vfs.file.time[file,<mode>] File time information. Number of seconds. file - full path to file mode - one of modify (default, modification time), access - last access time, change - last change time Example: vfs.file.time[/etc/passwd,modify]

vfs.fs.inode[fs,<mode>] Number of inodes Numeric value fs - filesystem mode - one of total (default), free, used, pfree (free, percentage), pused (used, percentage) Example: vfs.fs.inode[/,pfree] Old naming:[*], vfs.fs.inode.pfree[*],[*]

vfs.fs.size[fs,<mode>] fs - filesystem mode - one of total (default), free, used, pfree (free, percentage), pused (used, percentage) In case of a mounted volume, disk space for local file system is returned. Example: vfs.fs.size[/tmp,free] Old naming:[*],[*], vfs.fs.used[*], vfs.fs.pfree[*], vfs.fs.pused[*]

Disk space

Disk space in bytes

vm.memory.size[<mode>] Memory size Memory size in bytes mode - one of total (default), shared, free, buffers, cached, pfree, available Old naming: vm.memory.buffers, vm.memory.cached,, vm.memory.shared,[host,<path>,<port>] Get content of WEB page host - hostname WEB page source as path - path to HTML document (default is /) text port - port number (default is 80) Returns EOF on fail. Example:[,index.php,80][host,<path>,<port>] Get timing of loading full WEB page Time in seconds host - hostname path - path to HTML document (default is /) port - port number (default is 80) Returns 0 on fail. Example:[,index.php,80][host,<path>,<port>,<regexp>,<length>] host - hostname path - path to HTML document (default is /) port - port number (default is 80) regexp - GNU regular expression length - maximum number of characters to return Returns EOF in case of no match or any other failures (such as timeout, failed connection, etc). Example:[,index.php,80,OK,2]

Get first occurrence of regexp in WEB page

Matched string

Linux-specific note. Zabbix agent must have read-only acc ess to filesystem /proc. Kernel patches from [http://w w] limit access rights of non-privileged users.

19.5 WIN32-specific parameters

This sec tion contains descriptions of parameters supported by Zabbix WIN32 agent only.
Key Description Return value Comments

perf_counter[counter,<interval>] Value of any performance counter, where counter is the counter path, and interval is the time period for storing the average value. service_state[*] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 running paused - start pending - pause pending - continue pending - stop pending stopped - unknown Average value of the counter during last interval seconds. Default value, if not given, for interval is 1. Performance Monitor can be used to obtain list of available counters. Until version 1.6 this parameter will return correct value only for counters that require just one sample (like \System\Threads). It will not work as expected for counters that require more that one sample - like C PU utilisation. Since 1.6 interval is used, so the check returns an average value for last interval seconds every time.

State of service. Parameter is service name.

Parameter must be real service name as seen in service properties under Name: or name of EXE file.


255 no such service services[<type>,<state>,<exclude>]

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

type - one of all (default), automatic, manual, disabled state - one of all (default), stopped, started, start_pending, stop_pending, running, continue_pending, pause_pending, paused List of services, separated by a exclude - list of services to newline or 0, if list would be empty. exclude it from the result. Excluded services should be written in double quotes, separated by comma, without spaces. This parameter is supported starting from version 1.8.1. proc_info[<process>,<attribute>,<type>]

Examples: services[,started] - list of started services services[automatic, stopped] - list of stopped services, that should be run services[automatic, stopped, service1,service2,service3] -list of stopped services, that should be run, excluding services with names service1,service2 and service3

Different information about specific process(es).

The following attributes are currently supported: vmsize - Size of process virtual memory in Kbytes wkset - Size of process working set (amount of physical memory used by process) in Kbytes pf - Number of page faults ktime - Process kernel time in milliseconds utime - Process user time in milliseconds io_read_b - Number of bytes read by process during I/O operations io_read_op - Number of read operation performed by process io_write_b - Number of bytes written by process during I/O operations io_write_op - Number of write operation performed by process io_other_b - Number of bytes transferred by process during operations other than read and write <process> - process name operations (same as in proc_cnt[] io_other_op - Number of I/O operations performed by process, other than read and write operations parameter) <attribute> - requested process gdiobj - Number of GDI objects used by process userobj - Number of USER objects used by process attribute. <type> - representation type (meaningful when more than one Valid types are: min - minimal value among all processes named <process> process with the same name max - maximal value among all processes named <process> exists) avg - average value for all processes named <process> sum - sum of values for all processes named <process> Examples: 1. In order to get the amount of physical memory taken by all Internet Explorer processes, use the following parameter: proc_info[iexplore.exe,wkset,sum] 2. In order to get the average number of page faults for Internet Explorer processes, use the following parameter: proc_info[iexplore.exe,pf,avg] Note: All io_xxx,gdiobj and userobj attributes available only on Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows, not on Windows NT 4.0.

19.6 SNMP Agent

Zabbix must be configured with SNMP support in order to be able to retrieve data provided by SNMP agents. If monitoring SNMPv3 devic es, make sure that msgAuthoritativeEngineID (also known as snmpEngineID or Engine ID) is never shared by two devic es. It must be unique for eac h devic e. For SNMPv3 privacy and authentic ation currently MD5 and DES protocols are supported. The following steps have to be performed in order to add monitoring of SNMP parameters: Step 1 Create a host for the SNMP devic e. Enter an IP address and a port of 161. Set the host Status to NOT MONITORED. You c an use the host.SNMP template which will automatically add the set of items. However, the template may not be c ompatible with the host. Step 2 Find out the SNMP string of the item you want to monitor. After creating the host, use 'snmpwalk' (part of ucd-snmp/net-snmp [http://ww w] software which you should have installed as part of the Zabbix installation) or equivalent tool:
shell> snmpwalk <host or host IP> public

This will give you a list of SNMP strings and their last value. If it doesn't then it is possible that the SNMP 'community' is different from the standard public in which case you will need to find out what it is. You would then go through the list until you find the string you want to monitor, e.g. you wanted to monitor the bytes coming in to your switc h on port 3 you would use:
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifOctetsIn.3 = Counter 32: 614794138

You should now use the snmpget command to find the OID for interfac es.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOc tets.3:
shell> snmpget -On interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifOctetsIn.3

where the last number in the string is the port number you are looking to monitor. This should give you something like the following:
. = Counter32: 614794138

again the last number in the OID is the port number. 3COM seem to use port numbers in the hundreds, e.g. port 1 = port 101, port 3 = port 103, but Cisco use regular numbers, e.g. port 3 = 3. Step 3 Create an item for monitoring. So, now go back to Zabbix and clic k on Items, selecting the SNMP host you c reated earlier. Depending on whether you used a template or not when creating your host, you will have either a list of SNMP items associated with your host or just a new item box. We will work on the assumption that you are going to c reate the item yourself using the information you have just gathered using snmpwalk and snmpget, so enter a plain English desc ription in the 'Description' field of the new item box. Make sure the 'Host' field has your switch/router in it and change the 'Type' field to SNMPv* agent. Enter the community (usually public ) and enter the numeric OID that you retrieved earlier in to the 'SNMP OID' field, i.e. . Enter the 'SNMP port' as 161 and the 'Key' as something meaningful, e.g. SNMP-InOctets-Bps. Choose a Multiplier if you want one and enter an 'update



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

interval' and 'keep history' if you want it to be different from the default. Set the 'Status' to Monitored, the 'Type of information' to Numeric (float) and the 'Store value' to DELTA (important otherwise you will get c umulative values from the SNMP devic e instead of the latest c hange). Now save the item and go back to the hosts area of Zabbix. From here check that the SNMP device Status shows 'Monitored' and check in Latest data for your SNMP data! Example 1 General example
Parameter Description

Community public Oid Key (or . <Unique string to be used as reference to triggers> For example, my_param.

Note that OID can be given in either numeric or string form. However, in some c ases, string OID must be c onverted to numeric representation. Utility snmpget may be used for this purpose:
shell> snmpget -On localhost public enterprises.ucdavis.memory.memTotalSwap.0

Monitoring of SNMP parameters is possible if either -with-net-snmp or -with-ucd-snmp flag was specified while configuring Zabbix sourc es. Example 2 Monitoring of Uptime
Parameter Description

Community public Oid Key Value type Units Multiplier MIB::sysUpTime.0 router.uptime Float uptime 0.01

19.7 Simple checks

Simple c hec ks are normally used for agent-less monitoring or for remote checks of servic es. Note that Zabbix agent is not needed for simple c hec ks. Zabbix server is responsible for processing of simple c hec ks (making external connections, etc ). All simple c hec ks, except tcp and tc p_perf, accept one optional parameter: port - port number. If missing, standard default service port is used. Examples of using simple c hec ks:
ftp,155 http http_perf,8080

IP is taken from the Zabbix host definition. Checking of enc rypted protocols (like IMAP on port 993 or POP on port 995) is c urrently not supported. As a workaround, please use tcp and tcp_perf for c hec ks like these. List of supported simple c hec ks:
Key ftp,<port> C hecks if FTP server is running and accepting connections 0 - FTP server is down 1 - FTP server is running 2 - timeout Description Return value

ftp_perf,<port> C hecks if FTP server is running and accepting connections http,<port> C hecks if HTTP server is running and accepting connections 0 - HTTP server is down 1 - HTTP server is running 2 - timeout 0 - FTP server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to FTP server.

http_perf,<port> C hecks if HTTP (WEB) server is running and accepting connections icmpping[<target>,<packets>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>] C hecks if server is accessible by IC MP ping target - host IP or DNS name packets - number of packets interval - time between successive packets in milliseconds size - packet size in bytes timeout - timeout in milliseconds 0 - HTTP (WEB) server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to HTTP server.

0 - IC MP ping fails 1 - IC MP ping successful

icmppingloss[<target>,<packets>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>] Return percentage of lost packets target - host IP or DNS name packets - number of packets interval - time between successive packets in milliseconds size - packet size in bytes timeout - timeout in milliseconds

Loss of packets in percents

icmppingsec[<target>,<packets>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>,<mode>] Return IC MP ping response time target - host IP or DNS name packets - number of packets interval - time between successive packets in milliseconds size - packet size in bytes

Number of seconds


timeout - timeout in milliseconds mode - one of min, max, avg (default) imap,<port> C hecks if IMAP server is running and accepting connections

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

0 - IMAP server is down 1 - IMAP server is running 2 - timeout

imap_perf,<port> C hecks if IMAP server is running and accepting connections ldap,<port> C hecks if LDAP server is running and accepting connections 0 - LDAP server is down 1 - LDAP server is running 2 - timeout 0 - IMAP server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to IMAP server.

ldap_perf,<port> C hecks if LDAP server is running and accepting connections nntp,<port> C hecks if NNTP server is running and accepting connections 0 - NNTP server is down 1 - NNTP server is running 2 - timeout 0 - LDAP server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to LDAP server.

nntp_perf,<port> C hecks if NNTP server is running and accepting connections ntp,<port> C hecks if NTP server is running and accepting connections 0 - NTP server is down 1 - NTP server is running 2 - timeout 0 - NNTP server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to NNTP server.

ntp_perf,<port> C hecks if NTP server is running and accepting connections pop,<port> C hecks if POP server is running and accepting connections 0 - POP server is down 1 - POP server is running 2 - timeout 0 - NTP server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to NTP server.

pop_perf,<port> C hecks if POP server is running and accepting connections smtp,<port> C hecks if SMTP server is running and accepting connections 0 - SMTP server is down 1 - SMTP server is running 2 - timeout 0 - POP server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to POP server.

smtp_perf,<port> C hecks if SMTP server is running and accepting connections ssh,<port> C hecks if SSH server is running and accepting connections 0 - SSH server is down 1 - SSH server is running 2 - timeout 0 - SMTP server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to SMTP server.

ssh_perf,<port> C hecks if SSH server is running and accepting connections tcp,port C hecks if TC P service is running and accepting connections 0 - TC P service is down 1 - TC P service is running 2 - timeout 0 - SSH server is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to SSH server.

tcp_perf,port C hecks if TC P service is running and accepting connections 0 - the service on the port is down Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to the TC P service.

Timeout processing Zabbix will not process a simple check longer than Timeout seconds defined in Zabbix server c onfiguration file. In c ase if Timeout time is exceeded, 2 is returned. ICMP pings Zabbix uses external utility fping for processing of ICMP pings. The utility is not part of Zabbix distribution and has to be additionally installed. If the utility is missing, has wrong permissions or its loc ation does not matc h FpingLocation defined in configuration file, ICMP pings (icmpping, icmppingsec and icmppingloss) will not be processed. fping must be executable by user Zabbix daemons run as and setuid root. Run these c ommands as user root in order to setup correc t permissions:
shell> chown root:zabbix /usr/sbin/fping shell> chmod 710 /usr/sbin/fping shell> chmod ug+s /usr/sbin/fping

The default values for ICMP checks parameters:

Parameter Value packets interval size timeout 3 25 Description pings to the target milliseconds, fping default fping flag Min Max -c -p 1 20 24 50 65507 10000

56 or 68 bytes, fping default; 56 bytes on x86, 68 bytes on x86_64 -b 500 milliseconds, fping default -t

Warning: fping defaults can differ depending on platform and version - if in doubt, check fping documentation.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Zabbix writes addresses to be checked to a temporary file, whic h is then passed to fping. If items have different parameters, only ones with identical parameters are written to a single file.

19.8 Internal checks

Internal checks allow monitoring of the internals of Zabbix. Internal checks are c alculated by Zabbix server. Internal checks are still processed by Zabbix pollers.
Key zabbix[boottime] Startup time of Zabbix server process in seconds. zabbix[history] Number of values stored in table HISTORY zabbix[history_log] Do not use if MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL is used! This item is supported starting from version 1.8.3. Do not use if MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL is used! In seconds since the epoch. Description Comments

Number of values stored in table HISTORY_LOG

zabbix[history_str] Number of values stored in table HISTORY_STR zabbix[history_text] Do not use if MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL is used! This item is supported starting from version 1.8.3. Do not use if MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL is used!

Number of values stored in table HISTORY_TEXT

zabbix[history_uint] Do not use if MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL is used! This item is supported starting from version 1.8.3.

Number of values stored in table HISTORY_UINT

zabbix[items] Number of items in Zabbix database zabbix[items_unsupported] Number of unsupported items in Zabbix database zabbix[log] Stores warning and error messages generated by Zabbix server. zabbix[process,<type>,<mode>,<state>] The following process types are currently supported: alerter - process for sending notifications configuration syncer - process for managing inmemory cache of configuration data db watchdog - sender of a warning message in case DB is not available discoverer - process for discovery of devices escalator - process for escalation of actions history syncer - history DB writer http poller - web monitoring poller housekeeper - process for removal of old historical data icmp pinger - poller for icmpping checks ipmi poller - poller for IPMI checks node watcher - process for sending historical data and configuration changes between nodes self-monitoring - process for collecting internal server statistics poller - normal poller for passive checks proxy poller - poller for passive proxies timer - process for evaluation of time-related trigger functions and maintenances Time a particular Zabbix process or a group of processes (identified by <type> and <mode>) spent in <state> in trapper - trapper for active checks, traps, interpercentage. It is calculated for last minute only. node and -proxy communication unreachable poller - poller for unreachable If <mode> is Zabbix process number that is not running (for example, with 5 pollers running <mode> is specified to be 6), devices such an item will turn into unsupported state. Note: You can also see these process types in a Minimum and maximum refers to the usage percentage for a single process. So if in a group of 3 pollers usage percentages server log file. per process were 2, 18 and 66, min would return 2 and max would return 66. Processes report what they are doing in shared memory and the self-monitoring process summarizes that data each second. Valid modes are: State changes (busy/idle) are registered upon change - thus a process that becomes busy registers as such and doesn't avg - average value for all processes of a given type change or update the state until it becomes idle. This ensures that even fully hung processes will be correctly registered as (default) 100% busy. count - returns number of forks for a given process C urrently, busy means not sleeping, but in the future additional states might be introduced - waiting for locks, performing type, <state> should not be specified database queries, etc. max - maximum value On Linux and most other systems, resolution is 1/100 of a second. min - minimum value <process number> - process number (between 1 and the number of pre-forked instances). For example, if 4 trappers are running, the value is between 1 and 4. Valid states are: busy - process is in busy state, for example, processing request (default). idle - process is in idle state doing nothing. Examples: zabbix[process,poller,avg,busy] - average time of poller processes spent doing something during the last minute zabbix[process,icmp pinger,max,busy] - maximum time spent doing something by any IC MP pinger process during the last minute zabbix[process,trapper,count] - amount of currently running trapper processes This item is supported starting from version 1.8.5. C haracter. Add item with this key to have Zabbix internal messages stored.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

<name> - Proxy name List of supported parameters (<param>): lastaccess timestamp of last heart beat message received from Proxy For example, zabbix[proxy,Germany,lastaccess] Trigger function fuzzytime() can be used to check availability of proxies.

Access to Proxy related information.

zabbix[queue,<from>,<to>] <from> - default: 6 seconds <to> - default: infinity Suffixes s,m,h,d,w are supported for these parameters. Parameters from and to are supported starting from version 1.8.3.

Number of server monitored items in the Queue which are delayed by <from> to <to> seconds, inclusive.

zabbix[requiredperformance] Required performance of the Zabbix server, in new values per second expected. Approximately correlates with Required server performance, new values per second in Reports Status of Zabbix. Supported since Zabbix 1.6.2.

zabbix[trends] Number of values stored in table TRENDS zabbix[trends_uint] Do not use if MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL is used! This item is supported starting from version 1.8.3. Do not use if MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL is used!

Number of values stored in table TRENDS_UINT

zabbix[triggers] Number of triggers in Zabbix database zabbix[uptime] Uptime of Zabbix server process in seconds. zabbix[wcache,<cache>,<mode>] Cache Mode all float uint values str log text not supported pfree history total used free pfree trend total used free pfree text total used free zabbix[rcache,<cache>,<mode>] Cache Mode pfree buffer total used free Number of processed not supported items. Free space in the history buffer in percentage. This item is supported starting from version 1.8.6. Low number indicates performance problems on the database side. Number of values processed by Zabbix server, except not supported. It is the best indicator of Zabbix performance.

19.9 Aggregated checks

Aggregate checks do not require any agent running on a host being monitored. Zabbix server c ollec ts aggregate information by doing direct database queries. Syntax of an aggregate item's key
groupfunc["Host group","Item key","item func","parameter"]

Supported group functions:

GROUP FUNCTION DESCRIPTION grpavg grpmax grpmin grpsum Average value Maximum value Minimum value Sum of values

Supported item functions:

ITEM FUNCTION DESCRIPTION avg count last max min Average value Number of values Last value Maximum value Minimum value


sum Sum of values

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Examples of keys for aggregate items: Example 1 Total disk space of host group 'MySQL Servers'.
grpsum["MySQL Servers","vfs.fs.size[/,total]","last","0"]

Example 2 Average processor load of host group 'MySQL Servers'.

grpavg["MySQL Servers","system.cpu.load[,avg1]","last","0"]

Example 3 Average (5min) number of queries per sec ond for host group 'MySQL Servers'
grpavg["MySQL Servers","mysql.qps","avg","300"]

19.10 External checks

External check is a check exec uted by Zabbix Server by running a shell sc ript or a binary. External checks do not require any agent running on a host being monitored. Syntax of item's key:
script[parameters] * script name of the script. * parameters list of command line parameters.

