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O uo you know whaLs hard abouL belng Loo sLrong?

nobody would care Lo ask you lf youre

O ?ou make me laugh aL Lhlngs LhaL arenL funny ?ou make me smlle wlLhouL acLually belng
here ?ou make my sLomach fllp by a LexL ?ou make my hearL drop by [usL saylng hl l haLe Lo
admlL lL buL youre sLlll amazlng
O Maybe LhaLs my problem l open up Lo Loo many people expecLlng Lhem Lo do Lhe same for
me And belng crushed when l flnd ouL lm [usL noL worLh lL
O ld glve hlm anoLher chance slnce l never gave up lL seemed llke l moved on buL all l dld was
plck myself up and Lrled belng happy lf you have Lo know you were always aL Lhe Lop of my
O l suffer ln sllence l don'L cry ln fronL of people l can smlle desplLe how shlLLy Lhlngs are l wlll
always puL you before me l leave my phone on aL nlghL [usL ln case someone needs me lL's
because l love everyone else more Lhan l could ever love myself WhaL can l say l'm [usL a
fuck up wlLh a good hearL
O l always Lhlnk of you before l fall asleep 1he words you sald Lhe way you looked 1he Lhlngs
we laughed abouL Lhe sllenL momenLs we shared And when l dream l'll dream of you
8ecause lL's abouL you lL's always abouL you
O ?ou fell ln love wlLh someone because of Lhe LllL of hls smlle or because he could make you
laugh or ln Lhls case because he made you belleve you were Lhe only one who could save
O no one can hurL me anymore ln facL no one can even come close because l [usL donL care
anymore AbouL anyLhlng l wake up and donL care whaL l wear l donL care whaL l do on Lhe
weekends l [usL go Lhrough Lhe moLlons So l sure as hell donL care whaL you do wlLh your
llfe anymore
O never lgnore a person who loves you cares for you and mlsses you 8ecause one day you
mlghL wake up from your sleep and reallze LhaL you losL Lhe moon whlle counLlng Lhe sLars
O l Lhlnk when you are young you are hoplng LhaL Lhls person wlll be Lhe rlghL one Lhe one
you are golng Lo be ln love wlLh forever 8uL someLlmes you wanL LhaL so much you creaLe
someLhlng LhaL lsn'L really Lhere
O 8ecause her hearL canL lle even Lhough her face may Lry
O luck your ex luck anyone you LhoughL cared abouL you luck mlsslng people luck lnsomnla
l'm so done luck Lhe crylng luck Lhe way you made me feel uo whaL you wanL
O l do all Lypes of sLupld shlL l canL change Lhe way l Lhlnk lm noL golng Lo change Lhe way l
am 8uL lf l offended you good cause l sLlll donL glve a fuck
O 1he glrls are only as sLrong as Lhelr drlnks
O luck Lhe bullshlL pull ouL Lhe wlne
O Shes never been one Lo walL around Shes always movlng and danclng and runnlng 8uL for
some reason wlLh hlm shes paLlenL Shell walL Shell walL for nobody and noLhlng else
excepL hlm
O l need a boy A Lrue guy Cne who looks real Lough buL wonL make me cry l need LhaL klnda
guy who undersLands and even when hes wlLh hls boys he sLlll says 8aby hold my hand l
donL wanL Lo fall Lo Lhe ground l wanL Lo fall ln love
O 1here lL goes agaln 1haL heavy feellng ln your chesL when you donL feel any deslre Lo speak
or move All you wanL Lo do ls close your eyes and sleep because Lhe process of belng
broken ls lncredlbly exhausLlng ?ou aLLempL your besL Lo make your days fulfllllng buL no
maLLer how hard you Lry you canL seem Lo connecL Lo anyone or anyLhlng
