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Pure Petals and Man

A Minuet Safely

About I pensive pace in wary search

Among the thickets and the desert haze,
Around the multitudes of fallen birch,
Mimosa, wintered weeping willow blades,
Many misshapen oak's decaying leaves.
My years gone wandered lone in sorrow search.

In darkness’ outskirts seen poised pure in stance

I see your violet deep and black rose bloom,
Intense I peer in penetrating glance;
November's flower seen afar in bloom.
Nepenthe sunlight nectar rolls in down
Nocturnal petals in a youthful dance.

Uniting fire with a wild-flower's flare,

Uplifting spirits in to gleaming bliss,
Unfurling closing hearts with quiet care.
Entrancing; anther's like an angel's kiss.
...Enraptured at the gates of paradise.--
Entrusted’s my protection's tender share

To you alone grown pure in dim dark nights.

Toward I'm walking leaving storm'ed rye
To graft my heart in-to this luscious sight.--
Souls make intense and wild their wanting’s cry.--
So sooner than I see her petals sway
Simplicity of heart takes turbid flight.

As I stand by you do you see me too?--

At once you know me seeing through my quiet,
At once my person you intuit through.--
For I say, in sun’s rising, (she lifts it)
"Fire's less wild than what beauty will perfect,
For am fumbling to ignore this. My int’rest’s true,

Enveloped are your presence, brilliance, your

Entire life 'mong those lifeless, in-side it."
Entangled heart; it’s painful seeing your
Life in my barren, cold and lightless light.--
Lose this will I if now I pluck her out?
Lose this and wither will we then for sure?

Yet have we Means to bloom in gardens evermore?

Adam Shields
Gedney 8/05

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