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1)1he l1 glanL 1lrnop has recenLly crossed a head counL of 130000 and earnlngs of $7 bllllon As one of

Lhe forerunners ln Lhe Lechnology fronL 1lrnop conLlnues Lo lead Lhe way ln producLs and servlces ln
lndla AL 1lrnop all programmers are equal ln every respecL 1hey recelve ldenLlcal salarles ans also
wrlLe code aL Lhe same raLeSuppose 12 such programmers Lake 12 mlnuLes Lo wrlLe 12 llnes of code ln
LoLal Pow long wlll lL Lake 72 programmers Lo wrlLe 72 llnes of code ln LoLal?
2)Clven 3 llnes ln Lhe plane such LhaL Lhe polnLs of lnLersecLlon form a Lrlangle wlLh sldes of lengLh 20
20 and 30 Lhe number of polnLs equldlsLanL from all Lhe 3 llnes ls
3)Cn planeL zorba a solar blasL has melLed Lhe lce caps on lLs equaLor 8 years afLer Lhe lce melLs Llny
planLolds called echlna sLarL growlng on Lhe rocks echlna grows ln Lhe form of a clrcle and Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe dlameLer of Lhls clrcle and Lhe age of echlna ls glven by Lhe formula
d 4 * v (L 8) for L 8 where d represenLs Lhe dlameLer ln mm and L Lhe number of years slnce Lhe
solar blasL !agan recorded Lhe radlus of some echlna aL a parLlcular spoL as 8mm Pow many years back
dld Lhe solar blasL occur?
4)A clrcular darLboard of radlus 1 fooL ls aL a dlsLance of 20 feeL from you ?ou Lhrow a darL aL lL and lL
hlLs Lhe darLboard aL some polnL C ln Lhe clrcle WhaL ls Lhe probablllLy LhaL C ls closer Lo Lhe cenLer of
Lhe clrcle Lhan Lhe perlphery?
3)Alok ls aLLendlng a workshop Pow Lo do more wlLh less and Lodays Lheme ls Worklng wlLh fewer
dlglLs 1he speakers dlscuss how a loL of mlraculous maLhemaLlcs can be achleved lf manklnd (as well as
womanklnd) had only worked wlLh fewer dlglLs 1he problem posed aL Lhe end of Lhe workshop ls Pow
many 3 dlglL numbers can be formed uslng Lhe dlglLs 1 2 3 4 3 (buL wlLh repeLlLlon) LhaL are dlvlslble
by 4? Can you help Alok flnd Lhe answer?
6)10 suspecLs are rounded by Lhe pollce and quesLloned abouL a bank robbery Cnly one of Lhem ls
gullLy 1he suspecLs are made Lo sLand ln a llne and each person declares LhaL Lhe person nexL Lo hlm on
hls rlghL ls gullLy 1he rlghLmosL person ls noL quesLloned Whlch of Lhe followlng posslblllLles are Lrue?
A All suspecLs are lylng or Lhe lefLmosL suspecL ls lnnocenL
8 All suspecLs are lylng and Lhe lefLmosL suspecL ls lnnocenL
A only
nelLher A nor 8
8 only
8oLh A and 8
7)A sheeL of paper has sLaLemenLs numbered from 1 Lo 40 lor all values of n from 1 Lo 40 sLaLemenL n
says LxacLly n of Lhe sLaLemenLs on Lhls sheeL are false Whlch sLaLemenLs are Lrue and whlch are
All Lhe sLaLemenLs are false
1he odd numbered sLaLemenLs are Lrue and Lhe even numbered sLaLemenLs are false
1he 39Lh sLaLemenL ls Lrue and Lhe resL are false
1he even numbered sLaLemenLs are Lrue and Lhe odd numbered sLaLemenLs are false

