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l have more Lhan 13 years of experlence ln Cracle 11l 812 lnvenLory and CosL ManagemenL modules

l lmplemenLed CosL ManagemenL (SLandard Average LllC meLhods) module ln almosL every (Wl
CSlM) pro[ecL ln each engagemenL l gaLher all Lhe necessary requlremenLs for Lhe 8lll of MaLerlal
lnvenLory / lLems seLup 8ouLlngs CperaLlons ueparLmenLs 8esources and Cverhead subelemenLs Lo
sLrucLure Lhe producL cosL rollup l gaLher all Lhe accounLlng requlremenLs Lo seLup Lhe lnvenLory
valuaLlon AccounLs (MMCP 8 CP CS Lxp) and Lhe Wl AccounLlng Classes (SLandard / nonSLd) Lo
capLure any manufacLurlng varlances l worked wlLh roducLlon Managers and llnanclal ConLrollers Lo
cleanup mulLlple manufacLurlng lssues such as (a) SeLup properly Lhe AsseL Lxpenses SublnvenLory (b)
Cleanup Lhe Wl valuaLlon CosL lncurred CosL 8ellef CosL varlances lssues (c) Cleanup cerLaln lLem
aLLrlbuLes LhaL has lmpacL on Lhe producL cosL rollup lnclude ln 8ollup 8ased on 8ollup Shrlnkage LoL
Slze alLernaLe 8CM / 8ouLlngs uncosLed 8esources usage lnverse seLup CperaLlon ?leld
componenL ?leldeLc (d) SeLup a global procedure documenL Lo lmplemenL Lhe besL pracLlce ln Work
Crder Closure rocedure" (e) CalculaLe Lhe LsLlmaLed Scrap ln Lhe producL cosL rollup CSlM module"
(f) Conflgure properly Lhe ueparLmenL 8esources Cverhead assoclaLlon seLup (g) Conflgure Lhe
CuLslde rocesslng Servlces subelemenLs properly (h) Conflgure Lhe 8esource unlL" ln Lhe 8ouLlngs
properly (l) Analyze Lhe v lv and seLup a correcLlon acLlon Lo avold any fuLure lssues ([)
ueLermlne Lhe lmpacL of CoroducLs ln Lhe 8CM and CosL rollup (k) 8esolve all lnLerCrg
sublnvenLory Lransfers lssues AsseL vs Lxp lLems lnLer Crg 8ecelvable and ayable lssues 1ransfer
rlclng v eLc (l) AsslsL Lhe flnanclal Leam on Lhe MonLhLnd Closure lssues

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