If you don't want to pass your parameters to the script you may use:
script[] or script <- this simplified syntax is supported starting from Zabbix 1.8.1

Zabbix server will find and execute the command in the directory defined in c onfiguration parameter ExternalScripts in zabbix_server.conf. The c ommand will be executed as the user Zabbix server runs as, so any access permissions or environment variables should be handled in a wrapper script, if necessary, and permissions on the command should allow that user to execute it. Only commands in the specified directory are available. This directory is located on the Zabbix server. For custom command execution using Zabbix agents see user parameter documentation. First command line parameter is host name, other parameters are substituted by parameters. Zabbix uses the standard output of the script as the value. Standard error and exit code are disc arded. Do not overuse external checks! It can dec rease performanc e of the Zabbix system a lot. Example 1 Exec ute sc ript check_orac with parameters -h Host name 'www1.c'.[-h]

Zabbix will exec ute: -h

19.11 SSH checks

Zabbix must be configured with SSH2 support. The minimal supported libssh2 library version is 1.0.0. SSH checks are used for agent-less monitoring. Note that Zabbix agent is not needed for SSH checks. Actual c ommands to be executed must be placed in the Executed script field in the item configuration. Multiple commands c an be exec uted one after another by placing them on a new line.
Key Description Comments[<unique short description>,<ip>,<port>,<encoding>] Run a command by using SSH remote session

19.12 Telnet checks

Telnet c hec ks are used for agent-less monitoring. Zabbix agent is not needed for Telnet checks. Actual c ommands to be executed must be placed in the Executed script field in the item configuration. Multiple commands c an be exec uted one after another by placing them on a new line. Till version 1.8.1, supported charac ters that the prompt c an end with: $ # > Zabbix version 1.8.2 adds support for additional character: %
Key Description Comments[<unique short description>,<ip>,<port>,<encoding>] Run a command on a remote device using telnet connection

19.13 Calculated items


Support of calculated items was introduced in Zabbix 1.8.1

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Calculated items is a very nice way of c reating virtual data sourc es. Item values will be periodic ally c alc ulated based on a arithmetical expression. Resulting data will be stored in the Zabbix database as for any other item - this means storing both history and trends values for fast graph generation. To use calculated items, choose item type Calculated. You can create any key name using supported symbols. Calc ulation definition should be entered in the Formula field (named Expression in 1.8.1 and 1.8.2). Key is a unique identifier (per host), using allowed symbols. There is virtually no c onnection between the formula and key. Key parameters are not used in formula in any way - variables may be passed to the formula with user macros. All items that are referenced from the calc ulated item formula must be c reated and c ollec ting data. A very simple formula might look like:

More complex formula may use a combination of functions, operators and brac kets. You could use all functions and operators supported in trigger expressions. Note that syntax is slightly different, however logic and operator precedenc e are exactly the same.
ARGUMENT func host:key DEFINITION One of functions supported by trigger expressions: last, min, max, avg, count, etc Is a reference to an item. It may be defined as key or hostname:key

parameter(s) Optional parameters

Supported characters for a hostname:

a..zA..Z0..9 ._-

Supported characters for a key:


Supported characters for a function: a..zA..Z0..9_ Unlike trigger expressions, Zabbix proc esses calculated items acc ording to item update interval, not upon receiving a new value. Also if you change item key of a referenc ed item, you have to update all formulas that used the old key manually. A calculated item may bec ome unsupported in several cases: 1. referenced item(s) not found 2. no data to calculate a function 3. division by zero 4. syntax errors Example 1 Calculate percentage of free disk space on '/'. Use of function last:

Zabbix will take the latest values for free and total disk spac es and calculate perc entage ac cording to the given formula. Example 2 Calculate 10 minute average number of values processed by Zabbix. Use of function avg:
avg("Zabbix Server:zabbix[wcache,values]",600)

Note that extensive use of calculated items with long time periods may affec t performance of the Zabbix Server. Example 3 Calculate total bandwidth on eth0. Sum of two func tions:

Example 4 Calculate percentage of incoming traffic . More complex expression:


4.10 User Parameters

Func tionality of Zabbix agents can be enhanced by defining user parameters (UserParameter) in agent's c onfiguration file. User parameters are commands executed by Zabbix agent. /bin/sh is used as a command line interpreter under UNIX operating systems.

4.10.1 Simple user parameters

In order to define a new parameter for monitoring, one line has to be added to c onfiguration file of Zabbix agent and the agent must be restarted. User parameter has the following syntax:


Parameter Description Key Command Unique item key. C ommand to be executed to evaluate value of the Key.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Example 1 Simple c ommand

UserParameter=ping,echo 1

The agent will always return '1' for item with key 'ping'. Example 2 More complex example,mysqladmin -uroot ping|grep alive|wc l

The agent will return '1', if MySQL server is alive, '0' - otherwise.

4.10.2 Flexible user parameters

Flexible user parameters can be used for more c ontrol and flexibility. For flexible user parameters,
UserParameter=key[*],command Parameter Description Key Command Unique item key. The [*] defines that this key accepts parameters. C ommand to be executed to evaluate value of the Key. Zabbix parses content of [] and substitutes $1,,$9 in the command. $0 will be substituted by the original command (prior to expansion of $0,,$9) to be run.

To use positional references unaltered, spec ify double dollar sign - for example, awk '{print $$2}'. Unless UnsafeUserParameters agent daemon c onfiguration option is enabled, it is not allowed to pass flexible parameters containing these symbols: \ ' ` * ? [ ] { } ~ $ ! & ; ( ) <>| #@ Command used should always return a value that is not empty (and not a newline). If non-valid value is returned, ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED will be sent back by the agent. Example 1 Something very simple
UserParameter=ping[*],echo $1

We may define unlimited number of items for monitoring all having format ping[something]. ping[0] will always return '0' ping[aaa] will always return 'aaa' Example 2 Let's add more sense![*],mysqladmin u$1 p$2 ping|grep alive|wc l

This parameter can be used for monitoring availability of MySQL database. We can pass user name and password:[zabbix,our_password]

Example 3 How many lines matc hing a regular expression in a file?

UserParameter=wc[*],grep "$2" $1|wc -l

This parameter can be used to c alc ulate number of lines in a file.

wc[/etc/passwd,root] wc[/etc/services|zabbix]

Note that Zabbix agent daemon does not support user parameters with -t or -p agent switches (used to test single item or print out a list of all supported items) until version 1.8.3. See manpage in earlier versions for more information.

12 Triggers
Trigger is defined as a logic al expression and represents system state. Trigger status (expression) is recalculated every time Zabbix server rec eives new value, if this value is part of this expression. If time based functions are used in the expression, it is recalculated every 30 seconds. Time based func tions are: nodata() date() dayofmonth() dayofweek() time()


now() The expression may have the following values:

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Normally means that something happened. For example, processor load is too high. C alled TRUE in older Zabbix versions. This is normal trigger state. C alled FALSE in older Zabbix versions. In this case, Zabbix cannot evaluate trigger expression. This may happen because of several reasons: server is unreachable trigger expression cannot be evaluated trigger expression has been recently changed


12.1 Expression for triggers

The expressions used in triggers are very flexible. You can use them to c reate c omplex logical tests regarding monitored statistics. The following operators are supported for triggers (descending priority of execution):
PRIORITY OPERATOR DEFINITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / * + < > # = & | Division Multiplication Arithmetical minus Arithmetical plus Less than More than Not equal. The operator is defined as: A#B (A<B-0.000001) | (A>B+0.000001) Is equal. The operator is defined as: A=B (A>B-0.000001) & (A<B+0.000001) Logical AND Logical OR

12.2 Trigger functions

The following func tions are supported: 1) All func tions return numeric values only. Comparison to strings is not supported, for example. 2) String arguments should be double quoted. Otherwise, they might get misinterpreted.
FUNCTION Parameter(s) Definition abschange ignored float, int, str, text, log Supported value types

Returns absolute difference between last and previous values. For strings: 0 values are equal 1 values differ avg sec or #num float, int

Average value for period of time. Parameter defines length of the period in seconds. The function accepts a second, optional parameter time_shift. It is useful when there is a need to compare the current average value with the average value time_shift seconds back. For instance, avg(3600,86400) will return the average value for an hour one day ago. Parameter time_shift is supported from Zabbix 1.8.2. change ignored float, int, str, text, log

Returns difference between last and previous values. For strings: 0 values are equal 1 values differ count sec or #num float, int, str, text, log

Number of historical values for period of time in seconds or number of last #num values matching condition. The function accepts second optional parameter pattern, third parameter operator, and fourth parameter time_shift. For example, count(600,12) will return exact number of values equal to '12' stored in the history. Integer items: exact match Float items: match within 0.00001 String, text and log items: operators like (default), eq, ne are supported Supported operators: eq equal ne not equal gt greater ge greater or equal lt less le less or equal like (textual search only) - matches if contains pattern. For example, count(600,12,gt) will return exact number of values which are more than '12' stored in the history for the last 600 seconds. Another example: count(#10,12,gt,86400) will return exact number of values which are larger than '12' stored in the history among last 10 values 24 hours ago. If there is a need to count arbitrary values, for instance, for the last 600 seconds 24 hours ago, count(600,,,86400) should be used. Parameter #num is supported from Zabbix 1.6.1. Parameter time_shift and string operators are supported from Zabbix 1.8.2. date ignored any

Returns current date in YYYYMMDD format. For example: 20031025 dayofmonth ignored any

Returns day of month in range of 1 to 31. This function is supported since Zabbix 1.8.5. dayofweek ignored any

Returns day of week in range of 1 to 7. Mon 1, Sun 7. delta sec or #num float, int

Same as max()-min(). Since Zabbix 1.8.2, the function supports a second, optional parameter time_shift. See function avg for an example of its use. diff ignored float, int, str, text, log

Returns: 1 last and previous values differ


0 otherwise fuzzytime sec

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

float, int

Returns 1 if timestamp (item value) does not differ from Zabbix server time for more than N seconds, 0 otherwise. Usually used with system.localtime to check that local time is in sync with local time of Zabbix server. iregexp 1st string, 2nd sec or #num str, log, text

This function is non case-sensitive analogue of regexp. last sec or #num float, int, str, text, log

Last (most recent) value. Parameter: sec ignored #num Nth value For example, last(0) is always equal to last(#1) last(#3) third most recent value The function also supports an optional time_shift parameter. For example, last(0,86400) will return the most recent value one day ago. Zabbix does not guarantee exact order of values if more than two values exist within one second in history. Parameter #num is supported starting from Zabbix 1.6.2. Parameter time_shift is supported starting from Zabbix 1.8.2. logeventid string log

C heck if Event ID of the last log entry matches a regular expression. Parameter defines the regular expression, POSIX style. Returns: 0 - does not match 1 matches This function is supported since Zabbix 1.8.5. logseverity ignored log

Returns log severity of the last log entry. Parameter is ignored. 0 default severity N severity (integer, useful for Windows event logs). Zabbix takes log severity from field Information of Windows event log. logsource string log

C heck if log source of the last log entry matches parameter. 0 does not match 1 matches Normally used for Windows event logs. For example, logsource(VMWare Server) max sec or #num float, int

Maximal value for period of time. Parameter defines length of the period in seconds. Since Zabbix 1.8.2, the function supports a second, optional parameter time_shift. See function avg for an example of its use. min sec or #num float, int

Minimal value for period of time. Parameter defines length of the period in seconds. Since Zabbix 1.8.2, the function supports a second, optional parameter time_shift. See function avg for an example of its use. nodata sec any

Returns: 1 if no data received during period of time in seconds. The period should not be less than 30 seconds. 0 - otherwise now ignored any

Returns number of seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC , January 1, 1970). prev ignored float, int, str, text, log

Returns previous value. Parameter is ignored. Same as last(#2) regexp 1st string, 2nd sec or #num str, log, text

C heck if last value matches regular expression. Parameter defines regular expression, POSIX style. Second optional parameter is number of seconds or number of lines to analyse. In this case more than one value will be processed. This function is case-sensitive. Returns: 1 found 0 - otherwise str 1st string, 2nd sec or #num str, log, text

Find string in last (most recent) value. Parameter defines string to find. C ase sensitive! Second optional parameter is number of seconds or number of lines to analyse. In this case more than one value will be processed. Returns: 1 found 0 otherwise strlen sec or #num str, log, text

Length of the last (most recent) value in characters (not bytes). Parameters are the same as for function last. For example, strlen(0) is equal to strlen(#1) strlen(#3) length of the third most recent value strlen(0,86400) length of the most recent value one day ago. This function is supported since Zabbix 1.8.4. sum sec or #num float, int

Sum of values for period of time. Parameter defines length of the period in seconds. Since Zabbix 1.8.2, the function supports a second, optional parameter time_shift. See function avg for an example of its use. time ignored any

Returns current time in HHMMSS format. Example: 123055

Some of the func tions cannot be used for non-numeric parameters! Most of numeric func tions ac cept number of seconds as an argument. You may also use prefix # to spec ify that argument has a different meaning:
FUNCTION CALL MEANING sum(600) sum(#5) Sum of all values within 600 seconds Sum of the last 5 values

Func tion last uses a different meaning for values, prefixed with the hash mark - it makes it c hoose n-th previous value, so given values (from most recent to least recent) 3, 7, 2, 6, 5, last(#2) would return 7 and last(#5) would return 5. The following constants are supported for triggers:
CONSTANT DEFINITION Positive float number.


<number> <number><K|M|G> Examples: 0, 1, 0.15, 123.55 K 1024*N M 1024*1024*N G 1024*1024*1024*N Examples: 2K, 4G, 0.5M

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

A simple useful expression might look like:


An argument must be given even for those functions whic h ignore it. Example: last(0)

Example 1
Processor load is too high on [http://w w]

' [http://w w w][all,avg1]' gives a short name of the monitored parameter. It spec ifies that the server is 'www.zabbix.c om [http://w w w]' and the key being monitored is 'system.cpu.load[all,avg1]'. By using the function 'last()', we are referring to the most rec ent value. Finally, '>5' means that the trigger is in the PROBLEM state whenever the most recent processor load measurement from www.zabbix.c om [http://w w w] is greater than 5.

Example 2
www.zabbix.c om [http://w w w] is overloaded

The expression is true when either the current processor load is more than 5 or the proc essor load was more than 2 during last 10 minutes.

Example 3
/etc/passwd has been changed Use of function diff:

The expression is true when the previous value of chec ksum of /etc /passwd differs from the most recent one. Similar expressions could be useful to monitor c hanges in important files, such as /etc/passwd, /etc/inetd.c onf, /kernel, etc .

Example 4
Someone is downloading a large file from the Internet Use of function min:

The expression is true when number of rec eived bytes on eth0 is more than 100 KB within last 5 minutes.

Example 5
Both nodes of clustered SMTP server are down Note use of two different hosts in one expression:

The expression is true when both SMTP servers are down on both smtp1.zabbix.c om and

Example 6
Zabbix agent needs to be upgraded Use of function str():

The expression is true if Zabbix agent has version beta8 (presumably 1.0beta8).

Example 7
Server is unreachable

The 'status' is a spec ial parameter which is calculated if and only if c orresponding host has at least one parameter for monitoring. See description of 'status' for more details.

Example 8
No heartbeats within last 3 minutes Use of function nodata():

'tic k' must have type 'Zabbix trapper'. In order to make this trigger work, item 'tick' must be defined. The host should periodic ally send data for this parameter using zabbix_sender. If no data is received within 180 sec onds, the trigger value bec omes PROBLEM.


Example 9
CPU activity at night time Use of function time():

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]


The trigger may change its status to true, only at night (00:00-06:00) time.

12.3 Trigger dependencies

Trigger dependencies can be used to define relationship between triggers. Trigger dependencies is a very convenient way of limiting number of messages to be sent in case if an event belongs to several resources. For example, a host Host is behind router Router2 and the Router2 is behind Router1.
Zabbix - Router1 Router2 - Host

If the Router1 is down, then obviously the Host and the Router2 are also unreachable. One does not want to receive three notifications about the Host, the Router1 and the Router2. This is when Trigger dependencies may be handy. In this c ase, we define these dependenc ies:
trigger 'Host is down' depends on trigger 'Router2 is down' trigger 'Router2 is down' depends on trigger 'Router1 is down'

Before c hanging status of trigger 'Host is down', Zabbix will check if there are corresponding trigger dependencies defined. If so, and one of the triggers is in PROBLEM state, then trigger status will not be changed and thus actions will not be executed and notifications will not be sent. Zabbix performs this check recursively. If Router1 or Router2 is unreac hable, the Host trigger won't be updated.

12.4 Trigger severity

Trigger severity defines how important is a trigger. Zabbix supports following trigger severities:
SEVERITY DEFINITION COLOR Gray. Light green. Light yellow. Dark red.

Not classified Unknown severity. Information Warning Average High Disaster For information purposes. Be warned. Average problem.

Something important has happened. Red. Disaster. Financial losses, etc. Bright red.

The severities are used to: visual representation of triggers. Different c olors for different severities. audio alarms in Status of Triggers sc reen. Different audio for different severities. user medias. Different media (notification c hannel) for different severities. For example, SMS high severity, email other.

12.5 Hysteresis
Sometimes a trigger must have different conditions for different states. For example, we would like to define a trigger which would bec ome PROBLEM when server room temperature is higher than 20C while it should stay in the state until temperature will not become lower than 15C. In order to do this, we define the following trigger:

Example 1
Temperature in server room is too high
({TRIGGER.VALUE}=0&{server:temp.last(0)}>20)| ({TRIGGER.VALUE}=1&{server:temp.last(0)}>15)

Note use of mac ro {TRIGGER.VALUE}. The mac ro returns c urrent trigger value.

4.13 Screens and Slide Shows

Zabbix screens allow grouping of various information for quick ac cess and display on one sc reen. Easy-to-use sc reen builder makes creation of the screens easy and intuitive. Screen is a table which may c ontain the following elements in eac h cell: simple graphs user-defined graphs maps other screens plain text information server information (overview) trigger information (overview) data overview cloc k history of events history of actions URL (data taken from other location)


Number of elements in eac h screen is unlimited.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

If graph height is set to be less than 120 pixels, any trigger is not shown in the legend. Slide Show is a set of sc reens, which will be automatically rotated acc ording to c onfigured update intervals.
PARAMETER Name Description Name of slide show.

Update interval (in sec) This parameter defines default interval between screen rotations in seconds. Slides Screen Delay List of individual slides (screens): Screen name How long the screen will be displayed, in seconds. If set to 0, Update Interval of the slide show will be used.

Example 1
Slide show Zabbix administrators The slide show consists of two screens whic h will be displayed in the following order: Zabbix Server Pause 60 seconds Zabbix Server2 Pause 30 sec onds Zabbix Server Pause 60 seconds Zabbix Server2

14 IT Services
IT Services are intended for those who want to get a high-level (business) view of monitored infrastruc ture. In many cases, we are not interested in low-level details, like lack of disk space, high processor load, etc. What we are interested is availability of servic e provided by our IT department. We can also be interested in identifying weak places of IT infrastructure, SLA of various IT services, structure of existing IT infrastructure, and many other information of higher level. Zabbix IT Services provides answers to all mentioned questions. IT Services is hierarc hy representation of monitored data. A very simple IT Service struc ture may look like:
IT Service | |-Workstations | | | |-Workstation1 | | | |-Workstation2 | |-Servers

Each node of the structure has attribute status. The status is c alculated and propagated to upper levels according to selected algorithm. Triggers create lowest level of the IT Servic es. [To be finished] Note that up to and inc luding Zabbix version 1.8.1 triggers with severities Not classified and Information do not impact SLA calc ulation.

4.15 User permissions

All Zabbix users ac cess the Zabbix applic ation through the Web-based front end. Each Zabbix user is assigned a unique login name and a password. All user passwords are encrypted and stored on the Zabbix database. Users can not use their user id and password to log directly into the UNIX server unless they have also been set up acc ordingly to UNIX. Communication between the Web Server and the user's browser can be protec ted using SSL. Acc ess permissions on screen within the menu may be set for each user. By default, no permissions are granted on a screen when user is registered to the Zabbix. Note that a user is automatically disconnec ted after 30 minutes of inac tivity.

