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Chapter 10 Mak|ng Change

Change agent an lndlvldual who possesses knowledge and power Lo gulde and faclllLaLe an
organlzaLlon change efforL
Change leadershlp needs Lo happen aL all levels lf an organlzaLlon ls Lo Lhrlve ln Loday's dynamlc
buslness envlronmenL
1he key elemenL of change ls people and geLLlng people Lo buy lnLo a new way of dolng anyLhlng ls
ofLen dlfflculL and lnevlLably lnvolves reslsLance
Myths of mak|ng change
O Crlsls ls a guaranLee of change
O Change ls besL moLlvaLed by fear
O Compelllng facLs are Lhe key Lo change
O Cld dogs can'L learn new Lrlcks
Many change efforLs fall even when lL seems loglcal or lmperaLlve Cne reasons lL LhaL change
lnlLlaLlves are ofLen haphazard and noL managed ln llne wlLh whaL ls known abouL whaL causes Lhem Lo
succeeds and fall
kurL Lewln's model descrlbes change as a 3 sLage process of unfreezlng changlng and refreezlng
Unfreezechangerefreeze mode| unfreezlng ls Lhe flrsL parL whereby Lhe change agenL producLs
dlsequlllbrlum beLween Lhe drlvlng and resLralnlng forces change refers Lo when Lhe change
lnLervenLlon ls sLarLed and ongolng refreezlng ls Lhe laLLer parL of Lhe change process ln whlch sysLems
and condlLlons are lnLroduced LhaL relnforce and malnLaln Lhe deslred behavlors
1 Unfreez|ng lnvolves overcomlng lnerLla and breaklng down exlsLlng ways of Lhlnklng
a 8eslsLance has Lo be overcome and wllllngness Lo change has Lo be sparked
b eople responslble for maklng change ofLen dlve rlghL ln and Lry Lo sell Lhelr change
wlLhouL flrsL dlagnoslng and deallng wlLh Lhe reslsLlng facLors
2 Chang|ng refers Lo when Lhe change lnLervenLlon ls sLarLed and ongolng
a CfLen a perlod of anxleLy and Lenslon
b new lnformaLlon and rewards are lnLroduced and comforL zones are pushed
3 kefreez|ng a new mlnd seL and behavloral paLLern ls creaLed for Lhose lnvolved and Lhe
change ylelds poslLlve beneflLs for Lhe unlL or organlzaLlon
Lew|n's mode| |s good start|ng po|nt s|nce |t draws attent|on to most |mportant quest|ons
O WhaL ls prevenLlng change and why hasn'L lL happened yeL?
O WhaL acLlons mlghL lnfluence change?
O Pow can change be susLalned?
Iorce f|e|d ana|ys|s lewln's model of sysLem wlde change LhaL helps change agenLs dlagnose Lhe forces
LhaL drlve and resLraln proposed organlzaLlonal change
Lewln argued LhaL Lhe effecLlve paLh Lo change ls Lo focus flrsL on removlng Lhe resLralnlng forces raLher
Lhan Lrylng Lo dramaLlcally lncrease Lhe drlvlng forces
Mode| of trans|t|ons (W||||am 8r|dges) a change model LhaL deplcLs lndlvlduals experlenclng Lhree
sLages of LranslLlons whlle undergolng chnage
O 8rldges clalms LhaL LranslLlon ls noL Lhe same as change A change occurs when someLhlng ln
our exLernal envlronmenL ls alLered 1ranslLlon however ls Lhe lnLernal process LhaL people
musL go Lhrough Lo come Lo Lerms wlLh a new slLuaLlon
O lndlvlduals experlence 3 sLages of LranslLlon
4 Lndlngs deallng wlLh loss anxleLy blame fear shock
4 neuLral zone LranslLlonal perlod anxleLy confuslon uncerLalnLy
4 8eglnnlngs seLLlng new goals lnLegraLlon relnvenLlng yourself
O lf any change ls golng Lo be susLalned people musL own lL and unless Lhey go Lhrough Lhelr
lnner LranslLlon Lhey wlll noL develop Lhe new behavlor and aLLlLudes Lhe change requlres
kotter's change mode| an 8 sLep framework LhaL ls a useful way Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe crlLlcal elemenLs
necessary Lo creaL successful change lnLervenLlons (lncrease urgency creaLe a guldlng coallLlon geL Lhe
vlslon rlghL communlcaLe for buyln empower acLlon creaLe shorLLerm wlns consolldaLe galns and
don'L leL up anchor change ln your culLure)
O llrsL and mosL crlLlcal sLep ln successful changes ralslng a feellng of urgency
O 1he goal ls Lo geL people ouL of Lhelr esLabllshed rouLlnes and comforL zones and ready Lo move
(creaLe dramaLlc presenLaLlons LhaL people can see Louch and feel)
O Lvery good change lnlLlaLlve needs a group of lnfluenLlal effecLlve champlons
O lL ls Lhe vlslon LhaL wlll sLeer Lhem ln Lhe new dlrecLlon you wanL Lo consLrucL a relevanL vlslon
LhaL wlll help people vlsuallze posslble fuLures
4 1o commlL people need a clear sense of where Lhey are golng and why LhaL fuLure sLaLe
wlll be beLLer
O CommunlcaLe for buyln (noL [usL memos and reporLs)
O Lmpower acLlon
O CreaLe shorLLerm wlns
4 1hese nourlsh falLh ln Lhe change efforL emoLlonally reward Lhe hard workers keep Lhe
crlLlcs aL bay and bulld momenLum
4 8y creaLlng shorLLerm wlns Lhe change ls seen as worklng and Lhus energlzes people
O ConsolldaLe galns and don'L leL up
O Anchor change ln your culLure
A|| p|anned change efforts can be thought of |n terms of
1 SLrucLurlng Lhe problem and conLracLlng wlLh key parLles
a Who ls/are Lhe cusLomers of Lhe change?
