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8ecap of AcLlvlLles

1oplcs covered lnclude

Leadershlp ManagemenL lssues ln ML
lottoJoctloo to tbe 12 compooeots of o fooctloool Notloool
M 5ystem
costloq of M ploo
CeoJet lssoes lo M of pobllc beoltb ptoqtommes
SepLember 27 2011
Leadersh|p Management |ssues |n ML
ou musL be Lhe change you wlsh Lo see ln Lhe world
Mohandas k Candhl
Leadershlp applles Lo every aspecL of llfe
Leadershlp quallLles boLh poslLlve and negaLlve quallLles were menLloned
Iood for thought
Wo you see your leader ln you?
WWhlch one do you prefer auLocraLlc democraLlc and dlplomaLlc leader?
12 ComponenLs of a funcLlonal
naLlonal ML sysLem
W 1hese componenLs are lnLerdependenL
W need for collaboraLlon and coordlnaLlon
beLween parLners lnsLead of dupllcaLlng
efforLs and burden servlce provlders
W ML assessmenL cycle assess develop work
plan lmplemenL plan and followup
costloq of M ploo
W CosL effecLlveness
W 1ypes of cosLlng
mlcrocosLlng cosLlng of llne lLem
average cosLlng cosLlng based on prevlous
expenses and budgeL
W 1ypes of 8udgeLlng lncremenLal and zerobased
W 1ypes of expendlLure caplLal and recurrenL
CeoJet lssoes lo M of pobllc beoltb
W Cender lssues are deeply rooLed ln culLural
W Cender lssues could be embarrasslng
W lncorporaLlng gender lnvolves plannlng programs
wlLh Lhe needs of boLh sexes ln mlnd
W lsaggregaLe by gender ln your lndlcaLors
WhaL ls good for Lhe goose ls good for Lhe gander
8e gender senslLlve

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