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|ttast||ia) Frtttss

Caurav (11)
1op|cs to present
lnLroducLlon of counsellng
process of counsellng
Culdellnes of counsellng
Mean|ng of "Counse||ng"
W ounsellng ls a psychology whlch ls renderlng
a psychologlcal servlce (lncludlng appllcaLlon
of prlnclples meLhods and procedure of
'undersLandlng predlcLlng and lnfluenclng
behavlor') Lo lndlvlduals groups
organlzaLlons or Lhe publlc Such as Lhe
prlnclples perLalnlng Lo learnlng percepLlon
moLlvaLlon Lhlnklng emoLlons
lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlps
W ounsellng ls a personal face Lo face
dlscusslon beLween Lhe counselor and
W ounselee may be an lndlvldual group
organlzaLlon or Lhe publlc
W lL ls a baslc LherapeuLlc process
W lL deals wlLh normal lndlvlduals and lnLends Lo
gulde an lndlvldual Lowards a beLLer llfe
Counse||ng vs Instruct|on
Coal ueLernlmaLlon
ounsellng / lnsLrucLlng
ounselor / lnsLrucLer
8esponslblllLy Lowards work
Proeess ot
Accord|ng to "8rammer" (8 step)
nLerlng (lnlLlal encounLer)
8elaLlonshlp esLabllshmenL
Accord|ng to "8|ackham" (3 step)
roblem ldenLlflcaLlon relaLlonshlp
ploraLlon analysls
lmplemenLaLlon LermlnaLlon
As accord|ng w|de|y fo||owed
ke|at|onsh|p estab||shment
rob|em |dent|f|cat|on
|ann|ng for prob|em
So|ut|on app||cat|on
ke|at|onsh|p estab||shment
olnL Lo be focused
creaLlon of cllmaLe for muLual respecL LrusL
glve respecL Lo Lhe cllenL
free or open communlcaLlon
allowed cllenL Lo say as lnLeresLed
relaLlon should be Lake Lhe form of lnLervlew
rob|em |dent|f|cat|on exp|orat|on
olnL Lo be focused
eplore analyze each problem area
analyze each problem ln Lerms of varlables LhaL
lnfluence or malnLaln relaLlonshlps
accepLance of Lhe problem
emphaslzlng on selfresponslblllLy
analyzlng and solvlng problem
|ann|ng for rob|em so|v|ng
olnL Lo be focused
hooslng and prlorlLlzlng goals and ob[ecLlves
maklng commlLmenL
effecLlvely seL goals are measureable
effecLlvely seL goals are behavloral and
So|ut|on app||cat|on term|nat|on
olnL Lo be focused
counselor ls responslble for deLermlnlng Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhe problem Lo Lhe cllenL
llenL has responslblllLy for applylng Lhe
deLermlned soluLlon
Gu|de||nes for counse||ng
eeplng Lhe focus on Lhe oLher person
Sllence ls Colden
Managlng emoLlons
Ceneral cllmaLe of openness malmum of LrusL
Pelpful empaLheLlc aLLlLudes of managemenL
Lowards effecLlve counsellng
locus on work relaLed problems and dlfflculLles

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