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Ch 1 ersona| Lffect|veness

O LffecLlve managemenL sLarLs wlLh yourself

4 eople who can manage Lhemselves can manage oLhers
O ersonal effecLlveness ls Lhe foundaLlon of greaL managemenL
O locus ls on acLlonable knowledge and behavlorsLhlngs you can acLlvely learn and o Lo lmprove
your personal compeLence
4 know yourself and how you learn new sklll and moLlvaLe yourself
O 3 myLhs of personal effecLlveness
4 ManagemenL learnlng comes wlLh age and experlence
Learnlng comes from a consclous and perslsLenL deslre Lo aLLend Lo effecLlve
models learn reLaln and pracLlce
4 We know ourselves
AcLually slgnlflcanL gap Lo how we percelve ourselves and how oLher percelve us
4 CrowLh opporLunlLles lle solely ln our weaknesses
Should also focus on areas you perform well and work on Lhem Loo
4 lL's noL me lL's Lhem!
Can'L conLrol oLhers buL do have conLrol over your own behavlor
4 1he besL managers are hyperorganlzed and workahollcs
8aLher enable us Lo reduce sLress achleve balance and do oLher Lhlgns we
really wanL Lo do
Coal ls Lo work smarLer noL harder
O Learnlng how Lo learn
4 MosL people don'L accompllsh new year's resoluLlons
AlmosL everyone hopes/wlshes Lo enhance Lhelr effecLlveness buL few have
dlsclpllne Lo do lL
MosL powerful framework for personal lmprovemenL ls AlberL 8andura's soclal
learnlng Lheory
O Soclal learnlng Lheory learnlng of any new behavlor ls Lhe resulL of
Lhree maln facLors Lhe person Lhe envlronmenL and Lhe behavlor and
Lhey all lnfluence each oLher
4 ersonal moLlvaLlon aLLenLlon selfregulaLlon and self
4 8ehavlor person's response or acLlon
4 LnvlronmenL physlcal and soclal envlronmenL surroundlng an
lndlvldual relnforcemenL and punlshmenL
4 lnfluence one anoLher reclprocal deLermlnlsm
4 ALLenLlon
need Lo focus
llnd rlghL models and devoLe undlvlded aLLenLlon Lo
lsolaLe as speclflcally as posslble Lhe behavlors you wanL
Lo learn
4 8eLenLlon
MusL be able Lo undersLand and remember whaL you
have learned
Codlng whaL we observe lnLo words labels or lmages
resulLs ln beLLer reLenLlon
undersLand underlylng prlnclples of a model and be
able Lo reLaln Lhem
4 8eproducLlon (mosL crlLlcal)
?ou cannoL learn managemenL by [usL observlng
readlng or undersLandlng Lhe concepL
MusL LranslaLe Lhe lmages or descrlpLlons lnLo acLual
racLlce (wlLh feedback) makes perfecL
4 MoLlvaLlon
Won'L be successful wlLh [usL aLLenLlon reLenLlon and
reproducLlonneed Lo be moLlvaLed Lo perslsL
need consclous efforL Lo keep wlLh lL
Can be derlved from pasL relnforcemenL promlsed
relnforcemenL (lncenLlve) or vlcarlous relnforcemenL
Also can use punlshmenLs for fallure
O Powever lL has been found LhaL punlshmenL
does noL work as well as relnforcemenL and
can acLually backflre someLlmes
4 MosL learnlng ls acLually done Lhrough observaLlon and
modellng of behavlors of oLhers LhaL ls mosL people learn
sLoves burn by waLchlng Lhe behavlor of oLhers by seelng oLhers
O Where does LalenL come from?
