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Re: How does circular convolution work?

Circular convolution goes like this ... I think that you have executed the following command in matlab cconv([3 2 1],[1 2 3 2 1],5) where the number '5' as input indicates N=5 point circular convolution. So the number of outputs will be 5 Let see how to achieve the result. For circular convolution flip h=[3 2 1] as h'= 1 2 3 and find the sum of products as shown below Step 1: 12321 0 0 1 2 3 ( need to add two zeros since N=5 and size of h is only 3. ________ 1x0+2x0+3x1+2x2+1x3 = 3 + 4+3 = 10 Step 2: (Circularly shift the second row by 1 digit to the left 12321 01230 __________ 0+2+6+6+0 = 14 Step 3: 12321 12300 _________ 1+4+9+0+0 = 14 Step4: 12321 23001 ________ 2+6+0+0+1=9 Step 5: 12321 30012 __________ 3+0+0+2+2=7

So the output is [ 7 9 14 14 10]

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