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Chuck Close

What I want in my paintings is the purist intensity, the purist saturation. Chuck Close Chuck Close(age 71) is a photorealistic artist, he has over 100 artworks, or specifically, portraits. Chuck is an American and graduated from Yale University, and began his artist career since 1967 and have his first exhibit in MoMA, New York. The Event On December 7, 1988,Chuck . That day he was at a ceremony honoring local artists in New York City and was waiting to be called to the podium to present an award. After he delivered his speech, he made his way to the hospital and suffered a Aftermath Chuck didnt give up his passion for painting, he continued to paint with a brush strapped onto his wrist with tape, but acquired help from an assistant. Close currently lives and paints in Bridgehampton, New York. He has been represented by The Pace Gallery, in New York since 1977. Ironically, while being one of the most successful portrait artists of his time, Close is also afflicted with prosopagnosia (face blindness), a condition that prevents him from recognizing people's faces Gallery

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