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LEGEND OF THE MER ~ Seahorse Lullaby

Within my book (Legend of the Mer) there are two songs that the Mermaids sing. One of them is called the Seahorse Lullaby. I was nearly ready to publish my book when one of my daughters told me that she was pregnant. She was hoping to have a girl, but after having four daughters of my own and already 3 grandsons, I told her that I thought that God was paying me back in grandsons! Lol! He surely did and Mr. Curly was born not long after. Its no wonder that I often think of him when reading this Lullaby. I love you Mr. Curly! ; )

SEAHORSE LULLABY Sleep peacefully my little one Now cradled in my arm I pray you will have sweet dreams this night Kept safe from any harm May you dream of many Seahorses Rocking and twirling all around All their friends have come to play Though they do not make a sound I have asked them not to wake my Prince For you need this time to rest So they quietly dance the night away For they know that it is best So sleep peacefully my little one Now cradled in my arm I pray you will have sweet dreams this night Kept safe from any harm

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