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Charter Details Improvement Project Name: Message selection criteria User Interface Business Case: When encountered with

h any online defect related to a WARNING/ERROR message during unit testing/System Testing/User Acceptance Testing or even capturing /approving claims e.t.c, it has been observed that quite some time of a resource is consumed while trying to figure out the message id corresponding to the displayed message for further investigation at the program level. This is especially true for trainees and junior resources assigned defects during SIT/UAT phases they have little to no experience in AS400 thereby saving a lot of time that can be used for solving other defects and thereby improving the defect fixing rate so critical in SIT/UAT.In case of a resource in SIT execution facing this issue this can save SIT case execution time. Problem Statement: Considerable productive time of resources is spent in figuring out the message id for a displayed message and consequently ONLINE defect solving may take time which can be avoided thereby freeing up the resource for solving other defects and improve defect fixing rate so critical in SIT/UAT In case an UI is provided to them, then instead of dumping the entire bulky message file and searching the message in the spool by taking proper care of the entered case, productive time of resources can be saved by showing them the message ids on the UI corresponding to the entered case insensitive text. CTQ: Cost and effort saving Goal Statement: Saving of quarter person hour per day Key Words: Improving productive time In Scope: Reduction of productive time of junior resources in AXA China Offshore by enabling them to get requisite details through UI Out Scope: All other accounts. Strategic Drive (select from options): Experience Certainty Potential Impact: Improvement in productive time of junior resources with little to no experience in AS400 Planned hard saving: Soft Savings: Planned saving per person 1 hour and 15 minutes per week or 55 hours per year Since the billing rate in AXA is 21.5 dollar per hour this would amount to a saving of 1186 dollars per resource per year

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