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Sllde 1

SCM Poshln plannlng

Poshln kanrl !apanese for managemenL cycle bulld around lan uo Check AcL LlemenLs of
Lhls cycle lnclude
CuallLy pollcles
CuallLy goals
ueploymenL of goals
lans Lo meeL goals
rganlzaLlonal sLrucLure
MeasuremenL feedback
evlew of progress

Sllde 2 3
SCM vlslon/Mlsslon sLaLemenL
ueveloped by Laklng everyone ln confldence Culde for Lhe CuallLy [ourney @les quallLy Lo
overall buslness goals
vlslon SLaLemenL CollecLlon of quallLy pollcles A vlslon sLaLemenL ouLllnes whaL a company
wanLs Lo be lL focuses on Lomorrow lL ls lnsplraLlonal lL provldes clear declslonmaklng
crlLerla and lL ls Llmeless
Mlsslon sLaLemenL A mlsslon sLaLemenL ouLllnes whaL Lhe company ls now lL focuses on
Loday lL ldenLlfles Lhe cusLomers lL ldenLlfles Lhe crlLlcal processes and lL sLaLes Lhe level of
lL has been sald LhaL a vlslon ls someLhlng Lo be pursued whlle a mlsslon ls someLhlng Lo be
Mlsslon ls whaL you do besL every day and vlslon ls whaL Lhe fuLure looks llke because you
do LhaL mlsslon so exceedlngly well
amous vlslon sLaLemenL 8y Lhe end of Lhe decade we wlll puL a man on Lhe moon" !
amous mlsslon sLaLemenL CDSP LL8" nlke
Sllde 4
SCM CuallLy pollcles
repared Lo ptovlJe qolJelloes for plannlng Lhe overall quallLy program and deflnlng Lhe
acLlon Lo be Laken ln slLuaLlon for whlch personnel had requesLed guldellnes
9ollcles stote
o) o ptloclple to be followeJ
b) wbot ls to be Jooe
Sllde 3
SCM CuallLy goals
A goal (or ob[ecLlve) ls a sLaLemenL of Lhe deslred resulL Lo be achleved wlLhln a speclfled
perlod oo olmeJot totqet
@hese goals Lhen become basls for deLalled plannlng of acLlvlLles
@acLlcal goals are shorL range (up Lo 1 year) whereas sLraLeglc goals are long range (say 3
Sllde 6
SCM ueploylng quallLy goals
8road goals don'L lead Lo resulLs lrsL Lhey have Lo be deployed as follows
ulvlslon and subdlvlslon of Lhe goal unLll speclflc deeds Lo be done are ldenLlfled
AllocaLlon of responslblllLy of dolng Lhese deeds
rovlslon for Lhe needed resource
Sllde 7
ellablllLy ls Lhe probablllLy LhaL Lhe producL servlce or parL wlll funcLlon as expecLed
no producL ls 100 cerLaln Lo funcLlon properly
ellablllLy ls a probablllLy funcLlon dependenL on subparLs or componenLs

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