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We learnt Irom Barack Obama, ' Do your best and be your best. We should
never give up in the liIe. Barack Obama has rightly said, "No one has written your
destiny Ior you, you make your own Iuture." Every person has something to oIIer
and there is just a need to discover what that is. We should set our goals and put
our Iull whole hearted eIIorts to achieve them. As Obama has IulIilled his poll
promises, similarly, our leaders should earn Irom him and keep promises they
make while wooing voters. Leaders should take strict steps to remove terrorism.
Obama has shown the way to give teaching proIession its
rightIul place by paying teachers what they deserve. He adopted the policy oI
working with them instead working against them which should also be Iollowed by
the Indian Leaders so as to boost the education system in the country. Thus
politicians in India should also try to develop teaching proIession.
Though Obama is black in colour, even then he becomes the
President oI America. This encourages us that a person is identiIied only with
his/her skills & capabilities; there is nothing to do with the colour oI skin. All
should be treated equally. No one should be seen as rich or poor.
Barack Obama has launched his own social network which he's
calling which invites supporters to create a proIile, blog
their campaign experiences, plan and attend events, Iind other supporters, and help
raise Iunds Ior the campaign. In the view oI Obama, Community service is a
national duty which we also need to Iollow, thus encouraging the sense oI
responsibility to serve the public good. With this we can tackle some oI our
counry`s greatest challenges.
Thus, Indian leaders should have rational thinking and try to
adopt Obama`s policies Ior nation`s beneIits.

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