4 Can become good aL anyLhlng Lakes more pracLlce raLher Lhan naLural LalenL
4 need Lo do someLhlng you llke so you can pracLlce Lhe long amounL needed Lo masLer
O Model of selfmanagemenL
4 uslng 8andura's Charles Manz has creaLed framework for selfmanagemenL
SelfmanagemenL a process of modlfylng one's own behavlor by sysLemaLlcally
alLerlng how we arrange dlfferenL cues ln our world how we Lhlnk abouL whaL
we hope Lo change and how we aLLach behavloral consequences Lo our acLlons
SelfmanagemenL framework
O SelfobservaLlon/exploraLlon
4 need Lo undersLand whaL you currenLly are dolng ln order Lo
4 ueLermlnlng when why and under whaL condlLlons you
currenLly use cerLaln behavlors
4 rovldes bulldlng block for lmprovemenL
4 ConLlnue Lo observe as you work/change Lo see lf you are
acLually lmprovlng from how you were
4 CreaL managers make a loL of mlsLakes buL Lhose mlsLakes are
seen as producLlve fallures and are rarely made Lwlce
O SelfseL lmprovemenL goals
4 llrsL need Lo deLermlne whaL your deslred ouLcome or effecLlve
behavlors look llke
4 More llkely Lo adopL a model lf lL's slmllar Lo Lhe observer and
has an admlred sLaLus for us pay more aLLenLlon
4 SeL goals makes person devoLe aLLenLlon Loward goal glve you
energy glve you perslsLence and moLlvaLe
4 8esL goals follow SMA81
Speclflc measurable aLLalnable relevanL and Llme
O ManagemenL of cues
4 8egln Lo modlfy your envlronmenL organlze your world Lo asslsL
you ln performlng Lhe behavlors you wanL Lo change
4 le go Lo Lhe llbrary lf LempLed Lo go ouL on weekends or leave
sLlckynoLe remlnders Lo provlde cue Lo help you focus
O oslLlve selfLalk and reherarsal
4 arL of reproducLlon
4 racLlce ln reallsLlc slLuaLlons
4 use poslLlve selfLalk
Pavlng poslLlve frame mlnd can energlze your self
O Selfreward and punlshmenL
4 Clvlng yourself real rewards or punlshmenLs can help
4 usually reward ls beLLer celebraLe vlcLorles and don'L dwell on
O uLLlng lL all ln pracLlce
4 know where you are currenLly
4 SeL SMA81 goals for your change
4 Arrange your world so lL focuses your aLLenLlon and remlnds
you of your lmprovemenL plan/goals
4 SLay poslLlve and rehearse Lhe deslred behavlors every
4 CreaLe your own rewards for accompllshlng your LargeLs
O Why are mosL people noL effecLlve?
4 MosL people use Lhese sLraLegles lneffecLlvely or lnconslsLenLly
4 Also don'L follow all Lhe sLeps mlghL [usL do some
O 8ulldlng selfawareness
4 1he besL managers are noL only conslsLenLly seeklng feedback Lo know Lhemselves
beLLer and whaL areas Lhey need Lo lmprove buL also Lo lsoloaLe Lhelr personal
sLrengLhs and preferences so Lhey can besL poslLlon Lhemselves
4 Selfawareness ls essenLlal Lo learnlng and growLh ln a managemenL role because lL
forms Lhe basls by whlch we learn abouL ourselves and how we dlffer from oLhers
4 lndlvldual dlfferences and Lhelr lmporLance
Lveryone's dlfferenLneed Lo recognlze your dlfferences
1wo caLegorles of dlfference for managers
O AblllLy whaL a person ls capable of dolng
O ersonallLy (values and moLlves) Lhe paLLern of relaLlvely endurlng
ways ln whlch a person Lhlnks acLs and behaves
4 ueLermlned by boLh naLure (geneLlcs) and nurLure
O no comblnaLlon or Lype of person llmlLs your occupaLlon
O lL ls a fundamenLal error Lo assume LhaL behavlor ls solely a funcLlon of
one's personallLy slnce Lhe envlronmenL wlll always play a role
O AssessmenLs of ablllLy and personallLy are besL when Lhere ls a need Lo
Pow do l Lhlnk CrlLlcally and AnalyLlcally
O CognlLlve ablllLy Lhe capaclLy Lo learn and process cognlLlve lnformaLlon
such as readlng comprehenslon maLhemaLlcs and spaLlal paLLerns
O AssessmenLs of Lhls (SA1 AC1 eLc) need Lo be Llmed
Pow well do l undersLand and use emoLlon?