4.15.1 Overview
Zabbix has a flexible user permission sc hema whic h c an be effic iently used to manage user permission within one Zabbix installation or in a distributed environment. Permissions are granted to user groups on a host group level. Zabbix supports several types of users. The type controls what administrative func tions a user has permission to.


03/06/2011 4.15.2 User types

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

User types are used to define ac cess to administrative func tions and to specify default permissions.
User type Zabbix User Zabbix Admin Zabbix Admin Description The user has access to Monitoring menu. The user has no access to any resources by default. Permissions to host groups must be explicitly assigned. The user has access to Monitoring and C onfiguration. The user has no access to any host groups by default. Permissions to host groups must be explicitly given.

Super The user has access to everything: Monitoring, C onfiguration and Administration. The user has Read-Write access to all host groups. Permissions cannot be revoked by denying access to specific host groups.

16 The Queue
16.1 Overview
Zabbix Queue displays items that are waiting for a refresh. The Queue is just a logical representation of data from the database. There is no IPC queue or any other queue mechanism in Zabbix. Statistic s shown by the Queue is a good indicator of performance of Zabbix server.

16.2 How to read

The Queue on a standalone application or when displayed for a master node shows items waiting for a refresh.

In this c ase, we see that we have three items of type Zabbix agent waiting to be refreshed 0-5 sec onds, and one item of type Zabbix agent (ac tive) waiting more than five minutes (perhaps the agent is down?). Note that information displayed for a child node is not up-to-date. The master node rec eives historical data with a certain delay (normally, up-to 10 seconds for inter-node data transfer), so the information is delayed.

On the screenshot we see that there are 93 items waiting more than 5 minutes for refresh on node Child, however we should not trust the information as it depends on: performance of the Child node communications between Master and Child nodes possible loc al time differenc e between Master and Child nodes A special item key zabbix[queue] can be used to monitor health of the queue by Zabbix. There's a full list of such internal items in item configuration section.

17 Utilities
17.1 Start-up scripts
The scripts are used to automatically start/stop Zabbix processes during system's start-up/shutdown. The scripts are located under directory misc/init.d.

The script is used to rec eive SNMP traps. The sc ript must be used in combination with snmptrapd, which is part of package net-snmp. Configuration guide: Install snmptrapd (part of net-snmp or ucd-snmp) Edit snmptrapd.c onf. Add this line: traphandle default /bin/bash /home/zabbix/bin/ Copy misc/snmptrap/ to ~zabbix/bin Edit to configure some basic parameters Add special host and trapper (type string) item to Zabbix. See for the item's key. Run snmptrapd



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

4.18 Regular expressions

Complex regular expressions can be c reated and tested in the Zabbix frontend by going to Administration General Regular expressions.

4.18.1 Using regular expressions

After a regular expression has been c reated, it can be used everywhere regular expressions are supported by referring to it's name, prefixed with @, for example, @myc ustomregexp.

4.18.2 Regular expression types

All regular expressions in Zabbix, whether c reated with the advanc ed editor, or entered manually, support POSIX extended regular expressions [http://en.w iki/Regular_expression#POSIX_Extended_Regular_Expressions].

4.20 Frontend definitions

While many things in the frontend c an be configured using the frontend itself, some customisations are currently only possible by editing a definitions file. Located in the frontend direc tory, this file is include/ Parameters in this file that could be of interest to users: TRIGGER_FALSE_PERIOD For how long to show triggers in OK state after their state changed from PROBLEM, in seconds. Default: 1800 TRIGGER_BLINK_PERIOD For how long a trigger should blink after its state c hanged, in seconds. Default: 1800 ZBX_PERIOD_DEFAULT Default graph period, in seconds. One hour by default. ZBX_MIN_PERIOD Minimum graph period, in seconds. One hour by default. ZBX_MAX_PERIOD Maximum graph period, in seconds. Two years by default since 1.6.7, one year before that. GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_DEFAULT Default location of Y axis in simple graphs and default value for drop down box when adding items to custom graphs. Possible values: 0 - left, 1 - right. Default: 0 ZBX_UNITS_ROUNDOFF_THRESHOLD Threshold value for roundoff constants. Values less than it will be rounded to ZBX_UNITS_ROUNDOFF_LOWER_LIMIT number of digits after c omma, greater to ZBX_UNITS_ROUNDOFF_UPPER_LIMIT. Default: 0.01 ZBX_UNITS_ROUNDOFF_UPPER_LIMIT Number of digits after c omma, when value is greater than roundoff threshold Default: 2 ZBX_UNITS_ROUNDOFF_LOWER_LIMIT Number of digits after c omma, when value is less than roundoff threshold Default: 6 ZBX_HISTORY_DATA_UPKEEP (available since 1.8.4) Number of days, whic h will reflect on frontend choic e when deciding whic h history or trends table to process for selected period on data graphing. When this define is: less than zero - zabbix takes item values for selected graph period configured in item keep in history field to make c alc ulations; equal to zero - zabbix takes item values only from trends; greater then zero - zabbix overwrites item keep in history configured value with this define; This define c ould be useful for partitioned history data storage. Default: -1 ZAPCAT_COMPATIBILITY Enables support for Zapcat Zabbix Java JMX bridge [http://w w w] item keys syntax Default: false ZAPCAT_COMPATIBILITY is only available for 1.8.4.

4.21 Suffixes
It is possible to simplify Zabbix trigger expressions or item keys by using suffixes.


4.21.1 Standard multipliers

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

The following table summarises available standard multipliers in Zabbix frontend and server:
Till_1.8.2 Additional in 1.8.2 Server K (Kilo) M (Mega) G (Giga) K (Kilo) M (Mega) G (Giga) T (Tera) T (Tera) P E Z Y (Peta) (Exa) (Zetta) (Yotta)


4.21.2 Time-related multipliers

Since Zabbix version 1.8.2 the following time-related multipliers are available: s - seconds; when used, works the same as raw value; m - minutes; h - hours; d - days w - weeks.

4.21.3 Examples
These multipliers allow to write expressions that are easier to understand and maintain, for example the following expressions: {host:zabbix[proxy,zabbix_proxy,lastaccess]}>120

c ould be changed to:

{host:zabbix[proxy,zabbix_proxy,lastaccess]}>2m {host:system.uptime.last()}<1d

5 Quick Start Guide

5.1 Login
This is Welc ome to Zabbix sc reen. When installed, use user name Admin with password zabbix to connec t as Zabbix superuser.

When logged in, you will see Connected as Admin in the lower right corner of the page and access to Configuration and Administration areas will be granted:

5.1.1 Protection against brute force attacks

In c ase of five c onsecutive failed login attempts, Zabbix interface will pause for 30 seconds in order to prevent brute forc e and dic tionary attacks. IP address of a failed login attempt will be displayed after suc cessful login.

5.2 Add user

After initial installation, Zabbix has only two users defined. User Admin is Zabbix superuser, whic h has full permissions. User guest is a spec ial default user. If an user does not log in, the user will be acc essing Zabbix with guest permissions. By default, guest has no permissions on Zabbix objec ts.

In order to add new user, navigate to Administration Users and switch to Users in the dropdown, then click Create User. In new user form, make sure to add your user to one of existing groups, for example Network administrators.

By default, new users have no media (notification method). To create one, c lick Add in the Media section.

In this popup, enter email address of the user. You can also customise severities for whic h the media will be ac tive, but leave all of them enabled for now. Click Add, then click Save in the user properties. The new user appears in the userlist.

By default, new user has no permissions. To grant user rights, c lick on the group in Groups c olumn. This opens group properties. This user will have read-only access to Linux servers group, so c lick on Add below the Read only listbox.

In the new popup, mark checkbox next to Linux servers, then c lick Select.

In user group properties, click Save. In Zabbix, all access rights are assigned to user groups. Done! You may try to log in using c redentials of the new user.

5.3 Email settings

Initially, Zabbix has several predefined notification delivery methods (media types). Email is one of those. Email configuration c an be found under Menu


Administration Media types.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Click on Email in the list of pre-defined media types.

Set correct SMTP server, SMTP helo and SMTP email values. Press Save when ready. SMTP email is used as the From address for outgoing e-mails.

Now you have media type Email defined. A media type must be linked with users, otherwise it will not be used.

5.4 Monitoring an agent-enabled host

The section provides details about monitoring a host which has Zabbix agent running. You must have the agent installed and configured properly.

5.4.1 Monitoring default Zabbix server

Open Configuration Hosts to see the list of currently defined hosts. The situation will be different depending on Zabbix version being used. If you are using Zabbix up to version 1.8.3, you will see single disabled host, Zabbix server. If you are using Zabbix appliance version 1.8.3 or later, you will see single enabled host, Zabbix server.

If the host is not monitored, clic k on Not monitored in the Status column and confirm the popup. That's it, we don't have to do anything else - if agent and server daemons are running properly, the host will be monitored from now on.

5.4.2 Monitoring a different server

Open Configuration Hosts to see the list of currently defined hosts. There will be one pre-defined host, but now we want to add another one. Click on Create host. As the minimum, host definition for our purposes should have the following defined: Host name; Host must belong to at least one hostgroup; For passive Zabbix agent monitored hosts IP address should be defined; For a quickstart, we will use one of the pre-defined templates as well. Other options will suit us with their defaults. Host name Enter a host name here. Alpha-numericals, spaces and underscores are allowed. Groups Host must belong to at least one host group. Move groups from the right hand side box to the left hand side box and the opposite until you are satisfied with the result. IP address Enter the IP address of the host. Note that Zabbix agent daemon must have Zabbix server IP address specified in its configuration file Server directive. Linked templates On the right hand side block Linked templates, clic k on the Add button, c hoose Templates in the Group dropdown, then mark c hec kbox next to Template_Linux entry (assuming the newly added host is running Linux) and clic k on Select.

When done, c lick Save. The host should be succ essfully created. Clic k on Details in the upper left corner of the resulting page - that should show you what actually happened.

Acc ording to the details, the effec t of using a template should be that this new host now has entities from Template_Linux - let's verify that. In the Group dropdown, choose one of the groups you added your new host to. That should show a high level configuration overview of this host.

5.4.3 Verifying current configuration

In this list we c an see that several items, triggers and graphs supposedly have been added to our new host. If the Z ic on in the Availability column is red, there is some error with communic ation - move your mouse c ursor over it to see the error message. If that icon is gray, no status update has happened so far. Check that Zabbix server is running, and try refreshing the page later as well. Let's make sure that this host indeed has those items. Click on Items next to it.

Looks like items have been added suc cessfully. Note the Template_Linux text in gray prefixing them, whic h indicates which template do the entities come from. What about triggers? Looking above the item list, there's a horizontal strip which allows to easily navigate between different entity categories of a host. By default, Zabbix entity lists are limited to 50 entries per page. you can modify this in your user profile.

In there, clic k on Triggers.

Great - triggers also seem to be in plac e (the above sc reenshot only shows part of the output, though). There was also something about graphs - using the host bar above the trigger list navigate to custom graph configuration.

Here we c an see that some templated custom graphs are available as well. Now it is time to see what information is available. Go to MenuLatest data and expand some category in there.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

The values are being gathered and displayed along with change information, if any. In Zabbix, for all numeric items a graph can be obtained without any configuration at all - these graphs are generated on runtime. To view such a graph, c lick on Graph link next to any item.

You c an c hange the currently displayed time period using the c ontrols above the graph. Feel free to explore other areas that display monitoring information, including: Monitoring Graphs for c ustom graphs; Monitoring Triggers for a list of currently active problems; Monitoring Dashboard for a high level overview; Monitoring Maps for network maps; Monitoring Screens for compound pages showing several elements at once. After having the basic monitoring in place, we might want to actually notify on situation changes, whic h we'll set up in the next section.

5.5 Set up notifications

We have a host or several hosts monitored. We c an see simple and c ustom graphs, as well as data for individual items. We also have problem conditions, c alled triggers, set up, and they are changing from OK to PROBLEM state and bac k as situation changes. While we c an look at the data to determine the c urrent status, it is not feasible to do so all the time - whic h means we will want to set up notifications. To do this, open Configuration Actions.

By default, there are no actions configured. To create one, c lick Create Action. In the upcoming form, enter a name for the ac tion. In the most simple case, if we don't add any c onditions, action will be used upon any trigger change from OK to PROBLEM and vice versa. We still should define what the ac tion should do - and that is done in the Action operations block. Click on New in that block, which opens new operation configuration form. Here, c hoose Single user in the Send message to dropdown, then click on Selec t. In the upc oming popup, c hoose the user we created before.

Notice how the e-mail address we specified for that user will be used here. Macros (or variables) {TRIGGER.NAME} and {STATUS}, currently visible in the Default subject and Default message fields, will be replac ed with trigger name and trigger status, respectively. Trigger status will be either PROBLEM or OK. Click Add in the Edit operation block.

We are done with the simple action c onfiguration, so click Save in the Action block. Congratulations - we are done with the simple setup of monitoring some host and sending out notifications based on problem condition definitions. If the notific ations don't work, make sure user you created has at least read permissions on the host whic h generated the event, as discussed in the Add user step. Additionally, you can check out action log by going to Administration Audit, and c hoosing Ac tions in the dropdown, located in the upper right c orner.

6 XML Import and Export

6.1 Goals
Zabbix Import/Export functionality is c reated to make possible effec tive exchange of various configuration entities. Data is exported in XML format which is easy to read and modify. Use c ases: Sharing of templates or network maps Zabbix users may share c onfiguration parameters. Integration with third-party tools Universal XML format makes integration and data import/export possible with third party tools and applications. Exporting and importing network maps is supported since Zabbix version 1.8.2.

6.2 Overview
Currently two main categories of c onfiguration are supported for export - hosts and their associated data, and network maps.

6.2.1 Host import/export

Zabbix host import/export proc esses the following data: Hosts and their linkage to templates; Templates; Applic ations; Items; Triggers; Custom graphs; User macros.

6.2.2 Map import/export

Zabbix map import/export supports the following elements sinc e version 1.8.2: Full map configuration;



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

All map elements, including images, triggers, hosts, host groups and maps; All c onnectors with associated data, inc luding labels and status indicators. Additionally, since 1.8.3 used images (ic ons and background images) are exported as well.

6.2.3 Screen import/export

Zabbix screen import/export supports all screen elements.

6.3 Host export

For Zabbix versions up to 1.8.3, host and template export is available at Configuration Export/Import. Starting with 1.8.3, import and export c ontrols are available on c orresponding c onfiguration pages (Configuration Hosts and Configuration Templates).

6.3.1 Since Zabbix 1.8.3 Step 1 Navigate either to Configuration Hosts or Configuration Templates, depending on which ones you want to export. Mark checkboxes next to elements to be exported. Step 2 Make sure that Export selected is c hosen in the ac tivity dropdown below host or template list, then click Go and save the file.

6.3.2 Up to Zabbix 1.8.3

Step 1 Select elements for export

We selected host Template_Linux and all its items and triggers. Press button Preview to see list of elements to be exported:

Step 2 Export data Press button Export to export selected elements to a loc al XML file with default name zabbix_export.xml. The file has the following format (one element of each type is shown):
<?xml version="1.0"?> <zabbix_export version="1.0" date="11.05.07" time="11.11"> <hosts> <host name="ZABBIX Server"> <useip>1</useip> <ip></ip> <port>10050</port> <status>1</status> <groups> </groups> <items> <item type="0" key="" value_type="3"> <description>Ping to the server (TCP)</description> <delay>30</delay> <history>7</history> <trends>365</trends> <snmp_port>161</snmp_port> <valuemap>Service state</valuemap> <applications> <application>General</application> </applications> </item> .... </items> <triggers> <trigger> <description>Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on {HOSTNAME}</description> <expression>{{HOSTNAME}:agent.version.diff(0)}&gt;0</expression> <priority>3</priority> </trigger> .... <graphs> <graph name="CPU Loads" width="900" height="200"> <show_work_period>1</show_work_period> <show_triggers>1</show_triggers> <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin> <yaxismax>100.0000</yaxismax> <graph_elements> <graph_element item="{HOSTNAME}:system.cpu.load[,avg15]"> <color>990000</color> <yaxisside>1</yaxisside> <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc> <periods_cnt>5</periods_cnt> </graph_element> <graph_element item="{HOSTNAME}:system.cpu.load[,avg1]"> <color>009900</color> <yaxisside>1</yaxisside> <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc> <periods_cnt>5</periods_cnt> </graph_element> <graph_element item="{HOSTNAME}:system.cpu.load[,avg5]"> <color>999900</color> <yaxisside>1</yaxisside> <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc> <periods_cnt>5</periods_cnt> </graph_element> </graph_elements>


</graph> .... </graphs> </host> .... </hosts> </zabbix_export>

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

6.4 Host import

For Zabbix versions up to 1.8.3, host and template import is available at Configuration Export/Import. Starting with 1.8.3, import and export controls are available on c orresponding c onfiguration pages (Configuration Hosts and Configuration Templates). Step 1 Configure settings for data import and press Import.

Pay attention to the following parameters of the item:

PARAMETER Description Import file Rules File name of XML file. Element defines element of XML file. If parameter Update is set for Existing element, then the import will update it with data taken from the file. Otherwise it will not update it. If parameter Add is set for Missing element, then the import will add new element with data taken from the file. Otherwise it will not add it.

Note that Zabbix versions 1.8.x place triggers before items in the export and suc h data can not be imported in Zabbix 1.6.x. If such a path is desired, items should be moved in front of the triggers.

6.5 Map export and import

Map export and import is available since Zabbix version 1.8.2. Map export and import controls can be found under Configuration Maps menu, where all configured maps are displayed.

6.5.1 Map exporting

In left bottom corner a selection box is available with two options: Export selec ted and Delete selected. To export maps: 1. Mark boxes next to maps you wish to export; 2. Select Export selected if it's not selected already; 3. Press button Go; 4. Select file where Zabbix should store XML data with exported maps.

6.5.2 Map importing

Importing maps is as easy as exporting them. On the top right corner near Create Map button, you will find new button - Import Map.

To import maps: 1. Press Import Map button. You will get to a sc reen similar to what you see when importing hosts in Configuration Export/Import (Import) menu; 2. Press on Choose file button to select XML file c ontaining exported Zabbix maps; 3. Chec k box under Update existing if you need to update (overwrite) existing maps; 4. Chec k box under Add missing if you need to c reate a new map if it's missing; 5. Press import to send needed data to Zabbix frontend; 6. Wait till page reloads. It can take some time if you have lots of maps to import or lots of hosts, triggers etc . Zabbix frontend will inform you about import suc cess or failure.

Map import dialogue Map import dialogue for Zabbix super admin, showing image importing options (available since version 1.8.3)

Click on Details link on the left hand side to see more information about what was done by import, or why it failed to import.

6.5.3 What is exported?

Only map structure is exported. That means all map settings are exported, all contained elements with their settings are exported, so are the map links and map link status indicators.

6.5.4 What is not exported?

Any maps, hostgroups, hosts, triggers, images or any others elements related to the exported map are not exported. Thus if at least one of the elements map refers to is missing, import will fail. For example, if map refers to a specific trigger on a specific node, but this trigger has been deleted in the meantime, import would fail with an error message:
Cannot find trigger "our_node5:Zabbix server:Disk is full" used in exported map "Small map".

