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lacLors affecLlng aLLlLudes

W sychologlcal facLors1he psychologlcal makeup

of a person ls made up of hls
percepLlonsldeasbellefsvalueslnformaLlon eLc
W lL has a cruclal role ln deLermlnlng a persons
W lor eglf a person percelves LhaL generally all
superlors are explolLaLlvehe ls llkely Lo develop a
negaLlve aLLlLude Lowards hls superlor who ln facL
may noL be explolLaLlve
W lamlly facLorsuurlng chlldhooda person spends
a ma[or parL of hls Llme ln Lhe famlly
W 1hus he learns from famlly members who provlde
hlm ready made aLLlLudes on a varleLy of lssues
such as
W Lvery famlly develop such aLLlLudes among lLs
members as are consldered approprlaLe Lo lLs
soclo economlc sLaLus ln Lhe socleLy
W person from a mlddle class famlly may hold
dlfferenL aLLlLude Lowards spendlng Lhan from
an affluenL famlly
W ln Lhe laLer years of llfe any person whom we
respecL or fear may have greaLer lnfluence on
our aLLlLudes
W eer groupss people approach Lhelr
adulLhoodLhey lncreaslngly rely on Lhelr peer
groups for aLLlLude
W Powever oLhers [udgemenL on an lndlvldual
largely deLermlnes hls self lmage and approval
seeklng behavlour
W Soclal class and rellglous afflllaLlon also plays a
vlLal role ln a persons aLLlLude formaLlon
W eference groupsare any aggregaLlon of
people LhaL lnfluences an lndlvlduals
W 1hls group may lnclude famlly or oLher Lypes
of grouplngselLher prlmary or secondary
W eference groups serve lmporLanL lnpuLs Lo an
lndlvlduals learnlng of hls aLLlLude and llfe
sLyle Lhrough Lhe process of soclallsaLlon
W -elghbourhood1he nelghbourhood people
llve ln has a cerLaln lnfluence ln Lerms of lLs
havlng culLural faclllLles and rellglous
W 1he nelghbours adulLs or chlldren
LoleraLecondoneor deny cerLaln aLLlLudes
and behavlour
W lurLher we accepL Lhese moves and conform
or we deny Lhem
W 1he conflrmlLy ls Lhe evldence of Lhe aLLlLudes
we hold
W ole models ln ones llfeSome of Lhe aLLlLudes are
developed by lmlLaLlon of models
W lLs formed by noLlclng how a person behaves ln a
parLlcular slLuaLlon
W 1he noLlclng person correcLly or lncorrecLly
lnLerpreLs hls behavlour as represenLlng cerLaln
aLLlLudes and bellefs
W lf we ldenLlfy hlm and respecL hls [udgemenL we Lend
Lo accepL hls way of percelvlng and feellng abouL Lhe
W lor egLhe chlldren noLlces Lhe dlverse behavlour
Lhelr parenLs show Lo dlfferenL people and groups
W Soclal facLors1he soclal classes have lmporLanL
lnfluence on lndlvlduals aLLlLudes
W 1hey have lmporLanL Lask of LransmlLLlng culLural
behavloural paLLerns Lo specflc groups and
W 1hey deflne expecLaLlons of socleLy for groups of
people and for famllles wlLhln Lhe groups
W 1he famlly Lhen LransmlLs Lhese culLural
expecLaLlons Lo Lhe lndlvldual
W 1he soclal classes resLrlcL behavlour beLween
lndlvlduals of dlfferlng soclal classes
W lnsLlLuLlonal facLorsMany lnsLlLuLlonal
funcLlon as sources and supporL of our
aLLlLudes and bellefs
W lor egWhen people come ln Lo a LempleLhey
bow down Lo prayslL wlLh heads bowedLhelr
cloLhes are neaL and clean and when Lhe
pu[arl slgnals Lhey sLarL slnglng bhagan
W Lconomlc facLors persons aLLlLude Lowards
many lssues such as pleasurework marrlage
wlfe as worklng women eLc ls lnfluenced by
economlc facLors
W lso hls economlc sLaLus ln Lhe socleLyraLe of
lnflaLlon ln Lhe economygovLs Lconomlc
pollcles and counLrys economlc condlLlons
affecL economy of Lhe socleLy and lLs aLLlLude
W ollcLlcal facLorsollLlcs play an lmporLanL
role ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of a counLry
W ollLlcal facLors such as ldeologles of pollcLlcal
parLlespollcLlcal sLablllLy affecL aLLlLudes of
Lhe people
W ollLlcal sLablllLy and Lhe behavlour of Lhe
leaders greaLly affecL Lhe aLLlLudes of people
W Mass communlcaLlonll varleLles of mass
communlcaLlon Lelevlslonradlonewspapers
and magazlnes feed Lhelr audlences wlLh loL of
W 1he presenLaLlon of news or lnformaLlon glven
affecLs Lhe aLLlLude of Lhe audlence
Pow Lo change ones aLLlLude
W CuallLles of Lhe communlcaLorCne very lmporLanL
varlable ls Lhe sLaLus of Lhe manager or markeLer
W 1he hlgher Lhe sLaLus of Lhe manager hlgher ls Lhe
probablllLy he wlll be able Lo change Lhe employees
or cusLomer aLLlLude
W 1he communlcaLor havlng hlgh presLlge produced
Lhe greaLesL amounL of aLLlLude change
W 1he aLLlLude change wlll be effecLlve dependlng on
Lhe level of LrusL Lhls manager has wlLh Lhe
W 1he Lype and meLhod of communlcaLlon
W CommunlcaLor by presenLlng a clear Lwo slded
vlew wlll be able Lo brlng change as lL wlll be
consldered un blased
W noLher meLhod of communlcaLlon ls Lhrough
fear appeals"communlcaLlng Lhe Lerrlble
consequences ln conLlnulng wlLh Lhe presenL
aLLlLudes egn anLlsmoklng ad
W CuallLy of commlLmenL wlLh Lhe LargeL1he slngle
mosL lmporLanL facLor lnfluenclng Lhe aLLlLude
change ls Lhe degree of commlLmenL of Lhe LargeL
W lurLher aLLlLudes LhaL are publlcly sLaLed and
openly expressed are more dlfflculL Lo change
because Lhe person has shown Lhe commlLmenL
W LLlLudes whlch people are behavlourally or
morally commlLed are dlfflculL Lo change
W SlLuaLlonal facLors1hey are noL only exLenslve
buL also plays a ma[or role ln lnfluenclng Lhe
change ln aLLlLudes of people
W Pow one percelves Lhe message ls dependenL
on Lhe slLuaLlon or Lhe prevalllng conLexL
W lf Lhe employee belleves LhaL Lhe group le hls
colleagues are more favourable Lo Lhe
managerLhen he wlll have less heslLaLlon
changlng hls aLLlLude
W ulfferenL new experlence ln ones llfewheLher
or noL new experlences wlll change our
aLLlLudes depends parLly upon Lhe sLrengLh or
our lnlLlal aLLlLudes and bellefs
W lf we already have sLrong aLLlLudeswe are
llkely Lo reslsL changlng Lhem
W Moroever we may be especlally senslLlve due
Lo any experlences whlch are unfavourable
W rovldlng new lnformaLlon-ew lnformaLlon wlll
help change aLLlLudes
W -egaLlve aLLlLudes are formed owlng Lo
lnsufflclenL lnformaLlon
W Workers generally become prounlon because of
Lhe lgnorance abouL good lnLenLlons of Lhe
W Cnce Lhey come Lo know abouL Lhe managemenL
cares for Lhe welfare of Lhe workers Lhey Lurn pro
W Dse of fearesearches also show LhaL
aLLlLudes can be changed by glvlng fear
W Powever lower and hlgher degrees of fear
arousal do noL cause aLLlLude change
W 1he reason ls LhaL Lhe former ls lgnored and
Lhe laLLer makes people sLubborn
W 1he moderaLe level of fear arousal makes Lhe
people aware of Lhe slLuaLlons and leads Lo
aLLlLude change
W lnfluence of peers and frlendsChange of aLLlLude can
come abouL Lhrough persuaslon of frlends or peers
W eers wlLh hlgh credlblllLy shall exerclse slgnlflcanL
lnfluence on change
W esolvlng dlscrepanclesnoLher way ln whlch aLLlLudes
can be changed ls by resolvlng dlscrepancles beLween
aLLlLudes and behavlour
W 1hus when people Lake new [obs and begln
worklngLhey also have negaLlve feellngs Lo Lhe [obs
whlch Lhey have noL chosen and Lhe new employer wlll
flnally conclude LhaL Lhey have made Lhe rlghL cholce

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