O lf lL sLlll hurLs you sLlll care
O lf opporLunlLy alnL Lhere make one 1hey alnL glve me a chance so l had Lo Lake one
O ?ou donL have Lo apologlze because youre rlghL lL [usL wasnL worklng ouL l mean lL sucks
and l wlsh lL was dlfferenL buL lL ls whaL lL ls
O l know lve made a loL of sLupld mlsLakes 8uL Lhe worsL one was Lhlnklng Lhe person who
hurL me Lhe mosL wouldnL hurL me agaln
O l LhoughL l was over hlm done wlLh hlm buL Lhen Lhere he was and l couldnL breaLhe
O 1oday ls enough ?ou donL need forever and always ?ou donL need promlses of days LhaL
never come 1oday ls enough you donL need Lhe words LhaL cannoL posslbly be Lrue
noLhlng ls forever noLhlng lasLs for always 1oday should always be enough
O !ullen 8 ans ?oull lend lL someLlmes?
Sophle 8 ans ?ou glve Lhen Lake back ?ou really wanL lL prove lL Are you game?
O !ullen !eanvler uo you belleve ln love aL flrsL slghL?
Aurelle Mlller ?es
!ullen !eanvler nalve
O lnLal de LoaLe nu aLlnge acele ln al dollea rand sLapanesLeLl manla ln al Lrellea rand
nlclodaLa ln vecll vecllor nu Le lndragosLl Cacl aLuncl penLru LoLdeauna acul care araLa
orele la ceasornlcul lnlmll Lale lLl va sLrapunge plelea oasele Ll se vor sfarama lar mecanlca
lnlmll se va sLrlca larasl
O vlsez cal vezl pe pereLl? va Lrebule saml duc lnlma la reparaL? Sl ce daca! ue cand am aparuL
pe lume ml se LoL repara Ma pasLe un perlcol de moarLe? oaLe
O Chlnurlle dragosLel preschlmba oamenll ln monsLrll de LrlsLeLe
O ue ce m Lem? ue Llne mal precls de mlne fr Llne
O uaca Le Leml ca o saLl fle rau nu facl decaL sa maresLl sansele de a Ll se face rau ulLaLe la
acrobaLl crezl ca se gandesc vreo cllpa ca or sa cada cand merg pe sarma? nlcldecum
accepLa rlscul sl savureaza placerea de a lnfrunLa perlcolul uacaLl ducl vlaLa cu ochll ln
paLru sa nuLl rupl ceva o sa Le pllcLlsesLl de moarLe sa sLll nu cunosc pe nlmenl pe lumea
asLa mal amuzanL decaL lmprudenLa!
O lll lmprudenL dar mal lnalnLe de LoaLe darulesLe darulesLeLe fara sa Le gandesLl prea mulL!
O ne lublm ca doua beLe de chlbrlLurl nu vorblm cl ne aprlndem nu ne saruLam cl provocam
O vreau sa lml dau [os masca de llllac romanLlc sl sa lubesc ln lumlna
O SunL convlns c dac ar fl avuL un ceasornlc in locul lnlmll Cenu;reasa lar fl oprlL la ora
dousprezece fr un mlnuL ;l ar fl rmas la bal LoaL vla(a
O Love ls dangerous for youL Llny hearL
O un adolescenL cu vlse de copll care nu se poaLe abLlne sa nu amesLece reallLaLea cu vlsul ca
sa poaLa supravleLul
O Mas arunca dlrecL ln paL Slgur as mal gasl sub perna caLeva vlse dln copllarle slas cauLa sa
nu le sLrlvesc sub povara grl[llor de adulL care ml sau culbarlL sub frunLe
O L Llmpul saml sLrang lar baga[ele lnLesaLe cu vlse
O ln vlaLa LoLul Lrece sa sLll! ne vlnLecam lnLoLdeauna chlar daca ne la ceva Llmp
O La noapLe o sa ma caLar pe luna o sa ma LranLesc pe colLul el sLraluclLor canLrun hamac sl o
sa vlsez cu ochll deschlsl
O CanLecele acopera LrlsLeLea asa cum zgomoLele acopera Lacerea ALuncl cand canLecele se
sfarsesc LrlsLeLea revlne
O lml vand lnlma pe parcele Cele mal scumpe au prlvellsLl bune
O 8aleLe orlce lmbecll poaLe ranl o femele dar doar un barbaL dlnLro mle poaLe sa o la cu el
penLru LoLdeauna
O nu le ranesLl blne decaL pe fllnLele dragl nu exlsLa nlclo placere ln a supara necunoscuLl"
O uragosLea mea penLru Llne a fosL o lunga eroare care sla aflaL adevarul"
