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Why more and more compan|es are choos|ng Sports Market|ng

Anybody who works ln markeLlng knows well LhaL one of Lhe flrsL and mosL lmporLanL Lhlng Lo
do ls LargeL deflnlLlon
1argeL deflnlLlon requlres a sysLemaLlc approach from Lhe analysls of Lhe needs of Lhe markeL
Lo Lhe analysls of Lhe exlsLence of an economlc poLenLlal golng Lhrough Lhe markeL borders
deflnlLlon Llll Lhe selecLlon of Lhe secLor/secLlons of Lhe markeL Lo be consldered
Companles are lncreaslngly chooslng Lo reach Lhelr LargeL uslng lnnovaLlve Lools such as C8M
guerrllla markeLlng one Lo one eLc eLc Consumers preferences and wlshes are changlng on a
dally basls and markeLlng sLraLegles have Lo follow Lhls consLanL LransformaLlon lf Lhey wanL Lo
be effecLlve As a consequence companles musL be flexlble and ready Lo change qulckly Lhelr
markeLlng lnsLrumenL
SporLs markeLlng ls an effecLlve markeLlng Lools lL glves a company Lhe opporLunlLy Lo leverage
on Lhe passlon LhaL consumers have for sporLs
1o sponsor someLhlng doesnL mean slmply Lo appear wlLh ones logo on Lhe shlrLs of a fooLball
Leam or on Lhe board around Lhe playlngfleld 1o be sponsor means Lo be able Lo Lransfer Lo
Lhe brand or Lo Lhe company Lhe sporLs poslLlve value reachlng aL Lhe same Llme vla Lhe
passlon Lhe hearL of Lhe consumer
SporLs markeLlng ls one of Lhe mosL effecLlve way Lo reach a speclflc LargeL because [usL as
every producL has goL lLs LargeL of consumers every sporL has goL lLs LargeL of fans vlewers and
So companles need Lo selecL among all Lhe dlfferenL sporLs Lhe one whlch geLs Lhe hlghesL
number of people ln LargeL check 1v and oLher medla coverage undersLand whaL ls Lhe
compeLlLlon dolng look aL Lhe sporLs markeL and devlce a communlcaLlon plan based on lL
1hls exLreme slmpllflcaLlon doesnL have Lo mlslead you Lo Lhlnk LhaL plannlng a sponsorshlp
program ls an easy Lask
1here are so many dlfferenL players around a sporL evenL [usL Lo name a few aLhleLes clubs
promoLers sponsors agenLs Lv and oLher medla supporLers and so on LhaL ln order Lo be sure
LhaL everyLhlng ls properly Laken care of one needs Lo manage carefully any and each aspecLs
MarkeLlng plans always sLarL from lmaglnaLlon and creaLlvlLy buL resulLs are achleved only
Lhrough good plannlng and perfecL lmplemenLaLlon because of Lhls a sporL markeLlng program
O A Speclflc research Lo evaluaLe Lhe congruency beLween producL and sporL
O A careful exam of Lhe chosen sporLs markeL Lo reach an agreemenL wlLh Lhe mosL
LrusLworLhy parLner
O A good communlcaLlon campalgn
O ConsLanL and LargeLed 8
O 8ellable eople on fleld
ln few words one needs a sLeady organlzaLlon wlLh a loL of experlence and a professlonal
approach ln order Lo be sure Lo geL Lhe mosL ouL of a sponsorshlp

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