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M|cah Cau|f|e|d

291S West k|ver kd Dummerston V1 0S301

Cb[ect|ve 1o galn knowledge and experlence ln Lhe lndusLry Lhrough compleLlng a seven hundred hour
lnLernshlp ln a llveproducLlon esLabllshmenL
O ervsafe cerLlfled
O aslc meaL fabrlcaLlon skllls
O 1able servlce/Wlne palrlng
O aklng of several breads and pasLrles
O 9reparlng sLocks soups and moLher
O aslc flrsL ald wound dresslng body
fluld cleanup
O nowledge of cooklng meaLs

Chef uoug Camp pofford 8L 9a pofford nP
new Lngland Cullnary lnsLlLuLe
8ocbelot of Atts collooty
raduaLlon daLe CcL 2014

CommunlLy College of vermonL
8oslc lectlve cootses J ct
prlng 2010

vermonL AdulL Learnlng
Cu Jlplomo
nov 2009

9r|or Lmp|oyment
uuane Mlller's 1eam 9alnL 1ree servlce and
Appteotlce lolotet llft Opetotot
!une 2009 CcL 2011
MounL now vermonL
l losttoctot
uec 2008 Aprll 2011

8od's 1owlng and 8epalr
bop booJ uetollloq speclollst
prlng 2004 Aug 2006
Camp pofford lLchen ulshwasher

eene oup lLchen lood preparaLlon and
2008 2010
MC rldge ullders ConsLrucLlon and medlcal
cllnlc ln PalLl
nov 2008

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