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Ger|atr|c ed|atr|c harmaco|ogy

1 WhaL does noL change as man geLs old? apac|ty of the ||ver to metabo||ze the drug doses does
not appear to cons|stent|y dec||ne w|th age
2 @he besL way Lo measure Lhe drug ellmlnaLlon on elderly paLlenLs? ,easure the creat|n|ne
3 WhaL ls Lhe LreaLmenL for Alzhelmer's dlsease? -, b|ockers
4 WhaL do you need closely Lo monlLor elderly on hyperLenslve drugs? Crthostat|c nypotens|on
due to cerebra| |schem|a
S An elderly Laklng hyperLenslve drugs whlch one ls Lhe SafesL? 1h|az|des * 8eta 8|ockers are the
most dangerous
6 A pregnanL woman should be advlsed noL Lo use LeLracycllne due Lo? |sco|orat|on of the teeth
and a|tered bone growth
7 WhaL causes hocomella Amella? 1ha||dom|de
8 WhaL drug when expose ln pregnanL women resulL lncrease rlsk of cervlcal adeno carclnoma?
9 WhaL ls classlflcaLlon 8 means? L|ther an|ma| stud|es have not demonstrated feta| r|sk but
there are no contro||ed std|es |n pregnant woman or an|ma| reproduct|on stud|es that have
shown an adverse effect
Gastro|ntest|na| rugs
1 WhaL causes melanl coll? SL--
2 ase of a man whose Laklng Lhls drugs had CynecomasLla? |met|d|ne
3 WhaL ls Lrue abouL Cmeprazole? It |nteracts cova|ent|y and |rrevers|b|y w|th "n]k tpase
4 ,lsoprosLol proLecLs ulcer by? ytoprotect|ve |ncreases product|on of gastr|c mucus and
secret|on of b|carbonate
S WhaL Lo glve ln a man who wakes aL nlghL wlLh ulcer whaL wlll you glve? an|t|d|ne
6 ,an who drlnks alcohol suddenly develops nausea vomlLlng dlsulflram reacLlon whaL ls mosL
llkely Lhe drug he Look? ,etron|dazo|e
7 aLlenLs may noL be glven ln Interferon |pha? 1hose w|th f|u for 2 weeks

nt|funga| gents
1 WhaL ls Lhe drug of cholce for lnLraLhecal mycoLlc lnfecLlon rypLococcus neoformans?
mphoter|c|n 8
2 lucyLoslne ls relaed Lo? |uorurac||
3 nLerferes wlLh ergosLerol blosynLhesls by lnhlblLlng Lhe enzyme squalene epoxldase leads Lo Lhe
accumulaLlon of squalene LhaL ls Loxlc Lo Lhe cell funglcldal terb|naf|ne

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