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Zen Cafes: for investors in sustainable communities

Political change!

When you mention these two words, some people become

energised, others go into denial, or others look bored -
many just don’t understand a clue, or are just waiting for
the next sound-bite!

Change is all around us. The sooner anyone understands it,

the better.

Politics, is it a game? Real politics, effective politics is not

about politicians at all!

It is about “The Body Politic” – that’s people, you and me,

and the current reality of democracy. “Democracy” means
Rule by the People, Rule for the People, though you might
doubt that as you look around the landscape and see it
dominated by vested interests.

Hmm. Time for a wake-up call, some might say!

The simple truth is that change is a fact of life, and the sooner one takes
sufficient interest to understand the nature of change, the sooner one can turn
the process of political change into positive advantage. Clear?

Seven steps to long-term advantage

Step one: for those who seek political change. It begins with not putting others in
power over you, but putting yourself in power. This is not about changing others,
this is just a question of attitude. See:

Step two. This step is not about being hasty. There are a lot
of books about self-help and empowerment these days, and
no shortages of coaches willing to take money off you, or
environmentalists to tell you what to do. Step two is to
think and reflect on what you have and where you are.
Change begins at home.

Step three is to reflect on what you’ve got: friends, family

and cultivating the inner life. Cultivating all three can give
you real stability for the road ahead. See:

Step four is health. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle. Do you and your children, if
you have a family, live healthily, or are you feeling the effects of “Toxic Culture!”
You can start to “de-tox” your life through: yoga, meditation, work-life balance.

Step five. You are working your way up now. You have health, freedom, family
support. It may be time to take a look at your commitments, your financial
freedom, your capacity to grow, adapt and respond to your environment.
See: “Leadership and the New Science” by Margaret Wheatley.

Step six. If you are a recent university graduate looking for future long-term
security and you have health and flexibility, you have just fast-tracked your way
to step six.
A Survival Guide for those interested in: Leadership, Human Ecology and sustainable development.

Introducing Resurgence Trust and SOL Spirit of Life Centre, Greece.

Zen Cafes: for investors in sustainable communities

Take time out to discover for yourself where your power lies, and realise that
power to maximum effect.

Investigate support and Career Support options from Flow Internet Cafes for
those who apply to be Euro Graduates or Eco-graduates.

Study with us the words of Patrick Dixon.

You might have just graduated, but your education might be just about to begin.

Step seven. Read: look: listen. Contemplate. Communicate.

Change is an inescapable Fact of Life, don’t lose out in the
process by being over-fixated or forgetful of where your true
interests lie.

Political change, do you manage it, or does change manage

You can understand it, adapt to it, use it to your advantage.

You are just a few steps away from realising the benefits of change

1. Understand the process of adaptation and be the first to spot systemic

weaknesses in your own organisation and that of others. See:

2. Realise your true values. Discover the principles that

underpin harmonious organisation and effective

3. Realise the nature of effective communication,

leadership and above all, positive ethical
commitment. See: Good Business, Leadership, Flow
and the Making of Meaning.

Second thoughts

If you are not sure about political change, then maybe you
are not cut out to be a political animal. Talk about political
change, and nine times out of ten people latch onto some
kind of “belief” or “–ism” to beat others over the head, and
in turn be beaten with. The Art of Politics, the Art of Power
lies in your own authentic understanding, it is not in any
kind of “–ism”.

This means politics is a lot simpler than many would have

you believe, but it is an Art; one that requires a great deal
of listening, so, in turn, you will be listened to.
You can then use that experience and understanding to
engage in win-win, with integrity.

See: “Leadership is an Art” by Max De Pree:
A Survival Guide for those interested in: Leadership, Human Ecology and sustainable development.

Introducing Resurgence Trust and SOL Spirit of Life Centre, Greece.