O LmoLlonal lnLelllgence aka emoLlonal ablllLles ablllLy Lo accuraLely
ldenLlfy emoLlons (ln self and oLhers) as well as undersLand and manage
Lhose emoLlons successfully
O keys Lo emoLlonal lnLelllgence
4 8e able Lo accuraLely ldenLlfy and express your and oLher
4 CeL ln Lhe rlghL mood
4 redlcL Lhe emoLlonal fuLure
4 uo lL wlLh feellng
CulLural lnLelllgence
O A person's capablllLy Lo funcLlon effecLlvely ln slLuaLlons characLerlzed
by culLural dlverslLy becomlng more lmporLanL Lhan ever before
O oslLlvely assoclaLed wlLh [ob performance and ablllLy Lo perform ln
dlverse groups
O Llnn van uyne and Soon Ang ldenLlfled culLural quoLlenL (CC)
4 CC sLraLegy how a person lnLerpreLs and undersLands
lnLerculLural experlences
4 CC knowledge person's undersLandlngs of how culLures are
slmllar and dlfferenL
4 CC moLlvaLlon person's lnLeresL ln experlenclng oLher culLures
and lnLeracLlng wlLh people from dlfferenL culLures
4 CC behavlor person's capablllLy Lo modlfy Lhelr own verbal and
nonverbal behavlor so lL ls approprlaLe for dlfferenL culLures
WhaL are my domlnanL personallLy LralLs?
O 8lg flve flve baslc and unlversal dlmenslons or facLors
4 Some are more/less lmporLanL for cerLaln [obs
LxLraverslon poslLlve emoLlons gregarlousness
LmoLlonal sLablllLy anxleLy selfconsclousness
Agreeableness LrusL sLralghLforwardness Lender
ConsclenLlousness compeLence order selfdlsclpllne
penness Lo experlence fanLasy acLlons ldeas
WhaL are my personallLy preferences?
O references noL LralLs (deeply rooLed domlnanL characLerlsLlcs) buL
raLher cholces we make (mosLly unconsclously)Carl !ung
4 LxLraverslon (L) vs lnLroverslon (l)
LxLraverslon prefer dlrecLlng energy Loward people and
lnLroverslon prefer dlrecLlng energy Loward ldeas and
4 Senslng (S) vs lnLulLlon (n)
Senslng people Lo deslre acLual daLa and well
documenLed experlences and pay aLLenLlon Lo deLall
lnLulLlon seek Lhe blg plcLure and complex paLLens
4 1hlnklng (1) or leellng (l)
1hlnklng loglc lmparLlallLy and uLlllLy Lo make
leellng base declslons on human values and needs and
personallze declslons
4 !udgmenL (!) vs ercepLlon ()
!udgmenL planned focuslng on Lask compleLlon and
goal aLLalnmenL
ercepLlon sponLanelLy and curlouslLy
4 Myers8rlggs 1ype lndlcaLor LesL
8uL no personallLy ls opLlmal so shouldn'L be used for
hlrlng or lndlcaLe lnLelllgence [usL for selfawareness
WhaL are my core values?
O value sysLem rank orderlng of one's values
O values are nonnegoLlable deeply held bellefs
O 8okeach suggesLs we each have Lhe same values [usL dlfferenL ranklngs
O ccupaLlonal flL condlLlon LhaL exlsLs when Lhere ls relaLlve agreemenL
among Lhe parLles (le company and employee) abouL whaL ls mosL
4 Cood flL can lead Lo low Lurnover lncreased saLlsfacLlon and
lncreased wllllngness Lo help ouL coworkers
WhaL ls my preferred career orlenLaLlon?
