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Wa|st 1w|st
SLand up sLralghL wlLh your knees sllghLly benL (sofL raLher Lhan locked") keep your feeL hlp
wldLh aparL and your hands resLlng on your hlps
2 @lghLen your abdomen muscles by pulllng your navel back Lowards your splne
3 keeplng your hlps and knees sLlll roLaLe your shoulders and head Lo Lhe rlghL Lhen reLurn Lo Lhe
4 -ow LwlsL Lo Lhe lefL roLaLlng your head and shoulders and keeplng your hlps and knees sLlll
3 epeaL flve Llmes on each sldes
|p C|rc|es
SLand up sLralghL wlLh your knees sllghLly benL feeL hlpwldLh aparL hands resLlng on your hlps
2 @lghLen your abdomlnal muscles by genLly pulllng your navel Lowards your splne @hls
movemenL should feel llghL and subLle do noL suck ln your walsL or hold your breaLh
3 enLly roLaLe your pelvls Lo Lhe rlghL so LhaL you are roLaLlng ln a full clrcle
4 epeaL nlne Llmes Lo Lhe rlghL Lhen clrcle Len Llmes Lo Lhe lefL
rward 8end
SLand up sLralghL wlLh your feeL hlpwldLh aparL and your knees sllghLly benL raLher Lhan locked
lace your hands palms downward on Lhe fronL of your Lhlghs
2 @lghLen your abdomlnal muscles by genLly pulllng ln your navel Loward your backbone
3 Slowly slde your hands down your legs Lowards your Loes @ry noL Lo overreach your back
4 oslLlon yourself so LhaL you feel a sLreLch ln Lhe hamsLrlngs aL Lhe back of your legs buL don'L
sLreLch so far LhaL lL hurLs
3 old for a counL of Lhree Lhen reLurn Lo Lhe cenLer
6 epeaL four more Llmes
|atter stach |n a f|ash
very slmple way of maklng your sLomach look flaLLer ls slmply Lo make sure your
posLure ls correcL ood posLure happens when your splne ls ln naLural allgnmenL raLher Lhan
hunched or slouched lor an lnsLanL more sLreamllned appearance sLand wlLh your feeL hlp
wldLh aparL enLly pull up Lhrough your legs keeplng your knees sllghLly benL LengLhen your
splne pull ln your sLomach muscles and sLand Lall keep your shoulders down and relaxed so
LhaL your neck ls as long as posslble
S|de bends
SLand up sLralghL wlLh your feeL hlpwldLh aparL your knees sllghLly benL and your arms by your
2 @lghLen your abdomlnal muscles by genLly pulllng your navel Lowards your splne
3 keeplng your back sLralghL and wlLhouL leanlng forwards slowly bend Lo one slde from Lhe walsL
so LhaL your hand slldes down Lhe slde of your leg SLralghLen up agaln
4 epeaL on Lhe oLher slde epeaL four more Llmes on each slde

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