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uaLe 8

november 2011

1he 8ranch Manager
Shlva[l Chowk 8ranch

Sub[ect Author|zat|on |etter to Mr Shankar Monda| to rece|ve the Internet 8ank|ng k|t of A]c No
31783603S86 he|d |n the name of Cho|ces rosper|ty So|ut|on r|vate L|m|ted |n your 8ranch

8especLed Slr

WlLh due respecL l nlshanL k 8anore Managlng ulrecLor of Cholces rosperlLy SoluLlon rlvaLe LlmlLed
and Lhe auLhorlzed slgnaLory of Lhe A/C no 31783603386 do hereby auLhorlze Mr Shankar Mondal
S/C Mr Swapan kumar Mondal Lo recelve Lhe lnLerneL 8anklng klL for Lhe above menLloned accounL on
my behalf

Pls slgnaLure ls aLLesLed below

Warm regards
Spec|men s|gnature of Mr Shankar Monda|

nlshanL k 8anore

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