6.5.5 Export format

An example empty map export with background image from a distributed setup node:
<sysmap> <selements> </selements> <links> </links> <name>TEST</name> <width>800</width> <height>600</height>


<backgroundid> <node>aly_trunk</node> <name>Map BG</name> </backgroundid> <label_type>2</label_type> <label_location>0</label_location> <highlight>1</highlight> <expandproblem>1</expandproblem> </sysmap>

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix] Map elements Let's take XML excerpt of some Zabbix map element as an example:
<selement> <selementid>100100000000372</selementid> <elementid> <node>noden1</node> <host>LocalHost</host> <description>DOUBLE</description> <expression>{TimeHost:system.localtime[local].last(0)}=0 &amp; {TimeHost:system.localtime[local].last(0)}=2</expression> </elementid> <elementtype>2</elementtype> <iconid_off> <node>noden1</node> <name>Hub</name> </iconid_off> <label>New Element</label> <label_location>-1</label_location> <x>231</x> <y>122</y> </selement>

<selement> is the opening tag for an element (shorthand of System map element); <selementid> is a unique element id, used for map link references; <elementid> refers to the actual Zabbix entity that is represented on the map (map/hostgroup/host etc .; <node> tag will be present if the exported map c omes from a distributed setup, skipped otherwise; <elementtype> describes what type of element info is stored in <elementid> node; When importing an XML, selementid values don't have to match any values in the existing dataset - they are only used to determine map link connec tions. Element types and storage elementtype tag in map export can be one of the following:
Value Type 0 1 2 3 4 Host Map Trigger Host group Image

Host reference DM (distributed monitoring) setup

<node>noden1</node> <host>LocalHost</host>

Single server setup


Hosts are referred to by host name. Map reference DM setup

<node>noden1</node> <name>Local map</name>

Single server setup

<name>Local map</name>

Maps are referred to by map name. Trigger reference Triggers are desc ribed in a more complex way: DM setup
<node>noden1</node> <host>LocalHost</host> <description>Lack of free memory on server {HOSTNAME}</description> <expression>{LocalHost:vm.memory.size[free].last(0)}&lt;10000</expression>

Single server setup

<host>LocalHost</host> <description>Lack of free memory on server {HOSTNAME}</description> <expression>{LocalHost:vm.memory.size[free].last(0)}&lt;10000</expression>

Trigger is referred to by host name, trigger description and trigger expression. Host group reference


DM setup
<node>noden1</node> <name>Local Host Group</name>

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Single server setup

<name>Local Host Group</name>

Host groups are referred to by host group name. Image reference For images <elementid> node can be skipped. Nodes <iconid_off>, <iconid_on>, <iconid_unknown>, <iconid_maintenance> and <iconid_disabled> desc ribes what icons should be used for the map element according to its status. For default icon, <iconid_off> is used. Inside ic on bloc k, image itself is specified: DM setup
<node>noden1</node> <name>Local Image</name>

Single server setup

<name>Local Image</name>

To use default icon for any state, node for that state should be skipped in the <selement> bloc k. Element labels <label> desc ribes map elements labels. Macros can be used in labels. <label_location> is used for positioning element's label:
Value Type -1 0 1 2 3 use map default bottom left right top Element positioning <x> and <y> nodes are used for positioning element on the map by x and y coordinates. Map links Example:
<link> <selementid1>100100000000399</selementid1> <selementid2>100100000000402</selementid2> <drawtype>0</drawtype> <color>00AA00</color> <linktriggers> </linktriggers> </link>

<selemetid1> and <selementid2> nodes are used to specify map elements that link connec ts. <drawtype> defines default link style:
Value Style 0 2 3 4 line bold line dot dashed line

<color> spec ifies what the default link colour is; <linktriggers> c ontains information about link status indic ators. Example:

<linktrigger> <triggerid> <node>aly_trunk</node> <host>Symmetra PX40 Clone2</host> <description>APC: Input Current (PHASE L3)</description> <expression>{Symmetra PX40 Clone2:upsPhaseInputCurrent.L3.last(0)}&lt;15 | {Symmetra PX40 Clone2:upsPhaseInputCurrent.L3.last(0)}&gt;18</expression </triggerid> <drawtype>0</drawtype> <color>0</color> </linktrigger>

<triggerid> describes trigger used for indicating link status. Linked trigger referenced the same as map element trigger; <drawtype> and <color> are used to indicate how link should be drawn on the map if this trigger has the highest severity from all the ac tive triggers that are attached to this link. Images Image import/export is supported since Zabbix version 1.8.3. It is possible to export and import used images alongside maps. If exported map is using any images, they are stored in the resulting XML file. An example of how an exported image might look like:


<image> <name>Server (small)</name> <imagetype>1</imagetype> <encodedImage>iVBORw0KGgoAA...ErkJggg==</encodedImage> </image> </images>

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Value for the <encodedImage> tag is truncated in the above example. Used tags: <images> - root element for images <image> - individual image element <name> - image name, unique <imagetype> - image type, where 1 icon, 2 bac kground <enc odedImage> - base64 enc oded image When importing, missing images c an be added and existing images can be overwritten by marking appropriate c hec kboxes. Image importing is only available to users of Zabbix Super Admin type. Warning: if replacing an existing image, it will affec t all maps that are using this image. It is possible to import images only by unchecking both map c hec kboxes.

6.6 Screen export and import

Screen export and import is available since Zabbix version 1.8.2. Screen export and import c ontrols can be found under Configuration Screens menu, where all c onfigured screens are displayed.

6.6.1 Screen exporting

In left bottom corner a selection box is available with two options: Export selec ted and Delete selected.

To export screens: 1. Mark checkboxes next to screens you wish to export; 2. Select Export selected if it's not selected already; 3. Press button Go; 4. Select file where Zabbix should store XML data with exported screens.

6.6.2 Screen importing

Importing screens is as easy as exporting them. On the top right corner near Create Screen button, you will find new button - Import Screen.

To import screens: 1. Press Import Sc reen button. File selection along with options to control import is shown; 2. Click the button to select XML file containing exported Zabbix sc reens; 3. Chec k box under Update existing if you need to update (overwrite) existing sc reens; 4. Chec k box under Add missing if you need to c reate new screen if it's missing; 5. Press import to send needed data to the Zabbix frontend; 6. Wait till page reloads. It c an take some time if you have lots of sc reens to import or lots their elements. Zabbix frontend will inform you about import success or failure. Click on Details link in the left upper c orner to see more detailed information about what has been done by import, or why it failed to import.

Screen import form

6.6.3 Exported data

Only sc reen structure is exported. That includes all screen settings are and all sc reen elements along with their configuration.

6.6.4 Not exported data

Anything included in the screen itself (like a host, hostgroup or any other data) is not exported. When importing a screen, if any of the referenced elements is missing, import will fail, for example, with:
Cannot find trigger "child_node5: ZBXHost:DOUBLE CHECK" used in exported screen "Link Screen"

6.6.5 XML format - screen definition

Screen export consists of screen definition itself and any additional elements.
<screens> <screen> <name>Screen name</name> <hsize>1</hsize> <vsize>2</vsize> <screenitems> <screenitem></screenitem> ... <screenitem></screenitem> </screenitems> </screen> </screens>

name - screen name; hsize - rows; vsize - c olumns;


screenitem - individual screen items, described below.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

6.6.6 XML format - screen elements

Available screen elements and their IDs.
Resource type Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Graph Simple graph Map Plain text Hosts info Triggers info Server info C lock Screen Triggers overview Data overview URL History of actions History of events Status of hostgroup triggers System status Status of host triggers

6.6.7 XML format - available element tags

Bold text - mandatory tag for all elements; Normal text - tag available for all elements; Italic text - tag optionally available for some elements (see below for details). <resourcetype> - identifies element type, as per the table above; <resourceid> - identifies resource, if applicable; depends of resource type; <width> - element's width in pixels, if applic able; <height> - element's height in pixels, if applicable; <x> - element loc ation on screen table by X axis (cell of the upper left c orner); <y> - element loc ation on screen table by Y axis (cell of the upper left c orner); <colspan> - if higher than 1, sets c ount of c olumns to merge (to the right); <rowspan> - if higher than 1, sets count of rows to merge (down); <elements> - amount of rows to show, if applicable; <valign> - vertic al align: 0 - middle, 1 - top, 2 - bottom; <halign> - horizontal align: 0 - centre, 1 - left, 2 - right; <style> - meaning depends on resourc e type; <dynamic> - allows to apply the element to different hostgroups and/or hosts, if applicable. If <resourc eid> refers to an object by name, it can have subtags. If data is exported from a distributed setup installation, node will always be identified by name:
<node>Zabbix node</node>

For example, Simple graph <resourceid> entry from a non-distributed setup would look like this:
<resourceid> <host>Zabbix server</host> <key_>system.cpu.load</key_> </resourceid>

In a distributed setup, it becomes:

<resourceid> <node>Zabbix node</node> <host>Zabbix server</host> <key_>system.cpu.load</key_> </resourceid>

Individual objec t referenc es are listed at each element.

6.6.8 XML format - individual screen element details, A-Z

Each individual element must have mandatory tags from the previous sec tion and may have tags that are available for all elements. If there are additional tags available for the specific element, they are listed here. Cloc k Resource type 7. Additional tags: <width>; <height>; <style> - Local time (0), Server time (1). Data overview Resource type 10. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Host group (by name); <width>; <height>. Available <resourceid> c ontents:


<name>Linux servers</name>

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix] Graph Resource type 0. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Graph (by name); <dynamic >. Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<host>Zabbix host</host> <name>Graph name</name> History of actions Resource type 12. Additional tags: <elements> - amount of rows to show. History of events Resource type 13. Additional tags: <elements> - amount of rows to show. Hosts info Resource type 4. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Host group (by name). Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<name>Linux servers</name> Map Resource type 2. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Zabbix map (by name). Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<name>City map</name> Plain text Resource type 3. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Item (by key); <elements> - number of rows to show; <style> - if set, HTML c ode will rendered for in item data that contains strings; <dynamic >. Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<host>Zabbix server</host> <key_>system.cpu.load</key_> Screen Resource type 8. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Screen (by name); Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<name>Application servers screen</name> Server info Resource type 6. No additional tags available. Simple graph Resource type 1. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Item (by key); <dynamic >. Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<host>Zabbix server</host> <key_>system.cpu.load</key_> Status of host triggers Resource type 16. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Host (by name); <elements> - number of rows to show. Available <resourceid> c ontents:



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix] Status of hostgroup triggers Resource type 14. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Host group (by name); <elements> - number of rows to show. Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<name>aaa</name> System status Resource type 15. No additional tags available. Triggers info Resource type 5. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Host group (by name); Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<name>aaa</name> Triggers overview Resource type 9. Additional tags: <resourc eid> - Host group (by name); Available <resourceid> c ontents:
<name>aaa</name> URL Resource type 11. Additional tags: <url> - fully qualified or relative URL.

6.6.9 XML export example

The following is a simple sc reen (22), exported to XML. It contains one custom graph in upper left cell (spanning two columns), one simple graph in the lower left cell and trigger status element, filtered for a hostgroup, in the lower right c ell. Notice the encoding of & as &amp;.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <screens> <screen> <name>Excellent screen</name> <hsize>2</hsize> <vsize>2</vsize> <screenitems> <screenitem> <resourcetype>0</resourcetype> <resourceid> <host>Zabbix server</host> <name>CPU Load &amp; traffic</name> </resourceid> <width>1000</width> <height>100</height> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <colspan>2</colspan> <rowspan>0</rowspan> <elements>0</elements> <valign>0</valign> <halign>0</halign> <style>0</style> <dynamic>0</dynamic> </screenitem> <screenitem> <resourcetype>1</resourcetype> <resourceid> <host>Zabbix server</host> <key_>zabbix[uptime]</key_> </resourceid> <width>500</width> <height>90</height> <x>0</x> <y>1</y> <colspan>0</colspan> <rowspan>0</rowspan> <elements>0</elements> <valign>0</valign> <halign>0</halign> <style>0</style> <dynamic>0</dynamic> </screenitem> <screenitem> <resourcetype>14</resourcetype> <resourceid> <name>Linux servers</name> </resourceid> <width>500</width> <height>100</height> <x>1</x> <y>1</y> <colspan>0</colspan> <rowspan>0</rowspan> <elements>25</elements>


<valign>0</valign> <halign>0</halign> <style>0</style> <dynamic>0</dynamic> </screenitem> </screenitems> </screen> </screens>

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

7 Tutorials
This sec tion contains step-by-step instruc tions for most common tasks.

7.1 Extending Zabbix Agents

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions how to extend functionality of Zabbix agent. Step 1 Write a sc ript or c ommand line to retrieve required parameter. For example, we may write the following command in order to get total number of queries executed by a MySQL server:
mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f4 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"S"

When exec uted, the command returns total number of SQL queries. Step 2 Add this c ommand to agent's c onfiguration file. Add the command to zabbix_agentd.conf:
UserParameter=mysql.questions,mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f4 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"S"

mysql.questions is an unique identifier. It can be any string, for example, queries. Test this parameter by using zabbix_get utility. Step 3 Restart Zabbix agent. Agent will reload c onfiguration file. Step 4 Add new item for monitoring. Add new item with Key=mysql.questions to the monitored host. Type of the item must be either Zabbix Agent or Zabbix Agent (active). Be aware that type of returned values must be set correc tly on Zabbix server. Otherwise Zabbix won't ac cept them.

7.2 Monitoring of log files

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions how to setup monitoring of log files. It is assumed that a host is configured already in ZABBIX frontend. Step 1 Configure Zabbix agent. Follow standard instructions in order to install and c onfigure agent on monitored host. Make sure that parameter Hostname matc hes host name of the host c onfigured in Zabbix frontend. Also make sure that parameter DisableAc tive is not set in zabbix_agentd.c onf Step 2 Add a new item for monitoring of a log file. Pay attention to the following parameters of the item:
PARAMETER Description Type Key Must be set to ZABBIX Agent (active). Must be set to log[file<,regexp>]. For example: log[/var/log/syslog], log[/var/log/syslog,error]. Make sure that the file has read permissions for user zabbix otherwise the item status will be set to unsupported. Zabbix agent will filter entries of log file by the regexp if present.

Type of Must be set to log. information Update interval sec) (in The parameter defines how often ZABBIX Agent will check for any changes in the log file. Normally must be set to 1 second in order to get new records as soon as possible.

7.3 Remote commands

This tutorial provides step-by-step instruc tions on how to setup remote exec ution of pre-defined commands in case on an event. It is assumed that Zabbix is c onfigured and operational. Step 1 On Zabbix agent, enable remote commands. In zabbix_agentd.c onf make sure that parameter EnableRemoteCommands is set to 1 and unc ommented. Restart agent daemon if changing this parameter.


Step 2

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Configure new ac tion by going to Configuration Actions and in the New action block choose operation type Remote command. Pay attention to the following parameters of the action:
PARAMETER Action type Description Must be set to 'Remote command'.

Remote command Each line must contain an command for remote execution. For example: host:sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart. Remote command may contain macros!

Note the use of sudo - Zabbix user does not have permissions to restart system services by default. See below for hints on how to configure sudo. Syntax of remote c ommands:

{HOSTNAME}:<command> C ommand 'command' will be executed on the host where the event happened. <host>:<command> <group>#<command> C ommand 'command' will be executed on host 'host'. C ommand 'command' will be executed on all hosts of host group 'group'.

Zabbix agent exec utes c ommands in background. Zabbix does not c hec k if a command has been executed successfully. Remote c ommands in Zabbix < 1.4 are limited to 44 characters, in Zabbix >= 1.4 they are limited to 255 c harac ters. Syntax of IPMI remote commands:
REMOTE COMMAND {HOSTNAME}:IPMI [value] <ipmi Description control> The syntax is for execution of IPMI command on the host where the event happened. Supported values: on, off or number (1, by default). The syntax is for execution of IPMI command on a single host. The syntax is for execution of IPMI command for all hosts of a host group.

<host>:IPMI <ipmi control> [value] <group>#IPMI <ipmi control> [value]

Acc ess permissions Make sure that user 'zabbix' has exec ute permissions for configured commands. One may be interested in using sudo to give acc ess to privileged commands. To configure ac cess, exec ute as root:
# visudo

Example lines that c ould be used in sudoers file:

# allows 'zabbix' user to run all commands without password. zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL # allows 'zabbix' user to restart apache without password. zabbix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/apache restart

On some systems sudoers file will prevent non-local users from executing c ommands. To c hange this, comment out requiretty option in /etc/sudoers. Example 1 Restart of Windows on c ertain condition. In order to automatically restart Windows in case of a problem detected by Zabbix, define the following ac tions:
PARAMETER Action type Remote command Description 'Remote command' host:c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe r f Replace 'host' with Zabbix hostname of Windows server.

Example 2 Restart the host by using IPMI control.

PARAMETER Action type Description 'Remote command'

Remote command {HOSTNAME}:IPMI reset on

Example 3 Power off the host by using IPMI control.

PARAMETER Action type Description 'Remote command'

Remote command {HOSTNAME}:IPMI power off

7.4 Monitoring of Windows Services

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions how to setup monitoring of Windows services. It is assumed that ZABBIX server and ZABBIX agent are c onfigured and operational. Step 1 Get servic e name You can get that name by going to the services mmc and bring up the properties of the service you want to monitor it's up/down status. In the General tab you should see a field called Service name. The value that follows that you put in the brackets above. For example, if I wanted to monitor the workstation service then my service would be lanmanworkstation. Step 2 Add item for monitoring of the service Add item with a key servic e_state[lanmanworkstation], value type Integer, value mapping Windows service state.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

9 WEB Monitoring
9.1 Goals
Zabbix WEB Monitoring support is developed with the following goals: Performance monitoring of WEB applic ations Availability monitoring of WEB applic ations Support of HTTP and HTTPS Support of complex sc enarios c onsisting of many steps (HTTP requests)

9.2 Overview
Zabbix provides effec tive and very flexible WEB monitoring functionality. The module periodically executes WEB scenarios and keeps collected data in the database. The data is automatic ally used for graphs, triggers and notific ations. The following information is c ollec ted per each step of WEB scenario: Response time Download speed per second Response c ode Zabbix also checks if a retrieved HTML page contains a pre-defined string. Zabbix WEB monitoring supports both HTTP and HTTPS. When running a web scenario, Zabbix always follows redirec ts. To use HTTP proxy, set environment variable http_proxy for Zabbix server user. For example, http_proxy=http://proxy_ip:proxy_port.

9.3 WEB Scenario

Scenario is set of HTTP requests (steps), which will be periodic ally executed by Zabbix server. Normally a scenario is defined for one partic ular part of functionality of a WEB application. Scenarios are very convenient way of monitoring user experienc e. WEB Scenario is linked to a host applic ation for grouping. WEB Scenario is periodically executed and consists of one or more Steps. All cookies are preserved during exec ution of a single sc enario. Example 1 Monitoring of Zabbix GUI If we want to monitor availability and performance of Zabbix GUI, we have to login, check how quickly Overview and Status of Triggers screens work and then logout. The scenario may have the following steps: 1. Login 2. Go to Overview screen 3. Go to Status of Triggers screen 4. Logout If a step cannot be performed, exec ution of scenario fails.
Parameter Application Description WEB scenario will be linked to this application. The application must exist. For example: Zabbix Server Name of the WEB scenario. The name will appear in Monitoring Web For example: Zabbix GUI How often this scenario will be executed, in seconds. For example: 60 Zabbix will pretend to be the selected browser. Useful for monitoring of WEB sites which generate different content for different WEB browsers. For example: Opera 9.02 on Linux Active: active scenario, it will be executed Disabled: disabled scenario, it will NOT be executed List of macros to be used in configuration of the steps. Syntax: {macro}=value The macro {macro} will be replaced by variable in Step's URL and Post variables. For example: {user}=guest {password}=guest Steps of the scenario.


Update interval Agent Status



As soon as a scenario is created, Zabbix automatically adds the following items for monitoring and links them to the selected application. Actual sc enario name will be used instead of Sc enario.
Item Description

This item will collect information about download speed (bytes per second) of the whole scenario, i.e. average for all steps. Download speed for scenario 'Scenario' Item key:[Scenario,,bps] Type: float Failed step of scenario 'Scenario' This item keeps number of failed step of the scenario. If all steps are executed successfully, 0 is returned. Item key:[Scenario] Type: integer

Web monitoring items are added with 30 day history retention and 90 day trend retention periods. These items can be used to create triggers and define notification conditions. Example 1 Trigger WEB scenario failed


The trigger expression can be defined as:

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Do not forget to replace the Scenario with real name of your scenario. Example 2 Trigger WEB application is slow The trigger expression can be defined as:

Do not forget to replace the Scenario with real name of your scenario.