b WhaL ls Lhe scope of change (how broad how much)?
c never Lry Lo make change alone any change done people ls less llkely Lo be as
effecLlve as change ln whlch people felL lnvolved from Lhe beglnnlng
d Contract|ng a process ln whlch a change agenL esLabllshes a relaLlonshlp wlLh key
sLakeholders an agrees Lo Lhe process for change
e Gap ana|ys|s Lool used Lo evaluaLe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween an organlzaLlon's
currenL pracLlces and lLs deslred fuLure pracLlces
f 8efore embarklng on seLLlng goals and lnLervenlng flrsL connecL wlLh key players Lo (1)
undersLand Lhelr perspecLlve and (2) lay Lhe groundwork for geLLlng Lhelr commlLmenL
ln flndlng a soluLlon
2 CollecLlng daLa and feedback
3 lmplemenLlng lnLervenLlons
4 LvaluaLlng and susLalnlng Lhe change
Maklng measurable resulLs Lhe prlmary lmmedlaLe goal of a change pro[ecL ls one of Lhe mosL
lmporLanL elemenLs of successful change 1he value of resulLsorlenLed goals ls Lhreefold
O 1hey lead Lo more dlrecL and urgenL sLraLegy developmenL (how do we mosL dlrecLly and qulckly
achleve Lhese goals?)
O 1hey lend Lhemselves Lo more ob[ecLlve and meanlngful evaluaLlon and measuremenL (whaL has
worked and noL worked?)
Lhey promoLe accounLablllLy and produce a healLhy culLure of ownershlp among Lhose lnvolved
8a|anced scorecard a meLhod for Lracklng buslness resulLs across a number of crlLlcal areas lncludlng
flnanclal cusLomer lnLernal process and employee facLors
8est approaches for gett|ng a more thorough and act|onab|e d|agnos|s
O llnd ouL who beneflLs from Lhe currenL slLuaLlon
O WrlLe down everyLhlng you do noL know
O use appreclaLlve lnqulry
4 Apprec|at|ve |nqu|ry an approach LhaL seeks Lo ldenLlfy Lhe unlque quallLles and
speclal sLrengLhs of an organlzaLlon
O ulscuss Lhe undlscussables
leedback ls an aLLempL Lo helghLen awareness and bulld urgency for change Lnergy creaLed by
feedback comes from 2 sources
1 1he process
2 1he conLenL
MLCL daLa should be dlvlded ln groups whlch do noL overlap and whlch cover all Lhe daLa Lhls ls
deslrable for Lhe purpose of analysls because lL avolds boLh Lhe problem of double counLlng and Lhe rlsk
of overlooklng lnformaLlon
1he ldea ls Lo LlghLen Lhe focus and brlng some clarlLy Lo amblguous slLuaLlons
1he besL change ln Lhe world ls only valuable lf Lhe LargeLs of change are ready Lo accepL lmplemenL
and susLaln lL
Crgan|zat|ona| deve|opment a sysLem wlde sLraLegy lnLended Lo change Lhe bellefs aLLlLudes values
and sLrucLure of organlzaLlons so LhaL Lhey can beLLer adapL Lo new Lechnologles markeLs and
1ypes of change |ntervent|ons
1 SLraLeglc
2 Soclal and human resource
3 SLrucLural
4 1echnologlcal
AnoLher model for Lhlnklng abouL change lnLervenLlons ls Lhe four frames mode| an approach Lo
change suggesLlng LhaL four frames exlsL ln organlzaLlons of every klnd respecLlvely llkened Lo facLorles
famllles [ungles and LheaLers or Lemples
1 Structura| frame relaLes Lo how Lo organlze and sLrucLure groups and Leams Lo geL resulLs
2 numan resource frame concerns how Lo Lallor organlzaLlons Lo saLlsfy human needs lmprove
human resource managemenL and bulld poslLlve lnLerpersonal and group dynamlcs