O lmporLanL Lo have a good undersLandlng of your LalenLs and whaL
career flLs you besL
O Career orlenLaLlon a preference for a speclflc Lype of occupaLlon and
work conLexL
O Polland's career preferences
4 Common for people Lo have mulLlple of Lhese preferences buL
usually one predomlnanL Lype
4 8eallsLlc anlmals Lools machlnes
4 lnvesLlgaLe problem solvlng LroubleshooLlng creaLlon of
4 ArLlsLlc lnnovaLlon creaLlvlLy unsLrucLured lnLellecLual
4 Soclal helplng oLhers learn or solve problem
4 LnLerprlslng persuaslon soclal lnLeracLlon and energy
4 ConvenLlonal meeLlng preclse sLandards numbers ln
sLrucLured way
4 lmporLanL selfawareness lssues
lnLerpreLaLlon of assessmenLs
O AssessmenLs are slmply feedback noL flnal LruLh
4 !usL havlng cerLaln personallLy characLerlsLlcs ls less lmporLanL
Lhan how you aLLempL Lo puL yourself ln poslLlons where Lhose
LralLs are mosL valued and rewarded
O Many assessmenLs have quesLlon leglLlmacy
O references are cholces we make abouL how we percelve Lhe world and
funcLlon besL ln lL some of Lhese cholces are noL necessarlly consclous
ones buL raLher modes of behavlng LhaL seem mosL naLural can choose
Lo behave ouLslde your preferences buL wlll requlre more consclous
O Look aL paLLerns and conslsLency across your assessmenLs Lo flnd your
more domlnanL LralLs/preferences
lnvolve oLhers seek regular feedback
O leedback leads Lo beLLer [ob saLlsfacLlon and performance buL ls sLlll
noL usually pursued ma[or obsLacle ls fear
O 1hls ls usually because we are slmply afrald Lo flnd ouL whaL ls wrong
O lmporLanL Lo keep ln mlnd LhaL your percepLlon of yourself ls usually
dlfferenL Lhan oLhers percepLlon and someLlmes people wlLh dlfferenL
percepLlons (llke our moms) won'L Lell us Lhe LruLh
O llrsL sLep ls a wllllngness Lo puL aslde fear and push Lo learn abouL
ourselves Lhen need Lo ask mulLlple oLhers how we acL ln relaLlonshlps
O MulLlsource feedback feedback provlded by many sources (boss co
worker cusLomer subordlnaLe eLc) oLher Lhan [usL yourself
locus on sLrengLhs noL [usL weaknesses
O locus on poslLlve feedback as much as negaLlve feedback
O Some argue lL ls more producLlve Lo even [usL focus on furLher
lmprovlng sLrengLhs and flnd ways Lo mlnlmlze your weaknesses
O Managlng sLress
4 1he prevalence and dangers of sLress
SLress a paLLern of menLal and physlcal responses Lo condlLlons of uncerLalnLy
and percelved LhreaL
Managers LhaL are hlghly sLressed are more llkely Lo selecLlvely percelve
lnformaLlon flxaLe on slngle soluLlons Lo problems reverL Lo old hablLs show
less creaLlvlLy and overesLlmaLe how fasL Llme ls passlng
Also leads Lo physlcal and menLal problems over Llme hearL dlsease sLroke
cancer dlabeLes and lung dlsease sleep problems depresslon sex lssues and
lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlp lssues and hurLs our lmmune sysLem
Powever some level of sLress ls necessary for hlgh level performance
O Pans Selye called Lhls eusLress conLrolled and producLlve sLress
4 Sources of sLress
lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlps wlLh oLhers amblgulLy or feellngs of poor
communlcaLlon wlLh oLhers change ln responslblllLy reducLlon ln company
resources or pay cuLs personal lssues workload schedullng confllcLs deadllnes
eople Lend Lo overesLlmaLe how much large evenLs ln Lhelr llves conLrlbuLe Lo
Lhelr sLress level and grossly underesLlmaLe Lhe effecLs of dally hassles
O ually hassles annoylng evenLs LhaL occur durlng Lhe workday and
makes accompllshlng work more dlfflculL
O ually hassles acLually can lead Lo more sLress and wear you down more
Lhan ma[or llfe evenLs
O ually upllfLs unexpecLed poslLlve ouLcomes have opposlLe effecL as
4 SLraLegles for managlng sLress
LvenLs don'L cause sLress we do
need Lo bulld reslllency Lo sLress by physlcal hardlness psychologlcal hardlness