9.4 WEB Step

Step is basic ally a HTTP request. Steps are exec uted in a pre-defined order.
Parameter Description Name URL Name of the step. For example: Login URL For example: [http://www.zabbix .com ] HTTP POST variables, if any. For example: id=2345&userid={user} If {user} is defined as a macro of the WEB scenario, it will be replaced by its value when the step is executed. The information will be sent as is. Do not spend more than Timeout seconds for execution of the step. Actually this parameter defines maximum time for making connection to the URL and maximum time for performing an HTTP request. Therefore, Zabbix will not spend more than 2 x Timeout seconds on the step. For example: 15 The string (given as POSIX regular expression) must exist in retrieved content. Otherwise this step fails. If empty, any content will be accepted. For example: Homepage of Zabbix List of HTTP status codes to be considered as success. If retrieved status code is not in the list, this step fails. If empty, any status code is accepted. For example: 200,210




Status codes

As soon as a step is created, Zabbix automatically adds the following items for monitoring and links them to the selected application. Actual scenario and step names will be used instead of Sc enario and Step respectively.
Item Download speed for step 'Step' of scenario 'Scenario' Description This item will collect information about download speed (bytes per second) of the step. Item key:[Scenario,Step,bps] Type: float This item will collect information about response time of the step in seconds. Response time is counted from the beginning of the request until all information has been transferred. Item key: web.test.time[Scenario,Step] Type: float This item will collect response codes of the step. Item key: web.test.rspcode[Scenario,Step] Type: integer

Response time for step 'Step' of scenario 'Scenario'

Response code for step 'Step' of scenario 'Scenario'

Web monitoring items are added with 30 day history retention and 90 day trend retention periods. These items can be used to create triggers and define notification conditions. Example 1 Trigger Zabbix GUI login is too slow The trigger expression can be defined as:
{zabbix: web.test.time[ZABBIX GUI,Login]}.last(0)>3

9.5 Real life scenario

Let's use Zabbix Web Monitoring for monitoring of Zabbix Web interfac e. We want to know if it is available, provides right content and how quickly it works. First we login with our user name and password. Step 1 Add new host applic ation. This step is not required if you already have a suitable application. You may also want to create a host if one does not exist. Open Configuration Hosts, then c lick on Applications next to the host you want to use for web monitoring. In the application sec tion, c lick Create applic ation.

Step 2 Add new Web scenario. We will add a new sc enario for monitoring of Zabbix Web interface. The scenario will exec ute number of steps. Navigate to Configuration Web, selec t a host, then c lick Create sc enario button. Click on Selec t next to the Application field and choose the applic ation we just c reated.

Note that we also created two macros, {user} and {password}. Step 3 Define steps for the sc enario.


Web scenario step 1

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Click on Add button in the Steps sec tion to add individual steps.

We start by c hec king that the first page responds correctly, returns with HTTP response code 200 and contains text SIA Zabbix.

When done configuring the step, c lick Add. Web scenario step 2 We continue by logging in the Zabbix frontend, and we do so by reusing the macros (variables) we defined on the scenario level, {user} and {password}.

Note that Zabbix frontend uses JavaSc ript redirect when logging in, thus first we must log in, and only further steps may check for logged-in features. Additionally, login step must use full URL to index.php file. All the post variables must be on a single line and concatenated with & symbol. Example string for logging into Zabbix frontend:

If using the macros as in this example, login string bec omes:


Web scenario step 3 Being logged in, we should now verify the fact. To do so, we check for a string that is only visible when logged in - for example, Profile link appears in the upper right c orner.

Web scenario step 4 Now that we have verified that frontend is acc essible, we can log in and retrieve logged-in c ontent, we should also log out - otherwise Zabbix database will become polluted with lots and lots of open session rec ords.

Final step configuration The final web sc enario step configuration should look like this:

Step 4 Save the finished web monitoring scenario.

The list of applic ations and linked sc enarios will appear in Monitoring Web:

Click on the sc enario name to see more detailed statistics:

10 Log File Monitoring

10.1 Overview
Zabbix can be used for c entralized monitoring and analysis of log files with/without log rotation support. Notifications can be used to warn users when a log file c ontains certain strings or string patterns.

10.2 How it works

Monitoring of log files requires Zabbix Agent running on a host. An item used for monitoring of a log file must have type Zabbix Agent (Ac tive), its value type must be Log and key set to log[file,<pattern>,<enc oding>,<max lines>] or logrt[path to log file with filename format,<pattern>,<encoding>,<max lines>]. For example:
log["/home/user/file.log","pattern_to_match","UTF-8",100] or logrt["/home/user/filelog_.*_[0-9]{1,3}","pattern_to_match","UTF-8",100]

The last one will c ollec t data from files such filelog_abc _1 or filelog__001. Important notes: The server and agent keep a trace of the monitored log's size and last modific ation time (for logrt) in two counters. The agent starts reading the log file from the point it stopped the previous time. The number of bytes already analyzed (the size counter) and the last modific ation time (the time counter) are stored in the Zabbix database and are sent to the agent, to make sure it starts reading the log file from this point. Whenever the log file bec omes smaller than the log size counter known by the agent, the counter is reset to zero and the agent starts reading the log file from the beginning taking the time counter into account. All files matching the filename format in the provided directory are analyzed every cyc le the agent tries to get the next line from the log (for logrt). If there are several matc hing files with the same last modification time in the direc tory, then the agent will read lexicographically the smallest one. Zabbix Agent processes new records of a log file onc e per Refresh period sec onds. Zabbix Agent does not send more than maxlines of a log file per sec ond. The limit prevents overloading of network and CPU resources and overrides the default value provided for MaxLinesPerSecond parameter in the configuration file of the agent. Spec ial note for \ path separators: if file_format is file\.log, then there should not be direc tory file, since it is not possible to unambiguously define whether . is escaped or is the first symbol of the file name.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

11 Discovery
11.1 Goals
There are several goals of Zabbix network discovery module: Simplify deployment Network disc overy can be used to signific antly simplify and speed up Zabbix deployment. It also makes possible creation of user friendly appliances. Simplify administration Properly configured network discovery c an simplify administration of Zabbix system a lot. Support of changing environments Network disc overy makes possible use of Zabbix in rapidly changing environments with no excessive administration.

11.2 Overview
Zabbix provides effective and very flexible network discovery func tionality. Zabbix network discovery is based on the following information: IP ranges Availability of external servic es (FTP, SSH, WEB, POP3, IMAP, TCP, etc ) Information received from Zabbix agent Information received from SNMP agent It does NOT provide: Disc overy of network topology Every service and host (IP) checked by Zabbix network discovery module generates events whic h may be used to create rules for the following actions: Generating user notifications Adding and removing hosts Enabling and disabling hosts Adding hosts to a group Removing hosts from a group Linking hosts to a template Unlinking hosts from a template Executing remote sc ripts The actions c an be configured to respect host or service uptime and downtime. If Zabbix server is compiled with IPv6 support and fping6 utility is missing, ICMP checks will fail for IPv4 devices as well. Only since Zabbix 1.8.2 IPv4 addresses are still processed by loc ated fping.

11.3 How it works

Network disc overy basically consists of two phases: Disc overy and Actions. First, we discover a host or a service, and generate discovery event or several events. Then we proc ess the events and apply c ertain ac tions depending of type of discovered device, IP, its status, up/down time, etc.

11.3.1 Discovery
Zabbix periodically scans IP ranges defined in network discovery rules. Frequency of the check is configurable for eac h rule individually. Each rule defines set of service checks to be performed for IP range. Events generated by network discovery module have Event Source Discovery. Zabbix generates the following events:
Event Service Up Service Down Host Up Host Down When generated Every time Zabbix detects active service. Every time Zabbix cannot detect service. If at least one of the services is UP for the IP. If all services are not responding.

Service Discovered If the service is back after downtime or discovered for the first time. Service Lost Host Discovered Host Lost If the service is lost after being up. If host is back after downtime or discovered for the first time. If host is lost after being up.

11.3.2 Actions
For a description of all conditions available for network discovery based events see action conditions. For a description of all operations available for network discovery based events see operations.

11.4 Network discovery rule

Network disc overy rule is a rule used by Zabbix to discover hosts and servic es.


Parameters of network disc overy rule:
Parameter Name Description

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Name of the rule. For example, Local network. Range of IP addresses for discovery. It may have the following formats: Single IP: Range of IP addresses: IP mask: List:,,, This parameter defines how often Zabbix should execute this rule. Zabbix will use this list of checks for discovery of hosts and services. List of supported checks: SSH, LDAP, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, POP, NNTP, IMAP, TC P, ZABBIX Agent, SNMPv1 Agent, SNMPv2 Agent, SNMPv3 Agent Parameter Ports may be one of following: Single port: 22 Range of ports: 22-45 List: 22-45,55,60-70

IP range

Delay (in sec)


Uniqueness criteria may be: Device uniqueness criteria IP address (no processing multiple-IP devices) One of discovery check of the rule. Will be based either on a SNMP or Zabbix Agent check. Status Active the rule is active and will be execute by Zabbix server Disabled the rule is not active. It won't be executed.

11.5 Real life scenario

Suppose we would like to setup network discovery for local network having IP range of In our scenario we want to: discover only hosts having Zabbix Agent running run disc overy every 10 minutes add host for monitoring if host uptime is more than 1 hour remove hosts if host downtime is more than 24 hours use Template_Windows for Windows hosts use Template_Linux for Linux hosts add Linux hosts to group Linux servers add Windows hosts to group Windows servers Step 1 Define network discovery rule for our IP range.

Zabbix will try to discover hosts in IP range of by connecting to Zabbix Agents and getting value from system.uname key. A value rec eived from an agent can be used to apply different actions for different operating systems. For example, link Windows boxes to Windows_Template, Linux boxes to Linux_Template. The rule will be executed every 10 minutes (600 seconds). When the rule is added, Zabbix will automatic ally start disc overy and generation of Disc overy based events for further processing. Step 2 Define an action for adding newly disc overed Linux servers.

The action will be activated if: servic e Zabbix Agent is Up value of system.uname (Zabbix Agent's key we used in rule definition) c ontains Linux Uptime is more than 1 hour (3600 sec onds) The action will execute the following operations: adds newly disc overed host to group Linux servers (also adds host if wasn't added previously) links host to template Template_Linux. Zabbix will automatic ally start monitoring of the host using items and triggers from Template_Linux. Step 3 Define an action for adding newly disc overed Windows servers.

Step 4 Define an action for removing lost servers.

A server will be removed if service Zabbix Agent is Down for more than 24 hours (86400 seconds).

12 Advanced SNMP Monitoring

12.1 Special OIDs
Some of the most used SNMP OIDs are translated automatically to a numeric representation by Zabbix. For example, ifIndex is translated to, ifIndex.0 is translated to The table contains list of the spec ial OIDs.
Special OID ifIndex ifDescr ifType Identifier Description A unique value for each interface. A textual string containing information about the interface.This string should include the name of the manufacturer, the product name and the version of the hardware interface. The type of interface, distinguished according to the physical/link protocol(s) immediately 'below' the network layer in the protocol stack.


ifMtu ifSpeed ifPhysAddress ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInNUcastPkts ifInDiscards ifInErrors

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

The size of the largest datagram which can be sent / received on the interface, specified in octets. An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits per second. The interface's address at the protocol layer immediately `below' the network layer in the protocol stack. The current administrative state of the interface. The current operational state of the interface. The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. The number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol. The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork- broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol. The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

ifInUnknownProtos The number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts ifOutNUcastPkts ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors ifOutQLen The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. The length of the output packet queue (in packets).

12.2 Use of dynamic indexes

Dynamic indexes are supported since Zabbix version 1.5. A special syntax for item OID c an be used in order to deal with dynamic data (random IDs of network interfaces, etc ). The syntax: <base OID of data>["index","<base OID of index>","<string to search for>"] For example, to get the ifInOctets value for the GigabitEthernet0/1 interface on a Cisco device, use the following OID:
ifInOctets["index","ifDescr","GigabitEthernet0/1"] Parameter base OID of data index base OID of index Description Base OID to use for data retrieval. Method of processing. C urrently one method is supported index search for index and append it to the base OID The OID will be used to make a lookup for the string.

string to search for The string is used for exact match with a value when doing lookup. C ase sentitive.

Another example, getting memory usage of apache process:

HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem["index","HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath", "/usr/sbin/apache2"] ... HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.5376 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.5377 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.5388 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPath.5389 ... = = = = STRING: STRING: STRING: STRING: "/sbin/getty" "/sbin/getty" "/usr/sbin/apache2" "/sbin/sshd"

Now we have index, 5388. The index will be appended to the Data OID in order to receive value we are interested in:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem.5376 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem.5377 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem.5388 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem.5389 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem.5390 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem.5391 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunPerfMem.5392 = = = = = = = INTEGER: INTEGER: INTEGER: INTEGER: INTEGER: INTEGER: INTEGER: 528 KBytes 528 KBytes 31468 KBytes 31740 KBytes 32116 KBytes 30420 KBytes 32560 Kbytes

Dynamic indexes are cac hed since Zabbix version 1.6.3. Using dynamic indexes leads to more SNMP queries in Zabbix versions up to 1.7. Dynamic index lookup and data retrieval is performed in single connec tion sinc e Zabbix version 1.7.

13 Monitoring of IPMI devices

13.1 Goals
There are several goals of Zabbix IPMI monitoring: Monitoring of health and availability of IPMI devic es Remote IPMI based management func tions Remote restart, shutdown, halt, and other c ommands can be executed either automatically or manually from Zabbix front-end.

13.2 IPMI parameters

Zabbix IPMI monitoring works only for devices having IPMI support (HP iLO, Sun hardware, etc ). In order to use IPMI monitoring, a host must be c onfigured to proc ess IPMI c ommands. IPMI agent's IP address, port number, user name and password must be configured properly. See c onfiguration of hosts for more details.


13.3 IPMI actions
Two types of ac tions can be defined: automatic ac tions, whic h are executed automatically

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

IPMI scripts, can be executed manually from Zabbix GUI See c orresponding sections of the Manual for more details.

14 Use of Proxies
Zabbix Proxies may greatly simplify maintenance of Zabbix environment and inc rease performance of the central Zabbix server. Also, use of Zabbix Proxies is the easiest way of implementing centralized and distributed monitoring, when all Agents and Proxies report to one Zabbix server and all data is collected centrally.

1 Why use Proxy?

Zabbix Proxy c an be used for many purposes: Offload Zabbix Server when monitoring thousands of devic es Monitor remote loc ations Monitor locations having unreliable communic ations Simplify maintenance of distributed monitoring

2 Proxy v.s. Node

When making a choic e between use of a Proxy or a Node, several considerations must be taken into account.
Lightweight GUI Node No Works Easy Automatic independently maintenance creation No Yes No Yes DB Local Ready for embedded One way administration hardware connections Yes No No Yes Yes Yes TCP Centralised configuration No Yes Generates notifications Yes No

Yes Yes No Yes

Proxy Yes

3 Configuration
3.1 Managing proxies
Zabbix proxy management sc reen can be acc essed by opening Administration DM and choosing Proxies from the dropdown in the upper right corner. Proxies can be created and deleted here. Each proxy also has last time listed when it c ontacted the server (either to send in new data or because of the heartbeat connection). Opening proxy properties also allows to select which hosts should be monitored by that proxy. Zabbix proxy must use a separate database. Pointing it at the Zabbix server database will break the c onfiguration.

3.2 Monitoring a host by a proxy

Every host can be monitored either by Zabbix Server or by Zabbix Proxy. This is configured in host definition sc reen:

If a host is c onfigured to be monitored by a Proxy, the Proxy will perform gathering of performanc e and availability data for the host. The data will be collected by the Proxy and sent to Zabbix Server for further processing.

15 Distributed Monitoring
Zabbix c an be configured to support hierarchical distributed monitoring.

15.1 Goals
There are several goals of the distributed monitoring: Get control of whole monitoring from a single or several locations Zabbix administrator may control c onfiguration of all Nodes from a single Zabbix WEB front-end. Hierarc hical monitoring This is for monitoring of c omplex multi-level environments. Monitor large c omplex environments This is espec ially useful when monitoring several geographic al locations. Offload the overhead from busy Zabbix server Monitoring thousands of hosts using single Zabbix server? This may be for you!

15.2 Overview



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Zabbix provides effective and reliable way of monitoring distributed IT infrastruc ture. Configuration of the whole distributed setup can be done from a single loc ation via common WEB interface. Zabbix supports up-to 1000 (one thousand) Nodes in a distributed setup. Each Node is responsible for monitoring of its own Location. Node can be c onfigured either locally or by its Master node whic h has a c opy of configuration data of all Child Nodes. Configuration of Child Nodes can be done in off line mode, i.e. when there are no connec tivity between Master and Child Node. Hierarchical distributed monitoring allows having tree-like struc ture of Nodes. Each Node reports to its Master Node only. All Nodes may work even in c ase of c ommunication problems. Historical information and events are stored locally. When communic ation is back, Child Nodes will optionally send the data to Master Node. New Nodes c an be attac hed to and detached from the Zabbix distributed setup without any loss of functionality of the setup. No restart of any Node required. Each Node has its own c onfiguration and works as a normal Zabbix Server.

15.3 Configuration
15.3.1 Configuration of Nodes
Node configuration is performed in Administration DM sec tion.

Parameters of a Node:
Parameter Name Id Type Time zone IP Port Description Unique node name. Unique Node ID. Local Local node Remote Remote node Time zone of the Node. Zabbix automatically converts time stamps to local timezone when transferring time related data across nodes. Node IP address. Zabbix trapper must be listening on this IP address. Node Port number. Zabbix trapper must be listening on this port number. Default is 10051.

Do not keep history older than (in days) For non local historical data only. Zabbix won't keep history of the node longer than N days. Do not keep trends older than (in days) For non local trend data only. Zabbix won't keep trends of the node longer than N days.

15.3.2 Simple configuration

Our simple configuration consists of a Central Node and a Child Node. Central Node will have total control over configuration of Child Node. Child Node will report to c entral node events, history and trends. Central Node will have NodeID=1, while Child Node's NodeID=2. Central Node IP: Child Node IP: For Central Node Step 1 Install Zabbix. Follow standard installation instruc tions to create database, install Zabbix frontend and binaries. Step 2 Setup NodeID in server c onfiguration file. In file zabbix_server.c onf:

Step 3 Convert database data. Zabbix server has to be exec uted to convert unique IDs for use by first node.
cd bin ./zabbix_server -n 1 -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf Converting tables .................................................................. done. Conversion completed.

This should be executed only onc e. This option is not required to start Zabbix server! Running Zabbix server with the -n option does not start the server process. Step 4 Configure Node parameters.

Step 5 Add child node.

Step 6 Start Master Node. We should see NodeID in startup messages of server log file:
31754:20070629:150342 server #16 started [Node watcher. Node ID:1]

For Child Node Step 1 Install Zabbix. Follow standard installation instruc tions to create database, install Zabbix frontend and binaries. Step 2 Setup NodeID in server c onfiguration file. In file zabbix_server.c onf:


Step 3 Convert database data.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Zabbix server has to covert all IDs to unique ones for the sec ond node.
cd bin ./zabbix_server -n 2 -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf Converting tables .................................................................. done. Conversion completed.

This should be executed only once. This option is not required to start Zabbix server! Step 4 Configure Node parameters.

Step 5 Add master node.

