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8reakfast Cerea| Case

Group3 Sect|on A
uevanand rasad (C13/013)
Clrlsh lule (C13/014)
CheLan Calkwad (C13/013)
CoplnaLh k (C13/016)
!yoL 1alre[a (C13/017)
Shlvshankar k (C13/018)
1elevlslon Magazlnes newspapers SoluLlon CosLs
AdverLlslng CosLs 300000 130000 100000 4000000
lannlng CosLs 90000 30000 40000 1000000
LxpecLed no of exposures 1300000 600000 300000 16800000
8udget Constra|nts
AdverLlslng 4000000
lannlng 1000000
Commerc|a| Spots Ava||ab|e 3
1e|ev|s|on Magaz|ne
Sunday News
1arget Aud|ence
?oung chlldren 1200000 100000 0 6400000 3000000
arenLs of young chlldren 300000 200000 200000 6000000 3000000
Lach 1V Commerc|a| Lach Magaz|ne Ad Lach Sunday Ad kequ|red Amount
Coupon kedempt|on 0 40000 120000 1490000
a) 1he soluLlon LhaL resulLs ln maxlmum exposure ls 4 1v adverLlsemenLs 16 Maganzlne adverLlsemenLs and 4 Sunday newspaper adverLlsemenL
ln a maxlmum exposure of 16800000
b) roporLlonallLy We assume LhaL Lhe exposures lncrease llnearly wlLh Lhe number of adverLlsemenLs 1hls may noL be Lrue ln Lhe real world 1
of exposures may follow an exponenLlal curve wlLh respecL Lo number of adverLlsemenLs
ulvlslblllLy 1he number of adverLlsemenLs needs Lo be an lnLeger We have applled Lhe approprlaLe consLralnL
CerLalnLy 1he consLanLs ln Lhe ob[ecLlve funcLlons and consLralnLs are assumed Lo be cerLaln
AddlLlvlLy 1he LoLal exposures are assumed Lo be Lhe sum of exposures from each medlum 1hls may noL be Lrue as Lhere may be an overlap ln L
exposures of Lhe dlfferenL medlums
c) 1hough llnear programmlng has lLs llmlLaLlons Lhe model can be furLher lmproved by lncreaslng Lhe complexlLy and flndlng dlsLrlbuLlons LhaL
of exposures would follow
Acceptance Leve|
No of reached target category
1arget Category
Dec|s|on Var|ab|es
1elevlslon Magazlnes newspapers
number of adverLlsmenLs x1 x2 x3
4 16 4
Cb[ect|ve Iunct|on
CuLpuL LlmlL unlLs Slack
AdverLlslng CosL 4000000 4000000 $ 0
lannlng CosL 1000000 1000000 $ 0
1argeL Audlence
Chlldren ConsLralnL 6400000 3000000 nos 0
arenL ConsLralnL 6000000 3000000 nos 0
Coupon ConsLralnL 1120000 1490000 nos 370000
Commerclal SloL ConsLralnL 4 3 nos 1
Maxlmlze Lxposures

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