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Ch 4 Mot|vat|on

O MoLlvaLlon ls key area greaL managers dlsLlngulsh Lhemselves

O MyLhs of moLlvaLlon
4 Money ls noL Lhe only effecLlve moLlvaLor
4 Lveryone ls moLlvaLed by Lhe same Lhlngs l am
4 unlshmenL does noL moLlvaLe
4 Low performance ls always aLLrlbuLable Lo low moLlvaLlon
4 Lack of moLlvaLlon sLems largely from lazy and apaLheLlc people
O MoLlvaLlon formula
4 erformance luncLlon (moLlvaLlon x ablllLy x opporLunlLy)
MoLlvaLlon wlll do
AblllLy can do
CpporLunlLy geL Lo do
lf noL performlng well need Lo look aL all Lhree Lo see
4 MoLlvaLlon and opporLunlLy ls mosL sub[ecL Lo managerlal lnfluence
4 no one way Lo moLlvaLe someone
no one besL way Lo heal a paLlenL depends on person and condlLlon
lnsLead of [usL asklng how do you moLlvaLe should ask how do you moLlvaLe
who Lo do whaL under whaL clrcumsLances"
O uepends on person hlsLory and conLexL
O lramlng MoLlvaLlon challenges and ldeas Lhe expecLancy Lheory
4 LxpecLancy Lheory based on Lhree bellefs expecLancy lnsLrumenLallLy and valence
MosL encompasslng and appllcable Lheory of moLlvaLlon
O undersLandlng of whaL performance ls deslred and Lhe person's bellef
LhaL efforL wlll lead Lo a deslred level of performance
O uo people know whaL Lhey have Lo do and wlll Lhey be able Lo
accompllsh Lhe behavlor deslred?
O MoLlvaLlon decllnes anyLlme we percelve low probablllLy of success
O 8ellef LhaL a glven level of performance wlll lead Lo speclflc ouLcomes
O 8ange from zero (same payouL no maLLer whaL) Lo cerLaln (le
commlsslon based)
O Llnklng reward dlrecLly Lo deslred performance
O 1he value a person places on fuLure ouLcomes
O MosL lnLulLlve bellef
O WhaL's ln lL for me?"
MoLlvaLlng force LxpecLancy x lnsLrumenLallLy x valence
O Plgh moLlvaLlon wlll come only ln Lhe case of hlgh levels of all Lhree
O LxpecLancy Lheory ls based on lndlvlduals bellefs and percepLlons noL
necessarlly on a manager's bellefs or some ob[ecLlve reallLy
O An lndlvldual musL belleve LhaL efforL wlll lead Lo good performance
belleve performance wlll be rewarded and belleve Lhe reward wlll be
personally valued percepLlon ls reallLy
4 Why capable people are noL moLlvaLed
lar more common are cases where people have Lhe ablllLy Lo perform buL are
noL lncllned Lo do so
Cne of Lhe mosL useful flrsL dlagnosLlcs for moLlvaLlonal lssues Lo Lhlnk abouL
why capable people mlghL nC1 be hlghly moLlvaLed
need Lo uncover real reasons for low moLlvaLlon need Lo dlagnose reason
1hree sources avallable Lo flll moLlvaLlonal buckeL" and lmprove expecLancy
lnsLrumenLallLy and valence
O ersonal drlves
O Managerlal acLlons
O !ob/work lLself
O 1he person as a source of moLlvaLlon
4 Maslow's hlerarchy of needs
8lologlcal/physlologlcal safeLy belonglngness/love esLeem self
Lach of us ls moLlvaLed by flve baslc needs whlch are arranged ln a hlerarchy
from lower order (physlologlcal) Lo hlgher order (selfacLuallzaLlon)
Lower order needs of survlval and physlcal and emoLlonal wellbelng need Lo be
saLlsfled before hlgher order needs of selfesLeem and selfacLuallzaLlon
lf Lhlngs LhaL saLlsfy our lower needs are Laken away we wlll no longer be
concerned abouL Lhe malnLenance of our hlgher order needs
Shows people have dlfferenL needs and furLhermore LhaL Lhese needs are vary
CrlLlques on Maslow
O eople are concerned wlLh all of Lhe lssues aL a slngle polnL ln Llme noL
[usL one
O Model ls noL useful ln explalnlng Lhe phenomenon whereby people