Step 6 Start Child Node. We should see NodeID in startup messages of server log file:
27524:20070629:150622 server #9 started [Node watcher. Node ID:2]

Does it work? Selection of active nodes will appear automatically after nodes are defined:

Add host for monitoring for Child Node node and see events c oming to Master Node:

15.3.3 More complex setup

The setup c onsists of seven Nodes. Each Node may be c onfigured either locally (using local WEB interface) or from one of its Master Nodes.

In this example, Riga (node 4) will collect events from all child nodes. It may also optionally c ollec t historic al information as well.

15.4 Platform independence

A node may use its own platform (OS, hardware) and database engine independently of other nodes. Also c hild nodes can be installed without Zabbix frontend. It may be practical to use less powerful hardware with Zabbix server running SQLite or MySQL MyISAM while nodes of higher levels may use combination of a better hardware with MySQL InnoDB, Oracle or PostgreSQL bac kend.

15.5 Configuration of a single Node

Every Node in distributed environment must be properly configured to have a unique Node ID. Additional steps Step 1 Follow standard installation procedure. Follow standard installation procedure but do not start Zabbix Server. Zabbix front end must be installed and configured. Zabbix database must be created and populated with data from data.sql. Step 2 Configure zabbix_server.c onf. Add NodeID to Zabbix Server c onfiguration file. NodeID must be a unique Node ID. Step 3 Configure Master and Child Nodes. Use Zabbix Frontend to configure details of Nodes having direct communic ation with the Node. Make sure that all IP addresses and port numbers are correct. Step 4 Start Zabbix Node. Start Zabbix Server:
shell> ./zabbix_server

If everything was configured properly, Zabbix node will automatically start configuration and data exchange with all nodes in distributed setup. You may see the following messages in server log file:
... 11656:20061129:171614 NODE 2: Sending data of node 2 to node 1 datalen 3522738 11656:20061129:171614 NODE 2: Sending data of node 2 to node 1 datalen 20624 ...

15.6 Switching between nodes

When c onnecting to a node in distributed setup, a list of available c hild nodes is ac cessible in right-upper corner of the GUI. It displays current node. All information available in the GUI belongs to the selected node.


03/06/2011 15.7 Data flow

15.7.1 Child to Master

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Each Child Node periodically sends configuration c hanges, historical data and events to its Master Node.
Data Frequency

Configuration changes Every 120 seconds. Events History Every 10 seconds. Every 10 seconds.

Child Node will resend data in case of communication problems. Trends are calc ulated locally based on received historical data. Zabbix does not send operational data across the nodes. For example, item-related information (last c hec k, last value, etc ) exists only locally. Sending of Events and History can be controlled by configuration parameters NodeNoEvents and NodeNoHistory.

15.7.2 Master to Child

Each Master Node (a node with at least one child) periodically sends configuration changes to Child Nodes either directly or via other Child Nodes directly c onnected to the Master Node.
Data Frequency

Configuration changes Every 120 seconds.

Zabbix does not send configuration of a Master Node to Childs.

15.7.3 Firewall settings

Inter-node communications use TCP protocol only.
Data flow Source port Destination port 10051

Child to Master Any

This is default port used by Zabbix trapper process.

15.8 Performance considerations

Any node requires more proc essing resourc es in a distributed setup. Master Node must be powerful enough to process and store not only local data but also data rec eived from its all Child Nodes. Network communic ations must be also fast enough for timely transfer of new data.

16 Maintenance mode for Zabbix GUI

Zabbix GUI c an be temporarily disabled in order to prohibit access to the front-end. This can be useful for protection of Zabbix database from any changes initiated by users, thus protecting integrity of database. Zabbix database c an be stopped while Zabbix GUI is in the maintenanc e mode.

16.1 Goals
There are several goals of the maintenance mode: Protect Zabbix database from any changes initiated by users Perform database maintenance Inform users about reason of the maintenance work Users from a range of IP addresses will be able to work with the GUI during the maintenance mode normally Automatic return to normal mode when maintenanc e is over

16.2 Configuration
In order to enable maintenanc e mode, file c onf/maintenance.conf.php must be modified to uncomment the following lines:
// Maintenance mode define('ZBX_DENY_GUI_ACCESS',1); // IP range, who allowed to connect to FrontEnd $ZBX_GUI_ACCESS_IP_RANGE = array(''); // MSG showed on Warning screen! $_REQUEST['warning_msg'] = 'Zabbix is under maintenance.'; Parameter ZBX_DENY_GUI_ACCESS Details Enable maintenance mode: 1 maintenance mode is enabled, disabled otherwise

C onnections from these IP addresses will be allowed with no maintenance mode. ZBX_GUI_ACCESS_IP_RANGE For example: warning_msg Informative message.

16.3 How it looks like

The following sc reen will be displayed while in maintenanc e mode. The screen is refreshed every 30 seconds in order to return to normal state withiout user intervention when maintenanc e is over.



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

17 WEB Interface
There are several useful features of ZABBIX WEB interface: almost all sc reens support full-sc reen mode Ctrl + Mouse clic k make possible selection of multiple list elements (hosts, items, triggers, etc) sound alarm can be switched on and off in Status of Triggers view a new theme c an be created to matc h your preferences or a c ompany color sc hema

17.1 Creating your own theme

By default, Zabbix provides number of predefined themes. You may follow this step-by-step procedure in order to c reate your own. Feel free to share result of your work with Zabbix community if you c reated something nic e. Step 1 Create your own CSS file. The file c an be based on existing CSS files coming with Zabbix. For example, you may take Black&Blue CSS file from styles/c ss_bb.css and create new c ss_new.css. Step 2 Place the new CSS file into c orrect location. The file you c reated, c ss_new.css, into directory styles/. Step 3 Edit inc lude/ Open this file for editing, searc h for css_bb.css. There are two pieces of code that have to be amended. Original c ode:
$cmbTheme = new CComboBox('theme',$theme); $cmbTheme->AddItem(ZBX_DEFAULT_CSS,S_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); $cmbTheme->AddItem('css_ob.css',S_ORIGINAL_BLUE); $cmbTheme->AddItem('css_bb.css',S_BLACK_AND_BLUE);

Modified c ode:
$cmbTheme = new CComboBox('theme',$theme); $cmbTheme->AddItem(ZBX_DEFAULT_CSS,S_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); $cmbTheme->AddItem('css_ob.css',S_ORIGINAL_BLUE); $cmbTheme->AddItem('css_bb.css',S_BLACK_AND_BLUE); $cmbTheme->AddItem('css_new.css','MY_COOL_THEME');

Note that original themes use constants, but the new example uses string (enclosed in apostrophes). You should not omit apostrophes, as that will result in warnings. If you want your theme name to be translatable, you must add the c onstant used for name in loc ale files - in that case make sure to prefix it with S_. Step 4 You should also add your new theme to the config.php file:

Step 5 Activate new theme. In Zabbix GUI, you may either set this theme to be a default one or c hange your theme in user profile. Enjoy new look and feel!

2 Configuration
2.1 WEB
The screen can be used to manage monitoring of WEB sc enarios. 2.1.1 List of WEB sc enarios It provides list of ac tive WEB scenarios.

Displayed data:
Parameter Name Description Unique name of a WEB scenario.

Number of steps Number of individual steps (HTTP requests) the scenario consists of. Update interval Status Frequency of execution of the WEB scenario. Status of the scenario: Active the scenario is active Disabled the scenario is disabled. Note that disabled scenarios are not displayed by default.

2.1.2 WEB scenarios configuration



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

The screen is used to define parameters of an individual WEB scenario.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Application Name Description Host application the scenario is linked to. Unique name of the WEB scenario.

Update interval (in sec) Frequency of execution of the WEB scenario. Agent C lient agent string. Zabbix will pretend that it is Firefox, MS Explorer or any other application. Useful when WEB site returns different content for different browsers. Status of the scenario: Active the scenario is active Disabled the scenario is disabled. Note that disabled scenarios are not displayed by default. List of variables (macros) that can be used in scenario steps (URL and Post variables). It has the following format: {macro1}=value1 {macro2}=value2 For example: username=Alexei password=kj3h5kJ34bd The macros can be referenced as {username} and {password}. Zabbix will automatically replace them with actual values. List of steps executed by the scenario: Name step name Timeout timeout URL location to connect to Required required string Status step status




2.1.3 WEB step c onfiguration The screen is used to define parameters of each individual step of the WEB scenario.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Name URL Post Timeout Required Description Unique step name. URL to connect and retrieve data. For example: [http://www.zabbix .com ] [https://www.go ogle .com ] List of POST variables. GET variables can be passed in the URL parameter. Zabbix will not spend more than Timeout second on processing the URL. Required string. Retrieved content (HTML) must contain this string, otherwise the step will fail. If empty, no check is performed.

List of expected HTTP codes. If Zabbix gets a code which is not in the list, the step will fail. Status codes If empty, no check is performed. For example: 200,201,210-299

2.2 Hosts
2.2.1 Hosts The screen is used to manage host related information. List of Hosts The screen provides a list of monitored hosts.

Displayed data:
Parameter Name DNS IP Port Templates Status Description Unique host name. Host DNS name if used. Host IP address if used. Zabbix Agent port number. It is ignored by Zabbix if no agent used. List of templates linked to the host. Host Status: Monitored Host is active and being monitored Disabled Host disabled

Agent (Zabbix, SNMP) availability: Availability Available agent is up and running Unknown agent is not available Error Any errors related to use of agent based checks.

Host mass-update screen The screen is ac cessible by selecting hosts and clic king on button Mass update. It is a very effective way of c hanging attributes for a number of hosts.

Host configuration The screen give ac cess to host details.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Name Groups New group DNS name IP address Connect to Description Unique host name. List of host groups the host belongs to. New group can be created and linked to the host. Ignored, if empty. Optional host DNS name. Optional host IP address. Zabbix server will use this setting to retrieve data from agents: DNS name C onnect to host DNS name IP address C onnect to host IP (recommended)


Port Monitored by proxy

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Zabbix agent TC P port number. Default value is 10050. The host can be monitored either by Zabbix Server or one of Proxies: (no proxy) host is monitored by Zabbix Server Proxy name host is monitored by Proxy Proxy name Host status: Monitored Host is active, ready to be monitored Not monitored Host is not active, thus not monitored Link host with one or more templates. Information about items, triggers and graphs will be inherited from the templates. Unlink unlink from template, but preserve information about items, triggers and graphs Unlink and clear unlink from template and remove all information inherited from the template Enable IPMI management functionality for this host. IP address of IPMI management device. Port number of the IPMI device. Keep default setting here, User. User name for authentication. Password for authentication. Enable or disable use of Host profile.


Link with template Use IPMI IPMI IP address IPMI port IPMI privilege level IPMI username IPMI password Use profile

Use extended profile Enable or disable use of extended Host profile.

In the host and template properties there are also buttons Clone and Full c lone. Clone will add to the Zabbix configuration new host or template preserving host configuration parameters including template linkage (thus also all templated item, trigger, graphs and application information from those templates). Full clone in addition to this will also clone directly attached items, triggers, graphs and applic ations. 2.2.2 Templates The screen is used to manage host templates. List of Templates The screen provides list of templates.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Name Template name.

Templates List of hosts linked to this template.

Template configuration The screen give ac cess to template details.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Name Groups New group Link with template Description Unique template name. List of host groups the template belongs to. New group can be created and linked to the template. Ignored, if empty. Link template with one or more templates. Information about items, triggers and graphs will be inherited from the templates.

2.2.3 Proxies The screen is used to manage proxies. List of Proxies The screen provides list of proxies.

Displayed data:
Parameter Name Description Unique Proxy name.

Last seen (age) Last time we received a heart beat message or data from the Proxy. Members List of hosts monitored by this Proxy.

Proxy configuration The screen gives ac cess to proxy details.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description

Proxy name Unique Proxy name. Hosts List of hosts monitored by this Proxy.

2.2.4 Host groups The screen is used to manage host groups. List of Host Groups. The screen provides list of host groups.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Name # Host Group name. Number of group members (hosts).


Members List of host group members.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Host group configuration The screen provides acc ess to host group details.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description

Group name Unique host group name. Hosts List of hosts, members of the group.

2.2.5 Template linkage The screen is used to manage host template linkage. List of Templates The screen provides list of template and linked hosts.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Templates Host template name. Hosts List of hosts linked to the template.

Template linkage The screen give ac cess to management of host template linkage.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description Template Hosts Template name. List of hosts linked to the template.

2.2.6 Applications The screen is used to manage applications. List of Applications The screen provides list of applications.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description

Application Application name. Show Link to host items, also displays number of items (members of the application).

Configuration of application The screen give ac cess to management of applic ations.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description Name Hosts Application name. Must be unique within one host. Host name the application is linked to.

2.3 Items
2.3.1 Items The screen is used to manage item related information. List of Items The screen provides list of items linked to a host.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Key Description Item description (name). Unique item key.

Update interval Frequency of the check. History Trends Type Status Applications Error Number of days Zabbix keeps detailed historical data. Number of days Zabbix keeps trends data. Item type. Item status. List of applications the item belongs to. Any errors related to this item.

Item mass-update screen The screen is ac cessible by selecting items and clic king on button Mass update. It is very effec tive way of changing attributes of a number of items.

Click on a parameter you would like to c hange, enter new value and press Save.


Copy selected to

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

The screen makes possible copy of a selec ted item to a number of hosts.

Select hosts you would like to copy items and press Copy. Item configuration The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a single item.

Item attributes:
Parameter Description Item description. It may contain this macros: $1,$2,$9 - first, second, ninth parameter of item key For example: Free disk space on $1 If item key is vfs.fs.size[/,free], the description will be automatically changed to Free disk space on / Item type. See sections below for detailed description of each type. Item key. The key must be unique within a single host. The key value must be supported by an agent or Zabbix server, if key type is Zabbix Agent, Zabbix Agent (active), Simple check, or Zabbix aggregate. Type of data as stored in the database after performing conversions, if any. Numeric (unsigned) 64bit unsigned integer Numeric (float) floating point number Character character (string) data limited to 255 bytes Log log file. Must be set for keys log[]. Text text of unlimited size The data type is used for integer items in order to specify expected data type. Decimal data in decimal format Octal data in octal format Hexadecimal data in hexadecimal format Zabbix will automatically perform conversion to numeric. This is supported starting from version 1.8. If set, Zabbix will add prefix if required and the unit postfix to all received values. Till Zabbix 1.8.2, default multiplier is 1024, and some units have special processing: b, bps - 1000 is 1K, special processing for bits. Since Zabbix 1.8.2, default multiplier is 1000, and special processing is used for units B, where multiplier is 1024. For example, if units are set to B, Zabbix will display: 1 as 1B 1024 as 1KB 1536 as 1.5KB unixtime translated to hh:mm:ss uptime translated to hh:mm:ss or N days, hh:mm:dd, parameter is treated as number of seconds since 01/01/1970. s translated to yyymmmdddhhhmmmsss, parameter is treated as number of seconds. Only 3 upper major units are shown, like 1m3w5d or 2h4m46s. If there are no weeks to display, only two levels are displayed - 1m5d (no hours, minutes or seconds are shown). Pre-process received values. Do not use - do not pre-process received values Custom multiplier multiply received values by value defined in C ustom multiplier Use this option to convert values received in KB, MBps, etc into B, Bps. Otherwise Zabbix cannot correctly set prefixes (K, M, G etc). Multiply all received value by this integer or floating-point value.


Type Key

Type of information

Data type


Use multiplier

Custom multiplier Update interval (in sec)

Refresh this item every N seconds. List of exceptions for Update Interval. For example: 10 sec, 1-5,09:00-18:00 refresh set to 10 seconds for working hours. Otherwise default update interval will be used. If multiple flexible intervals overlap, the smallest Delay value is used for the overlapping period. Period format: dd-dd,hh:mm-hh:mm;dd-dd,hh:mm-hh-mm For example, 1-5,09:00-18:00;6-7,10:00-12:00 1 - Monday, ,7 - Sunday Keep detailed history for N days in the database. Older data will be removed by Housekeeper. Keep aggregated (hourly min, max, avg, count) detailed history for N days in the database. Older data will be removed by Housekeeper. Active - active (normal) status. Zabbix will process this item. Disabled item is disabled. This item will not be processed. Not supported item is not supported by Zabbix or SNMP agent. This item will not be processed, however Zabbix may try to periodically set status of such items to Active if configured. As is no pre-processing Delta (speed per second) evaluate value as (value-prev_value)/(time-prev_time), where value current value value_prev previously received value time current timestamp prev_time timestamp of previous value This setting is extremely useful to get speed per second based on constantly growing value. Delta (simple change) evaluate as (value-prev_value), where value current value value_prev previously received value Apply value mapping to this item. Value mapping does not change received values, it is for displaying data only. It works with integer items only. For example, Windows service states.

Flexible intervals

Keep history (in days) Keep trends (in days)


Store value

Show value

Log format

Available for items of type Log only. Supported placeholders: * y: Year (0001-9999) * M: Month (01-12) * d: Day (01-31) * h: Hour (00-23) * m: Minute (00-59) time * s: Second (00-59) Leaving this field blank means don't try to parse the timestamp. For example, consider the following line from Zabbix agent log file: 23480:20100328:154718.045 Zabbix Agent started. Zabbix 1.8.2 (revision 11211). It begins with six character positions for PID, then follow date, time, and the rest of the line. Log time format for this line would be pppppp:yyyyMMdd:hhmmss. Note that p and : chars are just placeholders and can be anything other than yMdhms. Link item to one or more applications.


Until version 1.8.1 Zabbix supports the following unit prefixes: K (Kilo); M (Mega); G (Giga); T (Tera);


Since version 1.8.2, additionally supported prefixes inc lude: P (Peta); E (Exa); Z (Zetta); Y (Yotta); See more details about items in other sec tions of the Manual. Unit blacklist

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

By default, spec ifying a unit for an item will result in multiplier prefix being added - for example, value 2048 with unit B would be displayed as 2KB. For a predefined, hardcoded list of units this is prevented: ms RPM rpm % Note that both lowercase and uppercase rpm (rpm and RPM) strings are blac klisted.

2.4 Triggers
2.4.1 Triggers The screen is used to manage triggers. List of Triggers The screen provides list of triggers linked to a host.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Severity Status Name C oloured trigger severity. Trigger status. Note that Disabled triggers are hidden by default. Trigger name.

Expression Trigger expression.

Trigger mass-update screen The screen is ac cessible by selecting triggers and c licking on button Mass update. It is very effective way of c hanging attributes of a number of triggers.

Click on a parameter you would like to c hange, enter new value and press Save. Copy selected to The screen makes possible copy of a selec ted trigger to a number of hosts.

Select hosts you would like to copy items and press Copy. Trigger configuration The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a single trigger.

Trigger attributes:
Parameter Name Expression The trigger depends on New dependency Event generation Severity Comments URL Disabled Description Trigger name. The name may contain macros. Logical expression used for calculation of trigger state. List of triggers the trigger depends on. Add new dependency. Normal events are generated normally, on trigger status change Normal + Multiple PROBLEM events (Multiple TRUE events in 1.8.2 and before) events are also generated on every PROBLEM evaluation of the trigger Trigger severity. Text field used to provide more information about this trigger. May contain instructions for fixing specific problem, contact detail of responsible staff, etc. If not empty, the URL is used in the screen 'Status of Triggers'. Trigger can be disabled if required.

See also more information about triggers.

2.5 Actions
2.5.1 Ac tions The screen is used to manage actions. List of Actions The screen provides list of actions.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Name Action name.

Conditions List of conditions for this action. Operations List of operations for execution.


Status Status of the action.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Action configuration The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a single action.

More configuration options are available if escalation is enabled:

See more details about configuration of ac tions, conditions and operations in other sections of the Manual.

2.6 Graphs
2.6.1 Graphs Graph configuration section allows to manage custom graphs. Since Zabbix 1.8, it is acc essible by navigating to Configuration Hosts or Configuration Templates and clicking on corresponding Graphs link. List of Graphs This screen provides list of configured c ustom graphs.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Name Width Height Graph name. Graph width in pixels. Graph height in pixels.

