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WaLer SusLalnablllLy

8rlan kelly

Chrls Panly
ssenLlal CuesLlons
W WhaL ls susLalnablllLy?
W Why ls waLer lmporLanL?
DnlL SubLoplcs
WaLer WaLer
Soclal/CulLural Soclal/CulLural
Sclence Sclence
luLure luLure
resenL resenL asL asL
Ceography Ceography
Sclence AspecL
W 70 of Lhe earLh ls covered by waLer
W 8lology
Males bodles 60 and females 33
PealLh affecLs of lack of waLer such as
PealLh affecLs of drlnklng conLamlnaLed waLer
such as chorea
W Sudan 123 mllllon people only have access Lo
conLamlnaLed waLer opulaLlon of new ?ork SLaLe ls
roughly 19378102
SouLhern Sudan
Sclence conLlnued
W ConservaLlon
naLural waLer fllLraLlon desallnaLlon
W Class demonsLraLlon and acLlvlLy
uams and PydroelecLrlclLy
W uam debaLe
olluLlon lmages of whaL polluLed waLer looks llke
asL clvlllzaLlons such as gypL MesopoLamla lndla and
resenL whaL counLrles and corporaLlons are dolng
W cuador ConsLlLuLlon and wrlLlng asslgnmenL on whaL people can
do Lo noL Lake advanLage of waLer
luLure whaL can Lhe sLudenLs do?
W WaLer fooLprlnL acLlvlLy and waLer savers
@hree Corges uam
?ellow 8lver olluLlon
Canges 8lver olluLlon
W SplrlLual dlfferenL rellglons have dlfferenL uses of
W ChrlsLlanlLy
8apLlsm and holy waLer
W lslam
@ahara AbluLlon of Chusl and AbluLlon of Wudl koran 3
W Plndulsm
@he CreaL llood of Manu Seven Scared 8lver @arpana
W !udalsm
Mlkveh Moses and 8ed Sea and noah's Arc
8lLual urlLy
CulLural/Soclal conLlnued
W ueveloped World vs ueveloplng World
ueveloped counLrles such as Lhe DnlLed SLaLes
Canada AusLralla and mosL of urope all have Lhe
needs Lo dlsLrlbuLe waLer Lo Lhelr people due Lo
economlc and resource opporLunlLy
W DnappreclaLed because DnlLed SLaLes uses Lhe mosL waLer ln
Lhe world
ueveloplng counLrles such as counLrles ln Afrlca
Mlddle asL and parLs of lndla do noL have Lhe needs
Lo provlde clean waLer Lo everyone whlch puLs a blg
sLress on Lhose people Lo obLaln waLer Lo survlve
W uurlng Lhe dry season ln rural parLs of Afrlca people walk 6
mlles a day Lo brlng waLer Lo Lhelr homes
W As Lhe world populaLlon lncreases Lhe proporLlon of
waLer for human use wlll also lncrease
WaLer Lo produce food lndusLrlal use and oLher lmporLanL
uses could become very scarce
W DnlLed naLlons reporLed LhaL waLer use has grown Lwo
Llmes more Lhan Lhe populaLlon ls growlng
Slnce 1930 global waLer use has nearly Lrlpled
W @oday more Lhan a bllllon people ln Lhe world sLlll
cannoL geL safe drlnklng waLer
lf we keep aL Lhls place by 2023 an esLlmaLed 18 bllllon
people wlll llve ln areas plagued by waLer scarclLy
W @enslons
!ordan 8lver surrounded by lsrael !ordan Lebanon and Syrla
ln Lhe pasL war has been LhreaLened based on waLer beLween
Lhese naLlons
1960 lsraell forelgn mlnlsLer Cold Melr sLaLed LhaL lf any
counLry would dlverL Lhe rlver ln Lhe norLh LhaL lL would be an
ouLrlghL aLLack on one of lsrael's means of llvellhood" and a
LhreaL Lo peace"
1967 Slx uay War beLween lsrael and gypL Lhen known as Lhe
DnlLed Arab 8epubllc !ordan and Syrla whlch lsrael won
W Closlng of waLerways leadlng Lo Lhe !ordan forced lsrael Lo open
flghLlng wlLh a surprlse alr aLLack
ArLlcle AcLlvlLy Sharlng Lhe 8lver CuL of den" by Sandra
ollLlcs conLlnued
W rlvaLe vs ubllc
W roLesL
8lue Cold World WaLer Wars
W cuador's ConsLlLuLlon
ChapLer 7 8lghLs Lo naLure
W naLure's rlghL Lo respecL because lL ls where llfe reproduces
and occurs
W naLure has Lhe rlghL Lo be resLored
W CovernmenL has rlghL Lo seL resLrlcLlons
W eople have Lhe rlghL Lo use naLure Lo en[oy a good way of

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