sacrlflce lower order needs ln favor of hlgher order moLlves
O Pow well ls varles across culLures ls a blg quesLlon
4 An equlLy approach Lo moLlvaLlon
LqulLy workers' percepLlons of Lhe falrness of ouLcomes Lhey recelve on Lhe [ob
8ased on a soclal comparlson of whaL people are geLLlng ouL of Lhelr [ob
(ouLcomes) Lo whaL Lhey are puLLlng lnLo Lhelr [ob (lnpuLs)
CuLcomes pay beneflLs presLlge eLc
lnpuLs hours educaLlon experlence
8aLlo of lnpuL Lo ouLcome ls compared Lo oLher [obs for comparlson for falrness
oLenLlal acLlons Lo resLore equlLy
O eople reacL lf equlLy ls noL rlghL
O May decrease ouLpuL lf flnd ouLcome ls hlgher for anoLher for same [ob
LqulLy senslLlvlLy
O eople dlffer ln equlLy senslLlvlLy
O 1hose hlgh ln equlLy senslLlvlLy are more ouLcomeorlenLed and wanL
more Lhan oLhers for same level of lnpuLs
4 Lspeclally for exLrlnslc ouLcomes pay sLaLus eLc
O 1hose low ln equlLy senslLlvlLy pay more aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr lnpuLs and
are less senslLlve Lo equlLy lssues
4 More lmporLance for lnLrlnslc ouLcomes personal worLh sense
of accompllshmenL eLc
WhaL managers need Lo do Lo malnLaln equlLy
O Managers need Lo undersLand LhaL Lhey are deallng wlLh boLh Lhelr own
percepLlon and Lhe percepLlons of oLher people whlch may dlffer
O undersLandlng of equlLy Lheory reveals why managers do nC1 LreaL
mosL workers exacLly Lhe same greaL managers do noL LreaL all people
equally buL falrly
1he plaLlnum rule
O 1reaL oLhers how Lhey wlsh Lo be LreaLed
4 Lach person may requlre a dlfferenL approach Lo ensure hls or
her percepLlons of falrness are meL whlch ls effecLlve for
ensurlng moLlvaLlon remalns hlgh
4 McClelland's Learned needs
locused on Lhree needs/moLlves achlevemenL afflllaLlon and power
O need for achlevemenL drlve Lo excel achleve ln relaLlon Lo seL of
O need for afflllaLlon deslre for frlendly and close lnLerpersonal
O need for power need Lo make oLhers behave ln a way Lhey would noL
have behaved oLherwlse
noLed people usually have one need LhaL ls mosL domlnanL
SLudy focused on achlevers people who perform Lasks because of a compelllng
need for personal achlevemenL
WhaL do l need from work?
O Plgh need for afflllaLlon can be problemaLlc for managers
O eople wlLh sLrong achlevemenL moLlvaLlon make Lhe besL leaders
WhaL moLlvaLes oLhers?
O Managers usually lnfer moLlvaLlons from a person's behavlor problem
ls we usually mls[udge Lhem only way Lo know ls Lo ask dlrecLly
O AchlevemenLmoLlvaLed people Lhrlve on pursulng and aLLalnlng golas
4 Pave deslre Lo do someLhlng beLLer or more efflclenLly solve
problems or masLer complex Lasks conLrol slLuaLlons Lake
moderaLe calculaLed rlsks geL lmmedlaLe feedback on how
Lhey have done and Lend Lo be preoccupled wlLh a Lask
orlenLaLlon Loward Lhe [ob Lo be done
4 Wlll Lhlnk abouL how Lo do someLhlng when have noLhlng Lo
Lhlnk abouL
4 SLrlve for goals and measure based on Lhose efforLs
4 AchlevemenL ls more lmporLanL Lhan flnanclal reward or
4 llnanclal reward ls regarded as a measure of success noL an
end ln lLself
4 SecurlLy ls a prlme moLlvaLor
4 leedback ls essenLlal
4 Seek lmprovemenLs and [obs LhaL favor Lhelr goal's needs
O owermoLlvaLed people see mosL work slLuaLlons as an opporLunlLy Lo
lnfluence oLher people or Lake conLrol
4 volunLeer for leadershlp poslLlons recommend challenges and
asserL Lhemselves when a declslon needs Lo be made
4 Spend free Llme Lhlnklng abouL how Lo lnfluence oLhers how Lo
