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The Recruitment Process: The recruitment process begins when you know you need someone new in the

Department, either because an existing staff member has left, or because there is new work to be done. It doesn't finish until after the appointment has been made. Identify Vacancy from the various department Prepare Job Description and person Specification
Advertise- Channels are 1.Company website 2. Local Agency 3.Through Referral 4.Data Bank (Direct CV received from the Candidate 5. Advertisement (News Paper)

Screening the CV- 1.check the Interest of the candidate , Either he ready to work accept our salary range or not.

Send to the Concern Request Center for their Interview Schedule

After Interview Conduct The Interview Decision Making Convey The Decision Appointment Action
When there is a Job Opening, Step 1 - Recruitment * publish ads to let others know of the job openings. * Invite applications from various sources like consultants, referrals, online portals etc, * Screening of resumes * Filter candidates who may be suitable for that particular job. Step 2 - Selection * Conduct Interviews * Reference checks * Select the best of the best from the rest. recruitment - defining specification selection-selecting candidates defining specifications- job specifications and person specification selecting candidates- interviewing, communicating and offers

Before going for recruitment , the following document required. 1. 2. 3. 4. SRF-Staff Requisition Form required from the Concern Cost Center Manager which must be approved by PCSD(Project Control or Budget Control Department) Need to have Job Description & Benefit Band Details Interviewer Must conduct both Technical & Behavioral Interview ( must have plan for the question) After candidate being selected Need to provide offer Letter

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