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Challenges faced on 88

W rocess SlmpllflcaLlon ls Common 1rue 88 ls noL

W eslre Lo Change noL SLrong Lnough
W SLarL olnL Lhe LxlsLlng rocess noL a 8lank SlaLe
W CommlLmenL Lo LxlsLlng rocesses 1oo SLrong
8LMLM8L8 lf lL aln'L broke "
W ;ulck llx Approach
W rocess under revlew Loo blg or Loo small
W 8ellance on exlsLlng process Loo sLrong
W 1he CosLs of Lhe Change Seem 1oo Large
W 88 lsolaLed AcLlvlLy noL Allgned Lo Lhe 8uslness Cb[ecLlves
W AllocaLlon of 8esources
W oor 1lmlng and lannlng
W eeplng Lhe 1eam and CrganlzaLlon on 1argeL

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