3 o||t|ca| frame deals wlLh how Lo cope wlLh power and confllcL bulld coallLlons hone pollLlcal
skllls and deal wlLh lnLernal and exLernal pollLlcs
4 Symbo||c frame focused on how Lo shape a culLure LhaL glves purpose and meanlng Lo work
Lo sLage organlzaLlonal drama for lnLernal and exLernal audlences and Lo bulld Leam splrlL
Lhrough rlLual ceremony and sLory
kefram|ng Lo explore organlzaLlonal lssues Lhrough mulLlple lenses or frames and Lo use Lhose frames
Lo uncover new opporLunlLles and opLlons ln confuslng or amblguous slLuaLlons
kes|stance can be traced to peop|e
O noL fully undersLandlng Lhe change or needs for lL
O learlng Lhey wlll noL be able Lo Lhrlve ln Lhe new changed reallLy
O noL seelng any sufflclenLly rewardlng or punlshlng consequences llnked Lo Lhe change
Why peop|e res|st change
O Loss of conLrol
O Loss of face (sLaLus)
O Loss of ldenLlLy
O Loss of compeLence
O Lxcesslve personal uncerLalnLy
O More work
O unlnLended consequences
unless fear ls converLed Lo a poslLlve urgency and wlLh some speed lL can creaLe a source of reslsLance
raLher Lhan an lmpeLus for acLlon lear can produce movemenL buL ls noL Lhe besL susLalnlng force lL
ls urgency LhaL susLalns change you do noL wanL Lhe self preservaLlon as Lhe number 1 goal
Some common factors shou|d |nf|uence cho|ce of appropr|ate strategy to emp|oy
O 1he urgency of Lhe need for change
O 1he degree of opposlLlon or resenLmenL
O 1he power of Lhe lndlvldual/group lnlLlaLlng Lhe change
O 1he necesslLy for lnformaLlon and commlLmenL
1he key ls Lo learn Lo lsolaLe areas of reslsLance and Lhen seek Lo undersLand Lhem make use of Lhem
and sLraLeglze Lo mosL effecLlvely manage and ulLlmaLely overcome Lhem
6 genera| strateg|es for overcom|ng res|stance
1 LducaLlon and communlcaLlon
a LeL people know whaL and why aL every opporLunlLy
b Powever do noL send ouL Lhe same memo everyday assumlng you'll pound Lhe
message lnLo people's heads
2 arLlclpaLlon and lnvolvemenL
a lL ls dlfflculL for people Lo reslsL changes Lhey help brlng abouL Lhemselves
3 laclllLaLlon and supporL
a 8y accepLlng people's anxleLy as leglLlmaLe and approprlaLe you have a beLLer chance of
galnlng Lhe respecL and commlLmenL needed Lo make Lhe change work
4 negoLlaLlon and agreemenL
a CfLen necessary when deallng wlLh powerful reslsLors
3 ManlpulaLlon and coopLaLlon
a lnvolves selecLlvely uslng lnformaLlon and lmplled lncenLlves
b 1he alm rlsky ls Lo geL Lhe compllance of reslsLanL parLles by promlslng Lhem cerLaln
rewards and beneflLs llnked Lo Lhelr golng along wlLh" Lhe change
6 LxpllclL and lmpllclL coerclon
a ln some cases Lhe use of auLhorlLy and LhreaL of punlshmenL may be necessary
Crgan|zat|ona| cyn|c|sm a feellng of dlsLrusL Loward an organlzaLlon usually assoclaLed wlLh prlor
mlsdeeds by Lhe organlzaLlon whereby Lhe LrusL of Lhe employees has been undermlned
O Such cynlclsm may be enLlrely raLlonal
O 8aLlonal or noL cynlclsm's exlsLence wlll helghLen reslsLance
O Cynlclsm ls parLlcularly dlfflculL Lo overcome lf prevalenL ln Lhe organlzaLlon's leadershlp
A cynlcal envlronmenL wlll make reslsLance even more pronounced and makes Lhe lmporLance of
dlagnoslng and managlng LhaL reslsLance even greaLer

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