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Dear Editor, Re: HST fight last hurrah for Vander Zalm's career, Harbour City Star, Sept.

23/11 So John (not 'A') Martin opines that the HST referendum was "an example of the failures of democracy" - I strongly disagree! My Oxford dictionary defines 'democracy' as "government by the people". While the way modern-day referendums are conducted, with special interest groups on both sides spewing misinformation and moving 'goal-posts' do leave much to be desired, I was neither "less-acquainted" nor "ill-informed" yet I am proud to say that I voted 'YES' to extinguish the HST. The "doubtful short term gains" to which Mr. Martin refers amounted to $325/yr for my wife and I at 12% HST, down to $210/yr at 10% and we don't have cable or cell-phones, which would have increased these numbers substantially. So, I chose to take those savings now rather than wait for any 'promised' savings from the HST to trickle down from businesses to me eventually. Mr. Martin would also do well to remember that the HST was introduced as a 'revenue-neutral' tax, it was not meant to generate any more money to pay for needed services so let's not paint this as a great loss to the provincial coffers, unless they were lying to us in the first place!? Although it was far from my main reason for voting "YES", the arrogance of this government and how far from true democracy they have taken us, was a factor. Bill VanderZalm, for his many faults, did us ALL a great service in helping to re-awaken our yearning for real democracy - there are lots of villains in this sad tale but he isn't one of them. Now that we have shown our so-called representatives who is the boss, isn't it time the 'NOsayers' stopped whining and got on with helping us restore "government by the people" to this beautiful province in which we live? Sincerely, Hans J. Larsen Lantzville, B. C. (250) 390-2353 for verification

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