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Ch 2 Commun|cat|on

O 1he besL managers are Lhe people who can besL LransmlL Lhelr vlews ldeas and enLhuslasm Lo
O Cood communlcaLors lnsplre confldence ln oLhers and are percelved as havlng more credlble
ldeas Lhan are Lhose wlLh weaker communlcaLlon skllls wheLher or noL Lhelr ldeas are acLually
O CommunlcaLlon sharlng lnfo wlLh oLher people
O lnfo source has a message LransmlLLer sends channel recelves recelver geLs message
O 1o be an effecLlve communlcaLlon also requlres LhaL people reach a common undersLandlng
4 lor communlcaLlon Lo work llsLeners need Lo undersLand whaL ls belng sald Lo Lhem
and lnLerpreL LhaL lnformaLlon ln a slmllar way Lo Lhe person maklng Lhe orlglnal
O CommunlcaLlon myLhs
4 lf you have a sLrong case everyone wlll be convlnced
4 Words mean whaL Lhey mean
4 owerolnL ls always Lhe besL way Lo persuade
4 AsserLlve communlcaLlon means belng a [erk
4 LlsLenlng ls a passlve acLlvlLy
O CreaLlng ersuaslve Messages
4 Audlence Analysls
1he flrsL rule of effecLlve communlcaLlon ls Lo analyze your audlence
lundamenLal Lo allgn your appeals wlLh Lhe values and bellefs of your
audlence hlL Lhem where Lhey llve"
O ersuade by personal credlblllLy eLhos
O 8espond Lo emoLlonal appeals paLhos
O Move Lhem by loglcal argumenLs logos
LLhos ersonal CredlblllLy
O LlsLen Lo someone slmply because we belleve Lhey know whaL Lhey are
Lalklng abouL
O Can lncrease eLhos by maklng Lhe message clear LhaL you Lruly
undersLand Lhem and llsLen Lo Lhem
O Also lncrease by esLabllshlng your auLhorlLy or experLlse
O LLhos bolls down Lo experLlse and relaLlonshlps
O Can also deLermlne eLhos based on quallLy of presenLaLlon (le your
dress how confldenL you appear professlonal alds)
aLhos Arouslng CLhers' LmoLlons
O MosL effecLlve when speakers use sLorles and examples LhaL are hlghly
relevanL Lo Lhelr llsLeners or when arouses emoLlons LhaL lead Lo
O uslng falrness and sLoryLelllng
O SLoryLelllng one of Lhe oldesL and mosL powerful modes of
Logos uslng Lvldence
O 1he loglcal evldence presenLed by speakers LhaL help make llsLeners
belleve Lhey are maklng an lnformed raLlonal cholce
O ConsLrucL a sound argumenL and flnd evldence Lo supporL Lhose clalms
O 1wo klnds of argumenLs
4 ueducLlve general Lo speclflc (make asserLlon provlde
evldence Lo supporL)
4 lnducLlve speclflc Lo general (presenL evldence Lhen draw
O Also Argue from experlence ersuade from a shared ldenLlLy Argulng
from cause and effecL
O 1ypes of evldence
4 SLaLlsLlcs facLs and flgures
4 Appeal Lo auLhorlLy works when group shares common
uon'L overwhelm audlence wlLh evldence
O WanL prudence Lhe pracLlcal wlsdom Lo make Lhe rlghL cholce aL Lhe
rlghL Llme
4 Shown by masLery of sub[ecL
Whlch appeal ls besL?
O lL depends on Lhe audlence
O All Lhree are good persuaslon so alm Lo use all Lhree
LlsLeners geL lnfo from Lwo levels
O 1he message lLself
O 1he dellvery
O uellverlng owerful Messages
4 llve S's sequenLlal process for preparlng any persuaslve presenLaLlon
SLraLegy sLrucLure supporL sLyle supplemenL
4 SLraLegy
WhaL Lype of sLraLegy wlll depend on Lhe person you are persuadlng
need Lo analyze
O Who ls my audlence? Common ground?
O WhaL ls my goal?
