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Tanks and Helmet Tank Camouflage Infantry Jacket Infantry Pants Belts and Webbing Boots Tanks and Helmet Tank Camouflage Infantry Uniform Belts and Webbing Boots Tanks and Helmet Tank Camouflage Infantry Uniform Belts and Webbing Boots Tanks and Helmet Tank Camouflage Infantry Uniform Belts and Webbing Boots Tanks Tank Camouflage Tank Camouflage Helmet Infantry Uniform Belts and Webbing and Boots Tanks and Helmet Tank Camouflage Infantry Uniform Belts and Kit Boots Tanks and Helmet Tank Camouflage Infantry Uniform Belts and Webbing and Puttees Boots Faces and Hands Rifle Butts and Entrenching Tools Tank Tracks, Machine-guns and Rifle Barrels Numbers and Markings Tyres Dust

Humbrol Enamel
155 29 121 118 83 62 121 75 72 28 33 26 29 26 72 33 94 187 155 121 62 67 117 98 75 116 33 86 29 26 72 33 63 116 121 116 62 61 170 53 34 67 93 29

Model-Master Enamel
2050 2054 1792 1702 1704 1701 1706 1710 1706 1730 1749 2052 2054 2052 1706 1749 2102 2103 1792 1730 1701 2094 2097 2096 2098 2014 1749 2129 2124 1702 1706 1749 2110 2098 1706 2098 1701 1516 1735 1795 1768 1583 1702 2054

Common Colours

Italian German British British Soviet German (Desert) (Desert) (UK) (Desert) (Russia)

Battlefront Miniatures Ltd (2002) Permission is granted to print or photocopy this page for personal use www.FlamesOf

Tamiya Acrylic VallejoAcrylic

XF62 XF52 XF57 XF49 XF60 XF10 XF60 XF11 XF57 XF55 XF1 XF49 XF52 XF49 XF57 XF1 XF59 XF49 XF51 XF55 XF10 XF63 XF58 XF64 XF13 XF65 XF1 XF5 XF52 XF49 XF52 XF1 XF59 XF5 XF59 XF65 XF10 XF15 XF10 X10 XF2 XF63 XF55 XF52 887 874 988 873 886 818 847 980 819 978 950 879 873 921 988 950 912 880 988 916 818 862 890 872 979 830 950 894 983 880 821 950 977 888 847 888 818 955 981 863 951 869 879 983

Games Workshop
Catachan Green Graveyard Earth Kommando Khaki Snakebite Leather Camo Green Scorched Brown Kommando Khaki Catachan Green Graveyard Earth Kommando Khaki Chaos Black Graveyard Earth Beastial Brown Graveyard Earth Kommando Khaki Chaos Black Graveyard Earth Snakebite Leather Camo Green Kammando Khaki Scorched Brown Codex Grey Catachan Green Terracotta Catachan Green Camo Green Chaos Black Catachan Green Graveyard Earth Graveyard Earth Kommando Khaki Chaos Black Desert Yellow Catachan Green Desert Yellow Catachan Green Scorched Brown Dwarf Flesh Schorched Brown Boltgun Metal Skull White Choas Black Bleached Bone Snakebite Leather

This guide gives you the basic colours required for each army. As you do more research, you will be able to make up your own mind as to the colours for your particular unit. To begin with select a range of colours you can easily get hold of from your local model store. Dont worry about being exactly correct at this point, with the Colour Guide youll have the basics you need for now until you get more confident. Dont be afraid to ask advice from your local storeowner on painting, or where there might be clubs in your area where you can test out your army.


Olive Drab Dark Earth Olive Drill Field Drab Khaki Brown Light Stone Dark Green Khaki Drill Buff Black Khaki Brown Dark Earth Khaki Buff Black Yellow Brown Sand Grey Khaki Olive Sand Brown Panzer Grey Olive Green Chocolate Brown Dark Green Grey Green Black Mid Green Earth Brown Khaki Khaki Black Sand Olive Green Sand Olive Green Brown Flesh Red Brown Gunmetal White Dark Grey Dust Dirt



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