Graph type: Normal Graph type Stacked Pie Exploded

Graph configuration This screen provides ac cess to configuration of a single custom graph. It c an be acc essed by c licking on the graph name in graph c onfiguration list.

Graph attributes:
Parameter Name Width Height Description Unique graph name. Graph width in pixels. Graph height in pixels. Graph type: Normal normal graph, values displayed as lines. Stacked stacked graph. Pie pie graphs. Exploded exploded pie graph. If selected, non-working hours will be shown with gray background. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs. If selected, simple triggers will be displayed as red lines. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs. Display percentile for left Y axis. Normally used for displaying 95% percentile. Only available for normal graphs.

Graph type

Show working time Show triggers Percentile line (Left)

Percentile line (Right) Display percentile for right Y axis. Normally used for displaying 95% percentile. Only available for normal graphs. Type of Y axis: Calculated Y axis value will be automatically calculated Calculated [min=0] Y min value is set to 0, maximum value will be automatically calculated. Fixed fixed min and max value for Y axis. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs. Type of Y axis: Calculated Y axis value will be automatically calculated Calculated [min=0] Y min value is set to 0, maximum value will be automatically calculated. Fixed fixed min and max value for Y axis. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs. Enable 3D style. For pie and exploded pie graphs only. Display legend. For pie and exploded pie graphs only. List of graph elements (items) to be displayed for this graph.

Y axis MIN value

Y axis MAX value

3D view Legend Items

Graph element:

Attributes of a graph element:

Parameter Parameter Type Description Selection of host item, which will be displayed. Type (only available for normal graphs): Simple Aggregated What values will be displayed when more than one value exists for a single pixel (X-coordinate): all all (minimum, average and maximum) min minimum only avg average only max maximum only Draw style (only available for normal graphs; for stacked graphs filled region is always used): Line draw lines Filled region draw filled region Bold line draw bold lines Dot draw dots Dashed line draw dashed line RGB colour in HEX notation.


Draw style

Colour Aggregated periods count Y axis side Sort order (0100)

Which Y axis side the element is assigned to. Draw order, 0 will be processed first.

Below the graph preview is displayed. Note that it will not show any data for template items.


2.7 Screens
2.7.1 Sc reens The screen is used to manage screens. List of Screens The screen provides list of screens.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Parameter Name

Description Screen name.

Dimension (cols x rows) Screen size, number of columns and rows.

Screen configuration (high-level) The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a single screen.

Screen high-level attributes:

Parameter Description Name Columns Rows Unique screen name. Number of columns in the screen. Number of rows in the screen.

Screen configuration (screen elements) The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a single screen giving ac cess to configuration of all elements.

Click on a screen element (cell) to c hange what information should be displayed in the screen cell.

Screen high-level attributes:

Parameter Description Information displayed in the cell: Clock digital or analog clock displaying current server or local time Data overview latest data for a group of hosts Graph single custom graph History of actions history of recent actions History of events latest events Hosts info high level host related information Map single map Plain text plain text data Screen screen (one screen may contain other screens inside) Server info server high-level information Simple graph single simple graph Triggers info high level trigger related information Triggers overview - status of triggers for a host group URL include content from an external resource Possible values: Center Left Right Possible values: Middle Top Bottom Extend cell to a number of columns, same way as HTML column spanning works. Extend cell to a number of rows, same way as HTML row spanning works.


Horizontal align

Vertical align

Column span Row span

2.8 Maps
2.8.1 Maps The screen is used to manage user-defined maps. List of Maps The screen provides list of maps.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Name Width Height Map name Map width in pixels. Map height in pixels.

Map configuration (high-level) The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a user-defined sc reen.

Map high-level attributes:

Parameter Name Width Height Background image Description Unique map name. Map width in pixels. Map height in pixels. Use background image: No image no background image (white background) Image selected image to be used as a background image. No scaling is performed. Map elements will receive highlighting. If element has an active trigger, round background will be used, having same colour as the highest severity trigger. If element status is disabled or in maintenance, square background will be used. This option is available since Zabbix 1.8.

Icon highlighting


Mark elements on trigger status change Expand single problem

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Elements that have a trigger status recently changed will be highlighted with markers. This option is available since Zabbix 1.8.3. If a map element (host, host group or another map) has a single problem, this option controls whether problem (trigger) name is printed, or problem count. If marked, problem name is used. This option is available since Zabbix 1.8.1. For upgrades from previous installations it is enabled by default on all maps. Label type used for all map icons: Label icon label only IP address IP address only Element name element name (for example, host name) Status only status only (OK or PROBLEM) Nothing - no icon labels are displayed Display icon label on: Bottom bottom (under the icon) Left left side Right right side Top top of the icon

Icon label type

Icon label location

Map configuration (configuration of map elements) List of links:

Configuration of map element The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a single map element.

Map element attributes:

Parameter Description Type of the element: Host icon representing status of all triggers of the selected host Map icon representing status of all elements of a map Trigger icon representing status of a single trigger Host group icon representing status of all triggers of all hosts belonging to Image an icon, not linked to any resource Icon label, any string. Macros and multi-line string can be used in labels starting from version 1.8 Label location: Default Map's default label location Bottom bottom (under the icon) Left left side Right right side Top top of the icon Status of triggers for the selected host will be used. Status of all elements for the selected map will be used. Status of the selected trigger will be used. Status of all triggers for the selected host group will be used. Icon to be used when no problem exists.



Label location

Host Map Trigger Host group Icon (ok)

Icon (problem) Icon to be used in case of problems (one or more). Icon (unknown) Icon to be used if the selected host is in an unknown state. Icon (disabled) Icon to be used if the selected host is disabled. Coordinate X Coordinate Y URL X coordinate for the map element. Y coordinate for the map element. If set, the URL will be used when a user clicks on the screen element.

Configuration of a link The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a link.

Map link attributes:

Parameter Label Element 1 Element 2 Description Label that will be rendered on top of the link. You can use macros here. First element that link connects. Second element that link connects.

Link status indicators List of triggers linked to the link. In case if a trigger has status PROBLEM, its style is applied to the link. Default link style: Line single line Bold line bold line Dot dots Dashed line dashed line Default link colour.

Type (OK)

Colour (OK)

2.9 IT Services
2.9.1 IT Services The screen is used to manage IT Servic es. List of IT Services The screen provides list of IT Servic es.

Displayed data:
Parameter Service Description Service name.

Status calculation How the service updates its status. Trigger Linked to a trigger: none no linkage trigger name linked to the trigger, thus depends on the trigger status

IT Service configuration


The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of IT services.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

IT Service attributes:
Parameter Name Parent service Depends on Description Service name. Parent service. For reference only, it cannot be changed. List of child services the service depends on. How to calculate status of the service: Do not calculate do not calculate service status Problem, if it least one child has a problem consider problem if at least one child service has a problem Problem, if all children have problems consider problem if all children have problems Select to display SLA data. SLA percentage for this service. It is used for reporting. By default, all service operates 24x7x365. Add new service times to make exceptions. Service times: One-time downtime a single downtime. Service state within this period does not affect SLA. Uptime service uptime Downtime Service state within this period does not affect SLA. Services of the lowest level must be linked to triggers. Display sort order, lowest comes first.

Status calculation algorithm

Calculate SLA Acceptable SLA (in %) Service times

New service time

Link to trigger Sort order

2.10 Discovery
2.10.1 Disc overy The screen is used to manage discovery rules. List of discovery rules The screen provides list of discovery rules.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Name IP range Delay Checks Status Name of discovery rule. Range of IP addresses affected by the discovery rule. Frequency in seconds. List of checks executed by the discovery rule. Status of the discovery rule: Active the rule is active Disabled the rule is disabled

Discovery rule configuration The screen provides acc ess to c onfiguration of a discovery rule.

Discovery rule attributes:

Parameter Name Description Unique name of the discovery rule.

Who performs discovery: Discovery by proxy (no proxy) Zabbix Server is doing discovery proxy name This proxy performs discovery Range of IP addresses for discovery. Format: Single IP: Range of IP addresses: List:,, This parameter defines how often Zabbix should execute this rule in seconds. List of supported checks: SSH, LDAP, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, POP, NNTP, IMAP, TC P, Zabbix Agent, SNMPv1 Agent, SNMPv2 Agent, SNMPv3 Agent SLA percentage for this service. It is used for reporting. This parameter may be one of following: Single port: 22 Range of ports: 22-45 List: 22-45,55,60-70 Status of the discovery rule: Active the rule is active Disabled the rule is disabled

IP range

Delay (seconds) Checks New check



2.11 Export/Import
2.11.1 Export The screen is used to export hosts, items, triggers and graphs. Export The screen provides list of hosts and their elements for export.

Select elements you would like to export, then press Preview or Export. Displayed data:
Parameter Description Name DNS IP Port Status Host name. Host DNS name. IP address of Zabbix agent. Zabbix agent port number. Host status.

Templates Select to export template related information.


Items Triggers Graphs Select to export host items. Select to export host triggers. Select to export host graphs.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Preview page:

2.11.2 Import The screen is used to perform XML import of host related data.

Discovery rule attributes:

Parameter Description Import file XML file to import. Set of rules for each type of element: Existing what to do if element already exists Missing what do to if element is missing Possible actions: Update update existing element Add add element Skip do not process new data


Press Import to import selec ted file.

3 Administration
3.1 General
3.1.1 GUI This sec tion allows to set Zabbix frontend related defaults.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Default theme Dropdown first entry Search/Filter elements limit Description Default theme for users who have not set a specific one in their profiles Whether first entry in element selection dropdowns should be all or none. Maximum amount of elements that will be available as search or filter results.

Max count of elements to show inside table cell For entries that are displayed in a single table cell, no more than configured here will be shown. Event acknowledges Show events not older (Days) Max count of events per trigger to show This parameter defines if event acknowledges are activated in Zabbix interface. This parameter defines for how many days event are displayed in Status of Triggers screen. Default is 7 days. Maximum number of event to show for each trigger in Status of Triggers screen. Default is 100.

3.1.2 Housekeeper The Housekeeper is a periodical process which is executed by Zabbix Server. The process removes outdated information and information deleted by user.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description

Do not keep actions older than (in This parameter defines how many days of executed actions (emails, jabber, SMS, etc) history Zabbix will keep in the database. Older actions days) will be removed. Do not keep events older than (in This parameter defines how many days of events history Zabbix will keep in the database. Older events will be removed. days)

3.1.3 Images List of images

Image definition Zabbix images are stored in the database. There are two types of images: Icon Background

Ic ons are used in for displaying System Map elements. Backgrounds are used as bac kground images of System Maps. Image attributes:
Parameter Description Name Type Upload Unique name of an image. Either Icon or Background Name of local file (PNG, JPEG) to be uploaded to Zabbix

Note that you may upload image of any size, however images bigger than 1.5MB may not be displayed in maps. Increase value of max_memory_size in php.ini if you have this problem. 3.1.4 Regular expressions This sec tion allows to create custom regular expressions for reusing elsewhere in Zabbix. A c ustom regular expression may c onsist of multiple subexpressions, and it can be tested in this section by providing a test string. Results show status of eac h subexpression and total custom expression status.

3.1.5 Value mapping



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Value maps are used to c reate a mapping between numeric values and string representations. Value mappings are used for representation of data in both Zabbix front-end and information sent by email/jabber/SMS/whatever. For example, an item which has value '0' or '1' can use value mapping to represent the values in a human readable form: '0' 'Not Available' '1' 'Available' Value mapping can be used only for items having type Unsigned integer. Value mapping definition

Parameters of a value mapping:

Parameter Name Mapping Description Unique name of set of value mappings. Set of mappings.

New mapping Single mapping for addition.

3.1.6 Working time Working time is system-wide parameter whic h defines working time. Currently this is used for graphs only. Working time is displayed as a white bac kground, while non-working time is displayed as grey.

Working time has the following format:

dd-dd,hh:mm-hh:mm;dd-dd,hh:mm-hh:mm, Format Description dd hh mm Day of week: 1 Monday, 2 Tuesday , , 7 Sunday Hours: 00-24 Minutes: 00-59

Empty format is equal to 01-07,00:00-23:59 For example: 1-5,09:00-18:00 1-5,09:00-18:00;6-7,10:00-16:00 3.1.7 Other Refresh unsupported items Some items may bec ome unsupported due to errors in User Parameters or because of an item being not supported by an agent. Zabbix c an be configured to periodic ally make unsupported items ac tive. Database watchdog Availability of Zabbix server depends on availability of back-end database. It cannot work without a database. Database watchdog, a special Zabbix server process, is created in order to alarm Zabbix administrators in c ase of disaster. The watchdog will send notifications to a user group in case if the database is down. Zabbix server will not stop; it will wait until the database is back again to continue proc essing.

Parameter Refresh unsupported items (in sec) Group for discovered hosts

Description Zabbix will activate unsupported item every N seconds. If set to 0, the automatic activation will be disabled. Proxies check unsupported items every 10 minutes. This is not configurable for Proxies. Hosts discovered by network discovery will be automatically placed in the hostgroup, selected here.

User group for database down message User group for sending alarm message or 'None'.

Until Zabbix version 1.8.2 database watc hdog is supported for MySQL only. Since 1.8.2, it is supported for all databases. The Administration Tab is available to users of type Super Administrators only.

3.2 Authentication
3.2.1 HTTP The screen can be used to enable Apac he based (HTTP) authentication. The authentication will be used to check user names and passwords. Note that an user must exist in Zabbix as well, however his Zabbix password will not be used.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description

HTTP Authentication Enabled This parameter defines if Apache based authentication is enabled.

Be careful! Make sure that Apache authentication is configured and works properly before switc hing it on. In c ase of Apache authentication all users (even with GUI Acc ess set to Internal) will be authorised by Apache, not by Zabbix! 3.2.2 LDAP The screen can be used to enable external LDAP authentication. The authentic ation will be used to check user names and passwords. Note that an user must exist in Zabbix as well, however his Zabbix password will not be used. Zabbix LDAP authentication works at least with Microsoft Active Directory and OpenLDAP.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description Name of LDAP server. For example: ldap://


LDAP Host Port Base DN Search Attribute Bind DN Bind Password

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

For secure LDAP server use ldaps protocol ldaps:// Port of LDAP server. Default is 389. For secure LDAP connection port number is normally 636. ou=Users,ou=system uid uid=Admin,ou=system Password for binding to the LDAP server.

LDAP Authentication Enabled Enable LDAP authentication. Test Authentication Login User Password Name of a test user. The user must exist in LDAP. LDAP password of the test user. Zabbix will not activate LDAP authentication if it is unable to authenticate the test user.

Some user groups can still be authorised by Zabbix. These groups must have GUI Access set to Internal.

3.3 Users
3.3.1 Users The screen can be used to manage Zabbix users. List of users It provides list of users.

Displayed data:
Parameter Alias Name Surname Description User short-name, i.e. login name. User name. User surname. User type, one of following: Zabbix User Zabbix Admin Zabbix Super Admin List of all group the user belong to. Is user online. Access to GUI, depends on settings of user groups: System default Zabbix, HTTP Authentication, LDAP Authentication Internal the user is authenticated by Zabbix regardless of system settings Disabled GUI access is restricted to this user User status, depends on settings of user groups: Enabled the user is active Disabled the user is disabled. The user is ignored by Zabbix.

User type

Groups Is online?

GUI Access

Status Actions

User configuration The screen provides user details and gives c ontrol to change user attributes.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Alias Name Surname Description User short-name, i.e. login name. Must be unique! User name. User surname. User type, one of following: Zabbix User access to Monitoring tab only. Zabbix Admin access to Monitoring and C onfiguration tabs. Zabbix Super Admin access to everything, including Administration tabs. List of all group the user belong to. List of all medias. The medias are used by Zabbix for sending notifications. Language of Zabbix GUI. Defines how the GUI looks like: System Default - use system settings Original Blue standard blue theme Black & Blue alternative theme Enable if you want Zabbix to remember you. Browser cookies are used for this.

User type

Groups Media Language


Auto-login (1 month)

Auto-logout (0 - disable) User will be logouted after N seconds if inactivity. Set it to 0 to disable auto-logout. URL (after login) Refresh (in seconds) Make Zabbix to transfer you to the URL after successful login. Refresh used for graphs, screens, plain text data, etc. C an be set to 0 to disable.

Click on User Rights Show to display user rights. It is impossible to change user rights here, the rights depend on user group membership! The information is available read-only.

3.3.2 User Groups The screen can be used to manage Zabbix user groups. List of user groups It provides list of user groups.

Displayed data:
Parameter Name User status Description Host group name. Must be unique. Enabled users are active Disabled all users of the group are disabled Displays how the users are authenticated. System default use default authentication Internal use Zabbix authentication

GUI Access


Members Disabled access to Zabbix GUI is forbidden List of group members

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

User group configuration

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description

Group name Unique group name. Users List of members of this group. How the users of the group are authenticated. System default use default authentication Internal use Zabbix authentication Disabled access to Zabbix GUI is forbidden

GUI Access

Status of group members: Users Status Enabled users are active Disabled users are disabled Three lists for different host permissions: Read-write host groups with read-write access Read-only host groups with read-only access Deny host groups with deny access


Click on User rights (Show) to see what permissions the user group has:

3.4 Media types

3.4.1 Media types The screen can be used to manage Zabbix media types. List of media types Provides list of media types. Media type is a delivery method for user notific ations.

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Media type: Email email notification SMS SMS notifications sent using serial GSM modem Jabber Jabber notification Script script based notification Name of the media. C onfiguration details, depends on media type.


Description Details

Media configuration The screen provides user details and gives c ontrol to change media attributes.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Description

Description Unique media name. Type Media type: Email email notification SMTP Server - server name SMTP Hello Hello string, normally domain name SMTP Email sender email address SMS SMS notifications sent using serial GSM modem GSM Modem - serial device name of GSM modem Jabber Jabber notification Jabber Identifier - Jabber ID Password Password of the Jabber ID Script script based notification Script name - name of the custom script

3.5 Scripts
The screen can be used to manage user-defined sc ripts. The sc ripts are exec uted on the Zabbix server even for hosts monitored by a proxy. List of scripts Provides a list of scripts known to Zabbix. Depending on permission, Zabbix user may exec ute a sc ript from the front-end by c licking on host in these loc ations: Network maps Dashboard Status of triggers (Monitoring Triggers)

Displayed data:
Parameter Name Command User group Host group Host access Description Unique script name. C ommand to be executed. The script is available to members of the user group only. The script is available for hosts of the host group only. Read - user must have read permission for the host to execute the script Write - user must have write permission for the host to execute the script.

Script configuration



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

The screen provides script details and gives control to change script attributes.

Configuration parameters:
Parameter Name Description Unique script name. Full path to a command, which will be executed on user request. The command will be run on the Zabbix server. The following macros are supported here: {HOST.CONN} {HOST.DNS} {IPADDRESS} {HOSTNAME} Example: /bin/ping-c 3 {HOST.C ONN} A special syntax for IPMI commands must be used: IPMI <ipmi control> [value] Example: IPMI power off The script is available to members of the user group only. The script is available for hosts of the host group only. Read - user must have read permission for the host to execute the script Write - user must have write permission for the host to execute the script.


User group Host group Host access

If macro may resolve to value with spaces (for example, host name), don't forget to quote as needed. Standard error is discarded, so make sure to redirect it to standard output manually.

3.6 Audit
The screen can be used to see front-end audit records and list of notifications sent to users. Audit logs

Displayed data:
Parameter Description Time User Time stamp when an action took place. User name. Object, which was affected: Application Graph Host Item User Performed action: Added Login Logout Removed Updated More detailed information about action.




Audit actions The screen provides acc ess to history of notifications and remote c ommands.

