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A crlLlcal success facLor ls deflned as whlch of Lhe followlng ?

A SomeLhlng LhaL musL occur perfecLly every Llme

8 An asseL Lo be planed
C A facLor LhaL ls calculaLed for lnsurance purposes
u A measure or score of efflclency
Answer A
lakLorfakLor keberhasllan [uga dlkenal showsLopper lakLor penenLu keberhasllan benar seLlap kall
dalam rangka unLuk pemullhan unLuk men[adl sukses Sebuah lndlkaLor klner[a uLama (kl) adalah nllal
WhaL ls prlnclpal reason you mlghL use a hoL slLe ?
a Lxpenslve buL already conflgured for our use
b May noL be avallable durlng crlsls
c Lxpenslve buL we wlll have Lo lnsLall and conflgured new equlpmenL
d Lxpenslve and prevenLs us from uslng oLher warm or cold slLe alLernaLlve
!awaban A
embahasan slLus panas mahal LeLapl menawarkan kesempaLan yang leblh balk unLuk pemullhan
karena lLu Apakah sudah dlkonflgurasl dengan balk
WhaL does Lhe acronym LCC represenL ?
A Lmergency offlce complex
8 LvacuaLe offlce cenLer
C Lmergency offenslve conLrols
u Lmergency operaLlon cenLer
Answer u
LCC adalah pusaL operasl daruraL dlkelola oleh Llm mana[emen daruraL selama krlsls
WhaL ls llkely Lo be Lhe blggesL lssue regardlng log managemenL?
A SysLem need Lo be conflgured and Lhen someone needs Lo read Lhe logs and respond Lo Lhe
8 Log flles need Lo be conflgured capLured read and back up
C Log managemenL ls noL requlred lL's consldered a wasLe of Llme
u SysLem log flles consume valuable dlsk space and are used only by Lhe audlLor

!awaban 8
embahasan uaLa yang Lerkuncl harus dl back up Cara yang Lerbalk adalah mengexporL flle yang
Lerkuncl ke sebuah syslog server

Whlch Lhe followlng refers Lo provldlng verlflcaLlon of daLa values durlng dlfferenL sLages of processlng
for Lhe purpose of compleLeness of Lhe LransacLlon?
A valldaLlon checker
8 8unLor un LoLals
C LlmlL checks
u !ob cosL accounLlng
!awaban A
embahasan 8unLo run LoLals dlgunakan unLuk memasLlkan kelengkapan Lransaksl selama berbagal
Lahap pengolahan

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