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30something – the social network – working together - for People and Planet is a SOCIAL NETWORK, membership

of which includes subscription to Resurgence
magazine, and invitation to join the SOL
Community @ The Spirit of Life Centre,
Eco-Campus, Mani, Greece.

You can apply for our Graduate School course in
PPE – Politics, Philosophy and Economics that will
enable you to pursue your chosen career or
enterprise with Career Support and Enterprise Support for all our graduates – via
Zen Cafes@ The Hub and Flow Internet.

As a graduate of Eco-Campus and member of SOL Community
you can have unlimited access to resources, expertise,
planning, introductions and Intranet Support to pursue your
chosen specialisation, provided that it is for a positive social

As a prospective (or qualified) teacher, tutor, education provider or mentor you
can study at Eco-Campus or use our services for human-scale education,
Curricula Development and eco-learning – for People and Planet.

The next step

To qualify to join SOL Community or apply for a course with Eco-Campus (or
both) you are invited to read the classic work on sustainable business
development: Small is Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher.

Your membership supports the work of these organisations:

 Voice for the Voiceless

 Anti-Slavery International
 Medical Foundation
 Christians Against Torture
 Amnesty International
 Resurgence Trust
 Churches Conservation Trust
 Tree Aid
 Agora Trust
 Greenpeace
 Karuna Trust
 FareShare
 SOL Education and Conservation Trusts

Co-operative ethos
Eco-Campus is a co-operative wholly owned by members.
Surplus profits are reserved for use by our not-for-profit
supporters and Alumni projects in their chosen fields of
work – for People and Planet.
We welcome supporters who want to contribute to further the work of SOL
Internships and work experience are available year-round for those who apply to
us directly.

Introducing: Resurgence Trust and Eco-Campus, Mani, Greece:

– a place to pause, reconnect and continue on one’s journey – refreshed!

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