mounL argumenLs how Lo change oLher's behavlors
O AfflllaLlonmoLlvaLed people have Lhe deslre Lo esLabllsh and malnLaln
frlendly and warm relaLlons wlLh oLhers
4 Ln[oy helplng oLhers are concerned wlLh Lhe growLh and
developmenL of subordlnaLes good llsLeners share
accompllshmenLs and responslblllLy llke belng parL of a group
don'L have hlgh need for recognlLlon
4 Can be dlsLracLed from work vlew people as more lmporLanL
Lhan work
Applylng Lhe learned needs ln Lhe workplace
O eople wlLh achlevemenL moLlvaLlons wlll have more full moLlvaLlonal
O Look aL each employee and flgure ouL whaL Lype of person Lhey are and
how much moLlvaLlon Lhey Lherefore need
Cverload prlnclple Lo develop flLness or sLrengLh Lhe exerclse musL be
sufflclenLly demandlng Lo lncrease exlsLlng levels of ablllLy or endurance buL
noL so demandlng Lo cause damage or sLraln
O 1he Manager as a source of moLlvaLlon
4 Manager Lheorles goal seLLlng and behavlor modlflcaLlon
4 Coal seLLlng
Coal seLLlng effecL ls LhaL speclflc dlfflculL buL aLLalnable goals lead Lo hlgher
performance Lhan no goals or do your besL" goals
Coal seLLlng ls Lhe mosL efflclenL and effecLlve way Lo boLh clearly convey
expecLaLlons and moLlvaLe people Lo achleve Lhem
noL all goals are creaLed equal
O 1here are good goals and bad goals
O Cood goal ls a SMA81 goal
4 Speclflc measurable aLLalnable/accepLed relevanL and Llme
Common goalseLLlng Lraps
O Coals seL Loo low or Loo hlgh can be harmful
O Coals can creaLe Lhe condlLlons for gameplaylng and subopLlmlzaLlon
4 SubopLlmlzaLlon ln Lhe pursulL of goals people may lgnore
oLher lmporLanL ob[ecLlves (noL formally covered by goals) and
may do Lhlngs ouLslde Lhe splrlL of Lhe goals llke uneLhlcal
behavlor Lo achleve Lhem
O 1elllng someone Lo do Lhelr besL" ls Lhe same as seLLlng no goals
O Can lncrease a goal's success furLher by geLLlng oLhers lnvolved wlLh Lhe
goalseLLlng process
8elnforcemenL Lheory and behavlor modlflcaLlon
O 8elnforcemenL Lheory Lhe noLlon LhaL people are moLlvaLed Lo repeaL
behavlor LhaL geLs rewarded
4 eople do whaL ls rewarded and avold whaL ls punlshed
4 need Lo ldenLlfy whaL we wanL and how Lo reward lL behavlor
O CrganlzaLlonal behavlor modlflcaLlon flve sLep problem approach Lo
lncreaslng moLlvaLlon and performance
4 erformancerelaLed behavlors are ldenLlfled
4 lrequency of Lhese behavlors ls measured
4 1he conLlngencles supporLlng Lhe currenL behavlors are
4 8ehavlorally based lnLervenLlon sLraLegy ls developed and
4 1he resulLlng performancerelaLed behavlors are measured
O lolly of rewardlng A whlle hoplng for 8
4 Pope for one Lhlng and geL someLhlng else
O Lxamples of behavlor modlflcaLlon ln Lhe real world
4 Lmery Alr lrelghL corp
8ose from 30 Lo 90 by keeplng Lrack of goal
lzza dellvery
O ueveloplng and lmplemenLlng a behavloral sLraLegy
4 1he process of llnklng consequences wlLh volunLary behavlors ls
referred Lo as operanL condlLlonlng
lnvolves addlLlon or removal or consequences
O oslLlve relnforcemenL pleasanL consequence
and consequence added
O LxLlncLlon pleasanL consequence and
consequence removed
O unlshmenL averslve consequence and
consequence added
O negaLlve relnforcemenL averslve consequence
and consequence removed
O oslLlve relnforcemenL
4 When a behavlor ls llnklng wlLh a consequence an employee
conslders pleasanL
4 An aLhleLlcs coach glves hardworklng players more Llme
4 Should be used whenever Lhe goal ls Lo lncrease Lhe frequency
of a deslrable behavlor because ln a way LhaL ls noL vlewed as
