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Se|| L|nes

Amped up muslc news"

1he pun used hlghllghLs Lhe facL LhaL my magazlne wlll conLaln exclLlng and brand new news from
Lhe lndle genre Also Lhe use of Lhe verb 'amped' lmplles LhaL Lhe news wlll sLlll be relevanL Lo Lhe
genre and purpose of Lhe magazlne Lherefore maklng lL successful and appeallng Lo Lhe audlence
lndle sLrlpped Lo lLs bare essenLlals"
1hls sell llne dlsplays LhaL Lhe news wlll be slmpllfled and easy Lo read whlch appeals Lo my audlence
who normally plck up magazlnes Lo qulckly browse Lhrough and pull ouL Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey need
1hus provlng LhaL lf my magazlne sLays wlLh slmpllclLy lL wlll be lucraLlve Lo my audlence and Lhe sell
llne wlll Lherefore be effecLlve
Lxcluslve 1op ArLlsL lnLervlew"
1he facL LhaL Lhe lnLervlew ls 'excluslve' lmplles LhaL my magazlne ls Lhe only magazlne lucky enough
Lo capLure Lhls muLually excluslve lnLervlew whlch glves my magazlne a unlque selllng polnL as lL has
someLhlng oLher magazlnes don'L have 1he use of a Lop arLlsL who ls ln Lhe spoLllghL aL Lhe Llme as
Lhey wlll be more appeallng Lo Lhe audlence
Sneak prevlew of arLlsL's new album"
?eL agaln Lhe use of excluslvlLy glves my magazlne a unlque rouLe whlch oLher magazlnes cannoL
offer and Lhe facL LhaL lL ls a new album wlll make lL even more appeallng Lo Lhe audlence as Lhey
wlll have been walLlng for Lhls Lo be released and Lherefore wlll be a greaL sell llne for my magazlne
Chance Lo wln LlckeLs Lo a concerL"
1he opporLunlLy for a person Lo wln LlckeLs Lo go Lo a concerL of a arLlsL LhaL Lhey llke noL only
because Lhey wlll be fans of Lhe arLlsL and would Lherefore be a greaL prlze buL would also be an
appeallng sell llne because Lhe LargeL audlence of my magazlne are mosL llkely Lo be aLLendlng
Spend a day wlLh an arLlsL!"
1hls l belleve Lo be my greaLesL offer and would be llke a 'dream come Lrue' for my audlence as Lhey
would geL Lo spend a day wlLh one of Lhelr heroes or favourlLe arLlsLs Lo see lf Lhelr expecLaLlons llve
up Lo Lhelr LhoughLs
Wln a slgned copy of arLlsLs' new slngle"
?eL agaln Lhe key Lheme of excluslvlLy ls used so LhaL my magazlne wlll glve Lhe audlence someLhlng
LhaL oLher magazlnes cannoL offer Lherefore maklng my magazlne beLLer Lhan all of Lhe
compeLlLors 1he facL LhaL Lhe slngle would be new and slgned means LhaL lL wlll have been
anLlclpaLed buL also LhaL lL wlll feel more personal whlch wlll bulld a relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe audlence
and Lhe magazlne
ntents Ideas
n my conLenLs page l am flrsLly golng Lo make sure LhaL lL ls busy wlLh boLh
LexL and lmages however Lhe mosL lmporLanL feaLure ls Lo keep my conLenLs
easy Lo read and neaL as Lhe lnformaLlon lncluded on Lhe conLenLs ls of
lmporLance and needs Lo be conveyed Lo Lhe reader effecLlvely
n my conLenLs page l am golng Lo lnclude Lhe LlLles of Lhe maln arLlcles ln
bold ln a column down Lhe lefL hand slde of Lhe page and underneaLh Lhe LlLle
wlll be a smaller descrlpLlon of Lhe arLlcle noL ln bold buL [usL Lo hlghllghL Lo
Lhe audlence whaL Lhe audlence wlll be abouL and lnclude l belleve Lhls wlll
make my conLenLs page look slmpler buL sLlll have Lhe sophlsLlcaLlon whlch ls
needed Lo appeal Lo my audlence nexL Lo Lhe LlLle of Lhe arLlcles wlll be Lhe
page number whlch you can flnd Lhe arLlcle on so LhaL Lhe audlence do noL
need Lo look Lhrough Lhe magazlne ln order Lo flnd lL 1he page number wlll be
ln a dlfferenL colour Loo so LhaL lL ls lnsLanLly recognlsable
Moreover l wlll lnclude lmages of Lhe arLlsLs lnvolved ln Lhls week's
edlLlon so LhaL Lhe readers can lnsLanLly recognlse who ls golng Lo be ln Lhls
week's lssue buL also so LhaL Lhey can see who ouL of Lhelr favourlLe arLlsL's are
golng Lo be lncluded and Lhey can Lhen sLarL Lo bulld a relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe
magazlne Powever l wlll noL leL Lhe lmage domlnaLe my page as l feel Lhe LexL
Lo be more lmporLanL as lL ls more lnformaLlve
llnally l wlll lnclude an edlLor's noLe on Lhe conLenLs page so LhaL Lhe
reader can geL on a personal level wlLh Lhe edlLor buL also Lo reflecL Lhe
edlLor's LhoughLs on Lhls lssue 1he use of a band lndex wlll also be ln my
conLenLs so LhaL Lhe audlence can sLralghL away see who wlll be lnslde of Lhe
magazlne and whlch of Lhelr favourlLe bands are golng Lo be lncluded A
subscrlpLlon offer wlll also be aL Lhe boLLom of my page so LhaL Lhe reader has
a chance Lo slgn up for my magazlne and geL lf for a cheaper prlce on a regular
basls as well as recelvlng news and excluslve offers 1he magazlne wlll also
have llnks Lo a LwlLLer page webslLe and facebook group for all of Lhe news Lo
be on soclal neLworklng slLes and Lhe lnLerneL

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