Zen Cafes: for investors in sustainable communities

About us

We are a co-operative network that welcomes the following:

 Quakers of influence
 Dharma practitioners
 Lawyers
 Business strategists
 Film-makers and TV producers
 Peace activists
 Educators
 Investment advisors
 Designers
 Dramatists
 Poets
 Publishers
 Journalists
 Jewish-Muslim interfaith activists
 Food professionals
 Universities and Business Schools
 Ecologists
 Environmentalists
 Holistic scientists
 Writers
 Philosophers
 Right Livelihood professionals
 Holistic practitioners
 Buddhist communities
 Meditation practitioners
 Lifestyle coaches
 Human Ecologists
 Urban planners
 Architects
 Property advisors
 Farmers
 Landlords and investors
 Co-op food production specialists
 Ethical investment intermediaries
 Development agencies
 Local authorities
 Charities and NGOs
 Schools and colleges
 Media and publishing houses

Big Café: Zen Cafes

Realising the benefits of political change requires aligning the influence of values
and ideas and turning principles into practical benefits for people.

This is called “Aligning Heaven and Earth”.

This is only for those who understand the Tao and are committed to the Dharma.
A Survival Guide for those interested in: Leadership, Human Ecology and sustainable development.

Introducing Resurgence Trust and SOL Spirit of Life Centre, Greece.

Zen Cafes: for investors in sustainable communities

Study with us

You can study with us. See: or enrol for a

course of study at Schumacher College or SOL, The Spirit of
Life Centre, Greece.

Study for: 12 days, 12 weeks, 12 months: you decide! See our

Curriculum development service for Education Providers.

Café Society

We use Big Café and Zen Cafes for those who want to create a forum or
marketplace to discuss the principles and realise the practice in the following
seven areas:

1. The needs of local enterprise

2. Human-scale education
3. Whole person development
4. Multi-cultural understanding
5. Food Co-ops: production and distribution
6. Ecology and eco-learning: healthy lifestyle
7. Continuous improvement – kai-zen

With reference to:

 New markets and new opportunity
 Personal development and leadership
 NVC and dispute settlement
 Interim management, Eco-graduates and Career support
 Fair Trade, Social Enterprise. Right Livelihood

Our points of reference

Take a look at the people who inspire us. Some of the organisations whose values
we share:
 Schumacher College
 Alliance for a New Humanity (Deepak Chopra)
 Beyond The Bean
 Fair Trade Foundation
 Amnesty International
 Forum for the Future
 Friends of the Earth
 International Business Leaders’ Forum
 The Soil Association
 Schumacher Council
 Intermediate Technology Development Group
 Tree Aid
 Frank Water
 Food for Life
 The Hub
 Action against Hunger
 Creative Village
 The World Future Council
 Resurgence Trust
 Sustainable Futures Foundation
 Plum Village
 The Spirit of Life Centre
 Resurgence Magazine
A Survival Guide for those interested in: Leadership, Human Ecology and sustainable development.

Introducing Resurgence Trust and SOL Spirit of Life Centre, Greece.

Zen Cafes: for investors in sustainable communities

The Formula for successful adaptation

The Secrets of Zen Café, Big Café areas of expertise:

1. Economics: Telling economic fact from

fantasy. See the work of Roger Bootle.
Read: Money For Nothing: Real Wealth,
Financial Fantasy and the Economy of the

3. Enterprise: Understanding the needs of entrepreneurs and Social

Enterprise. See:

4. Education: Taking care of whole person needs through human-scale


5. Community: dealing with Social Enterprise to address community needs.

6. Culture: understanding diversity and meaningful reciprocity.

7. Ecology: Nurturing the web of life on which we are all interdependent.

Doing so from a scientific perspective.

8. Food and drink: health and livelihood.

Realising work-life balance for rural
communities through Fair Trade, eco-
living and sustainable food production.

Food for Thought

Food is at the confluence of Nature and Spirit. To
learn about food, holistic perspectives, holistic
science and human ecology, see:
A Survival Guide for those interested in: Leadership, Human Ecology and sustainable development.

Introducing Resurgence Trust and SOL Spirit of Life Centre, Greece.

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