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I attended the program in December 2008 and would rate this as one of the most powerful programs I have attended. The program took me through a process of understanding of my being and finding an inner connectedness.The best thing about this process is that it helps one to expand this experience with each passing day. The program exposed me to staying in a state of awareness awareness of not only my external environment but also of my inner core. e.g.What am I feeling? What are my thoughts? Are my actions in consonance with my feelings and thoughts? For me this level of awareness has been very powerful and its application in work and life, is what I've found very potent. Manoj Jha
CEO, Escorts Delhi (Leadership and Personal Excellence Retreat: Open Enrolment: December 2008)

May not be appropriate to call it a program it is an experience that no words can describe. It has answered all my questions on seeking truth and reaffirmed my beliefs. It has shown me a path to become more effective, bring harmony and peace into my life and every one's life.Thanks for being the catalyst for the best event in my life. Inderjit Singh
Chief of Tech/Knowledge Management Center, Escorts (Leadership and Personal Excellence Retreat: Open Enrolment: December 2008)

My core team and I have been attending Partho's evolutionary workshops since the January of 2004. Our take (and here I speak for the entire team after close consultations) on these extensive sessions is that the term workshop falls way short of the actual experience. These sessions, if we may say so, are much more voyages of self discovery, going into recesses of our own beings where we have never gone or dared not go! These voyages have bought us repeatedly face to face with our own shortcomings, our existential ambivalences and also our inherent potentials as evolved humans. Needless to say, our performances in the corporate sphere and personal relationships have improved qualitatively beyond recognition.These workshops have resulted in self discovery, freedom and a breaking of the glass ceiling, leading on to real excellence. Anirudh Chakravartty
Vice-President, South Asia PCCW Global (Hong Kong Telecom) (Intervention: PCCW Global, 2004-2009)


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