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Su8!LC1 C8CAnlSA1lCnAL 8LPAvlC8

1)My sLrengLhs and weaknesses as a wrlLer
l have a good command over my language and a leglble handwrlLlng Lo presenL my vlews clearly 8uL l
feel l lack ln framlng my LhoughLs properly and ln expresslng Lhem ln a manner LhaL Lhey are noL
2) My sLrengLhs and weaknesses as a speaker
l am clear wlLh my words speak loudly and address Lhe whole crowd whlle speaklng l use crlsp and
clear language wlLh proper pronunclaLlons and dlcLlon 8uL aL Lhe same Llme l feel dlsLracLed when my
llsLeners are noL aLLenLlve or noL lnLeresLed ln whaL l am saylng Also l feel a blL nervous when l am noL
able Lo properly sLrucLure my LhoughLs and presenL Lhem across well
3) My sLrengLhs and weaknesses as a member of a Leam
As a member of a Leam l belleve l am cooperaLlve and undersLandlng l belleve everyone ln Lhe Leam
should be glven a chance Lo puL forLh Lhelr oplnlon and Lhereby a conclse declslon should be Laken 8uL l
someLlmes feel dlscouraged due Lo clash of LhoughLs and when Lhe Leam as a whole ls noL able Lo
perform well
4)My speclflc goals Lo lmprove communlcaLlon Lhls Lerm
l alm aL learnlng Lo sLrucLure my LhoughLs well Lo presenL my ldeas across ln a beLLer manner and Lo be
clearer ln my words
3)Pow do l lnLend Lo reach my goals
l plan Lo read up on communlcaLlon and ways Lo lmprove lL Also l would llke Lo lndulge myself ln more
producLlve conversaLlons wlLh frlends famlly colleagues and my professors so LhaL lL helps me
overcome my weaknesses
6)Pow can my lnsLrucLor help me ln Lhls
My lnsLrucLor can help me flnd good resources llke books and arLlcles on effecLlve communlcaLlon and
help me pour ouL my LhoughLs and ldeas by frulLful sesslons of lnLeracLlon and dlscusslon ln Lhe

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