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Activity 35 Make sentences as the examples. Examples: a. (Tonny/strong/boy) t Tonny is strong. He is a strong boy. b.

(Lussy/bright eyes) tLussy has bright eyes. Her eyes are bright. 1. Diana / smart / girl 2. Mujahid / naughty(nakal) / boy 3. Devi / blonde hair 4. Chamim / flat nose(datar) 5. Fatimah / polite(sopan) / woman 6. Luqman / diligent(rajin) / boy 7. Fasya / expressive / girl 8. Fadhila / big eyes 9. Haryanto / straight hair(lurus) 10. Suyuti / thick lips(bibir tebal) Activity 36 Make questions and answers. Example : a. (he / handsome) A : What does he look like? B : Hes handsome. b. (she / blonde hair) A : What does she look like? B : She has blonde hair. 1. she / skinny(kurus) 2. they / big(besar) 3. Susan / fair skin 4. Achmin / dark skin(kulit gelap) 5. Pratiwi / small eyes(mata kecil) 6. Susetya / tall and thin(tinggi dan kurus) 7. Pramono / good looking(tampan) 8. Nindya / pointed nose(menunjuk hidung) 9. Dyah / short and fat(pendek dan gemuk) 10. Rifky / small mustache(kumis kecil) Activity 37 Make questions and answers. Example : a. (he / kindhearted) A : Whats he like? B : Hes kindhearted. b. (they / bad tempered) A : What are they like? B : Theyre bad tempered. 1. Fauzan / humorous(lucu) 2. Fadhila / generous(murah) 3. the men / careless(ceroboh) 4. the women / diligent(rajin) 5. Riza / naughty(nakal) 6. Farida / lazy(malas) 7. Ardian / boring(bosan) 8. The boy / polite(sopan) 9. Doctor / patient(pasien)

10. Mr. Akhadun / brave.(berani) Activity 38 Arrange the adjectives in the parentheses into a good order of adjectives in series. 1. A : May I borrow your (triangular plastic long) ruler? B : Here you are. A : Thanks. 2. A : Can I use your (curved metal big) hammer. B : Yes, please. A : Thank you. 3. A : Do you mind if I borrow your (Chinese big new) motorcycle? B : Not at all. A : Thanks a lot. 4. A : Would you have dinner with me in (wooden comfortable Javanese old) restaurant? B:With pleasure. 5. A : What kind of furniture does he want? B : He wants (dark brown cheap wooden old) furniture. 6. A : Which gloves do you need? B : I need (rubber white big) ones. 7. A : Can I borrow the hammer? B : Which one? A : (new metal heavy) one.

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