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Brian Kelly 4/26/11 EDU-578 Lesson Plan

Set: Slideshow of images from the Great Depression. Students write down things
that they notice then after the clip, discuss with a partner some things of the things the students found.

Objective: The students will explain the main causes of the Great Depression. Purpose: For the students to understand what caused the Great Depression, since
it is an important time in our countrys history.

Input: T1
Causes: a. Black Tuesday October 29, 1929- Stock Market Crashed b. Banks failures- Loss of peoples savings c. Reduction in Spending- people could not afford what they have or what they would need. d. Economic Policy with Foreign Nations- increased tax on imports, decreasing the trade activity with other nations. e. Drought Conditions- Dust Bowl in Midwest

a. What happened to peoples money once the stock market crashed? What was the time period before the Great Depression called? b. Anyone been saving up for a trip over summer break? Where did you put it? What do you usually need in order to get a loan? c. What kind of impact did the increase in unemployment rate have on the economy? d. What was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff? If the Smoot-Hawley Tariffs purpose was to protect and help farmers then why did they continue to struggle? e. What will happen to agricultural products if the soil dried up? How do farmers make a living?

T3/ Closure
On a piece of paper please write down which cause of the Great Depression you think had the most impact and why.

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