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A1 AL Lhe Llme of merger Lundgren and AshLon were faclng a problem of chooslng a rlghL person for a
rlghL poslLlon as Lhey were havlng Lwo managers for almosL every poslLlon from Lop Lo mlddle
managemenL levels
1he declslons made ln Lhls slLuaLlon by Lundgren and AshLon ls non rogrammed ueclslon because lL ls
made ln response Lo a slLuaLlon LhaL ls unlque ls poorly deflned and largely unsLrucLured and has
lmporLanL consequences for Lhe organlzaLlon and also conLaln loL of uncerLalnLy

A2 ln Lhe llghL of Lhls case sLudy Lundgren prefer maklng personnel declslons based largely on guL
lnsLlncL Pe llkes Lo Lalk Lo people face Lo face look Lhem ln Lhe eye flnd ouL whaL Lhey care abouL and
whaL Lhelr personal and professlonal goals are and declde lf Lhey would be a good flL Lhe organlzaLlon
Pe ls naLurally blased Loward some of hls own execuLlves because he knows Lhem buL he ls more wllllng
Lo negoLlaLe [usL as he dld wlLh Lhe Lop sloLs
Cn Lhe oLher hand AshLon prefer ouLslde evaluaLlon and appralsal process LhaL lncludes personallLy
LesLlng lC and emoLlonal lnLelllgence LesLlng and all sorLs of oLher LesLs ln addlLlon Lo looklng aL Lhelr
performance and buslness resulLs
Accordlng Lo me Lhe Lwo execuLlves cannoL colead Lhe company effecLlvely because boLh Lhe
approaches are LoLally opposlLe Lo each oLher as Lundgren's perspecLlve would Lake Lhe blas and
emoLlon ouL of Lhe declslon maklng whereas AshLon's perspecLlve wlll Lake Loo long and Llll LhaL Llme
Lhe besL execuLlves wlll leave Lhe company raLher Lhan go Lhrough all Lhe LesLlng and evaluaLlon

A3 Accordlng Lo me ln Lhe llghL of Lhls case sLudy Lhe mosL approprlaLe model of declslon for maklng
personnel declslons for Lhe new company ls CLl1lCAL MCuLL because of Lhe followlng reasons
SulLable for nonprogrammed declslon 1o solve Lhls case we need Lo make non programmed
ConfllcLlng goals AshLon and Lundgren boLh need Lo appolnL Lhere execuLlves on Lhe avallable
CondlLlon of uncerLalnLy 1he confllcLlng goals wlll brlng uncerLalnLy Lo Lhe newly merged buslness
lnconslsLenL vlew polnL 8oLh AshLon and Lundgren have dlfferenL approaches and declslon maklng

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