conLrolllng and does noL brlng negaLlve slde effecLs
4 CuesLlon usually ls how Lo reward
Slmple rewards
4 Also lmporLanL Lo recognlze mllesLones and be LhoughLful
regardlng crlses people face
4 8eward doesn'L need Lo be expenslve Lo have blg lmpacLs
1hank you noLes lunch small glfL for hobby parklng
space wash Lhelr car use good employees ln
4 8emember dlfferenL employees wlll have dlfferenL valance
O LxLlncLlon
4 8ehavlor followed by no response
4 MosL dlfflculL Lo Lransfer from Lhe laboraLory Lo Lhe work
4 ln real world usually people hold expecLaLlons abouL whaL ls
llkely Lo follow based upon whaL Lhey have observed ln Lhe pasL
4 A club presldenL wlLhholds laughLer because she ls Llred of her
v always maklng [okes
O negaLlve relnforcemenL
4 An aLLempL Lo lncrease Lhe frequency of a deslrable behavlor
lnvolves llnlng deslred behavlors wlLh Lhe removal of undeslred
consequences raLher Lhan Lhe addlLlon of poslLlve
consequences assoclaLed wlLh poslLlve relnforcemenL
4 8emovlng an averslve consequence
4 ?our roommaLes Lell you Lhey wlll sLop nagglng you lf you do
Lhe dlshes
4 When used lmproperly Lurns lnLo managlng by LhreaLs
O unlshmenL
4 Addlng an unpleasanL consequence as a response Lo a person's
behavlor wlLh Lhe goal of sLopplng Lhe behavlor form
happenlng ln Lhe fuLure
4 An army sergeanL has a prlce do 100 pushups for belng laLe
4 Should be avolded unless lL ls really needed
Can have unlnLended negaLlve slde effecLs
!usL Lells Lhem whaL nC1 Lo do noL whaL 1C do
4 8esL when used when followlng Lhese 4 characLerlsLlcs
Clear expecLaLlons
4 LffecLlve punlshmenL should also focus excluslvely on Lhe
speclflc behavloral problem
locus should be on ellmlnaLlng a currenL problem
behavlor noL demorallzlng Lhem
4 lneffecLlve poslLlve relnforcemenL ls ofLen a greaLer problem
Lhan punlshmenL
Managers Lhlnk people know Lhey are dolng greaL and
glve nonspeclflc feedback LhaL has llLLle moLlvaLlon
O 1he [ob as a source of moLlvaLlon
4 1he [ob characLerlsLlcs model (!CM)
rovldes a slmple yeL powerful explanaLlon of why some [obs are more
moLlvaLlng LhaL oLhers and how Lhe moLlvaLlon poLenLlal of a [ob can be
llve core [ob dlmenslons vlLal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe work lLself
O Llnk beLween psychologlcal sLaLes
4 Sklll varleLy Lhe range ln number of skllls used Lo compleLe Lhe
[ob Lasks
4 1ask ldenLlLy degree Lo whlch Lhe [ob requlres compleLlon of a
whole or ldenLlflable plece of work
4 1ask slgnlflcance degree Lo whlch Lhe [ob has a dlrecL effecL on
Lhe work or llves of oLher people
4 AuLonomy Lhe freedom Lo selecL how and when parLlcular
Lasks are performed
4 leedback degree Lo whlch lndlvlduals recelve knowledge of
Lhelr resulLs from Lhe [ob lLself
O Core characLerlsLlcs ulLlmaLely lnfluence employee moLlvaLlon and
saLlsfacLlon on Lhe [ob enhanclng core [ob dlmenslons wlll enhance
employee moLlvaLlon
uslng Lhe !CM
O Can be used Lo enrlch poorly deslgned or borlng [obs
1he MS formula
O MoLlvaLlonal poLenLlal score (MS)
O MS (varleLy + ldenLlLy + slgnlflcance / 3) x auLonomy x feedback
O Absence of any of Lhese ls magnlfled ln Lhe model (llke expecLancy
O Lmployees wlLh a low growLh need sLrengLh may be very conLenL Lo
work ln a relaLlvely unenrlched envlronmenL
O Ways Lo deslgn more fulfllllng work
4 Comblne Lasks skllls varleLy Lask ldenLlLy Lask slgnlflcance
Leads Lo more challenglng work
4 lorm naLural work unlLs Lask ldenLlLy Lask slgnlflcance

