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MA8u1l SuZukl lnulA L1u (MSlL)

Pead Cfflce MaruLl Suzukl

lndla LlmlLed nelson Mandela 8oad
vasanL kun[ new uelhl110070
8oard no46781000
Lmall hrd_secure[ob[llvecom
1el +919634230366 (1000 AM 1C 330 M) SLAk LnCLlSP CnL?

?our 8esume has been selecLed from one of Lhe varlous [ob slLes we hlre from for our new planL 1he
Company selecLed 62 candldaLes llsL for Senlor Lnglneer l1 AdmlnlsLraLlon roducLlon markeLlng and
general servlce ueparLmenLs lL ls our pleasure Lo lnform you LhaL your 8esume was selecLed as one of
Lhe 62 candldaLes shorLllsLed for Lhe lnLervlew 1he SuZukl Company ls Lhe besL ManufacLurlng Car
Company ln lndla 1he Company ls recrulLlng Lhe candldaLes for our new planLs ln uelhl 8angalore une
and Mumbal
?our lnLervlew wlll be held aL 1he Company CorporaLe offlce ln new uelhl on 26Lh of november 2011 aL
1130am you wlll be pleased Lo know LhaL of Lhe 62 candldaLe's selecLed 33 candldaLes wlll be glven
appolnLmenL meanlng your AppllcaLlon can be ln progress Lo Lhe flnal sLage ?ou wlll have Lo come Lo
Lhe Company CorporaLe offlce ln new uelhl ?our offer leLLer wlLh Alr 1lckeL wlll be senL Lo you by
courler before Lhe daLe of lnLervlew 1he Company can offer you a salary wlLh beneflLs for Lhls posL from
62 000/ Lo 2300 000/ /MCn1P + (P8A + uA + Conveyance and oLher Company beneflLs 1he
ueslgnaLlon and !ob LocaLlon wlll be flxed by Company P8u aL Lhe Llme of flnal process ?ou have Lo
come wlLh phoLocoples of all requlred documenLs

8LCul8Lu lnlC8MA1lCn Anu uCCuMLn1S 8? 1PL CCMAn? P8u

1 lull names
2 ConLacL Address
3 Moblle number
4 Sex
3 Age
6 hoLocoples of CuallflcaLlon uocumenLs
7 hoLocoples of Lxperlence CerLlflcaLes (lf any)
8 hoLocoples of Address roof
9 1wo assporL Slze hoLograph

?ou are Lo make a 8LlunuA8LL cash securlLy deposlL of 8s13800/(llfLeen 1housand LlghL Pundred
8upees) as an lnlLlal amounL ln favour of our company accounLanL name ln charge of collecLlng
paymenL 1hls paymenL covers 8eglsLraLlon lnLervlew lnsurance rocesslng MalnLenance charges
1he refundable lnLervlew securlLy deposlL of 8s 13800/ should be pald Lhrough any S1A1L 8Ank Cl
lnulA lClCl 8Ank AxlS 8Ank or un!A8 nA1lCnAL 8Ank 8ranch closer Lo you Lo our company
accounLlng offlcer ln charge AccounL lnformaLlon wlll be provlded Lo you upon your response Lo Lhls

8LASCnS lC8 ln1L8vlLW SLCu8l1? uLCSl1 1hls ls a measure we have Laken Lo check bogus
appllcaLlons from unserlous candldaLe who applles for [ob and we make Lhe above menLloned
arrangemenLs ln oLher Lo glve Lhem a comforLable lnLervlew and Lhey fall Lo appear for lnLervlew whlch
ls a huge loss Lo Lhe company and Lhe lnLervlew becomes shabby and hence we fall Lo recrulL Lhe
needed manpower 8uL wlLh SLCu8l1? uLCSl1 8LCul8LMLn1 we wlll be assured LhaL only serlous
quallfled and ready appllcanLs wlll apply and our efforLs wlll noL be wasLed lease do comply wlLh us as
your refundable securlLy deposlL wlll be reLurned Lo you ln cash lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe lnLervlew ls over
aL Lhe very premlses of Lhe lnLervlew And Lhe deposlL ls MAnuA1C8? Lo all appllcanLs l88LSLC1lvL of
Lhelr locaLlon
n8 ?ou are advlsed Lo reconflrm your malllng address and phone number ln your reply 1hls Company
wlll be responslble for all oLher expendlLure Lo you aL Lhe Llme of faceLoface meeLlng wlLh you ln Lhe
Company 1he !ob proflle salary offer and daLe Llme of lnLervlew wlll be menLloned ln your offer leLLer

lMC81An1 nC1lCL
LasL daLe for securlLy deposlL ls 12Lh of november 2011 1he earller Lhe deposlL ls made Lhe earller your
poslLlon wlll be secured by Lhe Company P8u dlrecL recrulLmenL manager

Mr Alko Plroko
P8u dlrecL recrulLmenL manager
MA8u1l SuZukl lnulA L1u (MSlL)

lMC81An1 nC1lCL ll ?Cu 8LSCnu 1C 1PlS MAlL LLASL ALWA?S CPLCk ?Cu8 ln8Cx Anu !unk
C8 8uLk lCLuL8 lC8 Cu8 8LL? AS ?Cu MA? CL1 Cu8 8LL? ln ?Cu8 !unk lCLuL8

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