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ulagnosls of erlodonLal ulsease

W Cllnlcal
W PlsLopaLhologlcal
W 8adlographlc
W 8lochemlcal
W 8acLerlologlcal
-ormal Clnglva
PlsLology of normal Clnglva
Cllnlcal leaLures
W Colour
W ConslsLency
W Surface LexLure
W Shape
W Slze
W oslLlon
W Margln
W ConLour
W 8leedlng on problng
W Cllnlcal aLLachmenL
W 8ecesslon
W ockeL / sulcus
W LxudaLe
Larly ClnglvlLls (Mlld)
nlLlaLlon of nflammaLlon
PlsLology of nflamed 1lssue
(hlgher magnlflcaLlon)
ModeraLe ClnglvlLls
PlsLology of ModeraLe ClnglvlLls
LsLabllshed glnglvlLls (Severe)
PlsLology of Severe ClnglvlLls
PlsLology of severely lnflamed Llssue

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