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W W|ndow AC
W 1hese are hanglng ouL of many house wlndows 1hls ls Lhe mosL used and economlcal alr
condlLloner sysLem lL ls a slngle unlL whlch slLs ln a wlndow or an openlng ln a wall wlLh lLs rear
releaslng hoL alr ouLslde and Lhe fronL parL releaslng cool alr lnLo Lhe room Wlndows AC has slze
llmlLaLlon and doesn'L go beyond 2 1on capaclLy
W |t AC
W 1he spllLLlng of Lhe Lwo unlLs ln an AC allows one Lo lnsLall Lhe coollng unlL lnslde and Lhe hoL nolsy
compressor unlL ouLslde wlLh flexlblllLy lnce Lwo unlLs are separaLe Lhey can be larger or smaller
hence Lwo lndoor small unlLs can be connecLed Lo one large ouLdoor unlL
W W|ndow a|r cond|t|oner |s more su|tabe |n the foow|ng cases
W When you sLay ln a renLed accommodaLlon and you frequenLly change your home wlndow AC ls
Lhe besL orgeL Lhe spllL AC as lnsLallaLlon charges are very hlgh and un lnsLallaLlon / relnsLallaLlon
ls a cosLly affalr as compared Lo wlndow AC
W Wlndow alr condlLloners are cheaper Lhan spllL alr condlLloners
W ?ou have made a venL ln Lhe wall for Lhe lnsLallaLlon of Lhe wlndow AC Lhen Lhls ls Lhe besL AC as
Lhls wlll noL block Lhe wlndows
W ower consumpLlon ls more or less Lhe same ln spllL and wlndow alr condlLloner more LllLed
Lowards Lhe wlndow AC Lhls should noL be a decldlng facLor
W Wlndow alr condlLloner has more markeL share due Lo Lhe abovemenLloned facLors AbouL sevenLy
percenL buyers prefer Lo by wlndow alr condlLloners and Lhe remalnlng LhlrLy percenL buy spllL alr
W |t a|r cond|t|oner |s more su|tabe |n the foow|ng cases
W ?ou have your own house and ac ls Lo be flxed as a one Llme affalr
W roper venL ln Lhe wall ls noL avallable for wlndow ac and lf lnsLalled ln wlndow lL dlsrupLs Lhe vlews and also
doesn'L looks aesLheLlcally rlghL
W 1he lnsLallaLlon of spllL alr condlLloner ls hlghly flexlble 1he wall on whlch Lhe AC lnsLallaLlon ls requlred may noL
be Lhe ouLer wall lL may be a common wall beLween Lwo rooms
W nolse facLor Wlndow alr condlLloner makes more nolse as compared Lo spllL alr condlLloner as ln case of spllL alr
condlLloner Lhe compressor ls lnsLalled away from Lhe lndoor unlL lf nolse ls dlsLurblng for your sound sleep go for
spllL alr condlLloner
W lf planned wlndow AC ls exposed Lo dlrecL sunllghL or area around lL ls resLrlcLed leadlng Lo less alr flow and spllL
AC ouLdoor unlL can be placed ln a shady and alry area spllL AC wlll consume less energy and wlll be cheaper ln
Lhe long run plus added convenlence of spllL alr condlLloner ls Lhere
W lf Lhe room ls large and requlremenL of room ls more Lhan 2 Lon of coollng capaclLy
W pllL alr condlLloner ls more aesLheLlc looklng and Lhere ls a wlde varleLy of deslgns and colours avallable Lo sulLe
your requlremenLs
W ower consumpLlon ls more or less Lhe same ln spllL and wlndow alr condlLloner Lhls should noL be a decldlng
facLor lf properly lnsLalled spllL AC's may acLually glve beLLer efflclency Lhan wlndow alr condlLloners
W 9arameter Wh|ch w| be better w|ndow or s|t AC Lase of lnsLallaLlon Wlndow AC rlce Wlndow AC lexlblllLy Lo
lnsLall anywhere pllL AC nolse levels pllL AC oom AesLheLlc looks pllL AC varleLy of models pllL AC More Lhan
2 1on requlremenL pllL AC ower consumpLlon 8oLh consume same power Lar raLed modes Avallable ln boLh
Lypes four and flve sLar raLed models generally noL avallable ln wlndow AC MoblllLy hlfLlng Wlndow AC ave
elecLrlclLy use fans Lo Lhe exLenL posslble
W LACL 1PL n1lCL 8Au ln CAL1AL'
lCL ln n1 ML
W lnluL 1PL M 1PL 8Au ln'1 8LlnC

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