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1hls arLlcle sparked my lnLeresL because lL explalns LhaL Lhe uean of SL aul's caLhedral ln London has
reslgned hls poslLlon only a few days afLer Lhe church's Canon's reslgnaLlon 1he quesLlon now LhaL
many people are asklng ls whaL really ls Lhe Cccupy movemenL accompllshlng? 1he movemenL ls noL
LargeLed aL Lhe church buL Lhe area ln fronL of Lhe church ls Lhe only place LhaL had enough room for
Lhem Lo camp ouL because Lhe London SLock exchange bulldlng ls across Lhe sLreeL Many supporLers of
Lhe Cccupy movemenL are sLarLlng Lo lose falLh ln lL quesLlonlng wheLher lL ls dolng more harm Lhan
good because lL ls affecLlng Lhe church and men of Cod noL Lhe flnanclal crooks lL seeks Lo lnfluence
1he occupaLlon of Lhe square ln fronL of Lhe church caused Lhe caLhedral Lo close lLs doors Lo Lhe publlc
for Lhe flrsL Llme slnce Lhe lasL world war and has never been forced Lo close lLs doors durlng a Llme of
peace ls Lhls really whaL Lhe proLesLors wanL? WhaL message ls LhaL sendlng? Wlll Lhey lose supporLers
and respecL for Lhese resulLs? ls lL golng agalnsL whaL Lhe movemenL lLself sLands for?

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