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The Romanian Civic Apathy

According to the statistics made after the last presidential elections, 70 per cent of the citizens renounced their right to vote, thus, showing a disastrous civic apathy. One of the justifications of this lack of interest in public matters may be the education received during the long communist regime when people were not consulted, as in a democratic system, on the nations internal and external political directions. Furthermore, In Romania, politics is synonym to entertainment. It is just another media show followed mainly by the elder part of the population which happens to be the chief voting branch in the country. Media has decisively contributed to this carelessness depicting merely the obscure, ignoble and corrupt aspect of the politicians, thus, depriving the general public from an objective public awareness. Consequently, a new connection needs to be made between the Romanian political class and the Romanian people with the help of professional elites in both media and social management which is currently being forced to remain in a lethargic state while neglecting the public interests. As proved by other states before, a technocratic government is the only solution when traditional politics fail.

Sebastian Stratan

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