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8ule lor a hearsay quesLlon (even for excepLlons) explaln why Lhe sLaLemenL consLlLuLes hearsay
AppllcaLlon lacL 8equlremenL
lormer 1esLlmony
ln respecL Lo evldence 1 8lcLer's LesLlmony consLlLuLes hearsay because lL ls belng offered Lo prove Lhe
maLLer asserLed Pere 8lcLer's LesLlmony LhaL uefendanL had planned Lhe murder proves Lhe maLLer
asserLed LhaL uefendanL premedlLaLed Lhe murder Lven Lhough Lhls sLaLemenL consLlLuLes hearsay lL
ls admlssable under Lhe lormer 1esLlmony LxcepLlon (804(b)(1))
1o meeL Lhe excepLlon Lhe rule requlres
1 ueclaranL musL be unavallable

Pere Lhe declaranL ls unavallable because he ls dead Lherefore Lhls requlremenL ls saLlsfled

2 ueclaranL musL have LesLlfled aL proceedlng or a deposlLlon
1he facL paLLern lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe declaranL LesLlfled aL a prellmlnary hearlng 1hls ls sufflclenL Lo saLlsfL
Lhe proceedlng requrelmenL 1herefore Lhe prosecuLlon wlll meeL Lhls requlremenL

3 arLy agalnsL whom evldence ls now offered musL have been a crlmlnal
1he defendanL ls a crlmlnal defendanL Lherefore Lhls elemenL has been meL

ln summary because Lhe prosecuLlon can meeL Lhe elemenLs Lo saLlsfy 804(b)(1) Lhls evldence wlll be
admlsslble agalnsL Lhe defendanL As a caveaL Lhe defendanL may seek Lo bar LesLlmony on
ConsLlLuLlonal grounds Lhls wlll llkely fall slnce Lhe defense had Lhe oppurLunlLy Lo crossexamlne

Lvldence 2

Lvldence 3

1he evldence consLlLuLes hearsay because lL seeks Lo prove Lhe maLLer asserLed Pere Lhe prosecuLlon
seeks Lo prove LhaL defendanL had a gun shorLly before Lhe shooLlng 1he offered evldence seeks Lo
lnLroduce LesLlmony LhaL asserLs Lhls by sLaLlng LhaL Sue say uefendanL pull ouL a gun Powever Lhls
evldence can be admlLed Lhrough 803(1) as a presenL sense lmpresslon

1he rule sLaLes LhaL a sLaLemenL descrlblng or explalnlng a condlLlon or evenL made by Lhe declaranL
whlle he ls percelvlng Lhe evenL or lmmedlaLely LhereafLer ls admlsslble Pere Lhe facLs lndlcaLe LhaL Sue
sLaLed Lo her boyfrlend LhaL Lhe defendanL had pulled ouL a gun 1he facL paLLern lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe
declaranL made Lhls sLaLemenL whlle she was perclelng uefendanL pull ouL a gun
ecause shewlLnessed Lhe evenL whlle Lhe evenL occurred and made Lhls sLaLemenL durlng Lhe
percepLlon of Lhe evenL Lhls clearly falls wlLhln Lhe hearsay excepLlon

Lvldence 4

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