O e vremea lnLalnlrll noasLre ml se parea ca lnLreaga mea vlaLa nu va fl de a[uns ca sa Le
O A lubl lnseamna sal dau celullalL cu proprlul meu conslmLamanL o puLere lnflnlLa asupra
mea Cum de puLusem conLrlbul la proprla mea servlLuLe?"
O ue fllnLa care ne esLe cea mal draga ne Lemem cel mal mulL lar gelozla esLe doar o forma a
lmaglnaLlel LerorlzaLe care Lransforma ln cerLlLudlne cea mal mlca banulala"
O ue fapL ma pllcLlseam de moarLe cu ea lar pllcLlsul esLe un Lovaras pe care nul suporLl
decaL ln slnguraLaLe penLru ca nu vrel marLorl ln acele cllpe blesLemaLe de frlca sa nu capeLl
de la el o lmaglne lnfamanLa"
O Ce esLe un cuplu? 8enunLarea la exlsLenLa ln schlmbul slguranLel chlpul fara aLracLle al
dragosLel leglLlme AcesL spaLlu lnchls le banallzeaza sl pe fllnLele cele mal puLln doLaLe
penLru banallLaLe le lngreulaza pe cele mal mercurlale"
O SunL vlcLorllcare duc la un lmpas LoL asa cum sunL lnfrangerl care deschld cal nol"
O SenLlmenLul esLe ceva ce se poaLe plerde ca un ceas epulza lnceL ca un conL ln banca sl
regasl ca o palarle"
O umorul esLe placerea pe care slo acorda cele doua sexe convenlnd sa ulLe o cllpa ceea ce le
O erverslLaLea nu esLe forma besLlala a eroLlsmulul cl parLea sa clvlllzaLa ln perversl
exlsLa un arLlsL un arLlsL care lsl lmparLe domenlul cu un preoL lnLro aceeasl fervoare penLru
O Crlce ll lerLl unel fllnLe vulgarlLaLea prosLla orlce ln afara de a Le pllcLlsl cu ea"
O 8enunLa la lumea aceasLa renunLa la lumea cealalaLa renunLa la renunLare"
O l geL Lhe feellng were so mlsdlrecLed l geL Lhe feellng we have losL conLrol
O Sleeplng ls nlce ?ou forgeL abouL everyLhlng [usL for a llLLle whlle
O lorglve your enemles buL never never forgeL Lhelr names
O 8ecause l donL know lf l can leL you go you are my sunshlne and l haLe Lhe raln
O eople Lhlnk LhaL lf you love someone hard enough LhaL everyLhlng wlll [usL work ouL
eople are wrong
O WalLlng hurLs lorgeLLlng hurLs 8uL noL knowlng whlch declslon Lo Lake ls Lhe worsL of
O And lf l sLop
Lver Lhlnklng of you
ld probably choke on Lhe words l never sald
And lf l sLop
Lver Lhlnklng of you
ld bury my hearL and fall back ln my bed
O Peres Lo Lhose nlghLs where you [usL break down and cry because you know LhaL no maLLer
whaL Lhlngs wlll never be Lhe same
O l don'L know whaL l wanL buL l don'L wanL Lhls
O never forgeL whaL Lhey dld Lo you and never leL Lhem know you remember
O l showed you my hearL and you showed me Lhe door
O lLs lronlc how when your lonely Lhe enLlre world seems Lo be ln love
O My Lheory ls LhaL maybe lf l keep my dlsLance you`ll sLarL Lo mlss me
O youve goL me smlllng ln my sleep
O l`m no where near perfecL l eaL when l`m bored l fall for boys Loo easlly l`m vulnerable Lo
bellevlng lles l`m hoplng LhaL one day l don`L need a fake smlle l llve by quoLes LhaL explaln
exacLly whaL l`m golng Lhrough l make up excuses for everyLhlng l have besL frlends
enemles l have drama memorles someLlmes l forgeL why l`m even here
O Llfe lsnL Lhe number of breaLhs you Lake lL's Lhe momenLs LhaL Lake your breaLh away
O Ma leg mal ales de fllnLele care nau nevole de mlne sl pe care deodaLa le lnlanLul prln cea
mal puLernlca legaLura SunL gaLa sa dau LoLul cul nu cere nlmlc dar nu vreau sa cedez nlmlc
cul asLeapLa LoLul de la celalalL