and managemenL of Llme
hyslcal hardlness
O llLness boosLs menLal performance and ls crlLlcal Lo coplng wlLh sLress
O llL people are also less llkely Lo suffer from lllness and have more
O 8esearch shows physlcal performance ls assoclaLed wlLh performance
sychologlcal hardlness
O 1he ablllLy Lo remaln psychologlcally sLable and healLhy ln Lhe face of
slgnlflcanL sLress
O 1hree facLors have been ldenLlfled Lo help wlLh psychologlcal hardlness
commlLmenL conLrol and challenge
O CommlLmenL
4 erseverlng or sLlcklng lL ouL Lhrough a hard Llme
4 Soclal supporL ls lmporLanL ln bufferlng effecLs of sLress
commlLmenLs beyond work are a good anLlbody for sLress
4 Pelp from famlly and frlends ls cruclally lmporLanL Lo coplng
wlLh sLress
O ConLrol
4 ConLrol Lo keep a poslLlve opLlmlsLlc hopeful ouLlook can
lmprove Lhe slLuaLlon
4 Seek small wlns
8reak large pro[ecL lnLo small Lasks geL small and
meanlngful mllesLones LhaL bulld confldence
O Challenge
4 See problems as challenges lnsLead of LhreaLs
4 Moblllzes our resources Lo deal wlLh lL and encourages us Lo
pursue Lhe posslblllLles of a successful ouLcome
O ueallng wlLh sLress ln Lhe momenL
4 Muscle relaxaLlon when a Llme ouL ls needed Lense a release
muscle groups sLarLlng wlLh feeL and worklng your way up
4 ueep breaLhlng deep breaLh and hold for 3 seconds Lhen
breaLhe ouL slowly
4 Mood repalr flnd someLhlng LhaL puLs you ln your happy place
and glves you a poslLlve mood (le chocolaLe Lalklng Lo
someone llsLen Lo muslc)
O Managlng Llme
4 common prlnclples for Llme managemenL
llrsL be effecLlve Lhen be efflclenL
O ay aLLenLlon Lo goals and revlslL Lhem regularly dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlngs
should come before dolng Lhlngs rlghL
O SLarL wlLh wrlLLen goals
4 A seL of longLerm llfeLlme goals can help you dlscover whaL
you really wanL Lo do help moLlvaLe you Lo do lL and glve
meanlng Lo Lhe way you spend Llme
4 eople LhaL wrlLe down goals and revlslL Lhem have a beLLer
chance aL succeedlng
O /2 rule
4 2 of work produces of Lhe value
4 lmporLanL Lo flnd whaL ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL 2 and spend
Lhe bulk of your Llme on LhaL
O use Lhe Llme managemenL maLrlx
4 CaLegorlze lLems ln Lerms of Lhelr relaLlve lmporLance and
4 lmporLanL goals one Lled Lo your goals and produce a deslred
4 urgenL demand lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon
O !usL un'1 do lL learn Lo say no
4 ne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL words ln Llme managemenL ls Lhe
word no
4 need Lo learn Lo devoLe yourself fully Lo your mosL lmporLanL
4 Chooslng whaL n1 Lo do ls almosL as lmporLanL
lan Lhe work Lhen work Lhe plan
O Make good llsLs for effecLlve prlorlLlzaLlon
4 MosL dlfflculL challenge ls Lo deLermlne whaL goes on Lhe llsL
and how Lo prlorlLlze lL
4 WrlLe a Lodo llsL and prlorlLlze lL
A8C meLhod asslgnlng A Lo hlgh prlorlLles 8 Lo
medlum and so on always work on A's before C's no
maLLer whaL
O Ask whaL's Lhe nexL acLlon"
4 llgure ouL whaL Lhe flrsL or nexL sLep ls for Lhe prlorlLy
4 8e very speclflc
4 1hen do LhaL acLlon
know ?ourself and ?our Llme use
O Pave Lo know yourself and your sLyle
O lnLernal prlme Llme Llme we work besL and can concenLraLe
4 8esL Llme Lo work on hlgh prlorlLy lLems
O LxLernal prlme Llme besL Llme Lo aLLend Lo oLher people
llghL procrasLlnaLlon
O Swlss cheese meLhod poklng small holes ln A" pro[ecLs
4 Make llsL of lnsLanL Lasks Lhan can be compleLe qulckly and Lhen
do Lhem Lo geL your sLarL and Lhen sLarL dolng any lnsLanL Lasks
you can ldenLlfy
O 2mlnuLe rule
4 lf can be done ln less Lhan 2 mlnuLes beLLer off dolng lL nW
efflclenL cuLoff
O Charles Schwab advlce
4 Lvery day make a llsL of 6 lmporLanL Lasks and prlorlLlze Lhem
4 1hen sLarL wlLh number one and work down Lhe llne

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