Displayed data:
Parameter Time Type Description Time stamp when an action took place. Type of executed operation: Notifications Remote command Status: Not sent Sent Number of retries left.

Status Retires left

Recipient(s) List of recipients. Message Error Message used in notification. Error if the notification was not sent.

3.7 Queue
The Queue provides information about performanc e of Zabbix. Overview

For eac h item type the following data is displayed:

Parameter Items 5 seconds 10 seconds 30 seconds 1 minute 5 minutes Description Item type Data is delayed for 5-10 seconds. Data is delayed for 10-30 seconds. Data is delayed for 30-60 seconds. Data is delayed for 1-5 minutes. Data is delayed for 5-10 minutes.

More than 10 minutes Data is delayed for more than 10 minutes.

Overview by proxy The view gives more detailed information about performance of Zabbix Server and Proxies.


Parameter Description Proxy

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

For eac h Proxy and loc al Zabbix Server the following data is displayed:

Proxy name or Server. Server, displayed last, shows statistics about local server.

Details The view gives very detailed information about delayed items.

List of items is displayed with the following details:

Parameter Description

Next check Expected time stamp of next data retrieval. The time stamps will always be in the past. Host Host name.

Description Item name.

3.8 Notifications
This is report on number of notifications sent to each user grouped by media types.

For eac h user number of notifications is displayed per each media type.

3.9 Locales
Locales provides functionality for easy editing of translations of Zabbix front-end. Locale selection Select locale you'd like to select for further processing.

Parameter Description

Take for default locale The locale will be used as a base one. Locale to extend New entries Select language you'd like to improve. Do not add if something is not translated, ignore it Leave empty if something is not translated, leave translation empty Fill with default value if something is not translated, fill translation with default value

Translation form This form is used to translate phrases used in Zabbix front-end. Left side is filled with default language, right side consists of translated phrases.

Onc e translation is ready, press button Download to have translation file, whic h can be used to replace files under include/locales.

3.10 Installation
The screen makes possible creation of Zabbix front-end configuration file.

18 Performance Tuning
4 Real world configuration
Server with Zabbix 1.0 installed (RedHat Linux 8.0, kernel 2.4.18-14, MySQL/MyISAM 3.23.54a-4, Pentium IV 1.5Ghz, 256Mb, IDE) is able to c ollec t more than 200 parameters per sec ond from servers being monitored (assuming no network delays). How many servers can be monitored by Zabbix on the hardware, one may ask? It depends on number of monitored parameters and how often Zabbix should acquire these parameters. Suppose, each server you monitor has ten parameters to watc h for. You want to update these parameters once in 30 seconds. Doing simple calculation, we see that Zabbix is able to handle 600 servers (or 6000 c hec ks). In case if these parameters need to be updated once in a minute, the hardware configuration will be able to handle 6002=1200 servers. These c alc ulations made in assumption that all monitored values are retrieved as soon as required (latency is 0). If this is not a requirement, then number of monitored servers c an be inc reased even up to 5x-10x times.

2 Performance tuning
It is very important to have Zabbix system properly tuned for maximum performance.

2.1 Hardware
General advices on hardware: Use fastest processor available SCSI or SAS is better than IDE (performance of IDE disks may be signific antly improved by using utility hdparm) and SATA 15K RPM is better than 10K RPM which is better than 7200 RPM User fast RAID storage Use fast Ethernet adapter Having more memory is always better

2.2 Operating System

Use latest (stable!) version of OS Exclude unnecessary func tionality from kernel Tune kernel parameters


2.3 Zabbix configuration parameters
Many parameters may be tuned to get optimal performance. 2.3.1 zabbix_server StartPollers

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

General rule - keep value of this parameter as low as possible. Every additional instanc e of zabbix_server adds known overhead, in the same time, parallelism is inc reased. Optimal number of instances is ac hieved when queue, on average, c ontains minimum number of parameters (ideally, 0 at any given moment). This value can be monitored by using internal check zabbix[queue]. DebugLevel Optimal value is 3. DBSocket MySQL only. It is rec ommended to use DBSocket for connection to the database. That is the fastest and the most sec ure way.

2.4 Database Engine

This is probably most important part of Zabbix tuning. Zabbix heavily depends on availability and performance of database engine. use fastest database engine, i.e. MySQL use stable release of a database engine rebuild MySQL or PostgreSQL from sourc es to get maximum performanc e follow performanc e tuning instructions taken from MySQL or PostgreSQL doc umentation for MySQL, use InnoDB table structure ZABBIX works at least 1.5 times faster (c omparing to MyISAM) if InnoDB is used. This is because of increased parallelism. However, InnoDB requires more CPU power. keep database tables on different hard disks 'history', 'history_str, 'items' 'functions', triggers', and 'trends' are most heavily used tables. for large installations, keeping of MySQL temporary files in tmpfs is recommended

2.5 General advices

monitor required parameters only tune 'Update interval' for all items. Keeping small update interval may be good for nice graphs, however, this may overload Zabbix tune parameters for default templates tune housekeeping parameters do not monitor parameters which return same information. Example: why use system[proc load],system[proc load5] andsystem[procload15] if system[procload] c ontains all. avoid use of triggers with long period given as func tion argument. For example, max(3600) will be calculated significantly slower than max(60).

19 Cookbook
3 General Recipes
3.1 Monitoring of server's availability
At least three methods (or combination of all methods) may be used in order to monitor availability of a server. ICMP ping (Key icmpping) Key status Trigger function nodata() for monitoring availability of hosts using only ac tive checks

3.2 Sending alerts via WinPopUps

WinPopUps maybe very useful if you're running Windows OS and want to get quick notification from ZABBIX. It could be good addition for email-based alert messages. Details about enabling of WinPopUps can be found at https://sourc [].

2 Monitoring of Specific Applications

2.1 AS/400
IBM AS/400 platform can be monitored using SNMP. More information is available at ts/sg244504.html?Open [].

2.2 MySQL
Configuration file misc /conf/zabbix_agentd.conf contains list of parameters that can be used for monitoring of MySQL.
### Set of parameter for monitoring MySQL server (v3.23.42 and later) ### Change -u and add -p if required #UserParameter=mysql[ping],mysqladmin -uroot ping|grep alive|wc -l #UserParameter=mysql[uptime],mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f2 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"T" #UserParameter=mysql[threads],mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f3 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"Q" #UserParameter=mysql[questions],mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f4 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"S" #UserParameter=mysql[slowqueries],mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f5 -d:|cut -f1 -d"O" #UserParameter=mysql[qps],mysqladmin -uroot status|cut -f9 d":" #UserParameter=version[mysql],mysql -V


2.2.1 mysql[ping] Check whether MySQL is alive
Result: 0 - not started 1 - alive

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

2.2.2 mysql[uptime] Number of seconds MySQL is running 2.2.3 mysql[threads] Number of MySQL threads 2.2.4 mysql[questions] Number of processed queries 2.2.5 mysql[slowqueries] Number of slow queries 2.2.6 mysql[qps] Queries per sec ond 2.2.7 mysql[version] Version of MySQL Example: mysql Ver 11.16 Distrib 3.23.49, for pc-linux-gnu (i686)

2.3 Mikrotik routers

Use SNMP agent provided by Mikrotik. See http://www.mikrotik.c om [http://w w w] for more information.

2.4 WIN32
Use Zabbix W32 agent included (pre-compiled) into Zabbix distribution.

2.5 Novell
Use MRTG Extension Program for NetWare Server (MRTGEXT.NLM) agent for Novell. The agent is c ompatible with protocol used by Zabbix. It is available from []. Items have to be c onfigured of type Zabbix Agent and must have keys acc ording to the MRTGEXT documentation. For example: UTIL1 1 minute average CPU utilization CONNMAX Max licensed c onnections used VFKSys bytes free on volume Sys: Full list of parameters supported by the agent can be found in readme.txt, whic h is part of the software.

2.6 Tuxedo
Tuxedo command line utilities tmadmin and qmadmin can be used in definition of a UserParameter in order to return per server/service/queue performanc e c ounters and availability of Tuxedo resources.

2.7 Informix
Standard Informix utility onstat can be used for monitoring of virtually every aspec t of Informix database. Also, Zabbix c an retrieve information provided by Informix SNMP agent.

2.8 JMX
First of all, you need to configure your jvm to allow jmx monitoring. How do you know if you can do this? You c an use the sun jconsole utility that comes with the jdk and point it at your mac hine running the jvm. If you c an connect, you are good. In my tomcat environment, I enable it by setting the following options for the jvm: 1. \ 2. \ 3. \ 4. \ 5. password This tells the jmx server to run on port XXXXX, to use password authentication, and to refer to the passwords stored in the jmxremote.password file. See the sun docs on jc onsole for details. (You might consider enabling ssl to make the connec tion more sec ure.) Onc e that is done, I can then run jconsole and see everything that is c urrently exposed (and to verify that I c an c onnect properly). jc onsole will also provide you the information you need to query specific jmx attributes from the information tab. Now, since I use Tomc at, there are two ways that I can grab the jmx attribute values (or effect a jmx operation). The first way is I can use the servlet provided by Tomcat. (Don't know what jboss has). The second way is I can send well formatted requests via a jmx command line tool. Let's say I am interested in peak threads used by the system. I browse down through the jmx objects via jc onsole, find it under java.lang, Threading. After selecting Threading, I c lick on the info tab, and I can see the name of the mbean is java.lang:type=Threading


With tomc at, I c an do the following:

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

curl -s -u<jmxusername>:<jmxpassword> 'http://<tomcat_hostname>/manager/jmxproxy/?qry=java.lang:type=Threading'

where the jmx username and password are the ones defined in the file defined in the jvm options above, the qry string is the one obtained from jc onsole. The output from this will be all the metrics from this jmx key. Parse the output and grab the number of your choic e. If you don't have a servlet that will allow you to make a http request to the jmx interfac e, you can use the command line tool like this
/<pathTo>/java -jar /<pathTo>/cmdline-jmxclient.jar <jmxusername>:<jmxpassword> <jvmhostname>:<jmxport> java.lang:type=Threading PeakThreadCount

The difference with the command line client is you need to spec ify the attribute you are interested in specifically. Leaving it out will give you a list of all the attributes available under Threading. Again, parse the output for the data of your c hoice. Onc e you can reliably grab the data you are interested in, you can then turn that command into a zabbix userparm. e.g.

UserParameter=jvm.maxthreads, /usr/bin/curl -s -u<jmxusername>:<jmxpassword> 'http://<tomcat_hostname>/manager/jmxproxy/?qry=java.lang:type=Threading' | /bin/aw


UserParameter=jvm.maxthreads, /<pathTo>/java -jar /<pathTo>/cmdline-jmxclient.jar <jmxusername>:<jmxhostname> <jvmhostname>:<jmxport> java.lang:type=Threading P

That's it. I prefer getting my stats from the servlet via http rather than using the java c ommand line client as it is muc h lighter to start up and grab the information. Need a command line jmx client? I use the one from here: [http://craw] Information on setting up jmx monitoring for your jvms http://java.sun.c om/j2se/1.5.0/docs...ment/agent.html

General Information on JMX http://java.sun.c om/j2se/1.5.0/docs...verviewTOC.html [ TOC.html] Apparently the 1.5 jvm also supports SNMP which provides another option.

3 Integration
3.1 HP OpenView
ZABBIX c an be configured to send messages to OpenView server. The following steps must be performed: Step 1 Define new media. The media will execute a script whic h will send required information to OpenView. Step 2 Define new user. The user has to be linked with the media. Step 3 Configure actions. Configure actions to send all (or selected) trigger status changes to the user. Step 4 Write media sc ript. The script will have the following logic. If trigger is ON, then execute OpenView c ommand opcmsg -id application=<application> msg_grp=<msg_grp> object= <object> msg_text=<text>. The c ommand will return unique message ID which has to be stored somewhere, preferrably in a new table of ZABBIX database. If trigger is OFF then opcmac k <message id> has to be exec uted with message ID retrieved from the database. Refer to OpenView offic ial doc umentation for more details about opcmsg and opcmac k. The media script is not given here.

20 Troubleshooting
20.2 Sound in browsers
Sounds in web browsers for Zabbix frontend have been tested in the following browser versions and no additional configuration was required: Firefox 3.5.16 on Linux Opera 11.01 on Linux Google Chrome 9.0 on Windows Firefox 3.5.16 on Windows IE7 browser on Windows Opera v11.01 on Windows Chrome v9.0 on Windows Safari v5.0 on Windows, but this browser requires Quick Time Player to be installed For playing sounds in Zabbix in the user's profile GUI Messaging should be enabled for all trigger severities and in the GUI global notific ation pop-up window sounds also should be enabled.


20.2.1 Safari 5.0
Quick Time Player is required.

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

20.2.2 Microsoft Internet Explorer

To play sounds in MSIE7 and MSIE8: In Tools Internet Options Advanced enable Play sounds in webpages In Tools Manage Add-ons enable Windows Media Player In Windows Media Player in ToolsOptionsFile Types enable Windows audio file (wav) In Windows Media Player in ToolsOptions tab File Types is available only if user is a member of groups Power Users or Administrators, i.e. regular User do not have acc ess to this tab and do not see it. Additional thing - if IE do not have some *.wav file in the local cache directory (%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files) then sound will not play the first time.

20.2.3 Firefox v 3.5.16

For playing wav files in the Firefox browser can use one of the following applications: Windows Media Player or Quick Time plug-in. These configuration settings should be performed in the ToolsOptionsApplications menu, there are settings for the Wave sound (audio/wav) -you should set Windows Media Player for playing these files.

20.2.4 Known not to work

Browsers where the sound did not work: Opera 10.11 on Linux.

20.1 Error and warning messages

Zabbix daemons generate error and warning messages in case of any problems. The messages are written to log files depending on c onfiguration parameters. Some of the messages are numbered. The table contains complete list of numbered messages with additional details.
Error Message Details Zabbix daemon is unable to establish connection to the database. Additional information: database name database error code database error string Zabbix daemon is unable to create database. Additional information: database name database error code database error string This should never happen. Report to Zabbix Team. Zabbix daemon is unable to close connection to the database. Additional information: database error code database error string SQL query execution failed. Additional information: database error code database error string SQL query string Record fetch failed. Additional information: database error code database error string

Z3001 C onnection to database '%s' failed: [%d] %s

Z3002 C annot create database '%s': [%d] %s

Z3003 No connection to the database. Z3004 C annot close database: [%d] %s

Z3005 Query failed: [%d] %s [%s]

Z3006 Fetch failed: [%d] %s

The numbered error messages are supported starting from Zabbix 1.8.

21 Escalations and repeated notifications

1 Overview
Zabbix provides effective and extremely flexible func tionality for escalations and repeated notifications. Depending on configuration, Zabbix will automatically escalate (inc rease escalation step) unresolved problems and execute ac tions assigned to each escalation step. Zabbix supports the following scenarios for escalations, notifications and remote c ommands: Immediately inform users about new problems Pro-active monitoring, Zabbix exec utes arbitrary scripts (remote commands) Repeated notifications until problem is resolved Delayed notifications and remote c ommands Escalate problems to other user groups Different escalation path for ac knowledged and unacknowledged problems Execute actions (both notifications and remote commands) if a problem exists for more than N hours (seconds, minutes, etc ). Recovery message to all interested parties Zabbix supports unlimited number of esc alation steps

21.2 Simple messages

Warning: before enabling recovery messages or esc alations, make sure to add Trigger value = PROBLEM condition to the ac tion, otherwise remedy events c an become escalated as well. In order to alert MySQL Administrators about any issues with MySQL applications the following configuration can be used:



Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Since we are not interested in sending multiple messages or escalating MySQL problems to other user groups, esc alations are not enabled. Zabbix will send a single message to MySQL Administrators and a recovery message when problem is resolved. If sending of recovery messages is not enabled, Zabbix will send only one message with information about new problem, no messages will be sent on rec overy, i.e. when the problem is resolved. Action c onditions is defined so that it will be activated in c ase of any problem with any of MySQL applic ations. Note also use of mac ros in the messages. Zabbix supports wide range of macros. Complete list of mac ros is available here: mac ros

Actions are defined as:

A message will be sent to all members of the group MySQL Administrators.

21.3 Remote commands

Remote commands is a powerful mechanism for smart pro-ac tive monitoring. Zabbix c an execute a c ommand on a monitored host in case of any pre-defined c onditions. Here is the list of some of the most obvious uses of the feature: Automatically restart application (WEB server, middleware, CRM) if it does not respond Using IPMI 'reboot' c ommand reboot remote server if it does not answer requests Try to automatic ally free disk spac e (remove older files, clean /tmp) if we are running out of disk space Migrate one VM from one physic al box to another depending on CPU load Add new nodes to the c loud environment if we have insuffic ient CPU (disk, memory, whatever) resources Configuration of action for remote commands is similar to messaging, the only differenc e is that Zabbix will execute a command instead of sending a message. The action condition is defined so that it will be ac tivated in case of any disaster problems with one of Apac he applic ations.

As a reaction to the disaster problem Zabbix will try to restart Apac he process:

Note use of the macro {HOSTNAME} here. User 'zabbix' must have enough permissions to execute this sc ript. Also Zabbix agent should run on a remote host and acc ept incoming connec tions. Remote c ommands are disabled by default and can be enabled in Zabbix agent daemon c onfiguration file on Unix-like or Windows systems. See remote command tutorial for more information.

4 Repeated notifications
Repeated notifications is probably one of the most common use of Zabbix escalations. Make sure that esc alations are enabled in the ac tion details:

The period defines how frequently Zabbix should increase esc alation step. By default, it goes to the next step every hour, i.e. 3600 seconds. As soon as we enabled escalations, actions operations get additional options: Step(s), Period and Conditions. Suppose we would like to send 5 messages every hour, so we defined that the operation will be ac tive from escalation step 1 till 5. The escalation period will be taken from action definition unless we overwrote it for an individual operation.

As soon as we have a problem, Zabbix is at step 1, so all operations assigned to the step will be exec uted. After one hour, escalation period will be inc reased automatically (if the problem still exists obviously), so all operations of step 2 will be execute. And so on. A recovery message will be sent only to those people who received at least one message before in scope of the esc alation. If the trigger that generated an ac tive escalation is disabled, Zabbix sends a message informing about this fact to persons that have already received notifications.

21.5 Delayed notifications

Zabbix escalations supports sending of delayed notifications. Suppose we would like to be notified about long-standing MySQL problems only. Note that the escalation period was c hanged to 10 hours and we use a c ustom default message:

The operation is assigned only to step 2. It means it will be executed once after one escalation period, i.e. 10 hours:

Therefore user 'Alexei' will get a message only in case if a problem exists for more than 10 hours. The notification delay is controlled by the escalation period.

21.6 Escalate to Boss

Zabbix escalations can be used to escalate problem to other users and user groups. Problem is not being fixed by MySQL admins? Esc alate to their BOSS! Now we configured periodical sending of messages to MySQL administrators. The administrators will get four messages before the problem will be escalated to the Database manager. Note that the manager will get a message only in c ase if the problem is not acknowledged yet, supposedly no one is working on it.

Note use of the {ESC.HISTORY} macros in the message. The macro will c ontain information about all previously executed steps. The manager will get information about all email and all ac tion executed before. MySQL administrators, beware!


21.7 Complex scenario

Zabbix 1.8 Manual [Zabbix]

Look at this set of ac tions. After multiple messages to MySQL administrators and escalation to the manager, Zabbix will try to restart the MySQL database. It will happen if problem exists for 2:30 hours and it hasn't been acknowledged. If the problems still exists, after another 30 minutes Zabbix will send a message to all users in Japan. If this does help, after another hour Zabbix will reboot server with the MySQL database (second remote c ommand) using IPMI commands.

1 .8 /c omplete.txt L as t modified: 2 0 0 9 /1 2 /1 7 1 6 :4 4 by ric hlv


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