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Dear friends we hold dear, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Thank God, let us together give thanks to God Almighty for the blessings given to us are present in this room, especially for the blessings given by God Almighty in our associates ... who on this night reached the age of 17 years. Colleagues who are happy, as has been stated earlier peer protocol that tonight is the night celebration to commemorate the birthday of saudar / sisters we ..., then let us give congratulations to fellow ... who was celebrating his birthday, hopefully in usinya which to-17 will add up, add rizki, add strength and soul, and add a successful business, all of which may have Ridla in Allah SWT. Amin. ... Colleagues, with increasing age, this also increased duties, obligations and responsibilities, also increased sksn problems you face. Overall it should be viewed as a liability, should not be viewed as an expense in the lead wheel of life. thus further increasing our age it must be accompanied by increasing our maturity as well. ... Colleagues, eliminate bad habits in the past, remove the impressions crybaby in the past. For that change your attitude with a more mature attitude without having to remove the attitude and personality as like an adolescent who has previously coached you. Hopefully what is your ambition in their teens growing it will mnjadi above facts blessing and protection of Allah SWT. Amen ... ... Colleagues, finally once again I say congratulations birthday, hopefully long life and happy as you want and you aspire. Amen ... Thank you and sorry if my words were less pleasing. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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