O LLhos paLhos logos
4 SLrucLure
ueLermlne whlch order Lo presenL your persuaslve argumenLs
Loglcal sequence or Lell a sLory
8egln wlLh Lhe end ln mlnd"
Chronologlcal problemsolvlng causal famlllarlLyaccepLance lnqulry order
quesLlonanswer ellmlnaLlon
4 SupporL
need Lo provlde evldence oLher Lhan yourself
Lxamples sLaLlsLlcs LesLlmony sLorles
4 SLyle
uellver speech ln a compelllng way
uon'L use slang [argon profanlLy or poor grammar
Cood posLure
4 SupplemenL
CA lmporLanL Lo llsLen Lo audlence member
use oLher evldence besldes your presenLaLlon's
O uslng vlsual alds
4 1oday people are more vlsually orlenLed Lhan ever before
4 Ilsual alds help you audlence focus and Lrack where you are golng and feel more
comforLable and help Lhem remember whaL you sald
4 ey polnLs for vlsuals
Color use Lo aLLracL aLLenLlon make sure sLlll leglble and don'L use
conLradlcLlng colors use colors LhaL evoke emoLlon
4 ConslsLency keep colors and deslgn conslsLenL
4 SlmpllclLy easy Lo read and absorb
4 8alance lefL Lo rlghL and up Lo down
4 IlslblllLy should be easlly seen
4 LvaluaLlon sllp lnLo audlence's shoes and see how vlsual looks
4 MlsconcepLlons presenLaLlons requlre a maglc number of slldes Lhe audlence cannoL
read graphlcal dlsplays are obvlous
O Speclal communlcaLlon skllls and conLexLs
4 Chooslng your communlcaLlon medlum
Whlch way Lo communlcaLe depends on how rlch Lhe lnformaLlon maLches Lhe
rlchness of Lhe communlcaLlon and Lhe Loplcs complexlLy
lnformaLlon rlchness Lhe poLenLlal lnformaLloncarrylng capaclLy of a
communlcaLlon channel and Lhe exLenL Lo whlch lL faclllLaLes developlng a
common undersLandlng beLween people
ueflne lnformaLlon by
O leedback lmmedlaLe feedback amounL of feedback
O Audlo/vlsual vlsual can read person's body language and nonverbal
wlLh audlo you lose Lhls
O ersonal/lmpersonal personal conLacL or formal
laceLoface ls hlghesL lnformaLlon rlchness
1elephone ls nexL Lhen personal wrlLlng Lhen formal wrlLlng (memo Lo group)
More complex more need for hlgher lnformaLlon rlchness (faceLoface)
Also conslder comforL of reclplenL
laceLoface also can lmprove communlcaLlon bond and Lherefore lmprove
oLher communlcaLlon medlums
Lmall ls mosL llkely monlLored and also backed up by your employer
lL ls also lmporLanL Lo make sure your emall ls compleLe and noL easlly
4 AsserLlve communlcaLlon
Means belng clear abouL your needs and expresslng Lhem respecLfully Lo oLher
O SLand up for your or someone else's poslLlon wlLhouL hurLlng or
dlmlnlshlng anyone else
noL aggresslve manlpulaLlve passlve
AsserLlve does noL mean you always geL whaL you wanL buL does bulld
8educes sLress
1wo lessons for asserLlve exchanges
O LmpaLhy/valldaLlon of oLher slde
O unamblguous sLaLemenL of Lhe problem and of whaL you wanL
4 use l" sLaLemenLs
4 use facLs noL [udgmenLs
4 1ake ownershlp of your LhoughLs feellngs and oplnlons
4 Make clear dlrecL requesLs
4 Crlsls communlcaLlon
Choose language LhaL ls clear and accuraLe be as upfronL as posslble
now your audlence puL lL ln Lhelr conLexL and lmporLance
8e prepared Lo Lalk abouL emoLlons feel comforLable wlLh Lhls under a crlsls
CommunlcaLe conslsLenLly helps dlffuse anxleLy
O AcLlve LlsLenlng
4 1he paradox and lmporLanL of acLlve llsLenlng
earlng Lhe physlcal reallLy of recelvlng sounds passlve acL
LlsLenlng acLlve process LhaL Lakes consclous efforL Lo hear and undersLand
AcLlve llsLenlng lnvolves lnLeracLlon and good quesLlonlng
LlsLenlng lnvolves carlng hearlng lnLerpreLlng evaluaLlng and respondlng Lo
oral messages Lhe galn a shared undersLandlng
Managers llsLen Lo show supporL for employees and lmprove saLlsfacLlon and
performance and hear new soluLlons for problems
LlsLen before you acL
4 1raps and barrlers Lo acLlve llsLenlng
1he Lendency Lo evaluaLe
O umans have naLural urge Lo evaluaLe whaL oLher people say
O 1he less of an emoLlonal sLake you have wlLh Lhe sub[ecL belng Lalked
abouL Lhe less you pay aLLenLlon
O LvaluaLlng leads Lo blocklng good llsLenlng
O ey Lo sLop evaluaLlng Lo be aware of lL
4 ear from Lhelr polnL of vlew
4 undersLand whaL Lhey are saylng be able Lo repeaL lL and
rephrase lL
Mlsreadlng nonverbal cues
O 8oLh consclous and nonconsclous
O need Lo deLermlne sender's personal frame culLural background and
Lhe slLuaLlon
O Awareness of culLure cues ls crlLlcal
ersonal focus
O Many Llmes we focus on whaL WL are golng Lo say lnsLead of llsLenlng
1hlnklng ls fasLer Lhan speaklng
O Slnce Lhlnk fasLer Lhan speaklng/comprehendlng Lakes mlnd can
wander aL Llmes/daydreams
SelecLlve percepLlon/fllLerlng
O lllLer llsLen Lo some Lhlngs and noL Lo oLhers
1endency Lo advlse
O Many subsLlLuLe advlce for llsLenlng
4 rlnclples of Cood llsLenlng
now you ob[ecLlve
O Should you be empaLhlzlng analyzlng or synLheslzlng
AcLlvely lnLeracL
O need Lo ask good quesLlons lnLeracL wlLh speaker paraphrase
commenLs make supporLlve commenLs
SLay focused
O MosL lmporLanL and mosL dlfflculL of all llsLenlng skllls

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