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hey there

f you still have the problem, can guide you.


1. go to devices and printers. delete your bluetooth device which in this
case is NOKA BH-503.
(to delete the device, just right click on it and choose remove device)
2. click on the bluetooth icon in your tray bar located on the lower right side
of your desktop, and then choose ADD DEVCE
3. turn on your device (push the call botton untill it the blue light start to
blink )
4. now, you can see in ADD DEVCE window that win7 has detected your
device, click on it
5. two case may occur:
5.a. it will connect without any further question
5.b. it may ask you to enter the pair code which is the second option and i
recommend you to do so and enter 0000 as it is written in the manual. your device is connected to your computer with a delay. BUT YOU

REMEMBER: while win7 wants to install your device, a balloon will appear
at tray icon which indicates NSTALLNG DEVCE DRVER SOFTWARE,
click on it and when the window opens, click on the SKP OBTANNG
DRVER SOFTWARE FROM WNDOWS... (to this for section 6 and 7)

7. again open the devices and printers from start icon, double click on the
NOKA BH-503, its property window will open, go to SERVCE tab, and
check all the boxes. the importent one is HEADSET box. again the balloon
will apear and again do as i said in REMEMBER part.
8. now open CONTROL PANEL from start icon, change the VEW BY from
CATEGORY to LARGE CONS (this view by is located at the upper right of
the control panel window), then find the SOUND icon, and the double click
on it.

8. click on HEADSET EARPHONE and the click on SET DEFAULT,

now you can yous your BH-503 as an earphone and it is fantastic

n addition, YES, you can connect this device to two device but one of the
should use your BH-503 as an earphone and the other as a head set. did
it with my laptop and HTC HD2.

After doing as said, for your win7, your BH-503 will service you as an
earphon, now you can set your cell phone with the headset part of your BH-
503, just go to bluetooth setting of your cell phone and find BH-503 and
connet to it. now you can hear music with your laptop connected to BH-503
and simultaneously if your cell phone ring, you can answer your call.

hey there, i've found out a way to re-connect the nokia bh-503 with the
laptop without repeating all the steps...

1) activate the headset by pressing the multifunction key.

2) go to devices and printers and look for nokia bh-503

3) right click and go to "sound settings"

4) here you can see the nokia headset icon...right click and select "set as

there you long methods again


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