8)36 people a1 a2 a36 meeL and shake hands ln a clrcular fashlon ln oLher words Lhere are
LoLally 36 handshakes lnvolvlng Lhe palrs a1 a2 a2 a3 a33 a36 a36 a1 1hen slze of Lhe
smallesL seL of people such LhaL Lhe resL have shaken hands wlLh aL leasL one person ln Lhe seL ls
9)Allce and 8ob play Lhe followlng colnsonasLack game 20 colns are sLacked one above Lhe oLher
Cne of Lhem ls a speclal (gold) coln and Lhe resL are ordlnary colns 1he goal ls Lo brlng Lhe gold coln Lo
Lhe Lop by repeaLedly movlng Lhe LopmosL coln Lo anoLher poslLlon ln Lhe sLack Allce sLarLs and Lhe
players Lake Lurns A Lurn conslsLs of movlng Lhe coln on Lhe Lop Lo a poslLlon l below Lhe Lop coln (0 l
20) We wlll call Lhls an lmove (Lhus a 0move lmplles dolng noLhlng) 1he provlso ls LhaL an lmove
cannoL be repeaLed for example once a player makes a 2move on subsequenL Lurns nelLher player can
make a 2movelf Lhe gold coln happens Lo be on Lop when lLs a players Lurn Lhen Lhe player wlns Lhe
gamelnlLlally Lhe gold colnls Lhe Lhlrd coln from Lhe Lop 1hen
ln order Lo wln Allces flrsL move can be a 0move or a 1move
Allce has no wlnnlng sLraLegy
ln order Lo wln Allces flrsL move should be a 0move
ln order Lo wln Allces flrsL move should be a 1move
10)A sheeL of paper has sLaLemenLs numbered from 1 Lo 40 lor each value of n from 1 Lo 40
sLaLemenL n says AL leasL n of Lhe sLaLemenLs on Lhls sheeL are Lrue Whlch sLaLemenLs are Lrue and
whlch are false?
1he flrsL 26 sLaLemenLs are false and Lhe resL are Lrue
1he odd numbered sLaLemenLs are Lrue and Lhe even numbered are false
1he flrsL 13 sLaLemenLs are Lrue and Lhe resL are false
1he even numbered sLaLemenLs are Lrue and Lhe odd numbered are false
11)AfLer Lhe LyplsL wrlLes 12 leLLers and addresses 12 envelopes she lnserLs Lhe leLLers randomly lnLo
Lhe envelopes (1 leLLer per envelope) WhaL ls Lhe probablllLy LhaL exacLly 1 leLLer ls lnserLed ln an
lmproper envelope?
12)Alok and 8hanu play Lhe followlng mlnmax game Clven Lhe expresslon n 9 + x + ? Z where x ?
and Z are varlables represenLlng slngle dlglLs (0 Lo 9) Alok would llke Lo maxlmlze n whlle 8hanu would
llke Lo mlnlmlze lL 1owards Lhls end Alok chooses a slngle dlglL number and 8hanu subsLlLuLes Lhls for a
varlable of her cholce (x ? or Z) Alok Lhen chooses Lhe nexL value and 8hanu Lhe varlable Lo subsLlLuLe
Lhe value llnally Alok proposes Lhe value for Lhe remalnlng varlable Assumlng boLh play Lo Lhelr
opLlmal sLraLegles Lhe value of n aL Lhe end of Lhe game would be
13)10 people meeL and shake hands 1he maxlmum number of handshakes posslble lf Lhere ls Lo be no
cycle of handshakes ls (A cycle of handshakes ls a sequence of k people a1 a2 ak (k 2) such LhaL
Lhe palrs a1 a2 a2 a3 ak1 ak ak a1 shake hands)
14)lor Lhe lllA world cup aul Lhe ocLopus has been predlcLlng Lhe wlnner of each maLch wlLh amazlng
success lL ls rumored LhaL ln a maLch beLween 2 Leams A and 8 aul plcks A wlLh Lhe same probablllLy
as As chances of wlnnlng LeLs assume such rumors Lo be Lrue and LhaL ln a maLch beLween Chana and
8ollvla Chana Lhe sLronger Leam has a probablllLy of 2/3 of wlnnlng Lhe game WhaL ls Lhe probablllLy
LhaL aul wlll correcLly plck Lhe wlnner of Lhe Chana8ollvla game?

13)1he clLlzens of planeL nlgleL are 8 flngered and have Lhus developed Lhelr declmal sysLem ln base 8
A cerLaln sLreeL ln nlgleL conLalns 1000 (ln base 8) bulldlngs numbered 1 Lo 1000 Pow many 3s are used
ln numberlng Lhese bulldlngs?

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