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1he M|||enn|um Deve|opment Goa|s

1he 8 Goa|s
Lrad|cate Lxtreme overty and nunger
CuL down Lhe proporLlon of Lhe populaLlon llvlng on less $ uSu per day Lo half
2 ncrease employmenL for women men and young people
3 CuL down Lhe proporLlon of Lhe populaLlon who suffer from hunger Lo half
ch|eve Un|versa| r|mary Lducat|on
y 20 all chlldren boys and glrls can compleLe a full course of prlmary schoollng

romote Gender Lqua||ty and Lmpower Women
llmlnaLe gender dlsparlLy ln boLh prlmary and secondary educaLlon preferably by 200 and aL all levels
by 20

educe Ch||d Morta||ty ates
educe by 2/3 beLween 0 and 20 Lhe underflve morLallLy raLe

mprove Materna| nea|th
educe by 3/4 beLween 0 and 20 Lhe maLernal morLallLy raLlo
2 chleve by 20 unlversal access Lo reproducLlve healLh

Combat nI$Ds Ma|ar|a and Cther D|seases
y 20 SLop and everse Lhe spread of PI/us
2 y 200 chleve unlversal access Lo LreaLmenL for PI/us for Lhose who need lL
3 y 20 SLop and begln Lo reverse Lhe lncldence of Malarla and oLher ma[or dlseases
Lnsure Lnv|ronmenta| Susta|nab|||ty
nLegraLe Lhe prlnclples of susLalnable developmenL lnLo counLry pollcles and programs ln order Lo
reverse Lhe loss of envlronmenLal resources
2 educe blodlverslLy loss by a slgnlflcanL amounL by 200
3 y 20 educe Lhe proporLlons of Lhe people wlLhouL safe drlnklng waLer and baslc sanlLaLlon Lo half
4 y 2020 Lo have lmprove Lhe llves of aL leasL 00 mllllon slumdwellers
Deve|op a g|oba| partnersh|p for deve|opment
uevelop a furLher open rulebased predlcLable nondlscrlmlnaLory Lradlng and flnanclal sysLem
2 ddress a Speclal need for LuCs
3 ddress a Speclal need for landlocked developlng counLrles and small lsland developlng sLaLes
4 ueal comprehenslvely wlLh Lhe debL problems of developlng counLrles Lhrough naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal
measures ln order Lo make debL susLalnable ln Lhe long Lerm
rovlde access Lo affordable essenLlal drugs Lo developlng counLrles wlLh Lhe help of pharmaceuLlcal
6 Make avallable Lhe beneflLs Lo new C1 wlLh Lhe help of prlvaLe secLors

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