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Mermaids are the new Vampires Buzz

Being the author of a different sort of mermaid tale, I do like to Google mermaids on occasion and discovered that there's a trend starting up. It seems that mermaids are becoming popular again. That makes this author very happy! What can I say, I've always been a mermaid sort of girl, only my main character is half Mer and therefore the Mer call her a Merwalker; able to walk on land and swim beneath the sea. She doesn't realize it at first. You see, she was born with some physical challenges and thinks she's an albino with silver eyes, white hair, milkywhite skin and webbed fingers and toes. She's seventeen years old and her name is Lana Prentis. Her father is the lighthouse keeper (Cole Prentis) for Safe Harbor Island, off the coast of North Carolina. He's also the keeper of many secrets. He's told Lana that her mother drowned when she was three years old and he has never allowed Lana in the water since. It's only after Lana's P. E. Teacher (Miss Rose Perry) secretly gives Lana swimming lessons that she discovers the truth about who she really is and who her mother was as well. Lana discovers that she has a purpose to her life and has a heritage as rich and as deep as the sea and that her future lies beneath it. ~~~~~ Go Mermaids! ; )

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