O Where ls Lhls love? l canL see lL l canL Louch lL l canL feel lL l can hear lL l can hear some
words buL l canL do anyLhlng wlLh your easy words

O uan When l geL back please Lell me Lhe LruLh
Allce Why?
uan 8ecause lm addlcLed Lo lL 8ecause wlLhouL lL were anlmals 1rusL me
O uan ?ouve rulned my llfe
Anna ?oull geL over lL

Se spune c au Iost oameni care s-au ruinat pentru aceast Iat si c avea iubiti care o

5l ea?
La il lubea la fel de mulL spune lumea dar in felul in care lubesc
asLfel de feLe nu Lrebule sa le cerl mal mulL decL poL da

O ac brbatii ar sti ce se poate obtine cu o lacrim, ar Ii mai iubiti, iar noi i-am
ruina mai putin.

O i totusi erau brbati care se ruinaser pentru aceast Iemeie.

O or every good woman, there's a dirty little wolI just ready to lead her astray.

O e's got the eyes, the chin, chest hair you could carpet your dining room with.
What's a woman to do? We're not made oI steal Ior God's sakes.

O mean you got your morals and your standards and your good common sense
and then, BAM! You meet some guy and then all that goes right out the

O %he truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to Iind the ones worth
suIIering Ior.
Bob Marley

O inima sta pe loc o secunda,doua,mai multe...simti ca ai plecat,ca te
indrepti spre ci pline de lumina aromata.
O ac m despic cineva o sa gseasc numai crpe Iolosite nauntrul
O traiesc cu gandul ca nu exista atatea iubiri,dupa care raman
dezgustul,dezamagirea de tine,cand parca oamenii seamana intre ei si
atat de mult iti doresti ca cei care au Iost sa nu Ii trecut pe langa
tine.stiu ca exista in viata un singur om care ia totul,te goleste,te
pustieste si te arunca,luand tot ceea ce este bun si Irumos in tine.
O e data asta m-a ridicat dupa podeaua murdara a baii. Si nu mai stiu
ce-mi amintesc eu sau ce-si aminteste alcoolul,dar,cum sa nu plangi
cand te strange in brate si iti spune exact ce voiai sa auzi: sa Iie
bine. Promit eu ca o sa Iie bine.
O 'ocea mea?Este cea pe care vrei s-o auzi,esti sigur? vei auzi.ti
promit c o vei auzi . ar vrei asta cu adevarat?este o curiozoitate a
ta?nu ti-e team,nu te sperie vocea care strig? Nu ti-e Iric de iubire,de
iubirea Iemeilor?
O Sunt doar eu,aceasi,Ir sens...
O ochi-mi plutesc ntr-o pnz de lacrimi
O rgoliului am s i dau drumu pe rp.mi rmne timiditatea. M joc
cu suIletul meu,ce-mi mai pas?
O mi atingi in Iiecare zi spatele, raman impregnate mii de poeme din
degetele tale,dar nu mi le citesti niciodata. sa imi rup pielea si o sa le
citesc singura.
O N-am s renun[ la tine, nu eti viciu.
O don't get jealous when see my ex with someone else cause my
parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.
O Karma will slap you in the face before do.
O t's easy to believe someone when they tell you what you want to hear.
O My attitude is based on how you treat me.
O won`t go to heaven because `ll make all the other angels look ugly.
O Never pick the girl, they'll leave you every time, you can count on it.

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