4 LsLabllsh cllenL relaLlonshlps sklll varleLy Lask ldenLlLy
auLonomy feedback
Cngolng personal relaLlonshlps wlLh cllenL
4 verLlcally load [obs auLonomy Lask ldenLlLy
verLlcal loadlng employee empowermenL
Workers and Lhelr boss share responslbllLly
4 Cpen feedback channels feedback
lmporLanL Lo know whaL ls good and bad
undersLandlng how Lo creaLe a moLlvaLlng [ob noL [usL a moLlvaLed person ls
an lmporLanL Lool ln Lhe reperLolre of any greaL manager
Ch. 4 Motivation

Motivation Psychological Iactors that determine the direction oI an individual`s behavior, eIIort
and persistence

Myths oI Motivation
O Money is not the only eIIective motivator what motivates depends on the people and the
O veryone is motivated by the same things I am diIIerent people in diIIerent situations
are motivated by diIIerent things
O Punishments do not motivate this can be an eIIective motivator
O ow perIormance is always attributable to low motivation it is not the sole cause
O ack oI motivation stems largely Irom lazy and apathetic people it is more the situation
that lacks suIIicient incentives to energize people

Motivation Iormula
PerIormance 1Motivation 'will do * Ability 'can do * Opportunity 'get to do)

Framing Motivation Challenges and Ideas: The pectancy Theory
pectancy theory the level oI an individual`s motivation depends on the strength oI his/her
epectation that work behavior will be valued by others and Iollowed by an outcome that is
attractive to the individual
pectancythe understanding oI what perIormance is desired and the belieI that eIIort will lead
to a desired level oI perIormance
Instrumentality an individual`s subjective belieI about the likelihood that perIorming a behavior
will result in a particular outcome
Valence the value a individual places on received outcomes
Motivating Iorce in epectancy theory, the total drive toward action that a person eperiences.
Consists oI the multiplicative product oI epectancy, instrumentality and valence. Generally
represented by the Iormula:
MF * I * V

Why Capable People Are Not Motivated

The Person as a Source oI Motivation
Maslow`s Hierarchy oI Needs Depiction oI Iive basic needs that motivate behavior arranged in
a hierarchy Irom lower order physiological) to highest order selI-actualization)
evel 5 SelI- Actualization needs
evel 4 steem needs
evel 3 Belongingness and ove needs
evel 2 SaIety needs
evel 1 Biological and Physiological needs

An 6uity Approach to Motivation
6uity sensitivity those high in e6uity sensitivity are more outcome-oriented and want more
than others Ior the same level oI inputs. Those low in e6uity sensitivity pay more attention to
their inputs and are less sensitive to e6uity issues.

Potential Actions to Restore 6uity
6uity Sensitivity
6uity Sensitivity
trinsic outcome outcomes obtained Irom sources eternal to the individual including pay and
Intrinsic outcome outcomes that stem Irom sources internal to the individual including a sense
oI accomplishment and satisIaction

What Managers Need to do to Maintain 6uity
The Platinum Rule
Platinum rule variant oI the golden rule, treat others how they wish to be treated

McClelland`s earned Needs
Need Ior achievement nAch) Degree to which an individual has a desire to achieve in relation
to a set oI standards and strive to succeed
Need Ior aIIiliation nAII) Degree to which an individual has a desire Ior Iriendly and close
interpersonal relationships
Need Ior power nPow) Degree to which an individual has a desire to inIluence or control other

What do I need Irom work?
What Motivated others?
Applying the learned needs in the workplace

The Manager as a Source oI Motivation
Goal Setting
Common Goal-Setting Traps
Suboptimization The pursuit oI goals that ignore other important objectives not Iormally
covered by goals) and may do things outside the spirit oI goals,

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